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The '''3D Models''' project's goal is to construct pseudo-3D images of the weapons in ''Team Fortress 2'' that can be freely rotated.
== Example ==
{{3D Team Viewer
  | view1 = Detonator RED 3D.jpg
  | view2 = Detonator BLU 3D.jpg
  | image-fallback = Detonator RED.png
{{c|Note}} This is not for the faint of heart. It requires a bit of knowledge on how both VMTs and HLMV work, and a lot of time and patience since a lot of models will not be centered correctly by default, thus requiring plenty of tweaking to get them ready for the process.
== Requirements ==
== Requirements ==
*[http://www.python.org/getit/releases/2.6.6/ Python 2.6 (32-bit version)] (python-2.6.6.msi)
* [https://www.microsoft.com/windows Windows]
*[http://www.rutherfurd.net/python/sendkeys/ SendKeys] (SendKeys-0.3.win32-py2.6.exe)
* [https://store.steampowered.com/app/440/Team_Fortress_2 TF2]
*[http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/index.htm Python Imaging Library (PIL)] (PIL-1.1.7.win32-py2.6.exe)
* HLMV (included as a part of TF2)
*[http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/pywin32/Build216/ pywin32] (pywin32-216.win32-py2.6.exe)
** (optionally) [[vdc:Half-Life Model Viewer++|HLMV++]]
*[http://github.com/Moussekateer/3D-Models-automaton The automaton script]
* [https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-379 Python 3.7.9]
*[http://dl.dropbox.com/u/105828/SendKeys.py Modified SendKeys.py]
* [https://github.com/jbzdarkid/3D-Models-automaton/releases/latest/download/3D-Models-automation.zip A copy of the automaton repository]
*(''Optional'') [http://www.voidspace.org.uk/downloads/psyco-2.0.0.win32-py2.6.zip Psyco] for speed improvements (available for 32-bit Python only)
*The Source SDK
*[http://nemesis.thewavelength.net/index.php?p=25 GCFScape]
*For models that need to be recompiled: [http://www.hl2.boo.pl/applications/MdlDecompilerFixed/MDL%20Decompiler%20Fixed.rar MDL Decompiler] and [http://www.chaosincarnate.net/cannonfodder/cftools.htm StudioCompiler].
== Initial setup ==
== Initial setup ==
* Install Python 2.6 and the required libraries (SendKeys, PIL and pywin32).
=== Installation ===
* Navigate to \Python26\Lib\site-packages and replace SendKeys.py with the modified version linked above.
Please follow the latest instructions at [https://github.com/jbzdarkid/3D-Models-automaton#installation-steps the 3D-Models-automaton repo].
* Download and save the automaton scripts to an easily accessible folder.
* Set up HLMV to produce the highest quality images possible by following the guide found [[Template:Painted variants/Tutorial#Setting up HLMV|here]].
== Setting up automate.py ==
== Workflow ==
[[File:3D Tutorial HLMV Coordinates.png|400px|thumb|HLMV screen where 1 is the location of <code>fileButtonCoordindates</code>, 2 is the location of <code>optionsButtonCoodinates</code> and 3 is the boundary for <code>imgCropBoundaries</code>]]
=== Taking images ===
* Open up HLMV and maximise it.
* Open up the weapon in HLMV and ensure it rotates properly. There are three possible outcomes here:
* Take a screenshot and paste it into an image viewer such as paint.NET or Photoshop.
** The model will rotate around the bottom corner of the model. If so, you will need to make use of <code>rotation_offset</code>.
* Take note of the following pixel coordinates for your screen size.
*** First, reset the model's position with Options &rarr; Center View.
** <code>SDKLauncherStartingPoint</code> is a tuple of the x,y coordindates where the SDK Launcher will roughly be so the script can click on it. This can be a very rough estimate.
*** Then, from <code>cmd</code>, navigate to the folder containing <code>automate.py</code> and run <code>mem trans</code>, noting the second value (the Y translation).
** <code>monitorResolution</code> is simply a tuple of your screen resolution.
*** Back in HLMV, rotate the model so that it is facing right. Hold down {{Key|Shift}} and move the model sideways so that it is centered in the circle that appears.
** <code>imgCropBoundaries</code> is the boundary of the window the model in HLMV is contained within. The format is;
*** Go back to <code>cmd</code>, and run <code>mem trans</code> again, once again noting the second value.
*** <nowiki>[pixel distance of left boundary from left of screen, pixel distance of top boundary from top of screen, pixel distance of right boundary from left of screen, pixel distance of bottom boundary from top of screen]</nowiki>
*** The difference between the current value and the initial value is the <code>rotation_offset</code> value to set in <code>automate.py</code>.
*** You should leave a few pixels gap from the window edge.
** The model will rotate around the wrong plane or the model will not rotate around the vertical or horizontal center. If so, the model will need to be [[#Recompiling models|recompiled]].
* <code>fileButtonCoordindates</code> is a tuple of the x,y coordinates for the File menu button in HLMV.
** The model will rotate around the vertical '''and''' horizontal center of the model. If so, you are good to go.
* <code>optionsButtonCoodinates</code> is a tuple of the x,y coordinates for the Options menu button in HLMV.
* Center the model using Options &rarr; Center View.
* Close any programs that may interrupt or interfere with the process.
* If the model does not face you directly when centered, it will need to be [[#Recompiling models|recompiled]] with a new rotation.
* You're now set to take the images.
* Zoom the model out so that it is as large as possible, but will not clip outside the viewer window when rotated or tilted.
* If the light source produces a glare that interferes with the model, hold {{Key|Ctrl}} and drag the light source around with the mouse until it is in a better position.
* Run the script, from the command line. Navigate to the folder containing the scripts and type <code>python automate.py</code>.
* After the image finishes rotating, switch back to the command line and follow the prompts to upload the file.
== Workflow ==
=== Team-colored models ===
* Open up a weapon model in HLMV, make sure the 'Normal Mapping' checkbox is ticked, and centre the model.
* This is now very simple, simply change this in HLMV (Model &rarr; Skin #), then re-run the script.
* Zoom the model out so that it is as large as possible but will not clip outside the viewer window when rotated or tilted.
* Open regedit, navigate to <code>\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\hlmv</code> and locate the registry key entry for the model. This will be in the form of <code>models.weapons.c_models.c_wrench.c_wrench.mdl</code>.
* Copy and paste this key name into automate.py in the model = HLMVModelRegistryKey() entry.
* Copy the <code>Trans</code> key entry for the model into automateDis as the <code>intialTranslation</code> argument (Don't forget to add the commas to separate the values).
* Rotate the model by dragging near the centre of the viewer.
* There will be three possible outcomes here.
** The model will rotate around the bottom corner of the model. If so you will need to make use of <code>rotationOffset</code>.
*** Rotate the model so that it is facing left. Hold down the shift key and move the model sideways so that it is centered in the circle that appears.
*** Press F5 in HLMV and then in regedit. Note the new y Trans value. The difference between the current value and the initial value is the <code>rotationOffset</code> value.
** The model will rotate around the wrong plane or the model does not rotate around the vertical or horizontal centre. If so the model will need to be recompiled. See the section on recompiling models.
** The model will rotate around the vertical and horizontal centre of the model. If so, you're good to go.
* Intially HLMV is open and maximixed. The script is started as so. From the commandline navigate to the folder containing the scripts and type <code>python automate.py</code>.
* You then have 3 seconds (by default) to do the following. Click on the SDK launcher and highlight the 'Model Viewer' entry. Then click on HLMV to bring it back into focus.
* The script will now automate taking the required images.
== Team coloured models ==
=== Models with other class arms/models blocking the view ===
* By default you will capture the images for the RED coloured weapon. You will need to retake the images for the BLU variant.
* If you wish to remove a model from the viewer (for example the Sniper's arms holding onto the view model Sniper Rifle), click on the Model tab in HLMV and find out which VMTs are being used for the model textures.
* Open up 'tf\materials\model\weapons' in GCFScape and extract the vmts for the model into <code>\Steam\steamapps\<username>\team fortress 2\tf\materials\models\weapons</code>.
* Extract the VMTs using GCFScape to the same path in your <code>/custom/folder</code> and open them up in a text editor.
* Open the vmts in a text editor and copy over the '"$baseTexture" "models\weapons\<weaponame>"' line from the BLU vmt and overwrite the corresponding line in the RED vmt.
* Inside the <code>"VertexLitGeneric"</code> curly brackets add the line <code>"$no_draw" "1"</code>. This will make this part of the model invisible in HLMV.
* The model will now have BLU coloured and you can repeat as before to take the images.
== Recompiling models ==
=== Recompiling models ===
* Open the model in HLMV.
* First, check [[TFW:3D Models/Weapons|here]] to see if a model has already been recompiled.
* Launch GCFScape and load 'team fortress 2 materials.gcf'.
* Download and install [http://steamcommunity.com/groups/CrowbarTool Crowbar], [https://web.archive.org/web/20191202141812/http://nemesis.thewavelength.net/index.php?p=25 GCFScape], and the Source SDK (Steam -> Library -> Tools)
* Navigate to <code>tf\models\weapons</code> and extract the relevant weapon folder to <code>\Steam\steamapps\<username>\team fortress 2\tf\models\weapons</code>.
* Extract the model with GCFScape, decompile with Crowbar.
* Launch MDL Decompiler, tick "do not fix rotations on animations", set your output directory to the same folder where the model was extracted and extract.
* For the most part, adding <code>$autocenter</code> to the .qc file should do the trick. If not, try using <code>$origin X Y Z</code>. For more complex concerns, see {{vdc|Category:QC Commands}}.
* Unfortunately you're not done. The animation sequences you have just decompiled are all horribly borked. Launch StudioCompiler, go to the Model Decompile tab, decompile the same model (this time leaving do not fix rotations unticked). The decompiler will throw you an error, that's fine, click okay and it will finish extracting. Make sure you output to the SAME directory as the previous step so the files will be overwritten.
* Recompile the model with Crowbar. You should be good to go!
* Open up the outputted "mdldecompiler.qc" and change the $model line's value for the .dmx.smd file to not include a directory. I.e. change "parts/dmx/c_wrench.dmx.smd" to "c_wrench.dmx.smd".
* Open up idle.smd in a text editor. You will find an entry/entries that start with time 0/1/etc. The 2nd/3rd/4th numbers in the entry correspond to back/forth, side to side and up/down translations respectively. The 5th/6th/7th numbers in the entry correspond to x, y and z rotations respectively. Correct these values for all lines and save.
* Go back to StudioCompiler, go to the Model Compile tab, go to the "Compile w/Existing QC" section, select your "mdldecompiler.qc" which you just edited and press compile. '''Note:''' If you get a compiler error about write access, it's probably because the directory the compiler wants to output to as specified in the .qc doesn't exist. Create it.
* Press F5 in HLMV to refresh the model state. If the model still does not rotate in the correct plane/centre of the model then change the values again and recompile. This may require a lot of trial and error.
* After successfully recentering the model copy the recompiled .mdl, .vtx, .phy and .vvd files into a zipped folder and upload to a file sharing site (preferably [http://www.mediafire.com/ MediaFire]) to post on the project page.
== Uploading your image ==
== Uploading your image ==
* After the script has finished it will generate a stitched image and a .txt file with the offset map.
* This should happen automatically. If it does not, ensure that you have poster installed via <code>pip install -U poster</code>.
* Upload the image to the wiki under the name 'User <wikiusername> <weapon> <teamcolour (if applicable) 3D.jpg>' and copy and paste the offset map text into the summary box.
== Tips and debugging ==
== Tips and debugging ==
* If your HLMV is opening too slowly then adjust the time in the <code>mouse.sleep(time in seconds)</code> entry that follows opening HLMV.
* You can set <code>vertical_rotations = 0</code> to generate the model with no tilting, or reduce the number of rotations with <code>number_of_images</code>.
* Stick the SDK launcher near the top left of your screen to speed up the step, as the script will start looking for the button there by default (this can be changed).
* You will find it '''much''' easier when recompiling models to find out if they're centered correctly by checking the 'Ground' checkbox in HLMV and refreshing the model every time you make a change and recompile.
* If something interrupts the image taking process, you can continue where you left off by setting the <code>n</code> arguement in the automatedDis method.
* If the 3D image's starting position isn't centered, click the edit button on the 3D image file's page and change "startframe" to whichever frame number is the centered frame.
** You can also use this to check the images are coming out right by interrupting the script and checking the images. If the rotation looks okay continue where you left off.
== Models repository ==
* [[Team Fortress Wiki:3D Models/Classes|Classes]]
* [[Team Fortress Wiki:3D Models/Weapons|Weapons]]
== Needed weapons ==
== Weapons ==
=== Needed weapons ===
* None
=== Finished weapons ===
* {{icon item|Air Strike|30px}} [[Air Strike]]
* {{icon item|Ali Baba's Wee Booties|30px}} [[Ali Baba's Wee Booties]]
* {{icon item|Ali Baba's Wee Booties|30px}} [[Ali Baba's Wee Booties]]
* {{icon item|Ambassador|30px}} [[Ambassador|Ambassador: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Amputator|30px}} [[Amputator]]
* {{icon item|Ap-Sap|30px}} [[Ap-Sap]]
* {{icon item|Apoco-Fists|30px}} [[Apoco-Fists]]
* {{icon item|Atomizer|30px}} [[Atomizer]]
* {{icon item|AWPer Hand|30px}} [[AWPer Hand]]
* {{icon item|Axtinguisher|30px}} [[Axtinguisher|Axtinguisher: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Baby Face's Blaster|30px}} [[Baby Face's Blaster]]
* {{icon item|Backburner|30px}} [[Backburner]]
* {{icon item|Back Scatter|30px}} [[Back Scatter]]
* {{icon item|Back Scratcher|30px}} [[Back Scratcher]]
* {{icon item|Back Scratcher|30px}} [[Back Scratcher]]
* {{icon item|B.A.S.E. Jumper|30px}} [[B.A.S.E. Jumper]]
* {{icon item|Bat|30px}} [[Bat|Bat: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Bat Outta Hell|30px}} [[Bat Outta Hell]]
* {{icon item|Batsaber|30px}} [[Batsaber]]
* {{icon item|Battalion's Backup|30px}} [[Battalion's Backup]]
* {{icon item|Bazaar Bargain|30px}} [[Bazaar Bargain]]
* {{icon item|Bazaar Bargain|30px}} [[Bazaar Bargain]]
* {{icon item|Beggar's Bazooka|30px}} [[Beggar's Bazooka]]
* {{icon item|Big Earner|30px}} [[Big Earner]]
* {{icon item|Big Earner|30px}} [[Big Earner]]
* {{icon item|Big Kill|30px}} [[Big Kill]]
* {{icon item|Big Kill|30px}} [[Big Kill]]
* {{icon item|Blutsauger|30px}} [[Blutsauger]]
* {{icon item|Black Box|30px}} [[Black Box|Black Box: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Black Rose|30px}} [[Black Rose]]
* {{icon item|Blutsauger|30px}} [[Blutsauger|Blutsauger: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Bonesaw|30px}} [[Bonesaw]]
* {{icon item|Bonesaw|30px}} [[Bonesaw]]
* {{icon item|Bonk! Atomic Punch|30px}} [[Bonk! Atomic Punch|Bonk! Atomic Punch: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Bootlegger|30px}} [[Bootlegger]]
* {{icon item|Boston Basher|30px}} [[Boston Basher]]
* {{icon item|Bottle|30px}} [[Bottle]]
* {{icon item|Bottle|30px}} [[Bottle]]
* {{icon item|Brass Beast|30px}} [[Brass Beast]]
* {{icon item|Bread Bite|30px}} [[Bread Bite]]
* {{icon item|Buffalo Steak Sandvich|30px}} [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich]]
* {{icon item|Buffalo Steak Sandvich|30px}} [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich]]
* {{icon item|Buff Banner|30px}} [[Buff Banner|Buff Banner: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Bushwacka|30px}} [[Bushwacka]]
* {{icon item|Bushwacka|30px}} [[Bushwacka]]
* {{icon item|Chargin' Targe|30px}} [[Chargin' Targe]]
* {{icon item|Candy Cane|30px}} [[Candy Cane]]
* {{icon item|Chargin' Targe|30px}} [[Chargin' Targe|Chargin' Targe: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Claidheamh Mòr|30px}} [[Claidheamh Mòr]]
* {{icon item|Claidheamh Mòr|30px}} [[Claidheamh Mòr]]
* {{icon item|Classic|30px}} [[Classic]]
* {{icon item|Cleaner's Carbine|30px}} [[Cleaner's Carbine]]
* {{icon item|Cloak and Dagger|30px}} [[Cloak and Dagger]]
* {{icon item|Concheror|30px}} [[Concheror]]
* {{icon item|Conniver's Kunai|30px}} [[Conniver's Kunai]]
* {{icon item|Conniver's Kunai|30px}} [[Conniver's Kunai]]
* {{icon item|Dalokohs Bar|30px}} [[Dalokohs Bar]]
* {{icon item|Conscientious Objector|30px}} [[Conscientious Objector]]
* {{icon item|Cow Mangler 5000|30px}} [[Cow Mangler 5000]]
* {{icon item|Cozy Camper|30px}} [[Cozy Camper]]
* {{icon item|Crit-a-Cola|30px}} [[Crit-a-Cola]]
* {{icon item|Crossing Guard|30px}} [[Crossing Guard]]
* {{icon item|Crusader's Crossbow|30px}} [[Crusader's Crossbow|Crusader's Crossbow: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Darwin's Danger Shield|30px}} [[Darwin's Danger Shield]]
* {{icon item|Darwin's Danger Shield|30px}} [[Darwin's Danger Shield]]
* {{icon item|Dead Ringer|30px}} [[Dead Ringer]]
* {{icon item|Degreaser|30px}} [[Degreaser]]
* {{icon item|Detonator|30px}} [[Detonator]]
* {{icon item|Diamondback|30px}} [[Diamondback]]
* {{icon item|Direct Hit|30px}} [[Direct Hit]]
* {{icon item|Disciplinary Action|30px}} [[Disciplinary Action]]
* {{icon item|Disciplinary Action|30px}} [[Disciplinary Action]]
* {{icon item|Disguise Kit|30px}} [[Disguise Kit]]
* {{icon item|Disguise Kit|30px}} [[Disguise Kit]]
* {{icon item|Electro Sapper|30px}} [[Electro Sapper]]
* {{icon item|Dragon's Fury|30px}} [[Dragon's Fury]]
* {{icon item|Electro Sapper|30px}} [[Electro Sapper|Electro Sapper: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Enforcer|30px}} [[Enforcer]]
* {{icon item|Enforcer|30px}} [[Enforcer]]
* {{icon item|Enthusiast's Timepiece|30px}} [[Enthusiast's Timepiece]]
* {{icon item|Enthusiast's Timepiece|30px}} [[Enthusiast's Timepiece]]
* {{icon item|Equalizer|30px}} [[Equalizer]]
* {{icon item|Equalizer|30px}} [[Equalizer]]
* {{icon item|Eyelander|30px}} [[Eyelander]]
* {{icon item|Escape Plan|30px}} [[Escape Plan]]
* {{icon item|Eureka Effect|30px}} [[Eureka Effect]]
* {{icon item|Eviction Notice|30px}} [[Eviction Notice]]
* {{icon item|Eyelander|30px}} [[Eyelander|Eyelander: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Family Business|30px}} [[Family Business]]
* {{icon item|Family Business|30px}} [[Family Business]]
* {{icon item|Fan O'War|30px}} [[Fan O'War]]
* {{icon item|Fan O'War|30px}} [[Fan O'War]]
* {{icon item|Fire Axe|30px}} [[Fire Axe]]
* {{icon item|Fire Axe|30px}} [[Fire Axe]]
* {{icon item|Fishcake|30px}} [[Fishcake]]
* {{icon item|Fishcake|30px}} [[Fishcake]]
* {{icon item|Fists of Steel|30px}} [[Fists of Steel]]
* {{icon item|Fists|30px}} [[Fists]]
* {{icon item|Fists|30px}} [[Fists]]
* {{icon item|Force-A-Nature|30px}} [[Force-A-Nature]]
* {{icon item|Flame Thrower|30px}} [[Flame Thrower|Flame Thrower: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Frontier Justice|30px}} [[Frontier Justice]]
* {{icon item|Flare Gun|30px}} [[Flare Gun|Flare Gun: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Grenade Launcher|30px}} [[Grenade Launcher]]
* {{icon item|Flying Guillotine|30px}} [[Flying Guillotine]]
* {{icon item|Force-A-Nature|30px}} [[Force-A-Nature|Force-A-Nature: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Fortified Compound|30px}} [[Fortified Compound]]
* {{icon item|Freedom Staff|30px}} [[Freedom Staff]]
* {{icon item|Frontier Justice|30px}} [[Frontier Justice|Frontier Justice: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Frying Pan|30px}} [[Frying Pan]]
* {{icon item|Gas Passer|30px}} [[Gas Passer]]
* {{icon item|Giger Counter|30px}} [[Giger Counter]]
* {{icon item|Gloves of Running Urgently|30px}} [[Gloves of Running Urgently|Gloves of Running Urgently: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Golden Frying Pan|30px}} [[Golden Frying Pan]]
* {{icon item|Golden Wrench|30px}} [[Golden Wrench]]
* {{icon item|Grenade Launcher|30px}} [[Grenade Launcher|Grenade Launcher: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Gunboats|30px}} [[Gunboats]]
* {{icon item|Gunboats|30px}} [[Gunboats]]
* {{icon item|Gunslinger|30px}} [[Gunslinger]]
* {{icon item|Gunslinger|30px}} [[Gunslinger]]
* {{icon item|Half-Zatoichi|30px}} [[Half-Zatoichi]]
* {{icon item|Ham Shank|30px}} [[Ham Shank]]
* {{icon item|Hitman's Heatmaker|30px}} [[Hitman's Heatmaker]]
* {{icon item|Holiday Punch|30px}} [[Holiday Punch]]
* {{icon item|Holy Mackerel|30px}} [[Holy Mackerel|Holy Mackerel: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Homewrecker|30px}} [[Homewrecker]]
* {{icon item|Homewrecker|30px}} [[Homewrecker]]
* {{icon item|Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker|30px}} [[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker]]
* {{icon item|Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker|30px}} [[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker]]
* {{icon item|Hot Hand|30px}} [[Hot Hand]]
* {{icon item|Huntsman|30px}} [[Huntsman|Huntsman: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Huo-Long Heater|30px}} [[Huo-Long Heater]]
* {{icon item|Invisibility Watch|30px}} [[Invisibility Watch]]
* {{icon item|Iron Curtain|30px}} [[Iron Curtain]]
* {{icon item|Iron Curtain|30px}} [[Iron Curtain]]
* {{icon item|Jag|30px}} [[Jag]]
* {{icon item|Jag|30px}} [[Jag]]
* {{icon item|Knife|30px}} [[Knife]]
* {{icon item|Jarate|30px}} [[Jarate|Jarate: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Killing Gloves of Boxing|30px}} [[Killing Gloves of Boxing]]
* {{icon item|Knife|30px}} [[Knife|Knife: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Kritzkrieg|30px}} [[Kritzkrieg]]
* {{icon item|Kritzkrieg|30px}} [[Kritzkrieg]]
* {{icon item|Kukri|30px}} [[Kukri]]
* {{icon item|Kukri|30px}} [[Kukri]]
Line 120: Line 183:
* {{icon item|Liberty Launcher|30px}} [[Liberty Launcher]]
* {{icon item|Liberty Launcher|30px}} [[Liberty Launcher]]
* {{icon item|Loch-n-Load|30px}} [[Loch-n-Load]]
* {{icon item|Loch-n-Load|30px}} [[Loch-n-Load]]
* {{icon item|Lollichop|30px}} [[Lollichop]]
* {{icon item|Loose Cannon|30px}} [[Loose Cannon]]
* {{icon item|Lugermorph|30px}} [[Lugermorph]]
* {{icon item|Machina|30px}} [[Machina]]
* {{icon item|Mad Milk|30px}} [[Mad Milk]]
* {{icon item|Manmelter|30px}} [[Manmelter]]
* {{icon item|Mantreads|30px}} [[Mantreads]]
* {{icon item|Mantreads|30px}} [[Mantreads]]
* {{icon item|Market Gardener|30px}} [[Market Gardener]]
* {{icon item|Maul|30px}} [[Maul]]
* {{icon item|Maul|30px}} [[Maul]]
* {{icon item|Medi Gun|30px}} [[Medi Gun]]
* {{icon item|Medi Gun|30px}} [[Medi Gun|Medi Gun: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Minigun|30px}} [[Minigun]]
* {{icon item|Memory Maker|30px}} [[Memory Maker]]
* {{icon item|Mutated Milk|30px}} [[Mutated Milk]]
* {{icon item|Natascha|30px}} [[Natascha]]
* {{icon item|Natascha|30px}} [[Natascha]]
* {{icon item|Necro Smasher|30px}} [[Necro Smasher]]
* {{icon item|Neon Annihilator|30px}} [[Neon Annihilator]]
* {{icon item|Nessie's Nine Iron|30px}} [[Nessie's Nine Iron]]
* {{icon item|Nessie's Nine Iron|30px}} [[Nessie's Nine Iron]]
* {{icon item|Nostromo Napalmer|30px}} [[Nostromo Napalmer]]
* {{icon item|Original|30px}} [[Original]]
* {{icon item|Overdose|30px}} [[Overdose]]
* {{icon item|Pain Train|30px}} [[Pain Train]]
* {{icon item|Pain Train|30px}} [[Pain Train]]
* {{icon item|PDA Build|30px}} [[PDA|PDA Build/Demolish Tool]]
* {{icon item|Persian Persuader|30px}} [[Persian Persuader]]
* {{icon item|Persian Persuader|30px}} [[Persian Persuader]]
* {{icon item|Phlogistinator|30px}} [[Phlogistinator]]
* {{icon item|Pistol|30px}} [[Pistol]]
* {{icon item|Pomson 6000|30px}} [[Pomson 6000]]
* {{icon item|Postal Pummeler|30px}} [[Postal Pummeler]]
* {{icon item|Postal Pummeler|30px}} [[Postal Pummeler]]
* {{icon item|Powerjack|30px}} [[Powerjack]]
* {{icon item|Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol|30px}} [[Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol]]
* {{icon item|Prinny Machete|30px}} [[Prinny Machete]]
* {{icon item|Quackenbirdt|30px}} [[Quackenbirdt]]
* {{icon item|Quick-Fix|30px}} [[Quick-Fix]]
* {{icon item|Quick-Fix|30px}} [[Quick-Fix]]
* {{icon item|Rainblower|30px}} [[Rainblower]]
* {{icon item|Razorback|30px}} [[Razorback]]
* {{icon item|Razorback|30px}} [[Razorback]]
* {{icon item|Red-Tape Recorder|30px}} [[Red-Tape Recorder]]
* {{icon item|Rescue Ranger|30px}} [[Rescue Ranger]]
* {{icon item|Reserve Shooter|30px}} [[Reserve Shooter]]
* {{icon item|Reserve Shooter|30px}} [[Reserve Shooter]]
* {{icon item|Revolver|30px}} [[Revolver]]
* {{icon item|Revolver|30px}} [[Revolver|Revolver: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Righteous Bison|30px}} [[Righteous Bison]]
* {{icon item|Robo-Sandvich|30px}} [[Robo-Sandvich]]
* {{icon item|Rocket Jumper|30px}} [[Rocket Jumper]]
* {{icon item|Rocket Launcher|30px}} [[Rocket Launcher|Rocket Launcher: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Sandman|30px}} [[Sandman]]
* {{icon item|Sandman|30px}} [[Sandman]]
* {{icon item|Sandvich|30px}} [[Sandvich]]
* {{icon item|Sandvich|30px}} [[Sandvich|Sandvich: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Sapper|30px}} [[Sapper]]
* {{icon item|Saxxy|30px}} [[Saxxy]]
* {{icon item|Saxxy|30px}} [[Saxxy]]
* {{icon item|Scattergun|30px}} [[Scattergun|Scattergun: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Scorch Shot|30px}} [[Scorch Shot]]
* {{icon item|Scotsman's Skullcutter|30px}} [[Scotsman's Skullcutter]]
* {{icon item|Scotsman's Skullcutter|30px}} [[Scotsman's Skullcutter]]
* {{icon item|Scottish Handshake|30px}} [[Scottish Handshake]]
* {{icon item|Scottish Resistance|30px}} [[Scottish Resistance]]
* {{icon item|Scottish Resistance|30px}} [[Scottish Resistance]]
* {{icon item|Second Banana|30px}} [[Second Banana]]
* {{icon item|Self-Aware Beauty Mark|30px}} [[Self-Aware Beauty Mark]]
* {{icon item|Shahanshah|30px}} [[Shahanshah]]
* {{icon item|Shahanshah|30px}} [[Shahanshah]]
* {{icon item|Sharp Dresser|30px}} [[Sharp Dresser]]
* {{icon item|Sharpened Volcano Fragment|30px}} [[Sharpened Volcano Fragment]]
* {{icon item|Sharpened Volcano Fragment|30px}} [[Sharpened Volcano Fragment]]
* {{icon item|Short Circuit|30px}} [[Short Circuit]]
* {{icon item|Short Circuit|30px}} [[Short Circuit]]
* {{icon item|Shortstop|30px}} [[Shortstop]]
* {{icon item|Shortstop|30px}} [[Shortstop]]
* {{icon item|Shotgun|30px}} [[Shotgun]]
* {{icon item|Shotgun|30px}} [[Shotgun|Shotgun: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Shovel|30px}} [[Shovel]]
* {{icon item|Shovel|30px}} [[Shovel]]
* {{icon item|SMG|30px}} [[SMG|SMG: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Snack Attack|30px}} [[Snack Attack]]
* {{icon item|Sniper Rifle|30px}} [[Sniper Rifle|Sniper Rifle: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Soda Popper|30px}} [[Soda Popper]]
* {{icon item|Soda Popper|30px}} [[Soda Popper]]
* {{icon item|Solemn Vow|30px}} [[Solemn Vow]]
* {{icon item|Solemn Vow|30px}} [[Solemn Vow]]
* {{icon item|Southern Hospitality|30px}} [[Southern Hospitality]]
* {{icon item|Southern Hospitality|30px}} [[Southern Hospitality]]
* {{icon item|Splendid Screen|30px}} [[Splendid Screen]]
* {{icon item|Splendid Screen|30px}} [[Splendid Screen]]
* {{icon item|Submachine Gun|30px}} [[Submachine Gun]]
* {{icon item|Spy-cicle|30px}} [[Spy-cicle]]
* {{icon item|Sticky Jumper|30px}} [[Sticky Jumper]]
* {{icon item|Sun-on-a-Stick|30px}} [[Sun-on-a-Stick]]
* {{icon item|Sun-on-a-Stick|30px}} [[Sun-on-a-Stick]]
* {{icon item|Sydney Sleeper|30px}} [[Sydney Sleeper]]
* {{icon item|Sydney Sleeper|30px}} [[Sydney Sleeper]]
* {{icon item|Syringe Gun|30px}} [[Syringe Gun]]
* {{icon item|Syringe Gun|30px}} [[Syringe Gun]]
* {{icon item|Thermal Thruster|30px}} [[Thermal Thruster]]
* {{icon item|Third Degree|30px}} [[Third Degree]]
* {{icon item|Three-Rune Blade|30px}} [[Three-Rune Blade]]
* {{icon item|Three-Rune Blade|30px}} [[Three-Rune Blade]]
* {{icon item|Tomislav|30px}} [[Tomislav]]
* {{icon item|Tomislav|30px}} [[Tomislav|Tomislav: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Tide Turner|30px}} [[Tide Turner]]
* {{icon item|Toolbox|30px}} [[Toolbox]]
* {{icon item|Tribalman's Shiv|30px}} [[Tribalman's Shiv]]
* {{icon item|Übersaw|30px}} [[Übersaw|Übersaw: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Ullapool Caber|30px}} [[Ullapool Caber]]
* {{icon item|Ullapool Caber|30px}} [[Ullapool Caber]]
* {{icon item|Unarmed Combat|30px}} [[Unarmed Combat]]
* {{icon item|Vaccinator|30px}} [[Vaccinator]]
* {{icon item|Vita-Saw|30px}} [[Vita-Saw]]
* {{icon item|Vita-Saw|30px}} [[Vita-Saw]]
* {{icon item|Wanga Prick|30px}} [[Wanga Prick]]
* {{icon item|Warrior's Spirit|30px}} [[Warrior's Spirit]]
* {{icon item|Warrior's Spirit|30px}} [[Warrior's Spirit]]
* {{icon item|Wrangler|30px}} [[Wrangler]]
* {{icon item|Widowmaker|30px}} [[Widowmaker]]
* {{icon item|Winger|30px}} [[Winger]]
* {{icon item|Wrangler|30px}} [[Wrangler|Wrangler: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Wrap Assassin|30px}} [[Wrap Assassin]]
* {{icon item|Wrench|30px}} [[Wrench|Wrench: Multiple Skins]]
* {{icon item|Your Eternal Reward|30px}} [[Your Eternal Reward]]
* {{icon item|Your Eternal Reward|30px}} [[Your Eternal Reward]]
* {{icon item|Übersaw|30px}} [[Übersaw]]
== Action Slot Items ==
=== Needed Action slot items ===
'''All Class Action Slot Items:'''
* None
=== Finished Action slot items ===
* {{icon item|Battery Canteens|30px}} [[Battery Canteens]]
* {{icon item|Duck Journal|30px}} [[Duck Journal]]
* {{icon item|Fancy Spellbook|30px}} [[Fancy Spellbook]]
* {{icon item|Fireproof Secret Diary|30px}} [[Fireproof Secret Diary]]
* {{icon item|Grappling Hook|30px}} [[Grappling Hook]]
* {{icon item|Kritz or Treat Canteen|30px}} [[Kritz or Treat Canteen]]
* {{icon item|Power Up Canteen|30px}} [[Power Up Canteen]]

Latest revision as of 17:28, 20 February 2024

The 3D Models project's goal is to construct pseudo-3D images of the weapons in Team Fortress 2 that can be freely rotated.



Pictogram comment.png Note This is not for the faint of heart. It requires a bit of knowledge on how both VMTs and HLMV work, and a lot of time and patience since a lot of models will not be centered correctly by default, thus requiring plenty of tweaking to get them ready for the process.


Initial setup


Please follow the latest instructions at the 3D-Models-automaton repo.


Taking images

  • Open up the weapon in HLMV and ensure it rotates properly. There are three possible outcomes here:
    • The model will rotate around the bottom corner of the model. If so, you will need to make use of rotation_offset.
      • First, reset the model's position with Options → Center View.
      • Then, from cmd, navigate to the folder containing automate.py and run mem trans, noting the second value (the Y translation).
      • Back in HLMV, rotate the model so that it is facing right. Hold down ⇧ Shift and move the model sideways so that it is centered in the circle that appears.
      • Go back to cmd, and run mem trans again, once again noting the second value.
      • The difference between the current value and the initial value is the rotation_offset value to set in automate.py.
    • The model will rotate around the wrong plane or the model will not rotate around the vertical or horizontal center. If so, the model will need to be recompiled.
    • The model will rotate around the vertical and horizontal center of the model. If so, you are good to go.
  • Center the model using Options → Center View.
  • If the model does not face you directly when centered, it will need to be recompiled with a new rotation.
  • Zoom the model out so that it is as large as possible, but will not clip outside the viewer window when rotated or tilted.
  • If the light source produces a glare that interferes with the model, hold Ctrl and drag the light source around with the mouse until it is in a better position.
  • Run the script, from the command line. Navigate to the folder containing the scripts and type python automate.py.
  • After the image finishes rotating, switch back to the command line and follow the prompts to upload the file.

Team-colored models

  • This is now very simple, simply change this in HLMV (Model → Skin #), then re-run the script.

Models with other class arms/models blocking the view

  • If you wish to remove a model from the viewer (for example the Sniper's arms holding onto the view model Sniper Rifle), click on the Model tab in HLMV and find out which VMTs are being used for the model textures.
  • Extract the VMTs using GCFScape to the same path in your /custom/folder and open them up in a text editor.
  • Inside the "VertexLitGeneric" curly brackets add the line "$no_draw" "1". This will make this part of the model invisible in HLMV.

Recompiling models

  • First, check here to see if a model has already been recompiled.
  • Download and install Crowbar, GCFScape, and the Source SDK (Steam -> Library -> Tools)
  • Extract the model with GCFScape, decompile with Crowbar.
  • For the most part, adding $autocenter to the .qc file should do the trick. If not, try using $origin X Y Z. For more complex concerns, see Category:QC Commands on the Valve Developer Community.
  • Recompile the model with Crowbar. You should be good to go!

Uploading your image

  • This should happen automatically. If it does not, ensure that you have poster installed via pip install -U poster.

Tips and debugging

  • You can set vertical_rotations = 0 to generate the model with no tilting, or reduce the number of rotations with number_of_images.
  • You will find it much easier when recompiling models to find out if they're centered correctly by checking the 'Ground' checkbox in HLMV and refreshing the model every time you make a change and recompile.
  • If the 3D image's starting position isn't centered, click the edit button on the 3D image file's page and change "startframe" to whichever frame number is the centered frame.

Models repository


Needed weapons

  • None

Finished weapons

Action Slot Items

Needed Action slot items

All Class Action Slot Items:

  • None

Finished Action slot items