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Plain text: short and long

Spellbook Page/zh-hans
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战道必胜,必战可也!If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight!

这些装配不良的大部头书页由那些胸怀大志而心灰意冷,并掌握了基础PS技能的家里蹲巫师创作而成,其内的魔术咒语蕴含着不可名状的杀伤力,夹杂在那些享有版权保护的人物彼此沉醉于风花雪月的繁长桥段之间!哇呜!Written by sad, stay-at-home wizards with big dreams and rudimentary Photoshop skills, these poorly-assembled tomes contain magic spells of unspeakable lethality, nestled in between long passages of copyrighted characters having sex with each other! Awooooo!

size 150%

战道必胜,必战可也!If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight!

这些装配不良的大部头书页由那些胸怀大志而心灰意冷,并掌握了基础PS技能的家里蹲巫师创作而成,其内的魔术咒语蕴含着不可名状的杀伤力,夹杂在那些享有版权保护的人物彼此沉醉于风花雪月的繁长桥段之间!哇呜!Written by sad, stay-at-home wizards with big dreams and rudimentary Photoshop skills, these poorly-assembled tomes contain magic spells of unspeakable lethality, nestled in between long passages of copyrighted characters having sex with each other! Awooooo!

size 175%

战道必胜,必战可也!If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight!

这些装配不良的大部头书页由那些胸怀大志而心灰意冷,并掌握了基础PS技能的家里蹲巫师创作而成,其内的魔术咒语蕴含着不可名状的杀伤力,夹杂在那些享有版权保护的人物彼此沉醉于风花雪月的繁长桥段之间!哇呜!Written by sad, stay-at-home wizards with big dreams and rudimentary Photoshop skills, these poorly-assembled tomes contain magic spells of unspeakable lethality, nestled in between long passages of copyrighted characters having sex with each other! Awooooo!

size 200%

战道必胜,必战可也!If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight!

这些装配不良的大部头书页由那些胸怀大志而心灰意冷,并掌握了基础PS技能的家里蹲巫师创作而成,其内的魔术咒语蕴含着不可名状的杀伤力,夹杂在那些享有版权保护的人物彼此沉醉于风花雪月的繁长桥段之间!哇呜!Written by sad, stay-at-home wizards with big dreams and rudimentary Photoshop skills, these poorly-assembled tomes contain magic spells of unspeakable lethality, nestled in between long passages of copyrighted characters having sex with each other! Awooooo!


Failed to be called as a parameter in Template:Quotation
Quoted text.

Other Examples

map name (150%) - could be exquisite in some tables; brackets are still preferable in most cases

迷途城堡(Hassle Castle) - 迷途城堡Hassle Castle

Community announcers/zh-hans (150%)

Fireproof Secret Diary/zh-hans (175%)
  • …即可得到完整的引文:“想想看,这些凶恶残暴的行为,隐藏在黑暗中的罪恶,可能年复一年地在这些地方发生,却从来无人知晓。Think of the deeds of hellish cruelty, the hidden wickedness which may go on, year in, year out, in such places, and none the wiser.

A Cold Day in Hell/zh-hans (175% - 200%)
  • …亨弗莱·鲍嘉所说的台词:“世界广阔,城镇繁多,可她走进的这家馆子,偏偏就属于我。Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.
  • …亨弗莱·鲍嘉所说的台词:“世界上有那么多的城镇,城镇里有那么多的酒馆,而她偏偏走进了我的。Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.