Stratégie Communautaire du mode VS Saxton Hale

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En tant que Mercenaire

Toutes les classes

  • Ce mode étant une version modifiée du mode Arena, les tactique de jeu de ce mode s'appliquent également ici.
  • Restez ensemble ! Le travail d'équipe est vital.
  • Essayez d'attaquer à distance ; Saxton Hale ne peut attaquer qu'au corps-à-corps.
  • un coup de poing de Saxton Hale fait entre 174 et 220 points de dommages. Un coup critique fait 585. Cela signifie que seul un Heavy et éventuellement un Soldier peuvent espérer survivre à une attaque sans un soutien au niveau de la santé. Un Pyro, ou un Demoman équipé de la Bouteille ou de l' Ullapool Caber, peut être assez chanceux pour survivre avec un seul point de vie. Si vous réussissez à survivre, ne foncez pas tête baissée vers le danger - partez à la recherche d'un Medic, d'un Distributeur, ou d'un kit de soin.
  • Toutes les armes de mêlée, à l'exception du Couteau du Spy, ne feront que des coups critiques, mêmes les armes pour lesquelles cet avantage est désactivé par défaut.
  • Les railleries ne font que 500 à 600 points de dommages, ce qui explique la rareté et la viabilité de cette tactique de jeu.
  • Saxton devient très vulnérable lorsqu'il est projeté dans les airs. Les tirs d'air comprimé, les Mitrailleuses, et les autres attaques provoquant un recul sont toujours à considérer.
  • Certains serveurs offrent des coups critiques si une raillerie est exécutée. Si vous tentez de profiter de ce bonus, faites bien attention à ce que Saxton Hale soit éloigné, et gardez toujours un coéquipier à vos côtés pour vous protégez.
  • Communiquez ! Informez vos coéquipiers de la position de Saxton Hale en temps réel.
  • Ne baissez jamais votre garde. Saxton Hale pourrait bien se faufiler jusqu'à vous pour vous tuer en un éclair.
  • Sauf en dernier recours, ne capturez pas le point central. C'est un comportement très répandu.
  • Contre le Cavalier Junior, restez dans un seul gros groupe, ou séparez-vous en plusieurs unités très puissantes. Si vous êtes seul lorsque le cavalier junior se téléporte près de vous, c'est la mort assurée.
  • Lorsque vous combattez le Vagineer, pensez à utiliser le tir d'air comprimé en tant que Pyro ; c'est probablement le pire cauchemar du Vagineer.


  • Saxton Hale peut vous tuer en un coup, même si vous êtes équipés du set Livraison spéciale, l'utiliser ne vous donnera aucun avantage.
  • Restez TOUJOURS à longue portée. Votre tâche n'est pas d'infliger d'importants dégâts à Saxton Hale, mais plutôt de le harceler.
  • Votre Pistolet has critical hits forced upon it, therefore it has a higher damage output than any of your primary weapons.
  • La Force de la nature knocks back Saxton Hale. Tentez de l'éloigner de vos équipiers ou encore de le pousser dans un gouffre ou un élément du décor.
  • En cas d'urgence, le Bonk! Atomic Punch! peut vous aider à vous échapper d'une situation critique.
    • Mettez de la distance entre Saxton et vous en buvant votre Bonk! étant donné que vous êtes très vulnérable pendant ce temps.
  • Le Crit-a-Cola est une prise de risque, high payoff situation for Scouts as one hit from Saxton Hale will kill you regardless of mini-crits.
  • Dans une équipe sans Medics, le Lait frelaté aidera votre équipe à obtenir les soins dont elle a besoin suite aux affrontements face à Saxton.
  • Le Marchand de sable devient une amélioration de la Batte vu que vous gagnez la possibilité d'étourdir et que Saxton Hale peut vous tuer en un coup avec ou sans la pénalité de santé.
  • La Canne à sucre est l'équivalent de la Batte dans ce mode: vous n'obtiendrez pas le bonus de santé après avoir tué Saxton, mais il n'utilise pas de dommages explosifs.
  • Le Bastonneur Bostonien peut-être utile si vous dart in and out, whacking him when he's not paying attention. Since this is an Arena-like mode, however, aim carefully.
  • Le Soleil sur un bâton est moins performant que la Batte ou le Marchand de sable étant donné qu'il inflige 25% de dégâts en moins.
  • Malgré que vous soyez plus rapide que Saxton, n'ayez pas les yeux plus gros que le ventre lorsque vous lui tournez autour. Il pourrait avoir de la chance et vous tuer.


  • Après le Scout, vous êtes la classe avec le plus de mobilité, spécialement si vous avez les Bottes de Sûreté équipées. Essaye de rester éloigné de vos alliés et d'agir comme une sorte de sauvegarde si vos alliés sont en danger. Tirez quelques roquettes critiques sur sa route et espérez que ça feras reculer le Saxton.
  • Sans critiques, vos roquettes ne font pas beaucoup de dommages, mais elle offrent un repoussement significatif.
  • Si le Saxton est trop proche de vous, vous pouvez faire un rocket jump pour lui échapper.
  • La Boite Noire est très utile dans une équipe sans Medics, cela vous soigneras quand vous le toucherez.
  • Si vous avez beaucoup de coéquipiers, il est considérable de s’équiper avec le Buff Drapeau pour aider et donner quelques dommage en plus au Saxton.
  • Le Conque-érant Pour vous soigner ainsi que vos coéquipiers. Si votre équipe a assez de Medics ou de Distributeur, évidement, il ne faut pas l'utiliser.
  • Dans ce mode, l'Equalizer devient plus une arme de fuite qu'une arme de dommage.
  • Le Pain Train est infiniment mieu que la pelle depuis que le Saxton utilise ses mains nues. Note, évidemment, si vous ne voulez pas capturer le point, il vous seras inutile.


  • Bien que le Pyro n'a pas beaucoup de force, il compense avec sa capacité pour tirer de l'air comprimé.
    • Parce que presque tout les boss comptent sur les armes de corps à corps. Vous pouvons les forcer lointain sans les permettre vous endommager. Celle capacité te permet devinir un coéquipier de grande valeur.
  • Restez pres des sources de munitions, comme les distributeurs et les boîtes de Munitions, vous allez épuiser les munitions tres rapidement avec sa classe.
  • Aux cartes avec l'eau, savez que le boss peut s'éteindre par sauter dedans.
  • Enflammer le boss peut assister vos coéquipers être alerte à la présence du boss. C'est bon aux cartes noires comme Sawmill.
  • Vous êtes le cauchemar du Vagineer, si vous êtes pres de un distributeur et un Medic vous guérit, vous deviendrez un obstacle inévitable.


  • You can deal most damage in a single hit, so you will be one of Saxton's prime targets.
  • Always stay in high places and away from your teammates, so you will be unaffected by Saxton's stun. Your purpose is to use stickybombs to protect teammates if they're in danger, not engage in direct combat.
  • Plant stickies near an Engineer's nest. If Saxton gets near, detonate them.
  • If you have the Scottish Resistance equipped, place one sticky near you, so you may escape when Saxton comes after you.
  • The Chargin' Targe is more for defensive purpose, as it allows you to survive one hit. Do not charge toward Saxton Hale as he can easily notice and hit you.
    • Instead, use the Targe as an escaping weapon as Saxton cannot keep up with the Targe's speed.
    • Some servers make Targe force critical hits upon your primary weapon. This might prove useful if you manage to score direct hits with your grenades.
  • Because of the knockback provided by Direct Hit grenades, it may be difficult to hit Saxton with all four. Consider using Loch-n-Load for a higher damage output.
  • With the Targe and Loch-n-Load equipped, you are unable to sticky jump and pipe jump. Consider this when fighting Saxton.
  • Set plenty of stickytraps along map routes used by Saxton. The Scottish Resistance can come in handy for this.
    • Alternatively, place a concentrated amount of Stickybombs where Saxton will come from. The Scottish Resistance's extra 6 bombs will help.
  • Some servers give you Crits/Mini-crits after taunting. If you plan on defending a certain place, taunt before laying your traps. Critical stickies will deal astonishing amount of damage, as well as send Saxton flying.
  • If you are cornered, as a last ditch attempt, place sticky bombs near you and detonate them just before you get hit by Saxton. This will kill you, but will deal damage to Saxton at the same time.
  • The Eyelander, Headless Horseless Horsemann's Headtaker, and Half-Zatoichi are replaced with the Claidheamh Mòr. This is beneficial when using the Chargin' Targe because of the extra charge distance.
  • The Scotsman's Skullcutter will deal more damage, but escaping from Saxton will be harder.
  • The Ullapool Caber is best used as a VERY last resort. Since all melee weapons have crits forced upon them, the Caber will deal a massive amount of 410 damage and propel you upward, possibly saving your life. Use this extra chance to escape and find a better spot.


  • Toujours avoir un Medic avec cous. Vous êtes la première priorité de Saxton.
  • Vous êtes l'ultimate tireurdans votre équipe. Essayer de ne pas aller partout tous seul.
  • Don't rely on your high health to survive. Saxton can beat you down in two well-placed hits.
  • Stay close to a Dispenser; your guns will chew through ammunition easily and most fallen weapons will be taken accidentally by teammates.
  • If you plan to just stick to one place, consider using the Brass Beast. Aside from the higher damage output, if you're constantly firing at Saxton Hale and you have a refillable ammo source, he will also be knocked back.
  • If you get lucky, you may jam Saxton in a corner via your Minigun's knockback. At this stage, simply go to town with your guns until Saxton recovers.
  • On a team without Medics, consider using the lunchbox items for the Heavy, as health becomes a scarcity in this mode. Even with Medics, nutritious food will help your buddies survive.
  • The Sandvich and Buffalo Steak Sandvich can be dropped. Try to aim them at very wounded teammates.
  • Le G.R.U est très utile avec un Medic; vous pouver tirer sur le saxton,et fuir quand il s'approche.
  • The Warrior's Spirit health loss will not matter much; Saxton will still be unable to kill you in one hit. The damage bonus will be useful, though.


  • Stay hidden in the initial few minutes until you have your Dispenser and Sentry Gun up, mainly because you will be one of Saxton's top priority targets.
  • Build your Dispenser first. Your team needs lots of ammo and health.
  • Some servers have the option to replace Dispensers with Amplifiers, a machine that gives nearby teammates critical hits. Converse with your fellow Engineers to make sure you don't have only Dispensers/Amplifiers.
  • After building a Sentry Gun and Dispenser, you can build a Teleporter to use as an in-case-of-emergency escape if Saxton gets too close. Beware, however, as it takes some time to teleport when you are on the teleporter entrance.
  • Your Sentry will stay stunned longer than players. If your sentry gets stunned, it is usually a good idea to bail out and rebuild your buildings from scratch.
  • If your Sentry gets stunned by Saxton's taunt, it will lose about half of its health and you will not be able to repair it unless you haul and redeploy it.
    • When doing so, hitting it while it is upgrading itself will make you lose metal as if you're repairing it, but the health of it will not increase.
  • If you die, your Sentry Gun will be destroyed. Keep this in mind when fighting Saxton.
  • Be careful when building a sentry nest against the Headless Horseless Headmann Junior. His teleport ability may allow him to wreak chaos in the nest.
  • Sentry Guns provide significant knockback. With enough Engineers, you may provide enough force to relocate Saxton.
    • This is especially useful against the Vagineer as his taunt merely ÜberCharges him and is still affected by knockback.
  • The Wrangler is useful in dealing a high damage output and for stalling Saxton if your sentry is put in a small tunnel or doorway.
  • In the Saxton Hale Mod, the Southern Hospitality is a direct upgrade to the regular Wrench, since Saxton doesn't use fire and it makes Saxton bleed - although you probably won't be engaging in a melee battle with Saxton.
  • The Gunslinger gives you the ability to build Mini-Sentry Guns that takes less metal. Use them as a temporary defense or as an alert to see where Saxton is.
  • Consider bringing the Jag for the faster build rate.
  • Try getting a Pyro with you so he/she can Airblast Saxton if he gets too close to your Sentry Nest.
  • If there is a Horseless Headless Horsemann Junior present, consider Sentry Jumping to places where the Horsemann can't reach you without teleporting.


  • Remember that you will be one of Saxton's priority targets, due to the fact that you can heal and ÜberCharge.
  • Heal everyone. Do not prioritize one class. With the exception of a Scout wearing a Sandman and a Spy wearing a Conniver's Kunai, any class fully buffed can survive a hit from Hale.
  • Do not hesitate to deploy your ÜberCharge on a teammate in danger. One extra person could mean the result of the round.
  • Hale's stun is your largest threat. However you are immune to it whilst ÜberCharged. Try to stay behind your team mates to avoid being stunned and be prepared to use your ÜberCharge to save team mates when they are stunned.
  • ÜberCharge gains from the Blutsauger can build your ÜberCharge extremely fast as you gain 5 percent ÜberCharge on each successful hit. Firing needles whilst backing away from Hale can quickly build a full ÜberCharge.
  • The Crusader's Crossbow is useful if played on a large map, such as Watchtower.
  • Heal your teammates often, either by using your Medi Gun or the Amputator, depending on the situation and the number of potential patients.
  • Don't use your Ubersaw to build up your ÜberCharge unless Saxton is very distracted or if you are trying to stun him with the Uberslice taunt.
  • Healing Engineers who have built a Sentry Gun will cause the Sentry to deal mini-crits to Saxton. This is a good way to deal large amounts of damage to Saxton.


  • Since all of your weapons have a critical boost, your SMG will have a higher damage output compared to a Heavy's Minigun.
    • However, your SMG has a low amount of ammo so be careful of trying to shoot Saxton to death.
  • Your critical un-zoomed shot (or uncharged in the case of Huntsman) can deliver 150 damage alone. Considering the speed of Saxton Hale, it is in generally preferable to shoot him unscoped/uncharged, or go for body shots.
  • A possible, but risky tactic is to use the Sniper's Arrow Stab taunt. The taunts initial thrust is coupled with a stun on the target, meaning you can quickly take down Saxton with the help of another Huntsman Sniper if both players lock him in a taunt chain. Beware, however, of Saxton's rage taunt.
  • Stay well away from Saxton. None of your weapons receive damage falloff meaning you can deal large amounts of damage to him at long ranges.
  • Your fully charged Sniper Rifle is stronger than your fully charged Huntsman. The Sniper Rifle is also more accurate than the Huntsman, so as a general rule, don't bring the bow.
  • Because of the full critical boost for your primary weapon, the Sydney Sleeper is a direct upgrade over the Sniper Rifle. It'll Jarate Saxton, and the charge rate will help. You probably won't be able to headshot Saxton anyway.


  • The Ambassador should only be reserved for a true marksman, since its damage and firing speed is slower.
  • Using L'Etranger is recommended as it allows the Spy to recharge his Dead Ringer faster and potentially survive an extra hit.
  • Always go for backstabs, as the knives do not deal Critical hits.
  • A successful backstab will decrease the health of the boss by 10%. Meaning, if the boss has around 1000 health, you will deal 100 damage to Saxton. It takes only a few backstabs to deal a devastating amount of health to Saxton.
  • The Cloak and Dagger will be replaced by the default Invis Watch. Generally, the Dead Ringer will be more useful, for both distracting Saxton, and surviving a hit or two from him.
  • Because Saxton Hale is always moving, using the Invisibility Watch to uncloak behind him is difficult to pull off. Instead, use the Dead Ringer to ensure you survive most of his attacks.
  • Saxton's rage taunt can reveal cloaked Spies. Cloaked Spies will remain invisible but a ring of ghosts will still float on top of their heads.
  • Using the Conniver's Kunai is generally a bad idea because it decreases the amount of fake deaths you can have consecutively while using the Dead Ringer. Also, you won't absorb his health.
  • If you are the last surviving member on your team, going invisible will be pointless. Some servers make the "Last Man Standing" have a glowing ring around them, which won't go away when you go invisible. The Dead Ringer can still be used to survive a close encounter with Hale, but don't expect to elude him with invisibility.
  • If you manage to successfully backstab Saxton, you will automatically switch to your Revolver, and a notification of the backstab will show up on both your screen, and Saxton's. Also, the "Last Weapon Used" quick key won't let you switch to your knife, so if you want to quickly stab Hale again, you have to switch to your knife with the "3" key.

Playing the Bosses


  • General etiquette is not to cap the point(s) as one of the bosses unless desperate; generally, that's when your health drops under 2000. However, should the opponents be heavily entrenched, cap the point to draw them out. On high enough health, actively attacking is expected when playing as a boss. It is also generally accepted to cap when there is only a single Scout left who is running away.
  • Remember that you are not invincible, especially on a small server with a small amount of opponents (e.g. if you only have one opponent your health is about 500). If you can not charge forward, find another route toward their stronghold.
  • Be careful of chasms such as the pits in Nucleus as they are difficult to get out of them and even if you do escape, it will have taken a big chunk out of your health.
  • Another thing to be wary of are the other environmental dangers in the map such as getting trapped in a lift door or getting hit by a train. Some of these cannot be escaped from and you become more or less at your enemy's mercy.
  • Fire is your friend, especially if you have high enough health. It is effective in that you use it to charge your rage meter.
  • Knockback will be your worst enemy. Deal with Pyros, Force-A-Nature Scouts, Heavies, and Engineers/Sentry Guns first before you go after other classes.
    • However, do not be unwilling to go with the flow. You might just get knocked back in the direction of another enemy.
    • If a Pyro is constantly airblasting you, remember that they only have 200 ammo with them at one time.
  • On a server with large amount of players, feel free to use a brute-force approach against the enemy. Chances are more probable that you will catch one or two easily.
  • Remember to use your taunt! (default "g"). Despite being a taunt, you can still move around and beat enemies to death. However, don't spam the taunt button as it will cause you to do a normal taunt after your stun taunt. You should use your taunt when one of the following was encountered:
    • Trying to catch a Scout, the only class that can outrun you.
    • Knockback clusters (e.g. Pyro and Scouts). Even though they might be a small group, but they are your worst opponents as they prevent you from approaching.
    • A cluster of opponents, as well as Sentry nests. The taunt, aside from allowing the boss to quickly dispatch a bunch of opponents, also helps eliminate the knockbacks from the Sentry Guns.
    • The last player(s) on the other team that you just can't catch up to.
  • If the Engineer dies, his Sentry Gun is also destroyed. Using this knowledge, if both an Engineer and his Sentry Gun are both stunned, go after the Engineer.
  • If you find a teleporter, break it. it will either force the Engineer to go and replace it or deny said Engineer an escape route.
  • Superjump may have disadvantages in some situations; a cluster of well placed Sentry Guns and Heavies can easily send you hovering above ground, making you a floating target; possibly until you die.
  • Using the Superjump to reach a Sentry nest and then instantly deploying your rage taunt before the Sentry Guns can respond will allow you to catch anyone up there off-guard.
  • If you manage to hit a Spy, chances are that they're using the Dead Ringer. If you suspect a Dead Ringer Spy, you can use your taunt to locate him or smash likely hiding spots.
  • If you fall on top of an enemy, they will be crushed to death. However, don't rely on this to eliminate the other team and only rely on it for unsuspecting enemies below you and the lucky kill now and again.
  • If there are Spies around, resist the urge to do a superjump. Your speed will descrease significantly and it will give Spies the perfect chance to backstab you.
  • Superjumping while you are already airborne or Jumping, while moving forward, will lunge you forward at a fast speed and still maintains a height of a normal super jump. Just remember not to charge the Superjump fully while you are airborne as you may lose time and hit the ground first. Use this to quickly go around enemies or to go across the map.

Horseless Headless Horsemann Junior

  • If you have low health, retreat to a safe corner, provided that your opponents are not capturing the point.
  • Use teleport to surprise them before either giving your opponent a quick chop or stunning them with your taunt. For players all they need to do is hit you with a melee weapon and you will pop out of them so try not to have anyone looking at you while you are teleporting so that they don't get there melee out.
  • Right before letting go of the crouch button before teleporting, press your attack button, as this will cause you to chop the person you teleport in to.
  • Remember that you cannot Superjump, so high places (such as the boxes on Granary) are relatively unaccessible, especially if there are Sentry Guns or Pyros that will knock you back if you try walking there.
    • In order to counter this, make sure you have a teleport charge ready, and hope that you will end up in the high place you were planning to go while simultaneously taunting to make sure no one can escape.
  • The Horseless Headless Horsemann Junior's Super Duper Jump is actually just an instant teleport, like a normal HHHJ teleport, but without the charge time.
  • As of Patch du 3 juin 2011, you can perform the Barbarian Swing taunt. Use it if you get stunned by the Sandman or locked in a taunt-chain.


  • Your taunt will only stun players a small distance away, but it provides a lengthy ÜberCharge. When taunting, go after more damaging targets such as Heavies or Sentry Guns.
  • If you deploy the Übercharge whilst pinned by Sentry Guns, the Charge will protect you from them and allow you to land so you can take them out. Watch out for Pyros though, as their airblast is the Übercharge's only weakness.
  • Remember that your scare taunt has an extremely limited range. Only go for the scare taunt when you are very close to an enemy.
  • Be sure to take out Pyros who can easily airblast you into a corner for the duration of your ÜberCharge as it does not protect you from pushback by weapons.
  • Sentry Guns are the HARDEST things that Vagineer can encounter. Due to the fact that your scare taunt has a limited range, and because you cannot effectively disable Sentry Guns, always go for Engineers first, especially in maps such as Granary where Engineers can build on top of the boxes.
  • Superjump can also be used when you run, but only in the leap.