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Steam Backpack Youtube
My Steam Profile My Backpack My YouTube Channel

Basic information
Type: Engineer/Medic
Gender: Female
Birth place: England
Age: 17
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer
Leaderboard class medic.png Medic
Favourite weapons: Southern Hospitality Southern hospitality
Pomson 6000 Pomson 6000
Favourite hats: Item icon Scotch Saver.pngScotch Saver
RED Surgeon's Stahlhelm.png Surgeon's Stahlhelm
Contact information
Steam page: Lily's thingie

You are literally Hitler.
— Transgamer after suffering any form of loss
I need help down here!
— Transgamer when in trouble

Quick fire info

REDicon.gif This user is an employee of RED.
Flag Europe.png This user is European.
User Engineer.png This user is an Engineer.
“I told ya don’t touch that darn thing!”
User Medic.png This user is a Medic.
“Zat, vas doctah assisted homicide!”
RED Level 1 Sentry Gun.png This user is buildin' a Sentry
Speech mediccall.png This user constantly calls for MEDIC!
Spy No smoking.png No smoking please!

More in depth

Transgamer (known properly as Lily A.J Page) Is a Transgender gamer from the UK who likes to play TF2. Her favourite class is the Engineer although she does also like playing Medic and will often switch between the two (as well as other classes) but mainly sticks to the Engineer as she feels it's what she's best at. On the 18th of march 2014, Lily started her gaming Youtube channel under the same 'Transgamer' name. She is also considering setting up a competitive TF2 team with 1 of each class, with her of course being the Engineer.

Personal life

Lily, born Brett, was born in 1996 in central south England. She is transgender and describes her sexuality as "purple". At this point, Lily is not seeing or getting any official medical treatment involving her being transgender, this is due to what she calls her "terminal shyness". Lily currently lives with her family in the same county as she was born, though she says she has plans to move. She currently does not have a gaming PC and as such cannot play Team Fortress 2 very often or in very high quality, in fact she has to play in windowed mode with all the graphical options turned to their minimum.

Gaming channel

Transgamer is also the name for Lily's gaming channel which was started on the 18th of march 2014. She currently has multiple series going right now with her Let's play Super Mario Bros series is her first. She plans to do many TF2 videos when she eventually obtains a gaming PC powerful enough to both run the game and capture footage of it. She also plans to do Let's plays of Civ V, the Stick of Truth, Game dev tycoon, Banished, and other PC games she's currently unable to play/record.

Her plans for her gaming channel also include a considerably large number of console games, mostly on the Nintendo Wii U as she is a self described "huge Nintendo fangirl" Though much the same with the Gaming PC, she currently does not own a Wii U.