Team Fortress Wiki talk:Community topics notability guidelines

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My thoughts, as per request

These are my thoughts about the current guidelines, I've gone over the sections I've had something to say about. The others I have had no issues with.
GrampaSwood (talk) 16:39, 25 August 2021 (UTC)

Community event notability
Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but "include at least as much linkage" to me feels like an essay demanding at least a certain amount of words. It would likely result in having way too many links just to meet this demand.
Custom map notability
You can't really measure player count per map properly, I think popularity can be measured much more easily on many servers have that map in their rotation (servers that actively update them, that is. E.g. Uncletopia or Perhaps find out somehow if those server hosters have any numbers on how often it's played (Given that those people vote for a map). I also personally think that maps in mvm gamemodes should not be included, as they've all (so far) been pretty much exclusively been tied to events from the same people, which would be equal to having one set of servers run the map and no one else. If they're being ran by multiple servers, however, I'd be more towards including them but as it currently stands I don't really see that happening.
Custom MvM missions
I believe this flies directly into the face of "the wiki must not serve as a website for the mod/event", as this stuff should either be information available on the website and not the mainspace wiki (I find custom user space more acceptable as it's simply using the wiki's resources to help them, which is only helping them). I think that hosting it here is similar to functioning as the website of the project. I personally believe no custom missions should really be featured on the wiki, seeing the current state of missions a lot of them just aren't finished and it's relying on a few people to be updated as they have the knowledge on how to document this stuff.
GrampaSwood (talk) 16:39, 25 August 2021 (UTC)
Community event notability
" feels like an essay demanding at least a certain amount of words
That was not the intent. The statement was rhetorical, and, therefor probably misplaced. My intended point was that making several links to the events site it not a bad thing if Valve thinks it is a good thing. I was reacting to the supposed guilt of Community event editors linking too much to the event site, only to be surprised that Valve's promotions of Community events make links to several parts of the event site, at least recently. You could make it more appropriately NPOV. Maybe, since Valve gives all of the links, we should just link to Valve's promotion?
Custom map notability
You can't really measure player count per map properly
"Properly" can be a matter of opinion. As we have discussed, Valve's Community Servers is readily accessible and has a real-time-accurate measurement of both server count and player count for each map (on servers visible to Valve); but, yes, measure of servers or players a day or month is hard to come by, I would think it would only take a script kiddie to measure. But you make a point. I wouldn't know, but you might, servers could be remotely surveyed for their rotation? Or just scan Valve's Community Servers periodically.
It has been easy enough on my restricted schedule to see that of the nine oldest Custom map pages, only Convoy is usually hosted and actually played by anyone, the other 8 are only rarely hosted, often none are, and I have never seen anyone playing; IMO only Convoy has any evidence of notability, the rest were, or probably were, self-promotions.
they've all (so far) been pretty much exclusively been tied to events
  • What we have seen so far is that between Creators/Potato events is that the Potato MvM maps are being hosted,
  • During the present Creators/Potato event:
    • At the moment (the down slope on the daily cycle) I see only three people on Valve Pass Time Servers, while there are 72 players on Potato MvM servers (yes, about a thousand grinding Australium on Valve MvM).
    • And I am looking here at 14 Community servers with Mannworks, all empty.
    • And the only Potato Powerplant running at the moment is not on an Creators/Potato server.
Even deeper into the evening decline:
* achievement_idle... : 29 servers, 62 players
* tr_walkway... :22 servers, 34 players
* trade_minecraft... :54 servers, 148 players
* trade_plaza... : 51 servers, 164 players
Custom MvM missions
Look, I never made any bones about being the person to write policy on Missions, I never use the "official" Mission sections. But, I have seen enough that it seems that people who care about the Event Missions are working to improve them ( I have no idea what is a well or badly done mission page looks like ). But, for people who do use the missions, I can see that these even missions fill the useful requirement, and I can see that for the Potato events, the missions would be similarly useful. If moved to the User space, then these lose any usefulness, unless an underground User directory is implemented.
But, I can see where that also looks like we are doing the event's work for them (assuming that making the Mission pages is their work). If there is anyone that we should be doing their work for them, for free, it is Valve, right?
M I K A D O 282 ⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙ ⊙⊙ ⊙⊙ (talk | contribs) (Help Wanted!) 02:28, 29 August 2021 (UTC)
For the maps, I find it a lot of effort to scan the server list multiple times a day for several days straight just to find out if a map is played enough. You could be at the wrong time (timezone-wise or just looking at the times the map isn't played much), which (from my pov) is the most accurate way to gauge player count (I don't count, because I don't believe that somehow the over 100k players more that Steam itself, SteamDB, and Steamcharts report are all bots or just entirely non-existent fabrications). Something that might be relevant is third-party website download statistics, which also shows more over-time importance (but not really current relevance). As for the decline of other maps: achievement idle and trade servers (Trade minecraft and trade plaza being both the same kind of "trade_" maps) were really popular back in the day and you'd be able to find hundreds of servers full of ppl who played it (Falling under the "Once notable, always notable" part). You simply can't measure tr_walkway with publicc servers, because it's an offline training map. Furthermore, I also think it's not really fair to compare it to Valve's own maps, because they're only notable because they're officially part of the game.
As for MvM missions, they're pretty much what they themselves should document as part of the event, because nowhere else is the mvm_mannhattan mission with the huge trollfaces gonna be run other than the limited-time April Fool's event. They should be either on the website or the website should have a link to the user pages containing the mission info. (These missions have also proven to be a big burden to the wiki, as there have been NSFW sound clips, copyrighted songs, or other such things hosted on the wiki that shouldn't be).
GrampaSwood (talk) 13:07, 29 August 2021 (UTC)
Covering MvM missions under the event page itself would make a really subpar experience for readers, same for user pages (that said, user pages wouldn't be allowed to be linked from outside sources either, the wiki is not a hosting site). Valve is already promoting such events in an official-like way, so I think it's fair that players expect the wiki to document missions in detail.
As for copyrighted material, this is the staff's fault for not properly moderating uploads. — Tark lm(pt-br) 15:08, 31 August 2021 (UTC)

The reason to compare with Valve maps is this: It is quite clear that there are 3 to 4 orders of magnitude (I, too, am a physicist) of differences in popularity between Valve-hosted game modes; just as is it quite clear that no community maps are nearly as popular as the most popular valve maps. While this last is true, is it also clear that certain Custom maps are more popular that certain Valve Maps some community events can have more participation that multiple Valve modes combined (yeah, the least popular ones).
One third of player time is enough to us to cover here somewhat; but your argument only means that the 1/3 estimate of off-Valve play is a low-ball.
tr_walkway, yeah, you’ll have to be the judge on “off-line”. I only “grind”ed walkway online.
trade_minecraft.. != trade_plaza… "Trade minecraft and trade plaza being both the same kind of "trade_" I don’t see it, many maps are trade maps but I wouldn’t think of making a “Trade maps” article. Within seconds of spawning on either, it is obvious they are different map families with different applications. I never understood the massive popularity of trade_plaza…; it was never really much more than a place to stand around and trade, and I never traded in game. I only used trade_minecraft to grind achievements because many had been set up for that; so, would you say that minecraft and achiement_idle are the same kind of "achievement" maps?
Sorry, really have to leave.
M I K A D O 282 ⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙ ⊙⊙ ⊙⊙ (talk | contribs) (Help Wanted!) 04:17, 2 September 2021 (UTC)