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Item qualities

Normal = Normaalina

Unique = Ainutlaatuisena

Vintage = Klassikkona

Genuine = Aitona

Strange = Kummallisena

Unusual = Erikoisena


Scout achievements = Scout-saavutuksista

Soldier achievements = Soldier-saavutuksista

Pyro achievements = Pyro-saavutuksista

just take class' name and add "-saavutuksista" after it

I'm not sure about English versions, but here is few how they "bend":

Löytö = löytämällä

Luominen = luomalla

Mann Co. -kauppa = Mann Co. -kaupasta

& = sekä

Mann Co:n tarvikelaatikko = Mann Co:n tarvikelaatikosta

On games, when game's name is "one part", like Spacechem, it goes like "Spacechem-pelistä". When it's "many parts", it's like "Poker Night at the Inventory -pelistä". I hope you got the idea :P

I need to think about updates. They translate as clumsy with this templatizing. It needs different sentence or some modifications.

Template thing