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突擊兵等級 帽子

等級 是一些裝飾屬性武器和某些裝飾品的次要屬性。 物品等級是在大顯槍手更新時引入的。任何從這次更新之後活動箱子裏獲得的物品將會有一個等級。 物品等級並不等於屬性,而是一個顯示該項物品有多罕有的標準。裝飾屬性武器和裝飾品在游戲裏檢視時會使用它們所屬等級的顔色,而非它們物品屬性的顔色。平民和自由業等級的武器只能透過完成合約任務獲得而無法透過開箱獲得。目前,游戲裏有六個不同物品的等級。

顏色 名稱 範例
#B0C3D9 Civilian Grade 雙管霰彈槍
#5E98D9 Freelance Grade 黏性炸彈發射器
#4B69FF Mercenary Grade 格林機槍
#8847FF Commando Grade 火焰噴射器
#D32CE6 Assassin Grade 狙擊槍
#EB4B4B Elite Grade 火箭發射器











Gun Mettle Cosmetics Collection

Items from the Gun Mettle Cosmetics Collection are only available through opening a Gun Mettle Cosmetic Case with a Gun Mettle Cosmetic Key.

Invasion Community Update Collections

The following collections were added in the Invasion Community Update.

Confidential Collection

Items from this collection can be obtained by opening a Confidential Collection Case with an Invasion Community Update Key.

Quarantined Collection

Items from this collection can be obtained by opening a Quarantined Collection Case with an Invasion Community Update Key.

Gargoyle Collection

These cosmetics were added in the Scream Fortress 2015 update. They can only be obtained by opening a Gargoyle Case with a Gargoyle Key.

Tough Break Update Collections

The following collections were added in the Tough Break Update.

Gentlemanne's Collection

Items from the Gentlemanne's Collection can be obtained as a possible reward through completing a Tough Break contract.

Harvest Collection

Items from the Harvest Collection can be obtained as a possible reward through completing a Tough Break contract.

Pyroland Collection

Items from this collection can be obtained by opening a Pyroland Weapons Case with a Tough Break Key.

Warbird Collection

Items from this collection can be obtained by opening a Warbird Weapons Case with a Tough Break Key.

Tough Break Cosmetics Collection

Items from this collection can be obtained by opening a Tough Break Cosmetic Case with a Tough Break Cosmetic Key.

Mayflower Pack

Items from this collection can be obtained by opening a Mayflower Cosmetic Case with a Mayflower Cosmetic Key.

Creepy Crawly Collection

These cosmetics were added in the Scream Fortress 2016 update. They can only be obtained by opening a Creepy Crawly Case with a Creepy Crawly Key.

Winter 2016 Collection

Items from this collection can be obtained by opening a Unlocked Winter 2016 Cosmetic Case.

Rainy Day Pack

Items from this collection can be obtained by opening a Rainy Day Cosmetic Case with a Rainy Day Cosmetic Key.

Blue Moon Pack

Items from this collection can be obtained by opening a Blue Moon Cosmetic Case with a Blue Moon Cosmetic Key.


  • While playing in DirectX 8, the message "You are in DirectX 8, decorated weapons are incompatible and show as stock." appears on Graded cosmetics, despite none of these cosmetics use the Decorated or War Paint system.


  • The colors used to designate grades are the same that are used to designate Rarity in Dota 2 and Counter Strike: Global Offensive.