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{{Quotation|'''醫護兵'''|All I can tell you about zis next procedure is zat it will be...'''excruciating!'''|sound=Medic_taunts13.wav}}
{{Quotation|'''醫護兵'''|All I can tell you about zis next procedure is zat it will be...'''excruciating!'''|sound=Medic_taunts13.wav}}
A Teutonic man of medicine with a rather tenuous adherence to medical ethics, the '''Medic''' is nonetheless the primary [[healing]] class of the team. As the Medic doesn't possess the best arsenal for straight-up gunplay, he can typically be found near the front-lines, healing wounded teammates while trying to stay out of trouble. While his [[Medigun]] is focused on an ally, wounded teammates will quickly regain health, while unharmed teammates' health will be temporarily topped up. While healing, the Medic's [[ÜberCharge]] bar will fill up until the weapon begins to crackle, at which point he can activate a deadly charge that either makes himself and an ally temporarily invulnerable or gives his patient 100% [[crit]]ical shots for up to 8 seconds.
A Teutonic man of medicine with a rather tenuous adherence to medical ethics, the '''Medic''' is nonetheless the primary [[healing]] class of the team. As the Medic doesn't possess the best arsenal for straight-up gunplay, he can typically be found near the front-lines, healing wounded teammates while trying to stay out of trouble. While his [[Medigun]] is focused on an ally, wounded teammates will quickly regain health, while unharmed teammates' health will be temporarily topped up. While healing, the Medic's [[ÜberCharge]] bar will fill up until the weapon begins to crackle, at which point he can activate a deadly charge that either makes himself and an ally temporarily invulnerable or gives his patient 100% [[Crit]]ical shots for up to 8 seconds.
The Medic is the only class capable of regenerating health over time; the longer a Medic stays out of combat, the faster his health will recover. A damaged Medic will regenerate health at a rate of 3 HP per second, which scales up over the following ten seconds to a maximum of 6 HP per second, (though carrying the [[Blutsauger]] reduces the regeneration rate from 3-6 to 1-4.)
The Medic is the only class capable of regenerating health over time; the longer a Medic stays out of combat, the faster his health will recover. A damaged Medic will regenerate health at a rate of 3 HP per second, which scales up over the following ten seconds to a maximum of 6 HP per second, (though carrying the [[Blutsauger]] reduces the regeneration rate from 3-6 to 1-4.)
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*醫護兵是唯一一個沒在更新中獲得[[taunt|嘲諷]]攻擊的兵種,但後來有一個嘲諷被改成可以[[Oktoberfest|治療他自己]]。他之後又得到了一個[[Spinal Tap|可攻擊敵方的嘲諷]],使醫護兵變成唯二擁有兩個有效果嘲諷的兵種(另一個是[[Engineer/zh-hant|工程師]])。
*醫護兵是唯一一個沒在更新中獲得[[taunt|嘲諷]]攻擊的兵種,但後來有一個嘲諷被改成可以[[Oktoberfest|治療他自己]]。他之後又得到了一個[[Spinal Tap|可攻擊敵方的嘲諷]],使醫護兵變成唯二擁有兩個有效果嘲諷的兵種(另一個是[[Engineer/zh-hant|工程師]])。
*醫護兵是由[http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0235960/ Robin Atkin Downes]配音,他也在Wii的動作遊戲[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_More_Heroes_(video_game) No More Heroes]中為"Travis Touchdown"配音、The Prophet of Regret in [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo_%28series%29 Halo],  among many other roles.
*醫護兵是由[http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0235960/ Robin Atkin Downes]配音,他也在Wii的動作遊戲[[Wikipedia:No More Heroes (video game)|No More Heroes]]中為"Travis Touchdown"配音、The Prophet of Regret in [[Wikipedia:Halo (series)|Halo]],  among many other roles.
*According to one of the [[Demoman]]'s domination lines, the Medic has a wife.  Whether the Demoman is a reliable source of information is a different question entirely.
*According to one of the [[Demoman]]'s domination lines, the Medic has a wife.  Whether the Demoman is a reliable source of information is a different question entirely.
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*和所有其他兵種比較,醫護兵是講最多外語(除了英語)的兵種。他講的話有一半是德文,但他經常在講話的時候用詞不洽當、說出的句子也很古怪(像是"Stop losing"(別再輸了),他會說成"Losing is verboten"(德文的"禁止"))。他的口音也不標準,而且經常念出錯誤的發音。
*和所有其他兵種比較,醫護兵是講最多外語(除了英語)的兵種。他講的話有一半是德文,但他經常在講話的時候用詞不洽當、說出的句子也很古怪(像是"Stop losing"(別再輸了),他會說成"Losing is verboten"(德文的"禁止"))。他的口音也不標準,而且經常念出錯誤的發音。
*醫護兵似乎是唯一沒有健康問題的兵種。The Heavy is overweight, the Scout has possible radiation poisoning (from Bonk), the Soldier's rocket jumping (i.e. leg fracturing), smoking and extremely poor mental health, the Pyro's asbestos-lined suit (and similar poor mental health), the Demoman's alcoholism and smoking, the Sniper's impeding kidney failure, the Spy is a casual smoker and the Engineer crippled himself to use the Gunslinger. Despite his peers, the Medic so far seems to be completely sober, aside maybe from his mental health and sadism, traits that all the classes seem to exhibit to some degree.
*醫護兵似乎是唯一沒有健康問題的兵種。The Heavy is overweight, the Scout has possible radiation poisoning (from Bonk), the Soldier's rocket jumping (i.e. leg fracturing), smoking and extremely poor mental health, the Pyro's asbestos-lined suit (and similar poor mental health), the Demoman's alcoholism and smoking, the Sniper's impeding kidney failure, the Spy is a casual smoker and the Engineer crippled himself to use the Gunslinger. Despite his peers, the Medic so far seems to be completely sober, aside maybe from his mental health and sadism, traits that all the classes seem to exhibit to some degree.
**However, it could be argued that the medic gets high of the kirtzkrieg, but due to a recent update which meant he would heal himself upon taunting, it may just be to heal himself.
**However, it could be argued that the Medic gets high of the kirtzkrieg, but due to a recent update which meant he would heal himself upon taunting, it may just be to heal himself.
*The Medic's version of the [[Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask]] has a huge ghoulish face with stitches on its forehead, a reference to Frankenstein's monster and the Medic's slight mad scientist nature.
*The Medic's version of the [[Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask]] has a huge ghoulish face with stitches on its forehead, a reference to Frankenstein's monster and the Medic's slight mad scientist nature.
*On the group picture that the camera in every Meet the Team trailer zooms out of at the end accompanied by the ending flourish, the Medic is the only Support class wielding a melee weapon.
*On the group picture that the camera in every Meet the Team trailer zooms out of at the end accompanied by the ending flourish, the Medic is the only Support class wielding a melee weapon.

Revision as of 22:04, 8 August 2010

圖示: Leaderboard class medic.png
類型: 支援職業
生命值: 150
(當被醫護兵擴充生命值時為 225 )
移動速度: 107%

A Teutonic man of medicine with a rather tenuous adherence to medical ethics, the Medic is nonetheless the primary healing class of the team. As the Medic doesn't possess the best arsenal for straight-up gunplay, he can typically be found near the front-lines, healing wounded teammates while trying to stay out of trouble. While his Medigun is focused on an ally, wounded teammates will quickly regain health, while unharmed teammates' health will be temporarily topped up. While healing, the Medic's ÜberCharge bar will fill up until the weapon begins to crackle, at which point he can activate a deadly charge that either makes himself and an ally temporarily invulnerable or gives his patient 100% Critical shots for up to 8 seconds.

The Medic is the only class capable of regenerating health over time; the longer a Medic stays out of combat, the faster his health will recover. A damaged Medic will regenerate health at a rate of 3 HP per second, which scales up over the following ten seconds to a maximum of 6 HP per second, (though carrying the Blutsauger reduces the regeneration rate from 3-6 to 1-4.)



主條目: Medic tips, Medic strategy
  • 使用醫療槍或閃擊戰來治療隊友,將他們的生命值擴充到正常生命值的 150%。你治療得越多,你就越接近 100%的醫療槍電量。
  • 使用醫療槍時,按下 Attack 2 鍵發動無敵。無敵可使你自己和被治療的隊友不受傷害 8 秒鐘。你也可以快速分配使用無敵在不同隊友身上,但請注意這樣會快速地消耗掉無敵。
  • 使用閃擊戰時,你的電量收集速率會上升 25%,電量全滿時按下 Attack 2 鍵可發動 8 秒的爆擊。
  • 當你治療生命值越少的隊友,你的醫療槍電量會增加得越快。
  • 注意呼叫你的夥伴。請使用螢幕上的醫療箭頭來找到他們。你也可以在"選項"開啟自動接收呼叫的功能。
  • 請學習在轉角處彎曲你的醫療槍光束,以避開爆炸傷害。
  • 自動呼叫醫護兵的功能可在選項裡找到,這選項可以讓你選擇你的隊友在生命值剩多少時,自動呼叫你。




武器 彈藥上膛數量 彈藥攜帶數量 傷害值 特殊能力
Item icon Syringe Gun.png
針筒槍 40 150 基本:10
爆擊:30 [10 發針筒/秒]
Item icon Blutsauger.png
嗜血針槍 40 150 基本:10
爆擊:30 [10 發針筒/秒]
每發造成敵方傷害的針可讓使用者回復 3 點生命值,每秒減少 2 點生命值自動恢復量。


武器 彈藥上膛數量 彈藥攜帶數量 傷害值 特殊能力
Item icon Medi Gun.png
醫療槍 N/A N/A N/A 使用者可使醫療槍電量達到 100%,讓被治療的對象和醫護兵獲得8秒的無敵。
Item icon Kritzkrieg.png
閃擊戰 N/A N/A N/A 使用者可使醫療槍電量達到 100%,讓被治療的對象獲得8秒的爆擊。增加 25%的集電速率。


武器 彈藥上膛數量 彈藥攜帶數量 傷害值 特殊能力
Item icon Bonesaw.png
骨鋸 N/A N/A 基本:65
Item icon Ubersaw.png
超能電量收集鋸 N/A N/A 基本: 65
每次的成功砍擊可增加 25%的醫療槍電量。

揮擊速率減少 20%。


攻擊 武器 時間花費 傷害值
狂歡啤酒味 閃擊戰 4 秒 無傷害,可使醫護兵回復 11 點生命值。
脊柱刺擊 超能電量收集鋸 大約 4 秒 + 500(一擊必殺)。成功的刺擊可使醫療槍電量增加 50%。


主條目: Hats
Original Classless Community
普魯士軍帽 蒂勒萊恩釀酒帽 耳鼻喉科鏡 夜視護目鏡 紳士蓋茲比帽
Backpack Prussian Pickelhaube.png
Backpack Vintage Tyrolean.png
Backpack Otolaryngologist's Mirror.png
Backpack Ze Goggles.png
Backpack Gentleman's Gatsby.png


Backpack Physician's Procedure Mask.png


官方職業頭像 紅隊無敵狀態」 藍隊無敵狀態」
Medicava.jpg Buffed red medic.jpg Buffed blu medic.jpg
在 Steam 取得 TF2 官方職業頭像: 原版系列


主條目: Medic achievements


Medic mm.jpg
  • 只有醫護兵和火焰兵,在Trailer 2影片中沒講到他們的工作內容和座右銘, though the trailer for the canceled Black Box does feature footage of him firing his Syringe Gun in the beta 2fort (0:36-0:43)[1].
  • 醫護兵是唯一一個沒在更新中獲得嘲諷攻擊的兵種,但後來有一個嘲諷被改成可以治療他自己。他之後又得到了一個可攻擊敵方的嘲諷,使醫護兵變成唯二擁有兩個有效果嘲諷的兵種(另一個是工程師)。
  • 如果醫護兵在醫療槍電量全滿(沒發動)的時候被殺掉,他的屍體會圍繞著一團電。
  • 醫護兵是由Robin Atkin Downes配音,他也在Wii的動作遊戲No More Heroes中為"Travis Touchdown"配音、The Prophet of Regret in Halo, among many other roles.
  • According to one of the Demoman's domination lines, the Medic has a wife. Whether the Demoman is a reliable source of information is a different question entirely.
  • 醫護兵是遊戲中唯一因為視力問題而戴眼鏡的兵種。
  • The Medic, along with the Pyro, are the only classes who have not received any new lines, either in-game or in the Meet the Team videos, since the game was released. The Medic and the Pyro are the only characters who did not receive new voice responses during their class update.
  • 雖然醫護兵經歷過第二次世界大戰的年代,且他的簡歷透露出灰暗的過去,但Valve說明了醫護兵之前並不是個納粹黨人。可是無論如何,火箭兵始終認為敵方醫護兵是納粹。
  • 醫護兵、火箭兵和火焰兵是目前為止有"其他物品"的兵種。
  • 醫護兵是第一個更新的兵種。原先玩家必須要解開所有醫護兵的成就才能獲得超能電量收集鋸。此舉所造成的反彈聲浪和達成成就的高難度,是其中一個造成成就需求數下降,和隨機掉落系統的出現的原因。
  • There are two unused voice commands for calling the Medic. 1 2 These were most likely temporary sounds during testing, or from the canceled version of TF2, where it was much more realistic and military themed.
  • 和所有其他兵種比較,醫護兵是講最多外語(除了英語)的兵種。他講的話有一半是德文,但他經常在講話的時候用詞不洽當、說出的句子也很古怪(像是"Stop losing"(別再輸了),他會說成"Losing is verboten"(德文的"禁止"))。他的口音也不標準,而且經常念出錯誤的發音。
  • 醫護兵似乎是唯一沒有健康問題的兵種。The Heavy is overweight, the Scout has possible radiation poisoning (from Bonk), the Soldier's rocket jumping (i.e. leg fracturing), smoking and extremely poor mental health, the Pyro's asbestos-lined suit (and similar poor mental health), the Demoman's alcoholism and smoking, the Sniper's impeding kidney failure, the Spy is a casual smoker and the Engineer crippled himself to use the Gunslinger. Despite his peers, the Medic so far seems to be completely sober, aside maybe from his mental health and sadism, traits that all the classes seem to exhibit to some degree.
    • However, it could be argued that the Medic gets high of the kirtzkrieg, but due to a recent update which meant he would heal himself upon taunting, it may just be to heal himself.
  • The Medic's version of the Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask has a huge ghoulish face with stitches on its forehead, a reference to Frankenstein's monster and the Medic's slight mad scientist nature.
  • On the group picture that the camera in every Meet the Team trailer zooms out of at the end accompanied by the ending flourish, the Medic is the only Support class wielding a melee weapon.
  • 醫護兵有最多的專屬成就(37 個)。
  • The Medic is the only class with his own class-specific voice command.
  • Except for the Spy, the Medic is the only class without community-made weapons.
  • 工程師更新之後,有些兵種在正對著醫護兵呼叫他時,會有叫醫護兵"跟著我"的對話。



Template:Class Nav/zh-hant Template:Medic Nav/zh-hant