Spy Strategie

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< Basic Spy strategy
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Der Spy hintergeht das gegnerische Team und nutzt ihre Schwächen aus. Auch wenn er aufgrund seiner geringen Gesundheit und seinen schwachen Waffen sehr zerbrechlich erscheint, kann er Feinde mit einem Rückenstich sofort töten und mit seinen Sappern die Gebäude von einem Engineer zerstören. Eine seiner besonderen Fähigkeiten ist es, die Namen und Gesundheit von Gegnern zu sehen, was es ihm erlaubt, mit seinem Revolver geschwächte Feinde auszuschalten. Der Spy arbeitet verdeckt hinter den gegnerischen Reihen, indem er sich verkleidet und unsichtbar macht. Wegen der großen Gefahr, die er darstellt, Spy-checken sich Teamkameraden, um einen Spy auffliegen zu lassen. So kann er durch Flammen, Jarate oder eine einfache Kollision mit einem Gegner enttarnt werden. Mit durchdachten Vorgehen und einer effektiven Nutzung seiner Gegenstände und Fähigkeiten, kann ein guter Spy sich die wichtigsten Ziele vornehmen, während er selbst unentdeckt bleibt.

Sekundäre Waffen

Revolver + Big Kill

Revolver Big Kill

Obwohl der Revolver schwächer als Primärwaffen von anderen Klassen ist, hat er eine extrem hohe Genauigkeit, weshalb man ihn gut benutzen kann, um aus sicherer Entfernung geschwächte Gegner anzugreifen. Es gibt einige Situationen, wo sich der Revolver als nützlicher als ein Messer erweist; beispielsweise, wenn ein Rückenstich misslingt, man sich einem Ziel nicht unentdeckt nähern kann, oder wenn ein Sniper das Stammesschild ausgerüstet hat.



Der geringere Schaden und die niedrigere Feuerrate macht der Ambassador durch die Fähigkeit Kopfschüsse zu verteilen, wett. Benutze deine Fähigkeit, die Gesundheit der Gegner zu sehen, um zu entscheiden, welche Gegner du von weiter weg erledigen kannst. Zu beachten ist, dass der Ambassador nach dem Feuern für eine bestimmte Zeitspanne keine Kopfschüsse verteilen kann. Es ist also besser, seine Schüsse gut zu platzieren, anstatt wild drauflos zu feuern.



Der L'Etranger verursacht weniger Schaden als andere Waffen, stellt aber einen Teil der Verhüllungsenergie wieder her. Somit wird Feuerkraft in eine bessere Möglichkeit zu Fliehen umgewandelt, falls der Spy entdeckt wird. Der L'Etranger kann so benutzt werden, um seine Verhüllungsenergie aus sicherer Distanz aufzubauen. Unterstützt werden kann das durch spezielle Unsichtbarkeitsuhren wie die Standuhr und die Scheintoduhr.



Der Vollstrecker verursacht 20% mehr Schaden, wenn man nicht verkleidet ist. Das macht ihn nützlich, wenn man sich in einem direktem Kampf befindet, aber für einen Angriff aus dem Hinterhalt ist er nicht brauchbar. Da der Schaden auf Kosten der Feuerrate geht, sollte auf Genauigkeit geachtet werden. Da der Schadensbonus nur bei kompletter Demaskierung eintritt, muss der Vollstrecker mit Vorsicht angewendet werden, hauptsächlich, um einen folgenden Gegner aufzuhalten.



Der geringe Schaden des Diamondbacks macht ihn zu einer schlechten Waffe für direkte Konfrontationen. Allerdings sind die garantierten kritischen Treffer nützlich, um aus der Basis des Gegners zu entkommen, nachdem man ein wichtiges Ziel erledigt hat. Überprüfe wie bei dem Ambassador/de die Gesundheit des Gegners, um schwache Feinde zu erledigen. Arbeite mit deinen Teamkameraden zusammen, um sicherzustellen, dass Gebäude zerstört werden. Beispielsweise kannst man einen Engineer und sein Nest ausschalten, indem der Spy die Sentry Gun sappt, sie somit deaktiviert wird. Damit hat das Team freie Bahn, kann das restliche Nest zerstören und weiter vordringen. Die kritischen Treffer werden übrigens auch dann gutgeschrieben, wenn das Gebäude letzendlich durch jemand anders zerstört wurde.

Melee weapons

Knife + reskins

Knife Sharp Dresser Saxxy Black Rose

The Knife is typically used to backstab targets and deals pitiful damage otherwise. To get into position for a backstab, use your Cloak and disguises to maneuver behind your enemies without drawing attention to yourself. Switch to your Revolver in any situation where you can't land a backstab.

Your Eternal Reward + reskins

Your Eternal Reward Wanga Prick

Your Eternal Reward removes your ability to initially disguise, making you rely more on your Cloak ability to find good hiding places. Upon a successful backstab, your victim will silently disappear while you instantly take their profile as your disguise; no death notice will appear to the enemy team. Once you obtain a disguise, you are free to approach your enemies from behind as usual. Although backstabs by Your Eternal Reward don't appear in the kill feed, don't rely on the "silent killer" aspect of the weapon; dead enemies will still leave behind weapons and be able to communicate using text or voice chat. If you're stuck with a slow disguise, you can Cloak at any time to move at normal walking speed.

  • The Wanga Prick cannot be used as part of the Saharan Spy item set.

Conniver's Kunai

Conniver's Kunai

The Conniver's Kunai allows you to steal the health of your victim and eliminate any negative status effects upon a successful backstab. While stolen health can overheal your health up to 180, the weapon reduces your initial health to 60, meaning that you can be killed by a single stray projectile. When using the Conniver's Kunai, you can either play aggressively, landing continuous backstabs to maintain your health, or pick off single targets and use the stolen health to safely escape.

Big Earner

Big Earner

When you kill an enemy with the Big Earner, your Cloak will be refilled by 30%, regardless of any restrictions for the Cloaking device you are using. However, it comes with a moderate health reduction which allows for stronger weapons like the Soldier's Rocket Launcher to kill you in one shot. Overall, you'll have a smaller margin of error when behind enemy lines but can escape more easily with your Cloak once you kill an enemy.



Like Your Eternal Reward, the Spy-cicle does not announce a death notice to the enemy team upon a successful backstab. Additionally, you retain the ability to manually disguise. Unlike Your Eternal Reward, backstabs visibly turn victims into ice, alerting enemies that you are nearby. If you are hit by fire while the Spy-cicle is your active weapon, it will make a distinct sound and melt, temporarily disabling its use but protecting you from being ignited again for two seconds; this allows you to extinguish yourself while invisible by changing weapons. Pairing the Spy-cicle with the Dead Ringer can give you some immunity to the routine Spy-checks made by enemy Pyros.


Disguise Kit

Disguise Kit

The Disguise Kit is one of your major infiltration tools. If near allies, it's best to disguise as another friendly class or an enemy Spy so if seen by an enemy you won't raise suspicion. Upon donning a disguise, you will be briefly immersed in a cloud of team-colored smoke. This can easily alert the enemy to your team affiliation and whereabouts,so when changing your disguise make sure you are out of enemy vision or cloaked. A disguise takes one second to become effective, so avoid the common mistake of approaching an enemy before the change is complete. Once you have successfully navigated behind enemy lines, try to not behave like a Spy; for example, reloading your Revolver while disguised will mimic your disguise's reload animation, allowing you to better blend into an enemy crowd. Even if you're disguised, don't linger in front of enemies for too long, as you are still vulnerable to Spy-checking. Attacking with the Revolver or Knife will cause your disguise to disappear, so find a safe place to redisguise afterwards.


Invisibility Watch + reskins

Invisibility Watch Enthusiast's Timepiece Quäckenbirdt

Out of all your watches, the Invisibility Watch has the quietest decloaking sound and allows you to cover the furthest distance while invisible. However, its limited Cloak meter and delayed activation time give you the smallest margin of error to work with when in enemy territory. To keep your Cloak filled and ready for emergencies, deactivate it when in safe areas and frequently grab metal pickups and weapons from dead players. Although you are invisible, you are not invincible; upon seeing an ammo box disappear, competent enemies may Spy-check the area. If in enemy territory, always stay on the move to decrease the chances of you being detected or cornered.

Cloak and Dagger

Cloak and Dagger

As long as you remain still, the Cloak and Dagger can be used to remain invisible indefinitely, allowing you to camp an area to pick off important targets, such as enemy Medics. Its meter drains based on your average movement speed; traveling a certain distance over a set period of time will drain a certain amount of Cloak, regardless of whether you move slowly and steadily or in quick bursts. The Cloak and Dagger cannot be recharged by collecting metal pickups or dropped weapons, making it more difficult for you to escape from enemies once discovered. The Cloak and Dagger's decloaking sound, while still fairly quiet, is distinct and noticeable, so refrain from decloaking within the range of any enemies. Continue to be mobile, even when remaining in one area; enemies will be encouraged to Spy-check if you stay in the same place too long. Likewise, don't just use the Cloak and Dagger to stay out of harm's way; being alive does not necessarily equate to being useful.

Dead Ringer

Dead Ringer

While you cannot manually Cloak with the Dead Ringer active, it will instantly Cloak should you take any type of damage. This also produces a fake corpse, displays a fake kill notification to the enemy team, and shields you from 90% of further incoming damage while cloaked for up to 6.5 seconds. Simply "dying" from fall damage is a sure sign that you're a Spy. To make your feign death more convincing, consider disguising as an ally or letting the enemy damage you for a bit before taking out the Dead Ringer. If disguised as an enemy, the fake corpse will look like you, alerting them to your presence. If disguised as an ally, it will look like the ally you are disguised as, allowing you to give your enemies a false sense of security as you change disguises. Once cloaked, the Dead Ringer's damage reduction allows you to safely navigate across battlefields and behind enemy lines. While enemies will not see you upon getting hit or being collided with, they can still reveal you using effects such as fire, bleeding, or Jarate. Although collecting metal can prolong your Cloak, it will revert back to the standard Cloak after 6.5 seconds. Thus, the increased Cloak drain rate and loud decloak noise means that finding a safe area is your priority.


Sapper + reskins

Sapper Ap-Sap

The Sapper will instantly disable an Engineer's building, destroying it over time. It can only be removed by the Engineer's melee weapon, the Pyro's Homewrecker, or the Neon Annihilator. You have an unlimited supply and can place them extremely rapidly on any building within melee range. Typically, you'll first backstab an Engineer, then quickly sap any nearby buildings; you'll want to begin with Sentry Guns to prevent them from attacking you. While your weapons deal reduced damage to any building that has your Sapper on it, it may be worth further attacking a building to speed up its destruction.

Red-Tape Recorder

Red-Tape Recorder

The Red-Tape Recorder is capable of reversing the construction of Engineer buildings. When compared to the standard Sapper, it takes moderately longer to destroy any Engineer building. However, it takes a very short amount of time to downgrade buildings to their level one version. If you're having trouble dismantling a guarded Engineer nest, use the Red-Tape Recorder to weaken instead of destroy it and allow teammates to clean up.

Item set effects

The Saharan Spy

Hauptartikel: Gegenstandssets
Backpack The Saharan Spy Bundle.png

Besondere Effekte bei Verspottungen

Your Eternal Reward removes your ability to disguise, forcing you to rely on your Cloak, while the Saharan Spy item set's increased Cloak blink time makes you visible for a longer period of time if an enemy manages to temporarily reveal you. However, if you can successfully get behind your enemies without being caught, the significantly reduced decloak volume makes finding hiding places easier. The Dead Ringer is most significantly changed by the item set; it's not affected by the increased Cloak blink time and the loud decloaking sound is notably dampened.