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Grundlæggende information
Ikon: Leaderboard class soldier.png
Type: Offensiv
Helbred: 200 /Medic emblem RED.png300
Hastighed: 80%
(Se hastighed nedenfor for yderligere detaljer)
Mød Soldieren
Hvis det er sikkert at man vinder hvis man kæmper, så må i kæmpe!
Soldieren omkring krigskunst

Soldieren er en skør patriot fra hjertet af Amerika. Robust og vel-bevæbnet, han er fleksibel, kan både være offensiv og defensiv, og en god begynderklasse så man kan blive bekendt med spillet.

Soldieren er kendt for hans spektakulære raket hop. I mod alt sund fornuft, kan Soldieren affyre en raket mod sine fødder og skyde sig selv op i luften, på bekostning af noget af sit helbred. Denne evne gør det muligt for Soldieren at dukke op på uventede steder og nå områder som ellers ikke kan nås, selv for Scoutens dobbelthop.

De to granater på Soldierens karaktermodel kan ikke bruges med mindre spilleren udfører Kamikaze hån-angrebet, som kun kan bruges når man er udstyrer med Udligneren.

Rick May har lagt stemme til Soldieren.



Hovedartikel: Hastighed
Modifier Hastighed
80 ,0%
Udstyret med Udligneren ved over 80% HP.
80 ,0%
Udstyret med Udligneren mellem 60% og 80% HP.
88 ,0%
Udstyret med Udligneren mellem 40% og 60% HP.
96 ,0%
Udstyret med Udligneren mellem 20% ogd 40% HP.
112 ,0%
Udstyret med Udligneren ved 20% HP eller under.
128 ,0%
Påvirket af Disciplinærsagen. {{Decimal Align | NUM = 140 | P = 1 | POSTFIX = %}
Mens man oplader Kokvæsteren 5000.
26 ,7%


Hovedartikler: Soldier tips, Soldier strategi
  • Man kan rakethoppe højere ved simultant at hoppe og skyde en raket mod jorden.
  • Ved at dukke sig og hoppe samtidigt mens man sigter mod jorden vil få dig til at hoppe endnu højere på mod selv at tage mere skade.
  • Sigt raketterne imod fjendes fødder for at sikre at de ikke kan undgå eksplosionsskade.
  • Sørg for at dit raketstyr konstant er ladt

Make sure you keep your Rocket Launcher loaded. Tryk R for at genlade på ethvert tidspunkt.

  • Tryk E for at kalde på en medic hcis du er skadet. Medics i nærheden vil blive gjort opmærksom på at du har brug for hjælp.


Hovedartikel: Våben

OBS: Skaden af et våben er omtrentlig og er skrevet som basisværdi. Se de individuelle sider for våben for at få flere supplerende tal.


Våben Drabsikon Ammo
Skadesspektrum Noter / Specielle Egenskaber
Rocket Launcher
Killicon rocket launcher.png 4 20 Base: 90

Crit: 270

Promotional / Craft
Killicon original.png

Pictogram info.png  Raketerne flyver ud fra midten er skærmen.

Direct Hit
Killicon direct hit.png 4 20 Base: 112

Crit: 338

Pictogram plus.png Raketerne flyver 80% hurtigere.

Pictogram plus.png Gør 25% mere i skade.

Pictogram plus.png Garantere mini-crits skade på fjender der er sendt til vejrs af en eksplosion.

Pictogram minus.png Har 70% mindre eksplosionsradius.

Black Box
Sorte Boks
Killicon black box.png 3 20 Base: 90

Crit: 270

Pictogram plus.png Giver 15 health for hver gang du rammer en fjende.

Pictogram minus.png Har et magasin der er 25% mindre.

Rocket Jumper
4 60 Base: 0

Crit: 0

Pictogram plus.png Grants the player 200% extra max primary ammo.

Pictogram plus.png No self inflicted blast damage taken.

Pictogram minus.png Unable to damage enemies.

Pictogram minus.png Unable to carry the intelligence

Pictogram info.png No random critical hits (purely cosmetic, as they don't inflict any damage either).

Liberty Launcher
Killicon liberty launcher.png 3 20 Base: 90

Crit: 270

Pictogram plus.png Raketterne er 40% hurtigere.

Pictogram minus.png Har et magasin der er 25% mindre.

Cow Mangler 5000
Kokvæster 5000
Killicon cow mangler 5000.png 5 N/A Base: 81
(enkelt skud)

Base: 108 (opladt skud)

Crit: N/A

Pictogram plus.png  Bruger ikke ammo.

Pictogram plus.png  Har et magasin der er 25% større.

Pictogram info.png  Alt-fire: Et opladt skud der mini-crits spillere og sætter bygninger ud af drift i 4 sekunder.

Pictogram minus.png  -10% skadesstraf.

Pictogram minus.png  Ingen tilfældige critical raketter.

Pictogram minus.png  5% langsommere genladningstid.

Pictogram minus.png  Gør kun 20% skade på bygninger.

Pictogram minus.png  Kan ikke blilve Crit boosted.

Killicon fire.png


Våben Drabsikon Ammo
Skadesspektrum Noter / Specielle egenskaber
Killicon shotgun.png 6 32 Base: 60

Crit: 180
[6 skade × 10 hagl]

Buff Banner

Pictogram plus.png  Ved 100% opladning giver den brugeren og holdkammerater i nærheden 10 sekunder med garanteret Mini-Crits.

Pictogram info.png Oplader sit vredesmeter ved at uddele skade - Det tager 600 skade for at oplade vredesmeteret helt.


Pictogram plus.png Giver 60% mindre selvskade af raketter, dette inkludere rakethop. Det påvirker dog ikke faldskade.

Pictogram info.png Giver sine egenskaber passivt, man behøver ikke at vælge blysålerne først for at få egenskaberne.

Battalion's Backup

Pictogram plus.png At 100% charge, using it grants player and nearby teammates 10 seconds of guaranteed immunity to Critical damage and raises resistance to damage by 35%.

Pictogram info.png Charges its rage meter with damage received - takes 350 damage to fully charge.

Promotional / Craft

Pictogram plus.png While the buff is active, the user and nearby teammates are healed for 35% of the damage they deal.

Pictogram info.png Charges its rage meter with damage dealt or received - takes 1133 damage dealt or 333 damage received to fully charge rage meter.

Killicon mantreads.png N/A N/A N/A

Pictogram plus.png -75% reduction in push force taken from damage.

Pictogram plus.png Deals 3x falling damage to the player you land on.

Pictogram info.png Grants its abilities passively, does not need to be selected first in order to apply the ability.

Reserve Shooter
Killicon reserve shooter.png 3 32 Base: 60

Crit: 180
[6 dmg. × 10 pellets]

Pictogram plus.png 15% faster weapon switch speed.

Pictogram plus.png Mini-crits airborne targets for 3 seconds after switch.

Pictogram minus.png Has 50% smaller clip size.

Righteous Bison
Retskafne Bison
Killicon righteous bison.png 4 N/A Base: 16

Crit: 48

Pictogram plus.png Does not use ammo.

Pictogram plus.png Projectile penetrates enemy targets.

Pictogram plus.png Projectiles cannot be deflected.

Pictogram info.png May hit target players multiple times.

Pictogram info.png Can light friendly Huntsman arrows on fire.

Pictogram minus.png Deals only 20% damage to buildings.


Weapon Kill Icon Ammo
Damage Range Notes / Special Abilities
Killicon shovel.png N/A N/A Base: 65

Crit: 195

Frying Pan
Killicon frying pan.png
Killicon saxxy.png

Limited item from the Replay Update.
Pictogram info.png Killed enemies freeze into solid Australium statues.

Conscientious Objector
Killicon conscientious objector.png
Killicon equalizer.png N/A N/A Base:


Crit: 3× base damage.

Pictogram info.png When weapon is active:
Pictogram plus.png Damage dealt and movement speed increase as user's remaining health decreases.
Pictogram minus.png Deals less damage if health is above 121 HP (up to -50% at full health).
Pictogram info.png Blocks healing and ÜberCharges by any friendly Medics and suppresses the Medic call effect while active.
Pain Train
Killicon pain train.png N/A N/A Base: 65

Crit: 195

Pictogram plus.png Doubles capture power for points and carts.

Pictogram minus.png Raises bullet vulnerability by 10%.

Promotional / Craft
Killicon half-zatoichi.png N/A N/A Base: 65

Crit: 195

Pictogram plus.png On kill: restores you to 100% health.

Pictogram minus.png This weapon is Honorbound and once drawn cannot be sheathed until it kills.

Pictogram info.png A single successful hit will kill an enemy wielding the same weapon.

Disciplinary Action
Killicon disciplinary action.png N/A N/A Base: 49

Crit: 147

Pictogram plus.png Has 70% longer melee range.

Pictogram plus.png On hit ally: boost both players' speed for several seconds.

Pictogram minus.png Deals 25% less damage.

Market Gardener
Krigerens Kampskovl
Killicon market gardener.png N/A N/A Base: 65

Crit: 195

Pictogram plus.png Deals crits while the wielder is rocket jumping.

Pictogram minus.png No random critical hits.


Soldiergrenadekill.png Relateret våben BeskrivelseKill Icon
Main article: Kamikaze
The Soldier tosses away his Equalizer, cracks his knuckles, takes a grenade off of his belt, sets it, thrusts his fist in the air, and explodes, killing himself and any nearby enemies, buildings included. If the player has the Lumbricus Lid equipped, the soldier will complete the taunt with the "Hallelujah" music short playing. Upon successful taunt, the kill icon displayed is different (Displayed underneath normal icon to the right).
  • Killicon grenade (taunt).png
  • Killicon hhg.png


Hovedartikel: Genstandssæt
Backpack The Tank Buster Bundle.png

Efterlad et visitkort på dine ofre

Hovedartikel: Genstandssæt
Formelle General
Item icon World War Wednesday Bundle.png

Ingen effekt

Hovedartikel: Genstandssæt
Luftbårne Krigsudrustning
Item icon World War Wednesday Bundle.png

Ingen effekt

Hovedartikel: Genstandssæt
Dr. Grordborts Sejrspakke
Item icon Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack.png

Ingen effekt

Hovedartikel: Genstandssæt
Item icon Tin Soldier.png

Tilføjer flere stemmekommandoer
Gør Soldier i stand til at udføre robotdans-hånet

Kosmetiske genstande

Hovedartikel: Hatte

Officielle klasse avatars

Officielle klasse-avatarer
Originale sæt RED ÜberLadet sæt BLU ÜberLadet sæt
Soldierava.jpg Buffed red soldier.jpg Buffed blu soldier.jpg
Få TF2-avatarer på Steam: Originale


Hovedartikel: Soldier achievements


25. oktober 2007-opdateringen
  • Fixed rocket explosions being able to impart damage through thin ceilings.

20. december 2007-opdateringen

  • Fixed Rocket trail effects sometimes existing permanently in world.

14. februar 2008-opdateringen

  • Dustbowl
    • Fixed a few places where rockets could pass through non-solid models.

28. februar 2008-opdateringen

  • Class balancing
    • Reduced Soldier's maximum rocket reserve ammo from 36 to 16.

19. juni 2008-opdateringen (Pyro Update)

  • Removed Soldier's 40% damage reduction from his own rockets. Does not affect rocket jumps.

29. juli 2008-opdateringen

  • Fixed rockets being able to fire through grates at round starts.

11. december 2008-opdateringen

  • Added smoke to the feet of a rocket jumping Soldier.

2. februar 2009-opdateringen

  • Increased Soldier primary ammo count from 16 to 20.

13. marts 2009-opdateringen

21. maj 2009-opdateringen (Sniper vs. Spy Update)

13. august 2009-opdateringen (Classless Update)

17. august 2009-opdateringen

15. september 2009-opdateringen

  • Compensated by increasing the radius of grenades, stickies, and rockets to 50% of what they lost at the corners of the OBB.
  • Rocket radius change: 121->146.

10. december 2009-opdateringen

17. december 2009-opdateringen (WAR! Update)

18. december 2009-opdateringen

22. december 2009-opdateringen

  • Fixed inconsistent Rage generation with the Buff Banner.
  • Fixed the player keeping their rage setting when the Buff Banner isn't equipped.
  • Fixed the Buff Banner not working when +reload has been forced in console.
  • Fixed the Direct Hit Mini-Critting enemies submerged in water.
  • Updated the Gunboats to absorb damage from any self-inflicted rocket blast that doesn't hurt another player.
  • Achievement fixes
    • Fixed the "Ride of the Valkartie" Soldier achievement being earned by Soldiers on the defending team.

6. januar 2010-opdateringen

  • Soldier Rage bar no longer resets when touching a resupply cabinet.
  • Achievement fixes
    • Changed the requirements for the "Medals of Honor" Soldier achievement.
    • Fixed an issue that affected several achievements requiring the use of the Equalizer.
  • Changes to the TF Bots
    • Soldier bots are more careful to not fire rockets that will explode on nearby geometry and kill them.

13. januar 2010-opdateringen

  • Changed the Direct hit to only minicrit enemies that have been launched into the air by an explosion.
  • Increased the rate of the Soldier's Rage generation by 40%.
  • Reduced the duration of the Soldier's Buff Banner effect from 14 seconds to 10.
  • Fixed rockets not being removed if they explode in func_nogrenades zones.
  • Fixed the Gunboats absorbing damage from the Soldier's Kamikaze.
  • Recoil/Reload force added for the Direct hit rocket launcher.
  • More defined flesh hit force added for the Equalizer pick axe.
  • Added appropriate trumpet forces for BLU Buff Banner.
  • Added appropriate trumpet forces for RED Buff Banner.

27. januar 2010-opdateringen

  • Changed the main menu background to randomly use the Red, Blue, and Soldier background images.

18. marts 2010-opdateringen (First Community Contribution Update)

15. april 2010-opdateringen

  • Reduced the damage bonus the Equalizer receives as the player loses health.

28. april 2010-opdateringen

  • Added jiggle bones to The Buff Banner.
  • Bot changes
    • Soldiers bots now switch to their Shotgun after firing all four rockets when engaging an enemy.
  • Fixed a case where Gunboats didn't apply their damage reduction properly.

30. april 2010-opdateringen

20. maj 2010-opdateringen (Second Community Contribution Update)

10. juni 2010-opdateringen (Mac Update)

8. juli 2010-opdateringen (Engineer Update)

  • The Gunboats now reduce self-damage by 60% (was 75%).

25. august 2010-opdateringen

  • [Udokumenteret] Added a new hat: the Lumbricus Lid.
    • Added an unused unique sound for the Kamikaze taunt while equipped with the Lumbricus Lid.
  • [Udokumenteret] Added a new grenade bodygroup to the Soldier model.

26. august 2010-opdateringen

30. september 2010-opdateringen (Mann-Conomy Update)

6. oktober 2010-opdateringen

8. oktober 2010-opdateringen

12. oktober 2010-opdateringen

20. oktober 2010-opdateringen

  • Trading changes
  • [Udokumenteret] Removed the ability to craft the Frying Pan using the "Fabricate Class Weapons" blueprint.

27. oktober 2010-opdateringen (Scream Fortress)

19. november 2010-opdateringen

  • Fixed the shotgun reload animations for the Soldier looping endlessly.

2. december 2010-opdateringen

  • Made the following hats paintable: Sergeant's Drill Hat.
  • Fixed a lighting problem with a couple of the Soldier’s hats.

17. december 2010-opdateringen (Australian Christmas)

22. december 2010-opdateringen

  • The Rocket Jumper now has no max health penalty, and have damage vulnerabilities instead.

3. januar 2011-opdateringen

28. februar 2011-opdateringen

10. marts 2011-opdateringen (Shogun Pack)

15. marts 2011-opdateringen

  • Fixed a server crash caused by using the Half-Zatoichi to hit someone not holding a weapon.
  • Fixed the Soldier taunts not working correctly when the Half-Zatoichi is the active weapon.
  • Fixed the Concheror animations not always playing correctly for players on the Blue team.
  • Fixed a bug where players could switch weapons after deploying the Half-Zatoichi before they killed someone with it.

21. marts 2011-opdateringen

7. april 2011-opdateringen

14. april 2011-opdateringen (Hatless Update)

  • Fixed a bug where killing a Katana wielder with a Katana was incorrectly causing an increased crit chance.
  • Item changes:
    • Equalizer Tuned high-end damage range so it's no longer possible to one-shot certain classes also Suppress the Medic call effect while active.
    • Battalion's Backup Reduced rage generation rate by 50%.
    • Concheror Damage-to-health conversion increased to 35% (from 20%).
  • Bot changes:
    • Soldier bots switch to their shotgun after emptying their rocket launcher at close/medium range.

28. april 2011-opdateringen

5. maj 2011-opdateringen (Replay Update)

12. maj 2011-opdateringen

25. maj 2011-opdateringen

3. juni 2011-opdateringen

8. juni 2011-opdateringen

  • [Udokumenteret] New laughing taunt animations have been added but are currently unused.

10. juni 2011-opdateringen

  • Fixed a problem with honorbound weapons not allowing themselves to be holstered after killing a Spy using the Dead Ringer.

14. juni 2011-opdateringen

23. juni 2011-opdateringen (Über Update)

28. juni 2011-opdateringen

1. juli 2011-opdateringen

20. juli 2011-opdateringen

22. juli 2011-opdateringen

  • Improved the impact sounds for the Cow Mangler 5000’s projectiles.
  • Optimized many particle effects related to the Cow Mangler 5000 and the Righteous Bison.
  • Updated the Cow Mangler 5000 to display the drawbacks in its attribute list.
  • Added recoil/draw/crit/reload forces for the Cow Mangler 5000 and the Righteous Bison.
  • Added charge shot force for the Cow Mangler 5000.
  • Cow Mangler 5000 changes
    • Fixed the charged shot sometimes doing more damage than intended.[3].
    • Fixed a bug that caused the projectiles to stay in the world after a team change.
    • Slowed reload rate by 5%.
  • [Udokumenteret].
    • Changed Half-Zatoichi Description "This weapon is Honorbound and once drawn cannot be sheathed until it kills." is now "Honorbound: Once drawn cannot be sheathed until it kills".
    • Changed Cow Mangler 5000 Description "This weapon can fire a charged shot that mini-crits players and disables buildings for 4 sec." is now "Alt-Fire: A charged shot that mini-crits players and disables buildings for 4 sec".
    • Changed Righteous Bison Description "This weapon fires a projectile that penetrates enemy targets." is now "Projectile penetrates enemy targets".
    • "This weapon deals reduced damage to buildings." is now "Deals only 20% damage to buildings".
    • "This weapon's projectiles cannot be deflected." is now "Projectile cannot be deflected".

26. juli 2011-opdateringen

27. juli 2011-opdateringen

28. juli 2011-opdateringen

  • Fixed a damage calculation in the Mantreads on Linux server, which could cause a physics crash.

2. august 2011-opdateringen

13. oktober 2011-opdateringen (Manniversary Update & Sale)

27. oktober 2011-opdateringen (Very Scary Halloween Special)

2. november 2011-opdateringen

  • Added a taunt for the Tin Soldier set.
  • Fixed the Soldier's melee dare response rules.

1. december 2011-opdateringen

  • [Udokumenteret] Changed description of the Pocket Medic to be "Pocket Buddy" rather than a "Badge".

15. december 2011-opdateringen (Australian Christmas 2011)

23. december 2011-opdateringen

  • [Udokumenteret] Added "glasses" equip region to the Brain Bucket

11. januar 2012-opdateringen

17. januar 2012-opdateringen

  • Fixed the Lucky Shot not hiding the base Soldier helmet

26. januar 2012-opdateringen

2. februar 2012-opdateringen

9. februar 2012-opdateringen

1. marts 2012-opdateringen

15. marts 2012-opdateringen

  • Fixed Soldier buffs and rage meters not always being reset


  • If a Primary weapon is fired when the player is initially spawned into the game, a continuous loop of the reload animation can occur. This can be remedied by firing another shot or switching weapons.
    • If the "Auto Reload" option was enabled and started reloading while taunting, the continuous loop of the reload animation will occur.
  • If you taunt as you reload a primary weapon (other than the Cow Mangler 5000) a rocket will blink in and out of the Soldier's hand.
  • Shooting with a Soldier weapon followed by a quick weapon switch will result in the sound being cut off. This excludes melee weapons.


  • The Soldier has made several posts on the Official Blog, often referring to the Team Fortress 2 team as "The Powers That Be".
  • In Poker Night at the Inventory, an image of the Soldier makes a cameo as the King of Spades & Clubs in the "Team Fortress 2" deck.
    • He is also mentioned in a Heavy idle response line; "You are like sleeping Soldier who just stands at base instead of running to point!"
  • The first BLU team Soldier resembled Template:W.
  • In Worms: Reloaded, the Soldier's helmet is one of the hats selectable for the player's worms.
  • The Soldier's uniform and Rocket Launcher are usable by Megabeth in Super Monday Night Combat.


Relateret Tilbehør

Se også


  1. WAR! Comic, page 16.
  2. a b Team Fortress 2 Trailer 2, udgiver i September 2006.
  3. The charged shot no longer has increased base damage.

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