Market Gardener

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The Soldier flying towards his victim

The Market Gardener is a shovel for the Soldier. It is an entrenching shovel with a tan wooden handle fastened with green metal.

The Market Gardener deals Critical hits while the wielder is rocket jumping but will not randomly crit. The Market Gardener will crit when forced, such as when under the effects of a Kritzkrieg or similar critboosts.

Damage and function times

See also: Damage
Damage and function times
Base damage 100% 65
Point blank 55-75
Critical 195
Mini-crit 75-101
Function times
Attack interval 0.8 s
Values are approximate and determined by community testing.


  • Market Gardens are small pieces of land that are dedicated to producing a steady flow of a single crop to various restaurants and businesses.
  • Operation Market Garden was the largest aerial operation in World War II.