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Not to be confused with inspecting weapons from the player's backpack.
Inspecting the Scattergun.

Inspecting was added in the Gun Mettle Update (and improved in the Jungle Inferno Update) to give the player the ability to view details on their weapons in-game. Almost all weapons can be inspected (except Engineer's PDAs, Spy's Disguise Kit, the Thermal Thruster, and passive weapons, such as the B.A.S.E. Jumper, Gunboats, Mantreads, Razorback, Darwin's Danger Shield, Cozy Camper, Demoman's booties and shields).

In-game, using the inspection key (default key: F) when the weapon is in an idle state will play an animation of the player inspecting the weapon by looking at all sides before returning to the idle state. This animation is only visible to the player and spectators in first person. There is no corresponding third-person animation, and thus the inspection will not be seen by other players. The animation will gradually and temporarily disable minimal viewmodels while it is being played.

The player can perform normal actions with the weapon at any point during the animation (such as reloading, firing, scoping in, or switching to other weapons), immediately interrupting the inspection animation to perform the normal action.

For most weapons, the weapon cannot be inspected unless the weapon is idle. Inspecting weapons will interrupt the reload of weapons. After the inspection is finished (without being canceled by firing), the reload animation will resume.


  • Weapons can be inspected when they are being deployed or in action (e.g. firing, reloading or zooming in with sniper rifles), despiste not being idle.
  • The sounds that are played when inspecting a weapon may play again if the player presses the inspect key during the animation.
  • The inspection animations sometimes don't interpolate properly and will start again instantly.
  • Sometimes tf_use_min_viewmodels won't be gradually set to 0 when inspecting, and the weapon will abruptly exit from the minimal viewmodel state. This doesn't occur when the animation is finishing.
  • The inspection animation is affected by lag, starting late at higher latency.


Individual items from inside the backpack can be inspected by clicking on them to pop up a menu and clicking the Inspect option. This opens up a window displaying several features:

  • For weapons and some tools, it shows the selected item rotating 360 degrees, allowing to rotate it.
  • For cosmetic items, the item's appearance in-game, its stats, description, the collection they belong, and the button "Item wiki page" that opens a tab in the Steam Browser which lead to the article of the item in this wiki. The inspection window also shows buttons of the classes that can equip said items, a dropdown list to inspect other styles, and another one to apply a Paint Can to the item. The cross arrow button allows to zoom in the chosen class.
  • For war paints, the inspection window shows the selected war paint rotating 360 degrees drop down lists to choose the desired War Paint and corresponding weapon to inspect. It allows to randomize the pattern and to change the wear of the inspected war paint. TODO: UPDATE THIS