User talk:D-ray Ent.

From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 16:47, 18 December 2019 by D-ray Ent. (talk | contribs) (BrazilianNut's Mistake Report)
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Nikno's Welcome

Heyho! Nice to see a new translator on the wiki! A big welcome from my side :)

If you've got any questions, feel free to ask me here or on my talk page, no need to write on User talk:EpicEric. ;)

Keep up your work and have fun! — shots fired by: Nikno {Talk | Contribs} 09:54, 30 June 2019 (UTC)

Thank you for the welcome! And thank you for you help! :D

D-ray Ent. (talk) 10:00, 30 June 2019 (UTC)

You're very welcome! I'm doing some very minor corrections to the pages you've created. Feel free to take a look at them and ask if there are any questions. I can't judge the language quality, but the wiki thingies are done well by you. If you want, feel free to join the IRC. — shots fired by: Nikno {Talk | Contribs} 10:02, 30 June 2019 (UTC)
There is NO problem about the corrections mate. Just send me the pages you corrected, and maybe what you did. So I can learn what to do, and what to not do. :D
D-ray Ent. (talk) 10:07, 30 June 2019 (UTC)
You can see them in Special:RecentChanges, let's take a quick look at this:
  • You don't need the {{item name}} at the top. On other pages you would need {{DISPLAYTITLE:Your displaytitle here}}, but on all item pages this is done automatically and is not necessary.
  • If you see '#' in links, it refers to a specific section. So Taunts#Action taunts refers to the section "Actions" inside the page Taunts. If you want to translate this, you would need to check the corresponding Italian page for the section name and then write Taunts/it#Insulti Azione.
  • Don't forget to translate (or better use {{update link}}) update names in the infobox and the update history.
  • It's easier and better to write {{item link|Cow Mangler 5000}} instead of [[Cow Mangler 5000/it|Mutila-Mucche 5000]], both produce the same output. You can also write {{item name|Cow Mangler 5000}} instead of "Mutila-Mucche 5000" if you don't remember the Italian name. The benefit of the templates is also, if the official translation changes at any point in time, all translations will automatically change to that new translation.
  • If there are links to external pages without an Italian version, you would usually want to add a {{lang icon|en}} behind it to produce "(English)".
Have fun — shots fired by: Nikno {Talk | Contribs} 10:20, 30 June 2019 (UTC)
Ok, I wrote down what I need to do. Thanks for the help! If it's not a problem, send me messages about BIG mistakes I make. And how to fix them!
D-ray Ent. (talk) 11:16, 30 June 2019 (UTC)

Chilors' Welcome

Ciao e benvenuto nella Wiki ufficiale di Team Fortress!

Ho notato la tua modifica creazione della pagina Thermal_Thruster/it oltre che ad altre tue numerose modifiche minori. Grazie per i contributi!

Io sono Chilors, il contributore italiano più attivo (attualmente) in questa Wiki. Forse avrai notato che quasi tutte le informazioni presenti sono molto datate... Questo perché la versione italiana della Wiki è stata praticamente abbandonata per anni, ed io sto facendo del mio meglio per aggiornare i contenuti!

Ti ringrazio nuovamente per la creazione della pagina. Anche se ci sono delle convenzioni che non hai rispettato, sono sicuramente causate dalla poca esperienza, e ciò è comprensibilissimo. Non c'è nulla di grave, però, quindi non preoccuparti!

Contando te, i traduttori italiani della Wiki sono solo tre/quattro e l'attività è altanenate un po' per tutti, di conseguenza pensavo di proporti di collaborare in qualche modo...? Dimmi cosa ne pensi, io ti ho mandato una richiesta di amicizia su Steam, lasciando un commento sotto al tuo profilo. Puoi anche contattarmi nella mia pagina Discussioni. Insieme possiamo migliorare molto la Wiki!

A presto!

Chilors (talk) 20:55, 3 July 2019 (UTC)

Supernatural Stalker Correction (GrampaSwood)

Hi there,

Valve doesn't translate themselves. There's a project called the Steam Translation Server which translates it. Italian has 2 moderators which you can contact about it, Chris and tummarellox. However, in the tf_italian.txt file it's translated as "Il Cacciatore Supernaturale". It might be outdated in the Dictionary, so you might want to update it there. You can also use {{item name|Supernatural Stalker}} to automatically translate the name.
GrampaSwood (talk) 09:19, 10 July 2019 (UTC)

Thanks alot for the informations! I'll soon contact one of these guys. By the way, the ingame item is wrong, and that's why I tried to ask to one of you. After the eventual correction to the name, we will change the Dictionary of the wiki too.
D-ray (talk) 09:35, 10 July 2019 (UTC)
Yeah I realised you meant the "supernaturale" part was wrong, I wanted to correct it but I thought "Too much work".
GrampaSwood (talk) 09:45, 10 July 2019 (UTC)
Haha! Don't worry, Chilors is a maniac on these kind of errors, once he knows about it, he will fix it on the Dictionary as fast as he can!
D-ray (talk) 10:05, 10 July 2019 (UTC)

BrazilianNut's "My Mistakes" Report

Hi there.

I saw that your user page says "report the mistakes I've made, so I can improve". Although I do not speak Italian, I "speak wiki editing", and have noticed a few mistakes.

  • You often translated "Update history" as just "Update". It seems like you only translated it as "Cronologia degli aggiornamenti" (which is what {{common string|update history}} is set to) a few times.
  • You almost always forget to change "[[Scream Fortress 20XX]]" to either "[[Scream Fortress 20XX/it|Scream Fortress 20XX]]" or {{update link|Scream Fortress 20XX}}".
  • You did not translate some things (such as "Craft" and "charged shot") in the Weapons tables for some item sets.
  • You did not change links to Wikipedia articles.
  • You left quite a few tooltips in tables (usually Damage and Function Times) untranslated.

There were some other mistakes, like forgetting to translate "Recharge" in the infobox for the Gas Passer and the {{hatnote}} at the beginning of Crazy Legs, but these were the most common ones.

There was also this one weird time where you undid my edit saying you were fixing some things, when, instead, you "broke" them back.

  • By removing "{{item name}}", you made it so the infobox read "Pocket Skeleton King" instead of "Re degli Scheletri tascabile", the Italian name for that style;
  • By removing "{{update link}}", you made it so it linked people to the Scream Fortress 2019 article in English;
  • And by removing "/it" from [[Category:Items with styles/it]], you grouped that article together with the articles in English).

I hope this helps you improve your translations in the future. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.

Cheers. - BrazilianNut (talk) 22:28, 6 December 2019 (UTC)

Finally, a feedback. By the way, I'll quckly ask sorry for everything, and I highly appreciate your time to point everything! But I have a few things to point at.
  • The Update History string is just between == == so that's why I always translated directly the sentence. Also, I've never seen {{common string|update history}} as soon as I remember. If you want, I can change it from now on.
  • That's partially true, because when I first started translating pages I always forgot that. But if you look in the newest pages, they are translated.
  • Send me the links and I'll fix it.
  • 99% of the times there is no Italian version of the link.
  • Send me the links and I'll fix it.
  • The Gas Passer thingy is probably a leftover, but when I "Fixed some things" I just fixed the dictionary names for the styles, as I translated them by mistake. The unedits, were all made by Dereko, as you can clearly see in the page you sent me. I did not do anything tho.
Thanks by the way!
D-ray (talk) 07:06, 7 December 2019 (UTC)
It's ok. I have made mistakes before as well. Many. Still do some from time to time. :B
Common section names, such as Update history, Trivia, and See also have common strings, but they're usually swapped in articles in favor of their translations, so it's more likely you'll see, for example, "Histórico de atualizações" in a PT-BR page rather than "{{common string|update history}}". Common strings are generally used so templates like navboxes are automatically translated. I tend to use their translations as "default" translations. By the way, I already changed it to "Cronologia degli aggiornamenti", so you don't have to worry about it.
Wikipedia articles are a bit annoying. If I want a link to Wikipedia's article for the first Alien movie in Portuguese, for example, it's not just adding "pt:" after the "w:" in "[[w:Alien (film)|Alien]]". Instead, I'll have to:
  • Add "pt:" after the "w:"
  • Find the Wikipedia article in Portuguese
  • Replace the name of the article (in this case "Alien (film)") with the name of the article in Portuguese.
In conclusion, I'll have to replace "[[w:Alien (film)|Alien]]" with "[[w:pt:Alien, o Oitavo Passageiro|Alien, o Oitavo Passageiro]]". This goes for any language, by the way.
If you can't find a Wikipedia article in another language, you can leave the link to the article in English and add "{{lang icon|en}}" after it.
No, it was not Dereko who undid my edit, it was you.
December 6, 2019, 13:58: I added {{item name}} to "Pocket Skeleton King", {{update link}} to "Scream Fortress 2019", and "/it" to "Category:Items with styles";
December 6, 2019, 16:08: "Fixed some things".
The pages where you left stuff untranslated (that I could find and remember) were:
I think that is all. [wipes forehead] - BrazilianNut (talk) 23:26, 7 December 2019 (UTC)
OMG now I remember! I'm so terribly sorry! I remember leaving the edit page open in my pc, and then when I came back home I changed it! That's why the dictionaries edits are not highlighted, Dereko fixed them!
I feel so stupid and brash... I didn't mean to change them. I didn't even know they were initially changed.
Sorry again for accusing...
D-ray (talk) 14:07, 8 December 2019 (UTC)

When creating redirects...

...Always add {{R lang|X}} at the end, with X being the language code of the redirect (i.e. for a redirect to an article in Italian, replace X with "it"). This categorizes the page as a language redirect.

Cheers. - BrazilianNut (talk) 23:01, 17 December 2019 (UTC)

Ok! I'll keep it in mind! Sorry again for the last time...
D-ray (talk) 16:39, 18 December 2019 (UTC)