Template:Unused Unusual effects

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Revision as of 22:55, 7 May 2020 by Boba (talk | contribs)
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Unused effects

These effects either currently or previously existed in the game's files, but were left unused. They are named by their internal filenames, as they have no official names. Please note that certain effects have been modified to display correctly.

Currently unused effects

These effects currently exist in the files of the game, and aren't used anywhere.

List of currently unused Unusual effects
UNUSED Balloon.png
UNUSED Beams1 Newstyle.png
UNUSED Beany Green.png
UNUSED Beany Hearts.png
UNUSED Beany Target.png
UNUSED Beany TF.png
UNUSED Circling Glow.png
UNUSED Circling Skull.png
"balloon" "beams1_newstyle" "beany_green" "beany_hearts" "beany_target" "beany_tf" "circling_glow" "circling_skull"
UNUSED Halo.png
UNUSED Orbit.png
UNUSED Sparkles1.png
UNUSED Sparkles2.png
UNUSED Sparkles3.png
UNUSED Stormcloud.png
UNUSED Test.png
"halo" "orbit" "sparkles1" "sparkles2" "sparkles3" "stormcloud" "test" "AAA_AAA"
UNUSED Crisp Spotlights Cones03.png
UNUSED Orbit Fullmoon Cloudy.png
UNUSED Sparkler Green.png
UNUSED Sparkler Orange.png
UNUSED Spray Confetti.png
UNUSED Storm Blood.png
UNUSED Symbols Parent Ice.png
"crisp_spotlights_cones03" "orbit_fullmoon_cloudy" "sparkler_green" "sparkler_orange" "spray_confetti" "storm_blood" "symbols_parents_ice"

Removed unused effect

This effect previously existed in the files of the game, but was unused. It has since been removed.

List of removed unused Unusual effects
UNUSED Orbit Shells.png