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Revision as of 03:45, 22 May 2011 by Gerk (talk | contribs)
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Talk Steam My backpack Contributions

I suppose it wouldn't hurt if I made a page of these kinds of things.

My name's Gerk. Well, my name's not actually Gerk, but close enough.

I love damn near everything about the game; everything, not simply limited to the game itself. For a game that requires no real plot or exposition whatsoever, TF2 has one of the most endeavored and ridiculous settings I've seen in a game, definitely the richest of any such contemporary (in the field of 'online games' - perhaps FPS at large, while we're at it.)

So, cue this wiki. I've been editing here since July, consistently since October, and this lets me flip around and soak in miscellany I may not know or have known and forgotten, all the while allowing me to edit and iron out any kinks I find in the process. Wikis are beautiful things, more so when they're about things we so love.

I'm a writer and an artist with a fixated interest in the Japanese language - I try to help out in the element of translation, but a full staff of competent EN-to-JP translators seem to fit the bill there, so I'm content to work on the English-driven templates, and other semi-"behind the scenes"-y work.

However, as my brief stints as both a map designer and hat crafter illustrate, I have a tragically short attention span. This can be attributed to such thi

TF2 crosshair.png This user plays TF2 with a brick. Seriously, a brick.

Help center.png This user is considerate of fellow editors and does not quick-undo changes that had good intentions.