Difference between revisions of "Template:Jiggle bones"

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(Translated all of the remaining item notes to spanish and fixed some grammar errors)
m (Fixed alphabetical order and some PT-BR translations.)
Line 364: Line 364:
  | en = The loose letters.
  | en = The loose letters.
  | da = De løse breve.
  | da = De løse breve.
| es = Las cartas sueltas.
  | ko = 흘러나온 편지들.
  | ko = 흘러나온 편지들.
  | sv = De lösa breven.
  | sv = De lösa breven.
Line 369: Line 370:
  | pt-br = As cartas.
  | pt-br = As cartas.
  | ru = Письма.
  | ru = Письма.
| es = Las cartas sueltas.
Line 462: Line 462:
  | en = The board.
  | en = The board.
  | da = Boardet.
  | da = Boardet.
| es = La tabla.
  | ko = 보드.
  | ko = 보드.
  | pl = Deska.
  | pl = Deska.
  | pt-br = A prancha.
  | pt-br = A prancha.
  | ru = Доска.
  | ru = Доска.
| es = La tabla.
Line 632: Line 632:
  | en = The end of the cape.
  | en = The end of the cape.
  | da = Kappens ende.
  | da = Kappens ende.
| es = El final de la capa.
  | ko = 망토 끝자락.
  | ko = 망토 끝자락.
  | pl = Koniec płaszcza.
  | pl = Koniec płaszcza.
Line 637: Line 638:
  | ru = Конец плаща.
  | ru = Конец плаща.
  | sv = Mantelns ände.
  | sv = Mantelns ände.
| es = El final de la capa.
Line 684: Line 684:
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = The flower and the pot.
  | en = The flower and the pot.
| es = La flor y la maceta.
  | pt-br = A flor e o vaso.
  | pt-br = A flor e o vaso.
| es = La flor y la maceta.
Line 796: Line 796:
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = The rocket artillery launchers.
  | en = The rocket artillery launchers.
| es = Los lanzacohetes.
  | pt-br = Os lançadores de foguetes.
  | pt-br = Os lançadores de foguetes.
| es = Los lanzacohetes.
Line 827: Line 827:
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = The tips of the ears and whiskers.
  | en = The tips of the ears and whiskers.
| es = Las puntas de las orejas y los bigotes.
  | pt-br = As pontas das orelhas e dos bigodes.
  | pt-br = As pontas das orelhas e dos bigodes.
  | zh-hans = 耳尖和感觉毛。
  | zh-hans = 耳尖和感觉毛。
| es = Las puntas de las orejas y los bigotes.
Line 875: Line 875:
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = The turret and figurine.
  | en = The turret and figurine.
| es = El cañon y la estatuilla.
  | pt-br = O canhão e o boneco.
  | pt-br = O canhão e o boneco.
| es = El cañon y la estatuilla.
Line 962: Line 962:
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = The fangs.
  | en = The fangs.
| es = Los colmillos.
  | pt-br = As presas.
  | pt-br = As presas.
| es = Los colmillos.
Line 1,029: Line 1,029:
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = The tip of the beanie.
  | en = The tip of the beanie.
| es = La punta del gorro.
  | pt-br = O topo do gorro.
  | pt-br = O topo do gorro.
| es = La punta del gorro.
Line 1,113: Line 1,113:
  | en = The fin and tail.
  | en = The fin and tail.
  | da = Finen og halen.
  | da = Finen og halen.
| es = Las aletas y la cola.
  | ko = 지느러미와 꼬리.
  | ko = 지느러미와 꼬리.
  | pl = Płetwa grzbietowa i ogon.
  | pl = Płetwa grzbietowa i ogon.
Line 1,118: Line 1,119:
  | ru = Плавник и хвост.
  | ru = Плавник и хвост.
  | sv = Fenan och svansen.
  | sv = Fenan och svansen.
| es = Las aletas y la cola.
Line 1,182: Line 1,182:
  | en = The sash and feathers.
  | en = The sash and feathers.
  | da = Skærfet og fjerene.
  | da = Skærfet og fjerene.
| es = La faja y las plumas.
  | ko = 장식띠와 깃털.
  | ko = 장식띠와 깃털.
  | pl = Szarfa i pióra.
  | pl = Szarfa i pióra.
  | pt-br = O cinto e as penas.
  | pt-br = O cinto e as penas.
  | ru = Пояс и перья.
  | ru = Пояс и перья.
| es = La faja y las plumas.
Line 1,216: Line 1,216:
  | en = The feathers.
  | en = The feathers.
  | da = Fjerene.
  | da = Fjerene.
| es = Las plumas.
  | ko = 깃털.
  | ko = 깃털.
  | pl = Pióra.
  | pl = Pióra.
  | pt-br = As penas.
  | pt-br = As penas.
  | ru = Перья.
  | ru = Перья.
| es = Las plumas.
Line 1,229: Line 1,229:
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = The phoenix.
  | en = The phoenix.
  | pt-br = As penas.
  | es = El fénix.
  | es = El fénix
  | pt-br = A fênix.
Line 1,240: Line 1,240:
  | en = The hose.
  | en = The hose.
  | da = Slangen.
  | da = Slangen.
| es = La manguera.
  | ko = 호스.
  | ko = 호스.
  | pl = Gumowy wąż.
  | pl = Gumowy wąż.
  | pt-br = A mangueira.
  | pt-br = A mangueira.
  | ru = Шланг.
  | ru = Шланг.
| es = La manguera.
Line 1,505: Line 1,505:
  | en = The seaweed.
  | en = The seaweed.
  | da = Tangen.
  | da = Tangen.
| es = Las algas.
  | ko = 해초.
  | ko = 해초.
  | pl = Glony.
  | pl = Glony.
  | pt-br = A alga.
  | pt-br = A alga.
  | ru = Водоросль.
  | ru = Водоросль.
| es = Las algas.
Line 1,656: Line 1,656:
  | da = Underkæben.
  | da = Underkæben.
  | de = Der Unterkiefer
  | de = Der Unterkiefer
| es = La mandíbula inferior.
  | ja = 下顎の部分
  | ja = 下顎の部分
  | ko = 아래턱.
  | ko = 아래턱.
Line 1,661: Line 1,662:
  | pt-br = A mandíbula.
  | pt-br = A mandíbula.
  | ru = Нижняя челюсть.
  | ru = Нижняя челюсть.
| es = La mandíbula inferior.
Line 1,862: Line 1,862:
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = The plume.
  | en = The plume.
| es = El penacho.
  | pt-br = A crista.
  | pt-br = A crista.
| es = El penacho.
Line 1,911: Line 1,911:
  | en = The "fuse".
  | en = The "fuse".
  | da = "Lunten".
  | da = "Lunten".
| es = La mecha.
  | ko = "도화선".
  | ko = "도화선".
  | pl = "Lont".
  | pl = "Lont".
  | pt-br = O "fusível".
  | pt-br = O "fusível".
  | ru = «Фитиль».
  | ru = «Фитиль».
| es = La mecha.
Line 1,983: Line 1,983:
  | en = The back of the poncho.
  | en = The back of the poncho.
  | da = Bagsiden af ponchoen.
  | da = Bagsiden af ponchoen.
| da = Enden på halstørklædet.
| es = La parte trasera del poncho.
  | ko = 스카프의 끝자락
  | ko = 스카프의 끝자락
| da = Enden på halstørklædet.
| ru = Конец шарфа.
  | pl = Tył ponczo.
  | pl = Tył ponczo.
  | pt-br = A parte de trás do poncho.
  | pt-br = A parte de trás do poncho.
  | es = La parte trasera del poncho.
  | ru = Конец шарфа.
Line 2,015: Line 2,015:
  | en = The stickybomb.
  | en = The stickybomb.
  | da = Klæbebomben.
  | da = Klæbebomben.
| es = La bomba lapa.
  | ko = 점착 폭탄.
  | ko = 점착 폭탄.
  | pl = Bomba samoprzylepna.
  | pl = Bomba samoprzylepna.
  | pt-br = A stickybomb.
  | pt-br = A stickybomb.
  | ru = Липучка.
  | ru = Липучка.
| es = La bomba lapa.
Line 2,195: Line 2,195:
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = The bagpipes.
  | en = The bagpipes.
| es = La gaita.
  | pt-br = A gaita de foles.
  | pt-br = A gaita de foles.
| es = La gaita.
Line 2,262: Line 2,262:
  | en = The top of the hat.
  | en = The top of the hat.
  | da = Hattens top.
  | da = Hattens top.
| es = Las puntas del sombrero.
  | ko = 모자 윗부분.
  | ko = 모자 윗부분.
  | pl = Czubek kapelusza.
  | pl = Czubek kapelusza.
  | pt-br = O topo da cartola.
  | pt-br = O topo da cartola.
  | ru = Верх шляпы.
  | ru = Верх шляпы.
| es = Las puntas del sombrero.
Line 2,351: Line 2,351:
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = The ornament.
  | en = The ornament.
| es = El ornamento.
  | pt-br = O enfeite.
  | pt-br = O enfeite.
| es = El ornamento.
Line 2,437: Line 2,437:
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = The ponytail and earrings.
  | en = The ponytail and earrings.
| es = La cola de caballo y los aretes.
  | pt-br = O rabo de cavalo e os brincos.
  | pt-br = O rabo de cavalo e os brincos.
| es = La cola de caballo y los aretes.
Line 2,590: Line 2,590:
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = The wind up key.
  | en = The wind up key.
| es = La llave de cuerda.
  | pt-br = A chave de dar corda.
  | pt-br = A chave de dar corda.
| es = La llave de cuerda.
Line 2,638: Line 2,638:
  | en = The whip and idol.
  | en = The whip and idol.
  | da = Pisken og idolet.
  | da = Pisken og idolet.
| es = El ídolo y  el látigo.
  | ko = 채찍과 우상.
  | ko = 채찍과 우상.
  | pl =  Bicz i bożek.
  | pl =  Bicz i bożek.
  | pt-br = O chicote e o ídolo
  | pt-br = O chicote e o ídolo
  | ru = Кнут и идол.
  | ru = Кнут и идол.
| es = El ídolo y  el látigo.
Line 2,651: Line 2,651:
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = The orange tubing.
  | en = The orange tubing.
| es = El tubo naranja.
  | pt-br = Os cabos laranja.
  | pt-br = Os cabos laranja.
  | zh-hans = 橙色的油管。
  | zh-hans = 橙色的油管。
| es = El tubo naranja.
Line 2,662: Line 2,662:
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = The floating polygons.
  | en = The floating polygons.
| es = Los polígonos flotantes.
  | pt-br = Os polígonos flutuantes.
  | pt-br = Os polígonos flutuantes.
  | zh-hans = 多边形。
  | zh-hans = 多边形。
| es = Los polígonos flotantes.
Line 2,674: Line 2,674:
  | en = The rum.
  | en = The rum.
  | da = Rommen.
  | da = Rommen.
| es = El ron.
  | ko = 술병 속 술.
  | ko = 술병 속 술.
  | pl = Rum w butelce.
  | pl = Rum w butelce.
Line 2,679: Line 2,680:
  | ru = Ром.
  | ru = Ром.
  | zh-hans = 朗姆酒。
  | zh-hans = 朗姆酒。
| es = El ron.
Line 2,778: Line 2,778:
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = The pug's head and hind legs.
  | en = The pug's head and hind legs.
| es = La cabeza y las piernas traseras del pug.
  | pt-br = A cabeça e as patas traseiras do pug.
  | pt-br = A cabeça e as patas traseiras do pug.
| es = La cabeza y las piernas traseras del pug.
Line 2,878: Line 2,878:
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = The toast and slider.
  | en = The toast and slider.
| es = Las tostadas y el control deslizante.
  | pt-br = A torrada e a alavanca.
  | pt-br = A torrada e a alavanca.
| es = Las tostadas y el control deslizante.
Line 2,890: Line 2,890:
  | da = Siderne på Engineers hoved.
  | da = Siderne på Engineers hoved.
  | de = Die Seiten des Engineer-Kopfs
  | de = Die Seiten des Engineer-Kopfs
| es = Los lados de la cabeza del Engineer.
  | ja = エンジニアの頭の両側部分
  | ja = エンジニアの頭の両側部分
  | ko = 엔지니어 머리 부분.
  | ko = 엔지니어 머리 부분.
Line 2,895: Line 2,896:
  | pt-br - Os painéis na cabeça do Engineer.
  | pt-br - Os painéis na cabeça do Engineer.
  | ru = Части открывающегося черепа.
  | ru = Части открывающегося черепа.
| es = Los lados de la cabeza del Engineer.
Line 3,361: Line 3,361:
  | en = The coat.
  | en = The coat.
  | da = Frakken.
  | da = Frakken.
| es = El saco.
  | ko = 코트.
  | ko = 코트.
  | pl = Płaszcz.
  | pl = Płaszcz.
  | pt-br = O sobretudo.
  | pt-br = O sobretudo.
  | ru = Плащ.
  | ru = Плащ.
| es = El saco.
Line 3,374: Line 3,374:
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = The "head" and the tongue.
  | en = The "head" and the tongue.
| es = La "cabeza" y la lengua.
  | pt-br = A "cabeça" e a língua.
  | pt-br = A "cabeça" e a língua.
| es = La "cabeza" y la lengua.
Line 3,479: Line 3,479:
  | da = Hovedet og halen.
  | da = Hovedet og halen.
  | de = Der kopf und der Schwanz
  | de = Der kopf und der Schwanz
| es = La cabeza y la cola.
  | ja = 頭としっぽの部分
  | ja = 頭としっぽの部分
  | ko = 머리와 꼬리.
  | ko = 머리와 꼬리.
Line 3,485: Line 3,486:
  | pt-br = A cabeça e a cauda.
  | pt-br = A cabeça e a cauda.
  | zh-hans = 头部和尾部
  | zh-hans = 头部和尾部
| es = La cabeza y la cola.
Line 3,645: Line 3,645:
  | da = Fjeren og øreringene.
  | da = Fjeren og øreringene.
  | de = Die Feder und die Ohrringe
  | de = Die Feder und die Ohrringe
| es = Las plumas y los aretes.
  | ja = 飾り羽とイヤリングの部分
  | ja = 飾り羽とイヤリングの部分
  | ko = 깃털과 귀걸이.
  | ko = 깃털과 귀걸이.
Line 3,651: Line 3,652:
  | ru = Перо и серьги.
  | ru = Перо и серьги.
  | zh-hans = 羽毛和耳环
  | zh-hans = 羽毛和耳环
| es = Las plumas y los aretes.
Line 3,737: Line 3,737:
  | da = Robotarmen.
  | da = Robotarmen.
  | de = Der Roboterarm
  | de = Der Roboterarm
| es = El brazo robotico.
  | ja = ロボットの腕の部分
  | ja = ロボットの腕の部分
  | ko = 로봇 팔.
  | ko = 로봇 팔.
Line 3,743: Line 3,744:
  | pt-br = O braço robótico.
  | pt-br = O braço robótico.
  | zh-hans = 机械臂
  | zh-hans = 机械臂
| es = El brazo robotico.
Line 3,968: Line 3,968:
  | en = The gramophone's needle.
  | en = The gramophone's needle.
  | da = Grammofonens nål.
  | da = Grammofonens nål.
| es = El aguja del gramófono.
  | ko = 축음기 바늘.
  | ko = 축음기 바늘.
  | ru = Игла граммофона.
  | ru = Игла граммофона.
Line 3,973: Line 3,974:
  | pt-br = A agulha do gramofone.
  | pt-br = A agulha do gramofone.
  | zh-hans = 唱片机的针
  | zh-hans = 唱片机的针
| es = El aguja del gramófono.
Line 4,035: Line 4,035:
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = The eyeballs.
  | en = The eyeballs.
| es = Los globos oculares.
  | pt-br = Os globos oculares.
  | pt-br = Os globos oculares.
  | zh-hans = 眼球
  | zh-hans = 眼球
| es = Los globos oculares.
Line 4,064: Line 4,064:
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = The upper jaw.
  | en = The upper jaw.
| es = La mandíbula superior.
  | pt-br = A mandíbula superior.
  | pt-br = A mandíbula superior.
  | zh-hans = 上颚
  | zh-hans = 上颚
| es = La mandíbula superior.
Line 4,075: Line 4,075:
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = The antennae.
  | en = The antennae.
  | pt-br = As antennas.
| es = Las antenas.
  | pt-br = As antenas.
  | zh-hans = 触须
  | zh-hans = 触须
| es = Las antenas.
Line 4,151: Line 4,151:
  | da = Baghovedet.
  | da = Baghovedet.
  | de = Der Nacken
  | de = Der Nacken
| es = La parte trasera de la cabeza.
  | ja = 頭の後ろ側の部分
  | ja = 頭の後ろ側の部分
  | ko = 머리 뒤.
  | ko = 머리 뒤.
Line 4,157: Line 4,158:
  | ru = Задняя часть головы.
  | ru = Задняя часть головы.
  | zh-hans = 头部后面
  | zh-hans = 头部后面
| es = La parte trasera de la cabeza.
Line 4,247: Line 4,247:
  | en = The bug.
  | en = The bug.
  | da = Insektet.
  | da = Insektet.
| es = El insecto.
  | ko = 모자 위 벌레.
  | ko = 모자 위 벌레.
  | pl = Insekt.
  | pl = Insekt.
Line 4,252: Line 4,253:
  | ru = Жук.
  | ru = Жук.
  | zh-hans = 虫子
  | zh-hans = 虫子
| es = El insecto.
Line 4,356: Line 4,356:
* {{lang
* {{lang
  | en = The particles inside the globe.
  | en = The particles inside the globe.
| es = Las partículas dentro del globo.
  | pt-br = As partículas dentro do globo.
  | pt-br = As partículas dentro do globo.
| es = Las partículas dentro del globo.
Line 4,491: Line 4,491:
  | en = Ends of the red bandage.
  | en = Ends of the red bandage.
  | da = Enderne på den røde bandage.
  | da = Enderne på den røde bandage.
| es = Los finales de la venda roja.
  | ko = 빨간 끈의 끝부분.
  | ko = 빨간 끈의 끝부분.
  | ru = Концы красной повязки.
  | ru = Концы красной повязки.
Line 4,496: Line 4,497:
  | pt-br = O final da faixa de pano vermelha.
  | pt-br = O final da faixa de pano vermelha.
  | zh-hans = 红色带子的末端
  | zh-hans = 红色带子的末端
| es = Los finales de la venda roja.
Line 4,521: Line 4,521:
  | da = Hele båden.
  | da = Hele båden.
  | de = Das ganze Schiff
  | de = Das ganze Schiff
| es = El barco entero.
  | ja = 船全体
  | ja = 船全体
  | ko = 배 전체.
  | ko = 배 전체.
Line 4,527: Line 4,528:
  | ru = Весь корабль целиком.
  | ru = Весь корабль целиком.
  | zh-hans = 整艘船
  | zh-hans = 整艘船
| es = El barco entero.
Line 4,946: Line 4,946:
  | en = The snake's head.
  | en = The snake's head.
  | da = Slangehovedet.
  | da = Slangehovedet.
| es = La cabeza de la serpiente.
  | ko = 뱀의 머리.
  | ko = 뱀의 머리.
  | pl = Głowa węża.
  | pl = Głowa węża.
Line 4,951: Line 4,952:
  | ru = Голова.
  | ru = Голова.
  | zh-hans = 蛇的头部
  | zh-hans = 蛇的头部
| es = La cabeza de la serpiente.

Revision as of 17:48, 1 March 2020

List of items that have Jiggle bones
Class Slot Item Notes
Weapons Secondary Mad Milk
  • The liquid.
Mad Milk
Melee Holy Mackerel
  • The fish.
Holy Mackerel
Unarmed Combat
  • The hand.
Unarmed Combat
Wrap Assassin
  • The wrapping paper.
Wrap Assassin
Cosmetics Big Elfin Deal
  • The tip of the hat.
Big Elfin Deal
Biomech Backpack
  • The tail.
Biomech Backpack
Catcher's Companion
  • The bird.
Catcher's Companion
  • The head and tail.
Courtier's Collar
  • The end of the scarf.
Courtier's Collar
Dillinger's Duffel
  • The loose money.
Dillinger's Duffel
Fowl Fists
  • The combs.
Fowl Fists
Frickin' Sweet Ninja Hood
  • The end of the headband.
Frickin' Sweet Ninja Hood
Greased Lightning
  • The quiff.
Greased Lightning
Herald's Helm
  • The visor and tail of the helmet.
Herald's Helm
Hero's Tail
  • The ponytail.
Hero's Tail
Horrific Head of Hare
  • The ears.
Horrific Head of Hare
Messenger's Mail Bag
  • The loose letters.
Messenger's Mail Bag
Mountebank's Masque
  • The tip of the hat.
Mountebank's Masque
Nugget Noggin
  • The combs and the eyes.
Nugget Noggin
Olympic Leapers
  • The wings.
Olympic Leapers
Pocket Pauling
  • The doll.
Pocket Pauling
Runner's Warm-Up
  • The pom-pom.
Runner's Warm-Up
  • The board.
Southie Shinobi
  • The end of the belt.
Southie Shinobi
Sprinting Cephalopod
  • The ends of the tentacles.
Sprinting Cephalopod
Thirst Blood
  • The strands of hair at the front.
Thirst Blood
Wrap Battler
  • The loose bandages.
Wrap Battler
Weapons Primary Black Box
  • The flap on the back.
Black Box
Festive Black Box
  • The flap on the back.
Festive Black Box
Secondary Buff Banner
  • The flag.
Buff Banner
Melee Disciplinary Action
  • The leather loop.
Disciplinary Action
Cosmetics Caped Crusader
  • The end of the cape.
Caped Crusader
Cold Snap Coat
  • The tassels.
Cold Snap Coat
  • The bird.
Crack Pot
  • The flower and the pot.
Crack Pot
Grub Grenades
  • The ends of the maggots.
Grub Grenades
Idiot Box
  • The cardboard flaps and coat hanger.
Idiot Box
Kringle Collection
  • The tassels.
Kringle Collection
Larval Lid
  • The maggot.
Larval Lid
Lieutenant Bites
  • The raccoon.
Lieutenant Bites
Lieutenant Bites the Dust
  • The raccoon.
Lieutenant Bites the Dust
  • The rocket artillery launchers.
Private Maggot Muncher
  • The bird.
Private Maggot Muncher
Racc Mann
  • The tips of the ears and whiskers.
Racc Mann
Shoestring Budget
  • The cardboard flap.
Shoestring Budget
  • The feather.
Tank Top
  • The turret and figurine.
Tank Top
War Pig
  • The straps.
War Pig
  • The loose skin.
Weapons Secondary Manmelter
  • The liquid.
Cosmetics Air Raider
  • The filter cartridge and tube.
Air Raider
  • The fangs.
Area 451
  • The entire head.
Area 451
Backpack Broiler
  • The barbeque lid.
Backpack Broiler
  • The cage door and perch.
Burning Beanie
  • The tip of the beanie.
Burning Beanie
Candy Cranium
  • The candies.
Candy Cranium
Carrion Companion
  • The bird.
Carrion Companion
Cauterizer's Caudal Appendage
  • The tail.
Cauterizer's Caudal Appendage
Connoisseur's Cap
  • The entire hat.
Connoisseur's Cap
Cranial Carcharodon
  • The fin and tail.
Cranial Carcharodon
Creature's Grin
  • Each side of the face.
Creature's Grin
Cremator's Conscience
  • The dolls.
Cremator's Conscience
Crispy Golden Locks
  • The curly ends of the hair.
Crispy Golden Locks
Deity's Dress
  • The sash and feathers.
Deity's Dress
Fallen Angel
  • The wings.
Fallen Angel
Feathered Fiend
  • The feathers.
Feathered Fiend
Fiery Phoenix
  • The phoenix.
Fiery Phoenix
Fireman's Essentials
  • The hose.
Fireman's Essentials
Flamboyant Flamenco
  • The skulls.
Flamboyant Flamenco
Flammable Favor
  • The present.
Flammable Favor
  • The basket in the oil.
  • The hanging goo and bubbles.
Googol Glass Eyes
  • The pupils.
Googol Glass Eyes
Grisly Gumbo
  • The contents of the pot.
Grisly Gumbo
  • The guillotine blade.
Handyman's Handle
  • The wooden handle.
Handyman's Handle
Head Warmer
  • The pom-pom.
Head Warmer
Jingle Belt
  • The bells.
Jingle Belt
Maniac's Manacles
  • The ends of the chains.
Maniac's Manacles
Mr. Juice
  • The stalk.
Mr. Juice
  • The eye.
Napper's Respite
  • The pom-pom.
Napper's Respite
Neptune's Nightmare
  • The seaweed.
Neptune's Nightmare
  • The brain.
Pocket Pardner
  • The doll's head and arms.
Pocket Pardner
  • The eyes and the springs.
Respectless Robo-Glove
Respectless Robo-Glove
Respectless Rubber Glove
  • The glove's fingers.
Respectless Rubber Glove
Russian Rocketeer
  • The laser gun.
Russian Rocketeer
Sengoku Scorcher
  • The end of the belt and the fan.
Sengoku Scorcher
Sight for Sore Eyes
  • The pupils.
Sight for Sore Eyes
  • The lower jaw.
Sole Mate
  • The fish.
Sole Mate
Stately Steel Toe
  • The entire boot.
Stately Steel Toe
Stockbroker's Scarf
  • The tie.
Stockbroker's Scarf
Tail From the Crypt
  • The tail.
Tail from the Crypt
Triboniophorus Tyrannus
  • The entire creature.
Triboniophorus Tyrannus
Up Pyroscopes
  • The eye stalks.
Up Pyroscopes
Waxy Wayfinder
  • The flame.
Waxy Wayfinder
Wartime Warmth
  • The pom-pom.
Wartime Warmth
Cosmetics Aladdin's Private Reserve
  • The lamp.
Aladdin's Private Reserve
  • The rim of the hat.
Backbreaker's Skullcracker
  • The plume.
Backbreaker's Skullcracker
Bird-Man of Aberdeen
  • The bird.
Bird-Man of Aberdeen
Bolted Bicorne
  • The metal feathers.
Bolted Bicorne
Bomber Knight
  • The "fuse".
Bomber Knight
Broadband Bonnet
  • The spring.
Broadband Bonnet
Buccaneer's Bicorne
  • The feathers.
Buccaneer's Bicorne
Conjurer's Cowl
  • The tail of the hood.
Conjurer's Cowl
Demo's Dustcatcher
  • The back of the poncho.
Demo's Dustcatcher
Double Dog Dare Demo Pants
  • The tassels.
Double Dog Dare Demo Pants
Elf Esteem
  • The stickybomb.
Elf Esteem
  • The spring.
Gaelic Garb
  • The end of the scarf.
Gaelic Garb
Gaelic Golf Bag
  • The golf clubs.
Gaelic Golf Bag
Headtaker's Hood
  • The loose material at the front and back.
Headtaker's Hood
Horsemann's Hand-Me-Down
  • The back of the cape.
Horsemann's Hand-Me-Down
Hustler's Hallmark
  • The feather.
Hustler's Hallmark
King of Scotland Cape
  • The back of the cape.
King of Scotland Cape
Liquor Locker
  • The chest itself and its lock.
Liquor Locker
Mask of the Shaman
  • The locks.
Mask of the Shaman
Melody Of Misery
  • The bagpipes.
Melody of Misery
  • The eye.
Pirate Bandana
  • The earrings and the end of the bandana.
Pirate Bandana
Sober Stuntman
  • The straps.
Sober Stuntman
Spirit of the Bombing Past
  • The top of the hat.
Spirit of the Bombing Past
Tartan Tyrolean
  • The feather.
Tartan Tyrolean
Weapons Secondary Second Banana
  • The banana peel.
Second Banana
Cosmetics Can Opener
  • The top of the head.
Can Opener
Commando Elite
  • The straps.
Commando Elite
Cool Capuchon
  • The ornament.
Cool Capuchon
Coupe D'isaster
  • The quiff.
Coupe D'isaster
Grand Duchess Tutu
  • The entire tutu.
Grand Duchess Tutu
Gym Rat
  • The quiff.
Gym Rat
Ivan The Inedible
  • The bottom half of the sandwich and the end of the tongue.
Ivan the Inedible
Mediterranean Mercenary
  • The ponytail and earrings.
Mediterranean Mercenary
Minsk Beef
  • The nose ring.
Minsk Beef
  • The hair.
Pugilist's Protector
  • The straps.
Pugilist's Protector
Sammy Cap
Sammy Cap
Siberian Facehugger
  • The pom-pom.
Siberian Facehugger
Sucker Slug
  • The eye and antennae.
Sucker Slug
  • The tassel.
Tungsten Toque
  • The flaps.
Tungsten Toque
Cosmetics Aim Assistant
  • The wind up key.
Aim Assistant
  • The straps.
Buzz Killer
  • The feelers and mouth.
Buzz Killer
Conaghers' Utility Idol
  • The whip and idol.
Conaghers' Utility Idol
Cold Case
  • The orange tubing.
Cold Case
Defragmenting Hard Hat 17%
  • The floating polygons.
Defragmenting Hard Hat 17%
El Caballero
  • The rum.
El Caballero
El Mostacho
  • The moustache.
El Mostacho
Frontier Flyboy
  • The wings.
Frontier Flyboy
Googly Gazer
  • The eye.
Googly Gazer
Legend of Bugfoot
  • The toes.
Legend of Bugfoot
  • The toy.
Mister Bubbles
  • The doll.
Mister Bubbles
  • The pug's head and hind legs.
Sledder's Sidekick
  • The tail.
Sledder's Sidekick
Soul of 'Spensers Past
  • The ghost.
Soul of 'Spensers Past
Teddy Robobelt
  • The bear's head.
Teddy Robobelt
Teddy Roosebelt
  • The bear's head and arms.
Teddy Roosebelt
Telefragger Toque
  • The teleporter.
Telefragger Toque
Texas Toast
  • The toast and slider.
Texas Toast
Tiny Texan
  • The sides of the Engineer's head.
Tiny Texan
Trash Toter
  • The bag.
Trash Toter
Weapons Melee Vita-Saw
  • The liquid.
Cosmetics Archimedes
  • The bird.
Archimedes the Undying
  • The bird.
Archimedes the Undying
Doctor's Sack
  • The entire ice-pack.
Doctor's Sack
Dr. Gogglestache
  • The flaps.
Dr. Gogglestache
  • The hair.
Emerald Jarate
  • The neon liquid and antennae.
Emerald Jarate
  • The bird.
Nine-Pipe Problem
  • The pipe.
Nine-Pipe Problem
  • The tubing.
Ramses' Regalia
  • The hanging material.
Ramses' Regalia
  • The bird.
Surgeon's Side Satchel
  • The clipboard attached to the satchel.
Surgeon's Side Satchel
Surgeon's Stethoscope
  • The tube.
Surgeon's Stethoscope
Weather Master
  • The lightning bolts.
Weather Master
Wings of Purity
  • The wings.
Wings of Purity
Weapons Secondary Cozy Camper
Cozy Camper
Darwin's Danger Shield
  • The crocodile's tail.
Darwin's Danger Shield
Cosmetics Bait and Bite
  • The fish.
Bait and Bite
Classy Capper
  • The feather.
Classy Capper
Cobber Chameleon
  • The head.
Cobber Chameleon
Crocodile Smile
  • The teeth.
Crocodile Smile
Down Under Duster
  • The coat.
Down Under Duster
Elizabeth the Third
  • The "head" and the tongue.
Elizabeth the Third
  • The string.
Garlic Flank Stake
  • The garlic.
Garlic Flank Stake
Letch's LED
  • The bellows.
Letch's LED
Li'l Snaggletooth
  • The head.
Li'l Snaggletooth
Marsupial Man
  • The ears.
Marsupial Man
Mr. Mundee's Wild Ride
  • The head and tail.
Mr. Mundee's Wild Ride
Swagman's Swatter
  • The corks.
Swagman's Swatter
Toy Soldier
  • The plume.
Toy Soldier
Cosmetics Aristotle
  • The bird.
Backstabber's Boomslang
  • The entire head and lower jaw.
Backstabber's Boomslang
Brain-Warming Wear
  • The "eyes" and "claws".
Brain-Warming Wear
Foul Cowl
  • The end of the cape.
Foul Cowl
Pom-Pommed Provocateur
  • The pom-pom.
Pom-Pommed Provocateur
Rogue's Rabbit
  • The rabbit ears and the top of the hat.
Rogue's Rabbit
Shadowman's Shade
  • The feather and earrings.
Shadowman's Shade
TF2 crosshair orange.png
Multiple classes
Weapons Melee Bat Outta Hell
  • The entire head and lower jaw.
Bat Outta Hell
Ham Shank
  • The meat.
Ham Shank
Memory Maker
  • The lever.
Memory Maker
Necro Smasher
  • The robotic arm.
Necro Smasher
Cosmetics Candleer
  • The flame.
Crafty Hair
  • The top of the hair.
Crafty Hair
Deep Cover Operator
  • The hanging ends of the bandana.
Deep Cover Operator
Pestering Jester
  • The bells.
Pestering Jester
Scrap Pack
  • The robot's chainsaw and fuel tank.
Scrap Pack
Trick Stabber
  • The doll.
Trick Stabber
Weapons N/A Silver Botkiller Wrench
  • The head.
Botkiller weapons
Festive Wrench
  • The decorations.
Festive weapons
Cosmetics A Rather Festive Tree
  • The tree.
A Rather Festive Tree
Accursed Apparition
  • The skull and lower jaw.
Accursed Apparition
Alien Swarm Parasite
  • The tail.
Alien Swarm Parasite
Audio File
  • The gramophone's needle.
Audio File
  • The tip of the hat and the pom-pom.
  • The body.
Beacon from Beyond
  • The arm and lantern.
Beacon from Beyond
  • The eyeballs.
Boo Balloon
  • The balloon and string.
Boo Balloon
Bread Heads
  • The upper jaw.
Bread Heads
Bumble Beenie
  • The antennae.
Bumble Beenie
Companion Cube Pin
  • The cube.
Companion Cube Pin
Conspiracy Cap
  • The entire antenna.
Conspiracy Cap
Crone's Dome
  • The tip of the hat.
Crone's Dome
Dadliest Catch
  • The back of the head.
Dadliest Catch
Dark Falkirk Helm
  • The plume on the back.
Dark Falkirk Helm
Dead Little Buddy
  • The ghost.
Dead Little Buddy
  • The cords.
Tournament Medal - Florida LAN 2014
  • The Pyro doll.
Florida LAN 2014
Finder's Fee
  • The bug.
Finder's Fee
Fortune Hunter
  • The pick.
Fortune Hunter
Friends Forever Companion Square Badge
  • The legs.
Friends Forever Companion Square Badge
Full Head Of Steam
  • The pressure gauge and steam pipes.
Full Head of Steam
Ghostly Gibus
  • The ghost.
Ghostly Gibus
Ghost of Spies Checked Past
  • The whole arm.
Ghost of Spies Checked Past
  • The particles inside the globe.
  • The chess board.
Grim Tweeter
  • The body and cape.
Grim Tweeter
  • The bat.
Head Prize
  • The ears.
Head Prize
Hooded Haunter
  • The ghost.
Hooded Haunter
Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect
  • The body of the octopus.
Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect
Kiss King
  • The tip of the hat.
Kiss King
Legendary Lid
  • Ends of the red bandage.
Legendary Lid
Lil' Bitey
  • The ear flaps.
Lil' Bitey
Li'l Dutchman
  • The whole boat.
Li'l Dutchman
Max's Severed Head
  • The ears.
Max's Severed Head
Merc's Pride Scarf
  • The tassels.
Merc's Pride Scarf
Merc's Mohawk
  • The hair.
Merc's Mohawk
  • The eyeball and skin flaps.
Neckwear Headwear
  • The end of the scarf.
Neckwear Headwear
Pebbles the Penguin
  • The penguin.
Pebbles the Penguin
Pithy Professional
  • The straps.
Pithy Professional
Pocket Raiders
  • The dolls.
Pocket Raiders
Pocket Villains
  • The dolls.
Pocket Villains
Pocket Yeti
  • The Yeti.
Pocket Yeti
Polar Pal
  • The head.
Polar Pal
Public Accessor
  • The hanging end of the antenna.
Public Accessor
Quizzical Quetzal
  • The head, body and tail.
Quizzical Quetzal
  • The bird.
Robot Chicken Hat
  • The comb.
Robot Chicken Hat
  • The body.
Resurrection Associate Pin
  • The cube.
Resurrection Associate Pin
RoBro 3000
  • The body.
RoBro 3000
  • The lantern.
Sackcloth Spook
  • The body.
Sackcloth Spook
Saxxy Clapper Badge
  • The clapper.
Saxxy Clapper Badge
Skull Island Topper
  • The eyeball.
Skull Island Topper
Slithering Scarf
  • The snake's head.
Slithering Scarf
Smissmas Saxton
  • The tip of the hat.
Smissmas Saxton
Space Hamster Hammy
  • The head and body.
Space Hamster Hammy
Spiral Sallet
  • The plume on the back.
Spiral Sallet
  • The yellow wire.
Treasure Hat
  • The chest's lid.
Treasure Hat
Unidentified Following Object
  • The eye, tentacles, and spacecraft.
Unidentified Following Object
Unknown Monkeynaut
  • The body and arms.
Unknown Monkeynaut
NPCs N/A HHH.png
  • The Horsemann's cape.
Horseless Headless Horsemann
  • His cloak, the fish heads, the bag and the eyeball in his hat.
Monoculus normal.png
  • The eye stalk and flaps of skin at the back.