Template:PatchDiff/March 30, 2022 Patch/hl2/resource/closecaption dutch.txt

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33"Language" "dutch"
6N/A"testcommands" "<clr:255,0,0>This is red and italics and <cr>bold<clr:255,255,255> white again."
N/A6"testcommands" "<clr:255,0,0>Dit is rood en cursief en <cr>vet<clr:255,255,255> en weer wit."
77"[english]testcommands" "<clr:255,0,0>This is red and italics and <cr>bold<clr:255,255,255> white again."
88"barn.anotherdropship" "Nog een dropship! "
99"[english]barn.anotherdropship" "Another dropship! "
41494149"[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer05" "We expected as much "
41504150"npc_vortigaunt.vanswer06" "Zinloze speculatie "
41514151"[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer06" "Idle speculation "
4152N/A"npc_vortigaunt.vanswer07" "Je bezorgdheid is roerend "
N/A4152"npc_vortigaunt.vanswer07" "Je bezorgdheid raakt me"
41534153"[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer07" "Your concern is touching "
41544154"npc_vortigaunt.vanswer08" "Vertrouw er niet op. "
41554155"[english]npc_vortigaunt.vanswer08" "Don't rely on it. "