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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Welcome to my Sandbox#1}}
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Reglas para que Eduardo, Xavier o cualquier persona pueda compartir material de TF2}}
| type = notice
| image = Pictogram info.png
| contents = '''This user page is allowed to be edited by the following user(s)''':<br>
* [[User:Ryo|Ryo]]
<small>Here you can see more or less, the current project I'm working on. Shhh it's a secret to everyone!</small>
The following Changelog is for the map [[Hacksaw/es|Hacksaw]]:
Eduardo y Xavier tienen que jugar con Yossef, para que puedan compartir algún material de Team Fortress 2 (TF2) o cualquier propiedad intelectual de Valve, si no cumplen con el requisito, Eduardo y Xavier no podrán compartir materiales de TF2 o Valve. Esto aplica en Facebook, X (anteriormente conocido como Twitter), cualquier red social, cualquier página de internet o en la vida real.
{{Changelog|'''29 de noviembre de 2021'''
*Renamed map from "Hacker" to "Hacksaw".
*Rethemed the map to be winter.
*Redid the middle area to no longer have the long plank bridges.
*Reconsidered sightlines across mid.
*Remade the rocket launch site.
*Removed health kits.
*Made it generally more closed off for each team.
*Changed the final checkpoint.
*The launch site ramp and console is now a rollback zone.
*Added a 10 second capture time for the "hacking" sequence, where the payload slowly cuts into the computer console with sounds and particles.
*You must stand at the payload the entire time, similar to Hightower, in order to not lose progress.
*Redid lighting.
'''4 de diciembre de 2021'''
*Redid fog to be less vibrant.
*Fog max density decreased.
*Improved indoor and outdoor fog transitions.
*Removed snow particles for now.
*Added a cliff health kit retreat near the payload starting area, and massively simplified the clutter.
*Removed weird crates that looked like a prop jump.
*Lightened spawns.
*Adjusted saw so that you can't die from the sides.
*Lowered the general height of each team's battlements.
*Closed off one of the two windows at mid, moved it over, widened it for access, and cleaned up some related sightlines.
*Fixed snipers cheesing sightlines by standing on balcony fences.
*Added breathing room to each team's outer balcony.
*Added pickup patches.
*Fixed unwalkable displacement triangles.
*Added a pipe route up to each team's sniper battlement, away from the spawn route.
*Added push entities to the cliffs so you can't stand on them.
*Improved clipping above some roofs in mid so that rocket jumping is easier.
'''6 de enero de 2022'''
*Improved the fog again.
*Redid the fence room to remove the fence and turn it into a nest room, and adjusted the doorways to prevent an extreme sightline from spawn.
*Remade the balconies to wrap around and provide better coverage.
*Extended the cart path by having it briefly travel through each team's building.
*Changed rocket cliff area to be wider and made the healthkit a full one.
*Made cliff hut healthkits small.
*Added little wood platforms outside of various windows to make peeking and blast jumping up to them easier.
*Entirely remade the finale.
*Changed some short fences to tall fences to better signify clipped off OOB areas.
*Made the resupply lockers a bit less hidden.
*Changed skybox texture as an experiment.
*Removed OOV sequoia trees because they were too distracting.
*Returned snow particles.
*Lowered respawn wave time to 3 (6 max) seconds from 4 (8 max).
*Shortened sequoias.
*Closed a spawn exit to fix a sightline.
*Added a sniping window to each team's battlements that faces the finale.
*Lengthened setup time.
*Added some cool stuff that you'll have to see in game.
*Fixed some misaligned window textures.
*Fixed missing particle manifest file.
'''10 de enero de 2022'''
*Added one-way doors around the spawns similar to hightower (dont bother trying to exploit as engi with teleporters i thought of that already)
*Made the payload dispenser a level 2, but also made it slower
*Elevator is significantly slower
*Elevator boost pad launch target is now tied directly to the cart platform, so you will always be launched high enough to reach it
*Blocked the ability for people on the boost pad to shoot across the map
*Clipped some little things here and there
*Removed the color correction for now
*The sawblades attached to the carts are now smaller, more receeded, and louder
*Removed grass that somebody thought was a spy
'''17 de enero de 2022'''
*Updated mid, cliff, and finale.
*Extended each team's building out to have a new hut.
*The cliff now has a small ammo kit on each team's slope.
*Changed the cart to go down to the cliff and loop back up to your team's side with a rollback, and then finally cross back over near the enemy team's battlements at the very end.
*There is no more elevator, its now just a normal PLR finale for the time being.
**The cart will need to be held at the saw for an extended period of time like a capture point.
*Added a doorway with a wooden platform accessible from the finale that allows you to shoot down toward the cliff.
*The jump pad has been removed (sorry) and replaced with a full ammo cubby.
*Moved the rocket from the cliff to the finale.
*Removed big rock at mid, making for a much more straightforward access to the finale from mid.
*Overlooking windows were moved out and adjusted to be clearer and more obvious while nerfing some of their reach- they also now serve as a partial sentry nest overlooking the new finale.
*Fixed the wrong sawblade getting bloody when killing a player.
*Fixed some erroneous clipping.
*Closed some decorative windows and grates to help optimization.
*splattered some more bits of team coloring around.
*Added tons of fades to props -especially out of bounds ones- so that they don't draw if you're on the other side of the map.
*Fixed large window textures in spawn.
'''18 de enero de 2022'''
*Fixed blue payload triggering a red victory.
*Fixed some visible prop fades.
'''19 de enero de 2022'''
*Fences no longer push you into the death pit.
*Cliff faces around the map will push you more consistently.
*The saws no longer insta kill, but instead deal rapid high damage.
**This gives players a moment to correct their mistake, and not be as badly punished for being too close to the cart when it's taking a turn, while still having the funny highlight of being caught off guard.
**The cart now gibs you, which will zoom out your screen and show you that the cart killed you better.
*Tweaked fog and lighting.
*Changed upper battlements ammo to medium.
'''21 de enero de 2022'''
*Added fallback material for the rocket model for players on FPS configs.
*Fixed gutters that players could stand on.
*Fixed collisions on railings next to the rocket.
*Adjusted some fog transitions.
*Lightened up some sniper windows.
'''4 de febrero de 2022'''
*Detailed the map (final custom assets to come in RC).
*Optimized the map.
*Added Soundscapes.
*Added a welcome cam.
*Adjusted resupply locations for ease of access and readability.
*Receeded a cliff to prevent a stuckspot.
*Adjusted little bits of the layout here and there, mainly around stairs to provide for more breathing room.
*Made final push slightly slower and re-implemented visual and audio effects.
*Fixed various clipping around the map.
*Returned the cart to a level 1 dispenser instead of level 2.
'''5 de febrero de 2022'''
*Hotfix to b1 to fix missing sky (you should delete your existing b1 version if you have downloaded it).
'''10 de febrero de 2022'''
*Raised respawn times (from wave time 3 to wave time 6) so that defenders aren't as overwhelmed.
*Lessened the time it takes to cap (slower than Alpha 6a, faster than B1).
*Fixed some stuck spots behind trees.
*Fixed perch spots.
*Repositioned glowing signs to be larger and more readable.
'''15 de febrero de 2022'''
*Fixed perch spots above wooden doorways and metal roofs.
*Finale siren can be heard from a much greater distance.
*Fixed missing fog and soundscape transition in barn windows.
*Gate triggers are larger to prevent you from bumping into them.
*Removed red buildings from the 3dsky for being too distracting.
*Moved wooden planks that were covering gameplay signs.
*Moved the CP holograms to make it more obvious that the computer is the objective.
*More detail adjustments.
'''19 de febrero de 2022'''
* Se añadieron colisiones suaves contra varias paredes de retención.
* Se corrigieron las rocas perchables OOB y los altavoces.
* Se corrigieron algunas instancias en el que los sonidos del ambiente no se cargaban correctamente al salir al exterior.
* Se corrigió la zona de retroceso del acantilado de RED sea un poco más largo que la de BLU.
* Se limpiaron algunos detalles 00B.
* Se añadieron algunos cables adicionales para los detalles.
'''22 de febrero de 2022'''
* Se añadieron colisiones en los escalones en varias rampas para poder atravesarlas de manera más fácil.
* Se añadió un texto en la pantalla que muestra el progreso de destrucción de los ordenadores para ambos equipos. (Él tendrá algunos efectos mejorados en RC).
* Se hicieron los nodos de la vagoneta en el primer cruce más suaves.
* Se corrigieron algunas instancias en el que el sonido de advertencia de la destrucción se reproducía cuando la destrucción no estaba en progreso.
* Se corrigió la escala incorrecta de texturas en los balcones.
* Se corrigieron las puertas sin colisiones.
* Se disminuyó y se cambió el color de la niebla del interior.
* Se añadieron algunas flechas hacia los interiores de la ventana de los Snipers.
'''1 de marzo de 2022'''
* Se rehizo el skybox 2D.
* Se cambió la iluminación del ambiente.
* Se incrementó la distancia inicial de la niebla en el exterior.
* Se deshabilitaron las colisiones en los cuervos.
* Se optimizaron los ''occluders''.
* Se eliminó la puerta final que estaba cerca del acantilado.
* Se corrigió una roca lejos del acantilado que se podía estar sobre ella.
'''20 de marzo de 2022'''
* Se cambió la jugabilidad.
** Se eliminaron los cercos ''func_push'' alrededor del mapa, permitiendo que todos los cercos de madera sean consistentes.
* Se eliminó la colisión alrededor del acantilado sin cerco, para que ahora puedas saltar a través del pozo.
* Se eliminaron los tubos, los cuales se podían caminar sobre ellos, de las almenas de cada equipo que hacían más fácil a los jugadores en flanquear a los enemigos en el piso superior.
* Se reemplazó el cerco del piso superior con una sola ventana para proveer más cobertura.
* Se corrigió algunas partes de los desplazamientos que no se pueden caminar.
* Más optimizaciones.
* Se añadieron varias ventanas con ''area portal'' alrededor del mapa para que algunos puntos no se carguen cuando ellos deben.
* Se redujo una gran cantidad de objetos generales.
* Se reemplazaron todos los objetos en las paredes con pinceles.
* Se extendieron las paredes extendidas cerca del área inicial de la vagoneta para añadir un poco más de cobertura y ''occlude'' más modelos.
* Más arte
** Se cambiaron varios detalles alrededor del mapa, se modificaron varias paredes grandes, y se ajustaron todas las vistas.
* Se mejoraron algunas ventanas para los Snipers para que se vean más consistentes visualmente con las otras ventanas en el mapa.
* Se añadieron detalles en los ''sprites'' personalizados para reemplazar os objetos del césped.
* Se corrigieron varios objetos que estaban duplicados y superposicionados.
'''27 de julio de 2022'''
* Se rediseñó el área del lanzamiento del cohete.
* Se redujo la altura de las paredes de madera de la plataforma de lanzamiento.
** Se añadieron paredes de madera adicionales para cubrirse.
** Se eliminó la entrada del medio de la plataforma de lanzamiento, aún debes caminar alrededor de ella.
** Se redujo la cobertura cerca de las zonas de captura.
** Se movió el cohete hacia el silo y se reemplazó con un conducto de ventilación, una versión más pequeña que los conductos anteriores.
** Se movió la caja de munición del silo hacia al acantilado.
** Se iluminó y abrió la segunda ventana del granero de cada equipo.
* Se extendieron las puertas de las casa del acantilado.
* Se añadió más SFX a los ordenadores.
* Se cortó un poco las esquinas de algunas ''occluders''  que escondían cosas.
* Se ajustaron las distancias del ''area portal'' de las ventanas.
* Added chicken wire to wooden fences to make them bulletproof.
* Se eliminaron los balcones de los Snipers del medio.
* Más cambios en los detalles.
* Se corrigieron los detalles en los ''sprites'' que sobresalían de los pinceles.
* Se corrigieron las brechas en los modelos de las vías de la vagoneta.
* Se corrigió más puntos de perchas.
* Se corrigió la habilidad de poder parase en algunos árboles grandes.
* Se corrigió la colisión alrededor de los rayos y objetos.
* Se eliminó la colisión en los objetos OOB.
* Se optimizaron más lightmaps.
'''30 de julio de 2022'''
* Se añadieron casas alrededor de la plataforma de lanzamiento para añadir más cobertura y bloquear lineas de visión erróneas.
* Se corrigieron algunas colisiones alrededor del silo.
* Se corrigió el lado de RED que no tenía un lugar para cubrirse cerca de las cabañas del acantilado, y se añadió otra pieza pequeña para ambos lados.
* Se optimizaron más iluminaciones y visibilidad en el mapa.
'''3 de agosto de 2022'''
* Ahora el final demora 33% más para destruir.
* Ahora el porcentaje de destrucción incrementa cada 5% en lugar de cada 10%.
* Se modificaron las ventanas del granero.
** Se corrigió un pincel de colisión que estaba bloqueando una ventana del equipo RED.
** Se añadió una plataforma pequeña a fuera de cada ventana del granero.
** Se transformó una ventana a una puerta.
* Se limpiaron algunas lámparas para que no tengan colisión y bloquear la visión un poco.
* Se bajaron las cercas detrás de los ordenadores y se limpio sus colisiones.
* Se restauraron los tubos de las almenas para habilitar cierta flanqueabilidad para la base superior de cada equipo.
* Se incrementó un poco la durabilidad del túnel del silo de viento.
'''27 de octubre de 2022'''
* Se añadió el FX final incluyendo varios sonidos, partículas, y animaciones.
* Se adaptó la jugabilidad, optimización, y cambios estéticos de Bonesaw.
'''2 de diciembre de 2022'''
* Se corrigieron los arboles que flotaban a fuera del cuarto de regeneración de RED.
* Se corrigieron algunos pinceles problemáticos.
* Se corrigieron las texturas de Bonesaw que sobraban en el granero de BLU.
'''3 de diciembre de 2022'''
* Se corrigieron las escaleras faltantes en la base de BLU.
== "Best of 5" method ==
As the name implies, we would need 5 eligible voters, making the outcome always be either '''Yes''' or '''No'''. Pretty much self-explanatory, majority decides the outcome of the nomination.
'''Pass Example:'''
Below you can this that Mr. John Doe '''passed''' the nomination process because majority of the staff members voted favorably.
<small>'''Notes:'''<br>Number of available voters: '''5'''</small>
{|class="wikitable grid sortable" cellpadding=2 style="text-align:center; font-size:90%"
!class="header" style="background-color:#F3A957;" | Nominee
!class="header" style="background-color:#F3A957;" | Yes
!class="header" style="background-color:#F3A957;" | No
!class="header" style="background-color:#F3A957;" | Staffs' notes
| John Doe
| 3
| 2
| N/A
'''Not pass Examples:'''
There could be various reasons why the nominee would not pass the nomination process, below you can this that Mr. John Doe '''didn't pass''' the nomination process because majority of the staff members voted against granting the Cap.
<small>'''Notes:'''<br>Number of available voters: '''5'''</small>
{|class="wikitable grid sortable" cellpadding=2 style="text-align:center; font-size:90%"
!class="header" style="background-color:#F3A957;" | Nominee
!class="header" style="background-color:#F3A957;" | Yes
!class="header" style="background-color:#F3A957;" | No
!class="header" style="background-color:#F3A957;" | Staffs' notes
| John Doe
| 2
| 3
| N/A
Below you can see that Mr. John Doe's nomination was not approved by the staff members, therefore the nomination process is cancelled and closed altogether. This could be either; he was obviously nominated by a friend, his contributions are not worthy/significant in order to be nominated, or because John is not community friendly and a troublemaker among other editors.
* The reason for why the nomination process was closed, should be kept privately in the user's logs.
<small>'''Notes:'''<br>Number of available voters: '''5'''</small>
{|class="wikitable grid sortable" cellpadding=2 style="text-align:center; font-size:90%"
!class="header" style="background-color:#F3A957;" | Nominee
!class="header" style="background-color:#F3A957;" | Yes
!class="header" style="background-color:#F3A957;" | No
!class="header" style="background-color:#F3A957;" | Staffs' notes
| John Doe
| 0
| 0
| Not Approved<br>Nomination closed per staff discussion.<br>Please refer to the logs.
'''Changes from the current system:'''
* Removal of the 'Abstain' column.
* Reduced the amount of required voters to a '''MAX''' of 5.
* Replaced being dependent on having 5 staff members on voting for the same outcome with being dependent on having 3 staff members on voting for the same outcome.
This method was suggested as a way to improve the speed of the nomination process, with only the need of 5 staff members, the outcome would be relatively quicker than the current one.
=== What if an EVEN number of staff members are available to vote? ===
In that case, by default a '''No''' vote would be count, this way it will '''always''' be required to have the majority of staff members agreeing on granting the Cap.
<small>'''Notes:'''<br>Number of available voters: '''4'''<br>An additional '''No''' was added to the vote. </small>
{|class="wikitable grid sortable" cellpadding=2 style="text-align:center; font-size:90%"
!class="header" style="background-color:#F3A957;" | Nominee
!class="header" style="background-color:#F3A957;" | Yes
!class="header" style="background-color:#F3A957;" | No
!class="header" style="background-color:#F3A957;" | Staffs' notes
| John Doe
| 2
| 3
| N/A
As you can see by the example, all 4 staff members voted and are evenly divided on whether if John should get the Wiki Cap. Sadly for John, he didn't get the '''majority''' to vote in his favor, which means that he didn't pass the process.
=== Nomination Time-limit ===
[[User:Mikado282|Mikado]] brought a point that originally  didn't think of,[https://steamcommunity.com/groups/OTFWiki/discussions/0/3319736698851342849/#c3362523988649653560 '''Time-limit''']. As we all know, in the past few nominations, it took around 4-6 months to complete the whole voting process. Base on this model, since the required amount of votes are lower, I expected that nominations would no take longer than 4 months. Though we need to prepare for instances of what would happen '''IF''' the nomination process exceeds the time-limit, and how to deal with the possible scenarios.
'''What would we do if the nomination process exceeds the time-limit?'''
Before stating the possible scenarios and how to deal with them, I suggest on making some general rules first on ''expired'' nominations (nominations that exceed the time-limit). I try to make it fair for both parties, staff '''AND''' contributors.
* The nomination countdown starts on the moment a staff member approves the nominations and the nominee's name is written in the [[Team Fortress Wiki:Wiki Cap/Nominations#Nominee Vote Queue|queue table]].
* If a nomination expired '''for the first time''', then the whole nomination is then aborted with the option for the nominee to be self-nominated {{tooltip|three|it could the day after? two days?}} days prior the cancellation.
* If the '''same nominee''' decides to be renominated and the nomination process expires for the '''second time''', then whatever result left from the staff in the queue table will be '''FINAL'''.
** The Cap will granted if the nominee has the majority of votes:
*** This means, if the nomination expires and the results were 1/0, then the nominee will be '''granted''' the cap.
*** Consequently, if the nomination expires and the results were either 0/0 or 0/1, then the cap '''will not''' be granted.

Latest revision as of 05:32, 18 September 2023

Eduardo y Xavier tienen que jugar con Yossef, para que puedan compartir algún material de Team Fortress 2 (TF2) o cualquier propiedad intelectual de Valve, si no cumplen con el requisito, Eduardo y Xavier no podrán compartir materiales de TF2 o Valve. Esto aplica en Facebook, X (anteriormente conocido como Twitter), cualquier red social, cualquier página de internet o en la vida real.