Template:PatchDiff/May 18, 2011 Patch/team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/closecaption romanian.txt

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3838"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment014.wav" "[Jake Nicholson ] For Soldiers, we design spaces with specific attention to height. Soldiers generally want to be shooting down at opponents to maximize the effect of their rockets' splash damage. The rooftop here gives them that advantage. It can also only be reached with the soldier's rocket jump, making it generally inaccessible to the other classes. Because of the splash damage from a rocket jump, soldiers have to trade health for the height advantage. This tradeoff, coupled with the lack of health on the roof, lets usmake the rooftop a powerful advantage without unbalancing the map, since soldiers will need to rely on medics down below to keep them healthy."
3939"#commentary\tf2-Comment015.wav" "[Dave Riller] Pentru a acomoda clasa scout, hrile au nevoie de spaii deschise ce permit scouilor s fac srituri duble prin rute pe care alte clase nu le pot naviga. Aceast zona prezint o varietate mare de acoperie i stnci pe care un scout le poate traversa, astfel el ramne deasupra oricror oponeni non-scoui. Scouii pot folosi viteza lor drept ca avantaj pentru cnd ei se retrag s-i colecteze via, deci noi i form aici s adopte un risc prin punerea unui pachet de via ntr-un spatiu nchis unde ei sacrific o parte din libertatea de micare."
4040"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment015.wav" "[Dave Riller] To accommodate the scout class, maps need open spaces that allow scouts to double jump along paths that the other classes can't navigate. This area features a variety of rooftops and rocks that a scout can traverse while staying above any non-scout opponents. Scouts often use their speed advantage to retreat and collect health, so here we force them to adopt some risk by placing the health inside a small, enclosed area, where they sacrifice some freedom of movement."
41N/A"#commentary\tf2-Comment016.wav" "[Matt Boone] Spionul a fost proiectat pentru juctorii ce vor s pcleasc oponenii lor. La un nivel nalt, gameplay-ul lui decurge astfel: infiltreaz echipa inamic, se mic folosind deghizri, i folosete njunghierea cu ucidere instant pentru a scpa de inamici cruciali precum sniperi, ingineri, i medici. Pelerina de invizibilitate este proiectat pentru a-l ajuta n doua situaii cheie. Prima const n trecerea de linia de front, unde juctorii sunt vigileni i foarte suspicioi cu coechipierii ce nu se deplaseaz n direcia corect. A doua const n scparea de inamicii care au vzut prin deghizarea lui ct timp a fost n teritorul inamic. Sabotorul lui a fost proiectat s i permit s scape usor de santinele nesupravegheate ale inamicilor, fapt ce foreaz inginerii inamici s stea cu ochii pe cldirile lor."
N/A41"#commentary\tf2-Comment016.wav" "[Matt Boone] Spionul a fost proiectat pentru juctorii ce vor s pcleasc oponenii lor. La un nivel nalt, gameplay-ul lui decurge astfel: infiltreaz echipa inamic, se mic folosind deghizri, i folosete njunghierea cu ucidere instant pentru a scpa de inamici cruciali precum sniperi, ingineri, i medici. Camuflajul este proiectat pentru a-l ajuta n doua situaii cheie. Prima const n trecerea de linia de front, unde juctorii sunt vigileni i foarte suspicioi cu coechipierii ce nu se deplaseaz n direcia corect. A doua const n scparea de inamicii care au vzut prin deghizarea lui ct timp a fost n teritorul inamic. Sabotorul lui a fost proiectat s i permit s scape usor de santinele nesupravegheate ale inamicilor, fapt ce foreaz inginerii inamici s stea cu ochii pe cldirile lor."
4242"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment016.wav" "[Matt Boone] The Spy is designed for players who want to outsmart their opponents. At a high level, his gameplay flow is to infiltrate the enemy team, move around while disguised, and use his instant-kill backstab to take out key enemies, usually snipers, engineers, and medics. His invisibility cloak is designed to help him in two key situations. The first is in getting past the frontline, where players are most vigilant against enemies and most suspicious of friends not heading in the right direction. The second is in escaping from enemies who have seen through his disguise while he's in enemy territory. His sapper was designed to allow him to easily take out unattended enemy sentryguns, forcing enemy engineers to keep a close eye on their buildings."
4343"#commentary\tf2-Comment017.wav" "[Eric Kirchmer] S echilibrm puterea Santinelei Inginerului a fost una din cele mai mari probleme de proiectare din Team Fortress 2. Dac arma era prea puternic, numai cei mai ndemnatici juctori puteau s-o contracareze. Dac arma era prea slab, Inginerul nu ar fi avut nicio ans mpotriva juctorilor experimentai, astfel eliminnd motivul pentru care ar trebui s-o construiasc. Soluia noastr consta n funcionarea santinelei n mod binar, adic ea s fie letal pentru inamicii care nu se adpostesc, dar nu poate ataca inamicii care intr i ies din adpost. Acest lucru foreaz Inginerul s-i foloseasc propria ndemnare cu armele lui secundare pentru a compensa pentru vulnerabilitatea la coluri a santinei, n timp ce face ca santinela s fie on obstacol formidabil pentru orice oponent ce dorete s treac pe lng ea."
4444"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment017.wav" "[Eric Kirchmer] Balancing the strength of the Engineer's AI-controlled sentrygun was one of more difficult design problems in Team Fortress 2. If the gun was too powerful, only the most skilled players would be able to counteract it. If the gun was too weak, the Engineer would have no chance against skilled players, effectively eliminating any reason to build it in the first place. Our solution was to make the sentrygun essentially binary in the sense that it's lethal to opponents who don't take cover, but can't intelligently deal with enemies popping in and out of cover. This forces the Engineer to use his own secondary weapons skill to compensate for the sentrygun's corner weakness, while still making the sentrygun a formidable obstacle for any opponent simply attempting to sprint past it."