Termiske Trykmotor

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< Thermal Thruster
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Mrgh mhy! (Lys mig!)
Pyro, som håner

Termiske Trykmotor(Thermal Thruster) er et sekundært våben til Pyro. Det er en holdfarvet metal jetpack med to raketter på hver sin side. (hvor raketten til højre bærer Pyro's emblem), og et lukket gult lys på toppen. Når man skifter til våbnet, foldes rygsækkens raketter udad og der kommer to håndta, en til hver hånd. Når man skifter væk fra våbnet, forsvinder håndtag og raketter igen.

Termiske Trykmotor fungerer som et mobilitetsværktøj, der lagrer op til to jetpack-opladninger. Hver ladning kommer tilbage efter 15 sekunder, kan bruges under vandet. Derudover er Termiske Trykmotor låst ved en 0,8 sekunders hylster-tid, selv med våben, der reducerer træk/hylstertid som f.eks Fedtfjerneren.

Ved brug laver Pyro et lille hop og sender den en kort afstand opad. Derefter vil Pyro flyve ved hjælp af en eksplosion, der skyder spilleren i den retning, de sigter mod; begyndelsen af ​​springet slukker også alle holdkammerater i nærheden og skubber også fjender væk. Ved landing vil Pyro skubbe alle fjender i nærheden væk; hvis Pyro falder fra en høj nok højde og lander oven på en fjende (når spilleren laver en tegneserie-agtig falde lyd), vil det resulterende stomp gøre 3x standard faldskade, ligesom Mandetræderne. Det tilbageslag, der uddeles på fjender, bestemmes af hvor højt Pyro'en hopper og hvornår Termiske Trykmotor er aktiveret. Hvis der ikke bruges en jetpack-ladning, vil Pyro'en ikke gøre stomp skade, selvom de lander på en modstander.

På trods af at den ikke er angivet i beskrivelsen, modtager spilleren en ekstra 30% tilbageslag fra alt skade, mens denne genstand er udstyret, og tager reduceret faldskade, mens man bruger jetpack-ladningen.

Brug af den anden ladning i luften er ikke mulig, men i Mann Vs. Machine er der en opgradering, der giver brugeren mulighed for at gøre det, når den købes.

Hvis man håner med Termiske Trykmotor udstyret vil Pyro lave Gas Blast drabshånet.

Termiske Trykmotor kan findes ved tilfældige drops. Alternativt kan den optjenes via udfyldning af Pyroland kontrakten "Termiske Trykmotor", hvilket giver dig en Termiske Trykmotorder hverken kan byttes eller sælges som en Kontrakt belønning.

Skade- og funktionstider

Se også: Skade
Skade og funktionstider
Skudtype Impact
Skadetype Falling (maximum of 3500 HU/s)
Grundskade 100% 10 damage + 3x potential fall damage
Opladningstid 15 s x 2
Effekt-varighed ~1.4 s
Værdierne er omtrentlige og bestemt ved hjælp af fællesskabstestninger.


Update history

20. oktober 2017-opdateringen #1 (Jungle Inferno Update)
  • Added the Thermal Thruster to the game.

October 20, 2017 Patch #2

  • Fixed not being able to use the Thermal Thruster after taunting with it.

23. oktober 2017-opdateringen

  • Fixed players being able to use the Thermal Thruster during the freeze period at the beginning of the round.

26. oktober 2017-opdateringen

  • Fixed the Thermal Thruster not doing 3x damage when landing on enemies.
  • The Thermal Thruster no longer fully stuns mini-bosses in Mann vs. Machine mode.

27. oktober 2017-opdateringen

  • [Udokumenteret] Removed the "Deals 3x falling damage to the player you land on" attribute from the Thermal Thruster's description. The item still functions the same.

13. december 2017-opdateringen

  • Updated the Thermal Thruster stomp damage on other players to be 3x the base fall damage, not the reduced fall damage of the owner.

21. december 2017-opdateringen #1 (Smissmas 2017)

  • Fixed a case where it was possible to use the Thermal Thruster twice in one launch.

28. marts 2018-opdateringen #1

  • Holster time reduced to 0.8 seconds (from 1.1).
  • Fixed the Thermal Thruster launch effects only being visible to the wearer.
  • Added a unique particle effect whenever a player performs a "Stomp" attack on another player with the Thermal Thruster.

12. april 2018-opdateringen

  • Added a stomp animation to Pyro that plays when coming down after blasting off from the Thermal Thruster.

26. april 2018-opdateringen

  • Added the Thermal Thruster to the list of obtainable items by drop.

17. maj 2018-opdateringen

  • Fixed an animation bug related to the Thermal Thruster and changing class while holstering it.


  • Rarely, hitting the Resupply locker while the Thermal Thruster is recharging can cause the game to crash.
  • Despite what the description suggests, the Pyro can launch backwards by using a charge while moving backwards.
  • Sometimes, the Thermal Thruster will not appear on other players who have it equipped.
  • The Thermal Thruster is always deactivated in the Loadout menu, whether or not the animation is playing.
  • When player models are enabled in the HUD, the Thermal Thruster will appear as RED, regardless of the team.
  • When the player dies with the Thermal Thruster equipped, the player will still have it on their back and there will also be another one dropped that can be picked up.
  • The Thermal Thruster may disappear on disguised Spies.
  • Despite the 12. april 2018-opdateringen fixing an issue with the Thermal Thruster animation, if the Pyro switches weapons when falling from a high place, the Pyro will be in a reference pose until they reach the ground again.
  • If the Pyro dies while the Thermal Thruster is active, it will still appear in its activated animation despite the Pyro holding a different weapon.
    • This can be fixed by switching to the Thermal Thruster again.
  • If the Pyro picks up a weapon while the Thermal Thruster is active, some of its attributes will still be retained, letting the player take less fall damage, and giving them the ability to stomp players by landing on them.[1]
    • If the Pyro also picks up a secondary weapon during a specific time in the Thermal Thruster launch, the Pyro will receive the parachute attribute from the B.A.S.E. Jumper, but cannot retract the parachute until the player touches the ground.
    • If the Pyro enters water when using a charge, the attributes stated above will also stay until the player touches the ground.
  • If the Pyro uses a charge while above water, the charge animation and the Swimming animation will play at the same time if the Pyro keeps moving.
    • This can be fixed by touching the ground or stopping movement.
  • Sometimes, when launching into the Resupply Locker, the sound the Thermal Thruster creates while launching will continue to play until the player dies.

Unused content

  • The Thermal Thruster has a third, unused texture that replaces the color with pink, and seems to have been drawn on in blue and yellow crayon, giving it a Pyroland aesthetic.
  • The Thermal Thruster has unused animations in its model. Including a "taunt_rocketpack_intro" taunt that appears to have been the begining of a moving taunt in which Pyro would hover above the ground.


  • This item cannot be worn with any backpack cosmetics, as they occupy the same equip region.
  • The Pyro is able to voice their melee dare voice commands while using the Thermal Thruster, despite it being classified as a secondary utility weapon.
  • This item does not have an inspect animation.


  • The Thermal Thruster was featured before Day 3 of the Jungle Inferno event (when it was officially announced). It can be seen at the end of the Jungle Inferno teaser and the bottom of the Day 1 page for the update.


See Also
