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(Barbarian Swing>Decapitation)
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* Hitting a Sentry Buster with the [[Holiday Punch]] in the back used to cause it to stand still for a few seconds and then explode, as the robot uses its taunt to detonate itself. This could have been used to detonate a Sentry Buster early.
* Hitting a Sentry Buster with the [[Holiday Punch]] in the back used to cause it to stand still for a few seconds and then explode, as the robot uses its taunt to detonate itself. This could have been used to detonate a Sentry Buster early.
* When robots do [[Taunts]] that are [[Taunts#Taunt kills|taunt kills]], their unique robot animations don't always reflect their hitboxes, meaning that it's possible to get killed by these taunt kills at the wrong time.
* When robots do [[Taunts]] that are [[Taunts#Taunt kills|taunt kills]], their unique robot animations don't always reflect their hitboxes, meaning that it's possible to get killed by these taunt kills at the wrong time.
** Sometimes, a robot's animation uses a different animation than a player would, but the hitboxes remain the same (E.g. a [[Demoman Robot#Demoknight|Demoknight]] robot taunting would show the [[Demoman taunts#Primary|kaboom]] taunt, but its hitboxes would be the [[Decapitation]]).
** Sometimes, a robot's animation uses a different animation than a player would, but the hitboxes remain the same (E.g. a [[Demoman Robot#Demoknight|Demoknight]] robot taunting would show the [[Demoman taunts#Primary|kaboom]] taunt, but its hitboxes would be the [[Barbarian Swing/it/Barbarian Swing]]).
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* All robots have voice lines, robotic versions of the voice lines used by the class they are modeled on. All lack facial animations while doing so, save for the [[Heavy Robot]] and the [[Sniper Robot]], whose jaws moves up and down.
* All robots have voice lines, robotic versions of the voice lines used by the class they are modeled on. All lack facial animations while doing so, save for the [[Heavy Robot]] and the [[Sniper Robot]], whose jaws moves up and down.
** All voice lines added to the game before the Mann vs. Machine Update are available in robotic form, despite many of them being impossible to hear (e.g. lines relating to capping points or Payload carts).
** All voice lines added to the game before the Mann vs. Machine Update are available in robotic form, despite many of them being impossible to hear (e.g. lines relating to capping points or Payload carts).
* While all but the Engineer Robot have unique robotized taunts, they are still tied to a specific weapon. [[Demoman]] Robots, for example, will still use the [[Decapitation]] taunt if they taunt with a sword, which can kill any players in front of them.
* While all but the Engineer Robot have unique robotized taunts, they are still tied to a specific weapon. [[Demoman]] Robots, for example, will still use the [[Barbarian Swing/it/Barbarian Swing]] taunt if they taunt with a sword, which can kill any players in front of them.
* The Soldier and Demoman robots appear to use the regular human idle animations when they use some melee weapons, rather than the jittery idle animations used by the other robots.
* The Soldier and Demoman robots appear to use the regular human idle animations when they use some melee weapons, rather than the jittery idle animations used by the other robots.
* The programming for the Bomb is similar to that of the [[Intelligence]], and the robots will perform responses based on this. The human players, however, have specific voice responses related to the bomb.
* The programming for the Bomb is similar to that of the [[Intelligence]], and the robots will perform responses based on this. The human players, however, have specific voice responses related to the bomb.

Latest revision as of 01:30, 17 March 2024

Questo articolo parla dell'esercito meccanico di Gray Mann. Per la traccia musicale, vedi ROBOTS! Per altro, vedi Robot.

I robot sono nelle soglie delle nostre case, uomini, e credetemi – loro non chiederanno una tazza di zucchero. No! Quei mostri abbatteranno le nostre porte, prenderanno il nostro zucchero, e lo spargeranno sulle nostre tombe!
Il Soldato
Gray Mann's mechanical army. Pictured here from left to right are robot Demomen, Soldiers, Pyros, Medics, Heavies, Snipers, Scouts, and Spies.

I Robot sono i nemici combattuti in Mann vs. Machine, durante le missions. Furono creati da Gray Mann in modo da poter distruggere tutto ciò che è stato creato dalla Mann Co.


I robot normali funzionano in modo praticamente uguale ai giocatori, venendo operati dai bot, mentre esistono robot speciali che usano armi "non di base", insieme ad altri tipi di robot, con abilità e direttive che nessuna classe normalmente possiede. A differenza dei giocatori, i robot possono essere sabotati, spesso disabilitando temporaneamente gruppi interi di essi, o nel caso dei Robot Giganti, rallentarli. Come sottolineato da Miss Pauling, sono alimentati a denaro, e lo lasciano cadere quando vengono distrutti, permettendo ai giocatori di usare quei soldi per migliorare le loro armi o comprare una Borraccia di Potenziamento. I robot seguono un percorso predefinito in direzione del buco della bomba, segnato da frecce luminose prima dell'inizio di ogni ondata, ma potrebbero cambiare percorso se il portatore della bomba viene spinto via o insegue un giocatore. I robot insulteranno occasionalmente dopo aver ucciso un giocatore, e il portatore della bomba insulterà sempre per poi ricevere un buff. I robot hanno una risorsa infinita di munizioni, non fanno cadere le armi e non possono raccogliere medikit o munizioni. Inoltre, i robot non causeranno mai colpi critici casuali, anche se alcuni di essi possono usufruire del boost di colpi critici.

Un robot per ondata entrerà nel campo di battaglia con la bomba (Potenzialmente più di uno se si sta giocando a Manhattan) che si comporterà in modo simile alla modalità Cattura la Bandiera. l'obiettivo primario dei robot è di trasportare questa bomba alla botola alla fine della mappa, e i Difensori devono fermarli. Dopo che la bomba viene lasciata, un altro robot può raccoglierla. Qualunque tipo di robot può raccogliere la bomba, fatta eccezione per l' Abbatti-Torrette e il Carro Armato (anche se il Carro Armato trasporta un altro tipo di bomba). Le spie e i cecchini non proveranno continuamente a raccogliere la bomba, ma potrebbero effettivamente raccoglierla se spinti su di essa. Trasportare la bomba rallenterà i robot di circa la metà della loro attuale velocità, fatta eccezione per i Robot Giganti. Dopo che tutti i robot di un ondata vengono distrutti, l'ondata è completata, mentre se la bomba raggiunge la botola e viene detonata, l'ondata è persa.

I robot hanno un comportamento rudimentale. Il loro obiettivo principale è di raccogliere la bomba e seguire il percorso predefinito verso la botola, o di scortare qualunque altro robot lo stia già facendo. In conclusione, loro non prendono strade alternative alla bomba se la sub-ondata non è programmata ad attaccare i giocatori dai lati o la bomba è stata lasciata in un punto al di fuori del percorso. Ai robot generalmente non importa distruggere iTeletrasporti se non sono effettivamente in mezzo alla strada. Inoltre ignorano completamente le Spie invisibili e travestite : ignorano invisibilità, collisione con "compagni di squadra", rumori dell'invisibilità, e possibili Cipollotti Letali. Possono riconoscere se un compagno è stato pugnalato, ma non "controllano" regolarmente. Ciononostante, riescono a individuare sempre una Spia in fiamme.

I robot possono essere inviati in gruppi chiamati "squadre". Un robot è designato come caposquadra, e gli altri robot lo seguiranno e circonderanno. Se il caposquadra viene ucciso, il resto del gruppo si separerà e attaccherà indipendentemente. I Robot Medici curano automaticamente i capisquadra e cercheranno di stargli dietro, al contrario degli altri compagni di squadra che gli staranno davanti.

I robot riceveranno alcuni buff dopo un breve periodo quando trasportano la bomba, con nuovi buff che si aggiungono ai precedenti. Una grafica nell' HUD indica a che punto sta il trasportatore della bomba e in quanto tempo riceverà il prossimo buff. Appena ricevuto il buff, il robot che trasporta la bomba insulterà con un segnale acustico d'accompagnamento, e i robot circostanti si fermeranno per aspettarlo. Il team difensivo può e deve usufruire di questo come opportunità per uccidere il trasportatore della bomba, specialmente se il robot sta ricevendo il terzo miglioramento. Questi buff non accadranno se il trasportatore della bomba è un Gigante, anche se la grafica dell'HUD mostrerà una barra piena.

Stages Upgrades Time Interval (Seconds)
Bomb carrier defense.png
Primo stadio
Buff difensivo, condiviso con tutti i robot vicini 5
Bomb carrier health.png
Secondo stadio
45 punti salute rigenerati al secondo 15
Bomb carrier crits.png
Stadio finale
Colpi critici attivati per tutto il tempo 15

In ogni mappa ci sono delle aree, inaccessibili ai giocatori, dove i robot vengono generati e si fanno strada fino all'area "giocabile". Quando sono in questa area, i robot sono invulnerabili (mostrando un effetto simile alla ÜberCarica se attaccati), immuni al contraccolpo e non sono capaci di attaccare (anche se potrebbero utilizzare oggetti di supporto come ad esempio lo Stendardo Scamosciato),e la barra dei trasportatori della bomba non si potrà caricare.


The standard robot set is designed off of each of the mercenaries employed under Blutarch and Redmond Mann and share their basic abilities. Regular robots are equipped with the stock loadout of the classes. Über Medics are not noted as regular robots, despite the fact that they use their Stock weapons.

Regular Robots

Machine Class Equipped with Abilities/Notes Health
  • Runs faster than other robots (133% speed).
  • Attacks in groups.
  • Can use Bat or Scattergun, but only one. Cannot switch weapons.
Rocket Launcher
  • Can fire rockets.
  • Runs slower than the majority of robots (80% speed).
  • Attacks in groups.
Flame Thrower
  • Uses the Flame Thrower to attack up close.
  • Uses its flamethrower to ignite Bowman arrows.
  • Can deal afterburn damage with flames that have made contact with players.
  • Can airblast rockets back at players, including Sentry Gun rockets.
Grenade Launcher
  • Uses the Grenade Launcher to kill multiple enemies from a distance.
  • Runs slightly slower than other robots (93% speed).
  • Uses the Minigun to deal large amount of damage to nearby players.
  • Runs slower than all robots (77% speed).
  • Spawns by teleporting onto the map near the bomb.
  • Builds a Teleporter Exit that acts as a forward spawn for the other robots.
  • Builds and maintains a Sentry Gun to guard the Teleporter.
  • Support role only. A notification is always shown when an Engineer enters the map or its Teleporter is built, and its entrance is announced by the Administrator. Killing one results in being notified if its Teleporter is still active.
  • Other Engineers also exist that have less health, do not teleport in, and in some cases do not build Teleporters.
500 or 275
Sniper Rifle
  • Uses Sniper Rifle to deal a large amount of damage (and possibly an instant kill) to players.
  • Uses Kukri to deal damage to nearby players.
  • Cannot crit on headshot.
  • Sniper Rifle emits a laser to give away the Sniper's position.
  • Support role only. A notification is always shown when a Sniper enters the map.
Disguise Kit
Invisibility Watch
  • Spawns from the players' side of the map.
  • Disguises as players to fool them.
  • Backstabs players from behind, usually while disguised.
  • Cloaks with the Invisibility Watch to avoid detection.
  • Saps Engineer buildings with the Sapper.
  • Uses the Revolver to shoot at players when discovered.
  • Support role only. A notification is always shown when a Spy enters the map, and its entrance is announced by the Administrator. The Administrator will announce when all Spies have been killed.


A number of variants based on the standard robots exist; their defining characteristics are based on other unlockable weapons rather than the signature Stock weapons. They are represented by a unique name and icon. Each special robot has the advantages and disadvantages of the original class it is based on, unless noted.

Machine Class Name Special Weapons/Cosmetics Abilities/Notes Health
Minor League Scout
Minor League Scout
Batter's Helmet
  • Uses baseballs to temporarily slowdown players.
Hyper League Scout
Hyper League Scout
  • Much faster recharge rate than Minor League Scouts.
Bonk Scout
Bonk Scout
Bonk! Atomic Punch
Bonk Helm
  • Able to bypass defenses without taking damage.
Force-A-Nature Scout
Force-A-Nature Scout
Fed-Fightin' Fedora
Bolt Boy
  • Knocks back players to advance the front lines.
Jumping Sandman Scout
Jumping Sandman Scout
Hanger-On Hood
Flight of the Monarch
  • Jumps when hitting a baseball to temporarily slow down players.
  • Jumps very high to dodge enemy attacks and slow down players.
Shortstop Scout
Shortstop Scout
  • Smaller head size.
  • Moves 25% faster than other Scouts.
Buff Soldier
Buff Soldier
Buff Banner
  • Will start with full rage and buff immediately.
Extended Buff Soldier
Extended Buff Soldier
  • Will start with full rage and buff immediately.
  • 9x buff duration.
Extended Buff Soldier
Extended Backup Soldier
Battalion's Backup
Extended Conch Soldier
Extended Conch Soldier
Soldier blackbox
Black Box Soldier
Black Box
  • Fires 3 rockets at once which have a larger blast radius and heal 60 HP each.
  • Less damage and 2 degree rocket spread.
Soldier libertylauncher
Blast Soldier
Liberty Launcher
  • Fires 2 rockets at once that knock back enemies.
  • Less damage and clip size, slower reload speed, and 2 degree rocket spread.
Flare Pyro
Flare Pyro
Flare Gun (type 1)
Detonator (type 2)
  • Able to attack outside of Flamethrower range.
  • Deals Crits and Mini-Crits against a burning target.
Pyro Pusher
Pyro Pusher
Scorch Shot
  • 100% crit chance.
  • 25% faster fire rate.
  • Flares are only 35% of normal speed.
Fast Scorch Shot
Fast Scorch Shot
  • 100% crit chance.
  • 25% faster fire rate.
  • 30% faster projectile speed.
(Type 1)
Chargin' Targe
  • Can cover large distances very quickly by charging.
  • Has longer melee range.
  • Upon killing, receives 3 seconds of guaranteed critical hits.
(Type 2)
Ali Baba's Wee Booties
Splendid Screen
Persian Persuader
Sultan's Ceremonial
  • More health and faster shield recharge rate than Type 1.
Demo Burst
Burst Fire Demoman
Grenade Launcher
  • Much faster firing speed.
  • 50% smaller clip size.
  • Much slower reload speed.
Demoknight Samurai
Samurai Demo
Splendid Screen
  • Longer shield recharge rate and charge time.
  • Very high jump height and does a lot more damage.
  • Attacks with only secondary and melee.
Shotgun Heavy
Heavy Shotgun
  • Faster reload and more pellets per shot.
  • Less damage and slower firing speed.
  • Attacks only with secondary.
  • Attacks in groups.
Deflector Heavy
Deflector Heavy
  • Similar attributes to regular Heavy Robots.
  • Can shoot down projectiles such as rockets and grenades.
Heavyweight Champ
Heavyweight Champ
(Type 1)
Killing Gloves of Boxing
Pugilist's Protector
  • Upon killing, receives 5 seconds of guaranteed critical hits.
  • Attacks in groups.
  • Attacks only with melee.
Heavyweight Champ
Heavyweight Champ
(Type 2)
Gloves of Running Urgently
  • Runs faster than other Heavy robots, at 99.67% speed.
  • All damage taken is in the form of Mini-Crits.
  • Attacks alongside Heavyweight Champs (Type 1), in smaller quantities.
  • Attacks only with melee.
Steel Gauntlet
Steel Gauntlet
Fists of Steel
  • Resistant to ranged damage.
  • Weak to melee damage.
  • Attacks only with melee.
  • Is instantly killed on backstab.
Steel Gauntlet Pusher
Steel Gauntlet Pusher
Fists of Steel
  • 50% damage bonus and deals knockback upon hitting an enemy.
Heavy Mittens Champ
Heavy Mittens
Holiday Punch
  • Runs faster than other Heavy robots, at 100.1% speed.
  • Attacks alongside Heavyweight Champs, in smaller quantities.
  • Permanently critboosted, forcing players to laugh helplessly on a hit.
  • Attacks only with melee.
Quick-Fix Medic
Quick-Fix Medic
Syringe Gun
  • Heals other robots.
  • Heals quicker than with the normal Medi Gun.
  • Cannot use ÜberCharge.
  • When separated from its healing target, it will pull out a Syringe Gun and fire at players.
Über Medic
Über Medic
Medi Gun
Syringe Gun
  • Can heal other robots, building up ÜberCharge at a far faster rate.
  • Can ÜberCharge, or make a robot and itself invincible for a limited period of time, when the ÜberCharge meter is filled.
  • Spawns with full ÜberCharge and will activate it as soon as its healing target's health is reduced to 60% of their maximum health or when it's damaged below 54 health.
  • When separated from its healing target, it will pull out a Syringe Gun and fire at players.
  • Can fire arrows that quickly charge to do more damage.
  • Inaccurate from a distance.
  • Can appear in a primary role, unlike other Sniper robots.
Rapid Fire Bowman
  • Fires arrows much faster than regular Bowmen.
Sydney Sniper
Sydney Sniper
Sydney Sleeper
  • Shoots Jarate-coated darts, which covers the player in Jarate, making all damage taken from enemies to be a Mini-Crit.
  • Cannot headshot.
Razorback Sniper
Razorback Sniper
  • Shares the same attributes as normal Sniper bot, but cannot be backstabbed.

Giant Robots

Giant Robots are notably larger than other robots. They can only be slowed by a Sapper rather than destroyed by it or Pyro's Airblast and they cannot be killed or even damaged by a backstab unless the knife is upgraded. They sport significantly more health than other robots, but move at half speed. Unlike regular robots, they are not slowed at all while carrying the bomb. Their presence in a wave is noted by a red background behind their class symbol in the pre-wave overhead. Giant Robots that carry the bomb do not receive buffs for it. All Giant Robots also have resistance to knockback, except for the Loose Cannon, which pushes them either back or directly up while slowing them.

Giant Robot versions exist of the Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, and Medic. Multiple Giant Robots can occur in a single wave, either of the same class or not.

Machine Class Name Equipped with Abilities Health
Super Scout
Super Scout
Holy Mackerel
Bonk Boy
  • Moves at nearly double the speed of a normal Scout.
Force-A-Nature Super Scout
Force-A-Nature Super Scout
Fed-Fightin' Fedora
Bolt Boy
  • Greater knockback power and pellet count which can repel attacks.
  • Decreased damage, reload speed, and pellet spread.
  • Limited sight range.
  • Moves slightly faster than a normal Scout.
Giant Jumping Sandman Scout
Giant Jumping Sandman Scout
Hanger-On Hood
Flight of the Monarch
  • Significantly higher damage and ball recharge rate.
  • Increased jump height.
  • Has a larger head than normal.
Major League Scout
Major League Scout
Batter's Helmet
Essential Accessories
  • Moves as fast as a regular Scout.
  • Recharges its baseballs ten times as fast.
Giant Bonk Scout
Giant Bonk Scout
Bonk! Atomic Punch
Bonk Helm
  • Uses their Bonk! drinks to run through the area while invincible for a few seconds.
  • Bonk! recharge rate is increased by 45%.
  • Moves as fast as a regular Scout.
Armored Giant Sandman Scout
Armored Giant Sandman Scout
Batter's Helmet
  • Very fast recharge rate.
  • Moves 25% slower.
Giant Soldier
Giant Soldier
Rocket Launcher
  • No special abilities.
Giant Buff Banner Soldier
Giant Buff Banner Soldier
  • Will spawn with full rage and buff immediately.
  • 9x buff duration.
Giant Battalion Soldier
Giant Battalion Soldier
Giant Concheror Soldier
Giant Concheror Soldier
Giant Rapid Fire Soldier (Type 1)
Giant Rapid Fire Soldier
  • Fires rockets continuously at a faster rate than regular Giant Soldiers.
  • Rockets move 35% slower.
Giant Burst Fire Soldier (Type 1)
Giant Burst Fire Soldier (Type 1)
  • Fires extremely fast.
  • Improved clip size and reload rate.
  • Rockets move 35% slower.
Giant Charged Soldier
Giant Charged Soldier
  • Rockets fired are always critical hits.
  • Rockets travel 50% slower.
  • Fires two times slower.
Giant Blast Soldier (Type 2)
Giant Blast Soldier
Liberty Launcher
  • Improved blast radius, reload rate, clip size, and firing speed.
  • Decreased damage and 4 degree rocket spread.
  • Rockets knock players back very far.
Colonel Barrage
Colonel Barrage
Rocket Launcher
  • Rockets move 60% slower.
  • Increased damage, clip size, reload rate, and firing speed.
Giant Black Box Soldier
Giant Black Box Soldier
Black Box
  • Fires 3 rockets at once.
  • Rockets have a large blast radius and heal 1000 HP each.
  • Decreased damage, reload speed, and 4 degree spread.
  • Rockets move 10% slower.
Giant Burst Fire Soldier (Type 2)
Giant Burst Fire Soldier (Type 2)
Rocket Launcher
  • 2.0x damage dealt.
  • 100% crit chance.
  • Improved firing speed, reload speed, clip size, and damage.
  • Rockets travel 10% slower.
Sergeant Crits
Sergeant Crits
  • Extremely large.
  • Regenerates health.
  • 100% crit chance.
  • Improved damage, firing speed, reload speed, projectile speed, clip size.
Major Crits
Major Crits
  • Extremely large.
  • Regenerates health.
  • 100% crit chance.
  • Improved damage, firing speed, reload speed, clip size.
  • Rockets move 60% slower.
Chief Blast Soldier
Chief Blast Soldier
Liberty Launcher
  • Extremely large.
  • Improved firing speed, reload speed, clip size, and blast radius.
  • Rockets knock back players very far.
Giant Pyro
Giant Pyro
  • Can, and will whenever possible, airblast incoming projectiles.
Giant Flare Pyro
Giant Flare Pyro
Old Guadalajara
  • Shoots deadly accurate shots very quickly with the Detonator.
Giant Rapid Fire Demoman
Giant Rapid Fire Demoman
Grenade Launcher
  • Two types; Fires grenades at either (Type 1) 25% or (Type 2) 50% faster than a regular Grenade Launcher.
  • Type 1 has a faster reload time.
3300 (Type 1) or 3000 (Type 2)
Giant Burst Fire Demo
Giant Burst Fire Demo
  • Increased clip size and reload speed.
  • Fires extremely fast.
Giant Demoknight
Giant Demoknight
Ali Baba's Wee Booties
Chargin' Targe
  • Restricted to melee range, but gains 3 seconds of 100% critical chance on a kill.
Major Bomber
Major Bomber
Grenade Launcher
Prince Tavish's Crown
  • Extremely large.
  • Regenerates health.
  • 100% crit chance.
  • Improved firing speed, reload speed, projectile speed, clip size.
Sir Nukesalot
Sir Nukesalot
Loose Cannon
  • Extremely large.
  • Heavily increased damage and 100% crit chance.
  • Explosion is larger, knocks back players and uses a larger explosion effect.
  • Decreased clip size, projectile speed and reload rate.
  • Fires two times slower.
Giant Heavy
Giant Heavy
  • 50% damage bonus.
  • Limited sight range.
Giant Shotgun Heavy
Giant Shotgun Heavy
  • Faster reload speed and ten times more pellets per shot.
  • Can instantly kill a player in one shot.
  • Can shoot down projectiles.
  • Moves faster than all Giant Heavies and slightly faster than Giant Pyros.
  • Less damage and slower firing speed.
  • Limited sight range.
Giant Deflector Heavy
Giant Deflector Heavy
  • In addition to regular Giant Heavy abilities, can shoot down projectiles such as rockets and grenades.
Giant Heater Heavy
Giant Heater Heavy
Huo-Long Heater
  • Nearly identical to the regular Giant Heavy, but has unlimited sight range.
  • Impossible to get close to without getting set on fire.
Captain Punch
Captain Punch
Fists of Steel
War Head
  • Extremely large.
  • Regenerates health.
  • Resistant to ranged damage, weak to melee damage.
  • Deals heavily increased damage, improved firing speed.
Giant Heal-on-Kill Heavy
Giant Heal-on-Kill Heavy
Tungsten Toque
  • Extremely large.
  • Can shoot down projectiles.
  • +8000 health restored on kill.
  • Limited sight range.
Giant Medic
Giant Medic
  • Two types.
  • Both heal at a rapid rate.
  • Type 1 can ÜberCharge to heal health at an even quicker rate while being immune to movement impairing effects.
  • Type 2 regenerates health but is unable to ÜberCharge.

Sentry Buster

The Sentry Buster is literally a bomb on legs. It is never predetermined to spawn during a wave, and only spawns if an Engineer is doing significant damage with his Sentry Gun to the robot horde. Its arrival is announced by a ticking theme, a HUD notification, and an announcement from the Administrator. If the team has multiple Engineers with Sentry Guns, a Sentry Buster can spawn for each problematic Sentry Gun. An exploding Sentry Buster damages everything within range, including other robots. When it reaches a Sentry Gun, a Sentry Buster will crouch and begin to spin. During this short period, an Engineer can and should pick up his Sentry Gun and run away with it. The Sentry Buster will not pursue, and he can escape with his Sentry intact.

Machine Based on Notes Health
Sentry Buster
Sentry Buster
Leaderboard class demoman.png Demolitore
  • Detects Sentry Guns that are dealing significant damage to the robot horde or has killed a certain number of robots and runs at the offending Sentry Gun, exploding two seconds after deploying.
  • Cannot carry bombs like ordinary robots.
  • Will always explode: either upon reaching the Sentry (even if the Engineer hauls it) or upon running out of health.

Tank Robot

Noted as "???" in the official Mann vs. Machine update page, the Tank is a rare enemy that usually appears for one or two waves per mission, rarely more than once in one wave. It has a large amount of health, but no attack method (though it can kill players and other robots via crushing between walls or props while turning), it cannot be slowed, stunned, marked-for-death or coated in any throwable and it cannot suffer from afterburn. It does, however, carry a bomb, and it cannot be stopped by any means other than its destruction. The final Tank in every mission features black and white stripes. It also has a 75% resistance to all heavy miniguns.

Machine Notes Health
  • Extremely large amount of health.
  • Deals no damage.
  • Will deploy a bomb once at the bomb hatch.
Anywhere between 10000 and 60000 on official maps, based on the length of the path the Tank must travel and its intended difficulty

Related achievements

Mvm navicon.png Mann vs. Machievements

Distruggi 15 robot che stanno trasportando la bomba prima che riescano ad aumentare di livello nella stessa ondata.

Distruggi il carro armato poco prima che riesca a detonare la bomba.

Ctrl + Assalto + Cancella
Ctrl + Assalto + Cancella
Distruggi un Abbatti-Torrette prima che raggiunga il suo bersaglio.

Mattanza Meccanica
Mattanza Meccanica
Distruggi due carri armati entro 5 secondi l'uno dall'altro.

Conquistatore Meccanico
Conquistatore Meccanico
Distruggi un carro armato entro 20 secondi dal suo arrivo.

Ma gli Androidi sognano?
Ma gli Androidi sognano?
Come Esploratore, marchia a morte 15 robot usando la Sandman nella stessa ondata.

Ingegneria Tedesca
Ingegneria Tedesca
Usa una borraccia dotata del potenziamento di 'ÜberCarica' per distruggere 15 robot.

Fantasma nella Macchina
Fantasma nella Macchina
Usa una borraccia dotata del potenziamento di 'Teletrasporto all'Area di Rientro', ed uccidi il portatore della bomba entro 5 secondi.

Tempra d'acciaio
Tempra d'acciaio
Come Grosso, usa la rabbia per respingere un robot che sta per far detonare la bomba.
Terrore Kritico
Terrore Kritico
Usa una borraccia dotata del potenziamento di 'Boost di Critici' per distruggere un robot gigante.

Massacro Metallico
Massacro Metallico
Distruggi 1.000.000 robot.

Carica Negativa
Carica Negativa
Uccidi 5 Medici che sono pronti ad attivare un'ÜberCarica nella stessa ondata.

Furto Reale
Furto Reale
Come Ingegnere, scappa con la tua torretta quando un Abbatti-Torrette sta per esplodere.

Carneficina Siliconata
Carneficina Siliconata
Distruggi 100.000 robot.

Scaltra Tensione
Scaltra Tensione
Come Spia, sabota 10 robot allo stesso tempo.

Difendi il portello per 10 volte dai robot che stanno per far detonare la bomba in una singola ondata.

Candela di Spegnimento
Candela di Spegnimento
Come Cecchino, uccidi 4 nemici contemporaneamente.


Unused content

  • RED versions of all of the robots (besides the Tank and Sentry Buster) can be found in the game files.
  • There is an unused Gatebot helmet in the files, which resembles a Payload bomb with lights on the eyes, sides and on top. There are also three Gatebot lights specific to the Medic Robot. One adds a light to the chest and the back of the head, one adds a similar set of lights, but with more metal around them, and the other one puts a light with a small cable hanging off of it, made to resemble a fez, on top of the head.
  • In the game's files, there are two unused icons for Heavy robots. One is a RED variant of the Gloves of Running Urgently icon used in the Heavyweight Champ robot, the other is a Deflector icon that uses the 'explosive blast' sign from the Blast Soldier.
    • Developer notes in the game files show that the Deflector robots were possibly supposed to push back players in a manner similar to Blast Soldiers. These robots would have had a large fire rate reduction, and it's possible this was what the unused Deflector icon was supposed to be used for.
  • Below is the list of all robots that appear in the game's files, but are unused.

Scout Robot

Articolo principale: Scout Robot#Unused content

Soldier Robot

Major Crits (Type 1)
Icona Nome Primario Secondario Cappello Vari Attributi
Soldier sergeant crits
Major Crits black box
Scatola Nera
Team Captain
Capitano della Squadra
Fancy Dress Uniform
Uniforme Elegante
Pictogram plus.png 40,000 HP
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png 500% damage bonus
Pictogram plus.png Rockets knock back enemies
Pictogram plus.png 100% larger blast radius
Pictogram plus.png Regenerates 1 HP per second
Pictogram plus.png +60% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png 200% slower reload
Pictogram minus.png 100% slower firing speed
Pictogram minus.png 1 degree rocket spread
Pictogram minus.png -60% move speed
Pictogram info.png 1.9x larger in size

Major Crits (Type 2)
Icona Nome Primario Cappello Attributi
Major crits
Major Crits Rocket Launcher
Full Metal Drill Hat
Cappello da Sergente in Metallo
Pictogram plus.png 60,000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +60% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png Extra +90% vertical airblast resistance
Pictogram plus.png Provides 90% less rage
Pictogram plus.png Regenerates 40 HP per second
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png 1.5x damage dealt
Pictogram plus.png +26 rockets in clip
Pictogram plus.png +78% faster reload rate
Pictogram plus.png +80% faster firing speed
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png -60% projectile speed
Pictogram minus.png 5 degree rocket spread
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded

Giant Blast Soldier (Type 2)
Icona Nome Primario Cappello Attributi
Soldier libertylauncher
Giant Blast Soldier Liberty Launcher
Lanciarazzi della Libertà
Dr's Dapper Topper
Tuba Elegante del Dottore
Pictogram info.png Robot is Gatebot
Pictogram plus.png 4000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +60% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png Extra +90% vertical airblast resistance
Pictogram plus.png +5 rockets in clip
Pictogram plus.png +75% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png +80% faster reload rate
Pictogram plus.png +20% larger blast radius
Pictogram plus.png Rockets knock back enemies
Pictogram plus.png Provides 90% less rage
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded
Pictogram minus.png -25% damage dealt
Pictogram minus.png +4 degree rocket spread

Giant Burst Fire Soldier (Type 3)
Icona Nome Primario Attributi
Soldier spammer
Giant Burst Fire Soldier Rocket Launcher
Pictogram info.png Robot is Gatebot
Pictogram plus.png 4200 HP
Pictogram plus.png +60% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png +200% damage dealt
Pictogram plus.png +5 rockets in clip
Pictogram plus.png +60% faster reload rate
Pictogram plus.png +80% faster firing speed
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png -10% slower projectile speed
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded

Giant Burst Fire Soldier (Type 4)
Icona Nome Primario Attributi
Soldier spammer
Giant Burst Fire Soldier Rocket Launcher
Pictogram info.png Robot is Gatebot
Pictogram plus.png 4200 HP
Pictogram plus.png +60% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png +100% damage dealt
Pictogram plus.png +5 rockets in clip
Pictogram plus.png +60% faster reload rate
Pictogram plus.png +80% faster firing speed
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png -10% slower projectile speed
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded

Chief Concheror Soldier
Icona Nome Primario Secondario Attributi
Soldier conch
Chief Concheror Soldier Rocket Launcher
Pictogram plus.png 50,000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +60% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png Extra +90% vertical airblast resistance
Pictogram plus.png Provides 90% less rage
Pictogram plus.png Spawns with full rage
Pictogram plus.png +800% longer buff duration
Pictogram minus.png -50% movement speed
Pictogram minus.png Does not fire until fully reloaded

Pyro Robot

Giant Airblast Pyro
Icona Nome Primario Cappello Attributi
Giant Airblast Pyro Degreaser
Dead Cone
Cono Morto
Pictogram plus.png 3,000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +400% airblast force
Pictogram plus.png +40% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -99.5% damage penalty
Pictogram minus.png -50% move speed

Chief Pyro
Icona Nome Primario Attributi
Chief Pyro Flamethrower
Pictogram plus.png 55,000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +100% airblast force
Pictogram plus.png +40% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png Regenerates 500 HP per second
Pictogram minus.png -50% move speed

Giant Flare Pyro
Icona Nome Secondario Attributi
Pyro flare
Giant Flare Pyro Scorch Shot
Colpo Bruciante
Pictogram plus.png 3,000 HP
Pictogram plus.png 80% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png Flares push players back on hit
Pictogram plus.png 40% knockback resistance
Pictogram minus.png -65% move speed

Demoman Robot

Chief Tavish
Icona Nome Primario Secondario Mischia Cappello Attributi
Chief Tavish Ali Baba's Wee Booties
Babbucce Piccine di Alì Babà
Chargin' Targe
Brocchiere da Carica
Prince Tavish's Crown
Corona del Principe Tavish
Pictogram plus.png 55,000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +40% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png Regenerates 500 HP per second
Pictogram minus.png -50% move speed

Giant Rapid Fire Demo Chief
Icona Nome Primario Attributi
Giant Rapid Fire Demo Chief Grenade Launcher
Pictogram plus.png 60,000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +90% faster firing speed
Pictogram plus.png +35% faster reload rate
Pictogram plus.png +7 grenades in clip
Pictogram plus.png +10% faster projectile speed
Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png +60% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png +60% airblast force reduction
Pictogram minus.png 2 degrees projectile spread
Pictogram minus.png 50% slower move speed

Heavy Robot

Heavy Mittens
Icona Nome Mischia Cappello Vari Attributi
Heavy mittens
Heavy Mittens Holiday Punch
Pugno Festivo
Point and Shoot
Toccata e Fuga
Pictogram info.png 35% smaller in size

Pictogram plus.png 100% crit chance
Pictogram plus.png +30% faster move speed
Pictogram minus.png 60 HP

Giant Heavy
Icona Nome Primario Attributi
Giant Heavy Natascha
Pictogram plus.png 5,000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +70% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png +50% damage bonus
Pictogram minus.png -50% move speed

Icona Nome Primario Attributi
Giant Heavy Brass Beast
Bestia d'Ottone
Pictogram plus.png 5,000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +70% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png +50% damage bonus
Pictogram minus.png -50% move speed

Super Heavyweight Champ
Icona Nome Mischia Cappello Attributi
Heavy champ
Super Heavyweight Champ Killing Gloves of Boxing
Pugilist's Protector
Protezione del Pugile
Pictogram plus.png 5,000 HP
Pictogram plus.png +70% knockback resistance
Pictogram plus.png +20% damage bonus
Pictogram plus.png +40% attack rate
Pictogram minus.png -50% move speed

Medic Robot

Uber Medic
Icona Nome Primario Secondario Mischia Attributi
Medic uber
Uber Medic Syringe Gun
Pistola spara-siringhe
Medi Gun
Pistola medica
Pictogram plus.png Spawns with Full Übercharge
Pictogram plus.png +400% faster heal rate
Pictogram minus.png -75% slower Übercharge rate
Pictogram info.png Übercharge lasts 8 seconds (normal)

Vaccinator Medic
Icona Nome Primario Secondario Mischia Attributi
Medic Syringe Gun
Pistola spara-siringhe
Pictogram plus.png Spawns with Full Übercharge
Pictogram plus.png +2400% faster Übercharge rate
Pictogram plus.png Übercharge lasts 108 seconds
Pictogram info.png Vaccinator is set to Bullet Resistance

Icona Nome Primario Secondario Mischia Attributi
Medic Syringe Gun
Pistola spara-siringhe
Pictogram plus.png Spawns with Full Übercharge
Pictogram plus.png +2400% faster Übercharge rate
Pictogram plus.png Übercharge lasts 108 seconds
Pictogram info.png Vaccinator is set to Blast Resistance

Icona Nome Primario Secondario Mischia Attributi
Medic Syringe Gun
Pistola spara-siringhe
Pictogram plus.png Spawns with Full Übercharge
Pictogram plus.png +2400% faster Übercharge rate
Pictogram plus.png Übercharge lasts 108 seconds
Pictogram info.png Vaccinator is set to Fire Resistance

Sniper Robot

Jarate Master
Icona Nome Secondario Cappello Attributi
Sniper jarate
Jarate Master Jarate
Desert Marauder
Predone del Deserto
Pictogram plus.png +90% recharge rate
Pictogram info.png Game files indicate it was cut for not having working animations

Pictogram info.png Was meant to have the Master's Yellow Belt but was removed before the rest of the robot as it does not appear on robots.

Jarate Thrower
Icona Nome Secondario Cappello Attributi
Sniper jarate
Jarate Thrower Jarate
Desert Marauder
Predone del Deserto
Pictogram plus.png +90% recharge rate
Pictogram info.png Almost identical to Jarate Master except the +90% recharge rate is applied to the Jarate item instead of the whole character, does not have the Master's Yellow Belt, and is only found in the mission Mannslaughter. Was likely not used for the same reason as Jarate Master.

Rapid Fire Bowman (Type 2)
Icona Nome Primario Attributi
Sniper bow
Bowman Rapid Fire Huntsman
Arco da Cacciatore
Pictogram info.png 1.5x larger in size
Pictogram plus.png 1200 HP
Pictogram plus.png +30% smaller head size
Pictogram plus.png +40% faster firing speed
Pictogram minus.png -15% movement speed



Icona Nome Attributi
Blimp Pictogram info.png Not much is known about the Blimp, although in Mannhattan there's a large number of logical entities referring to a "mini_tank". An icon for the Blimp was added to the game with Two Cities update


  • When a robot is forced to laugh from the Holiday Punch, the player can hear their laughter, but there is only an animation for the Engineer Robot. When laughing, they still have the ability to move, but cannot fire their weapons.
  • Hitting a Sentry Buster with the Holiday Punch in the back used to cause it to stand still for a few seconds and then explode, as the robot uses its taunt to detonate itself. This could have been used to detonate a Sentry Buster early.
  • When robots do Taunts that are taunt kills, their unique robot animations don't always reflect their hitboxes, meaning that it's possible to get killed by these taunt kills at the wrong time.


  • Unlike the regular classes, who face the direction they're aiming and walk sideways or backwards, most robots are split across the waist so that their top half is facing the way they're aiming but their bottom half is facing the way they're moving.
  • All robots have voice lines, robotic versions of the voice lines used by the class they are modeled on. All lack facial animations while doing so, save for the Heavy Robot and the Sniper Robot, whose jaws moves up and down.
    • All voice lines added to the game before the Mann vs. Machine Update are available in robotic form, despite many of them being impossible to hear (e.g. lines relating to capping points or Payload carts).
  • While all but the Engineer Robot have unique robotized taunts, they are still tied to a specific weapon. Demoman Robots, for example, will still use the Barbarian Swing/it/Barbarian Swing taunt if they taunt with a sword, which can kill any players in front of them.
  • The Soldier and Demoman robots appear to use the regular human idle animations when they use some melee weapons, rather than the jittery idle animations used by the other robots.
  • The programming for the Bomb is similar to that of the Intelligence, and the robots will perform responses based on this. The human players, however, have specific voice responses related to the bomb.
  • Robot cosmetic hats, such as the Robot Running Man, Tin Pot, and Bolted Bushman are recolored versions of the actual robot hats. If set to equip the cosmetics, they will have a bluer tint on their hats.
  • Giant robots, with the exception of the Giant Medic, use different models with slightly skewed proportions (most notably a smaller head and larger torso) and more detail to make up for their larger size. The models themselves are the same size as the normal robots' but are scaled up 1.75X in-game. All hitboxes are the same for most of these gigantic robots despite their head proportions.
    • They also have separate, more heavily-distorted voice lines, which are notably deeper and more mechanical-sounding than their human-sized counterparts. The Sniper, Spy, Engineer, and Medic robots, however, do not have these voice lines.
    • The robot Heavy and Soldier have a smaller head inside their normal head. Both heads move at the same time with the same animations.
  • Engineer Robots have appeared in the game files since the Mann vs. Machine Update, but were initially unused by Valve until the Mecha Update.
  • There are unused headshot and backstab animations for all Robots.
  • Heavy Robots have an unused alternative taunt for primary weapons. The only change is that instead of a thumbs up, the robot gives a thumbs down.
  • The eye color of robots are determined by their difficulty. Blue eyes for Easy/Normal and yellow eyes for Hard/Expert.

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