Cтратегия от сообщества для карты Mountain Lab

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Mountain Lab стратегии.

Community Mountain Lab strategy
Art Pass Winner 3DNJ.jpg
Автор(-ы): {{{map-developer}}}
Снимки карты
Снимки на загрузочном экране.


  • Финальная точка является очень открытой и, как таковая, восприимчива к комбинированным огню и маневру

Leaderboard class scout.png Разведчик

  • A good idea when going for the final control point is to wait in a corner or secluded out of sight area near the control point for all the enemies to pass, then start capturing. You may be able to draw the enemies back, allowing your team to advance.
  • Be sure to take the secluded routes, to maximize surprise. This way you can have the enemies' health low before they even realize they're being attacked.
  • The Sandman may be a good choice for this map, due to the long straightaways.

Leaderboard class soldier.png Солдат

Leaderboard class pyro.png Поджигатель

Leaderboard class demoman.png Подрывник

Leaderboard class heavy.png Пулемётчик

Leaderboard class engineer.png Инженер

Leaderboard class medic.png Медик

Leaderboard class sniper.png Снайпер

Leaderboard class spy.png Шпион

  • One of the safest ways to get through the middle is to Cloak and to go across the top, where there is usually little to no traffic.
    Здание на правой части экрана, хорошее место, чтобы спрятаться на некоторое время.
  • Remember to sap teleporters as it is a long walk to the control point.
  • On offense, a good place to hide out at the first control point is inside the building behind it, disguised as a Sniper. Then, when you see an opening in the enemies, perhaps an exposed back, jump through the window and attack. After, Cloak and go back to the window, or escape.
    Переход через этот район во время невидемости чтобы свести к минимуму шансы быть обнаруженным.