Template:PatchDiff/March 28, 2018 Patch/tf/resource/tf romanian.txt

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Revision as of 00:29, 29 March 2018 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Diff of file "tf/resource/tf_romanian.txt" for patch March 28, 2018 Patch.)
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633633"[english]TF_Object_Sentry_360" "Sentry"
634634"TF_Object_Tele_Entrance_360" "Intrare"
635635"[english]TF_Object_Tele_Entrance_360" "Entrance"
636N/A"TF_Object_Tele_Exit_360" "Ieşire"
N/A636"TF_Object_Tele_Exit_360" "Ieșire"
637637"[english]TF_Object_Tele_Exit_360" "Exit"
638638"TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Building" "Se construieşte Sentry-ul... %s1"
639639"[english]TF_ObjStatus_SentryGun_Building" "Sentry Gun Building... %s1"
14991499"[english]Tip_1_4" "As a Scout, your Pistol is great for picking off enemies at a distance."
15001500"Tip_1_5" "Ca Scout, Scattergunul tău provoacă mult damage la distanță redusă, omorând aproape toate clasele din 2 lovituri."
15011501"[english]Tip_1_5" "As a Scout, your Scattergun deals high-damage at point-blank range, killing most classes with 2 hits."
1502N/A"Tip_2_Count" "22"
1503N/A"[english]Tip_2_Count" "22"
N/A1502"Tip_2_Count" "21"
N/A1503"[english]Tip_2_Count" "21"
15041504"Tip_2_1" "Ca Sniper, cu cât privești mai mult prin lunetă, cu atât lovitura va provoca mai mult damage."
15051505"[english]Tip_2_1" "As a Sniper, the longer you spend zoomed while scoped, the more damage the shot will do."
15061506"Tip_2_2" "Ca Sniper, țintește la cap pentru a provoca damage critic."
34933493"[english]TF_Resupply" "Resupply"
34943494"TF_Intelligence" "Inteligenţa"
34953495"[english]TF_Intelligence" "Intelligence"
3496N/A"TF_Exit" "Ieşire"
N/A3496"TF_Exit" "Ieșire"
34973497"[english]TF_Exit" "Exit"
34983498"Leaderboard_BestMoments" "Cele mai bune momente"
34993499"[english]Leaderboard_BestMoments" "BEST MOMENTS"
43874387"[english]TF_Object_Tele" "Teleporter"
43884388"TF_Teleporter_Mode_Entrance" "Intrare"
43894389"[english]TF_Teleporter_Mode_Entrance" "Entrance"
4390N/A"TF_Teleporter_Mode_Exit" "Ieşire"
N/A4390"TF_Teleporter_Mode_Exit" "Ieșire"
43914391"[english]TF_Teleporter_Mode_Exit" "Exit"
43924392"TF_ObjStatus_Teleporter_Building" "Se construieşte Teleportorul... %s1"
43934393"[english]TF_ObjStatus_Teleporter_Building" "Teleporter Building... %s1"
48594859"[english]TR_Generic_BotIntro" "Try out your weapons on a few moving targets! Opponents will move around the target range. You know what to do."
48604860"TR_Generic_BotHealth" "Unii inamici au mai multă viaţă decât altii. Va trebui să foloseşti mai multă muniţie despre a-i doborî!"
48614861"[english]TR_Generic_BotHealth" "Some enemies have more health than others. You'll have to use more ammo to take them down!"
4862N/A"TR_Soldier_IntroTitle" "Soldier-ul"
N/A4862"TR_Soldier_IntroTitle" "Soldierul"
48634863"[english]TR_Soldier_IntroTitle" "The Soldier"
48644864"TR_Soldier_Intro" "Bine ai venit la antrenamentul pentru Soldier!"
48654865"[english]TR_Soldier_Intro" "Welcome to the �Soldier� weapons course!"
49194919"[english]TR_DustGeneric_Intro3" "�Control Point� ownership is represented at the bottom of the screen as that team's color."
49204920"TR_DustGeneric_HealthTitle" "Viaţa şi Muniţia"
49214921"[english]TR_DustGeneric_HealthTitle" "Health and Ammo"
4922N/A"TR_DustGeneric_EngTitle" "Engineer-ul"
N/A4922"TR_DustGeneric_EngTitle" "Engineerul"
49234923"[english]TR_DustGeneric_EngTitle" "The Engineer"
49244924"TR_DustGeneric_Eng" "�Engineerii pot mării eficienţa lor prin �construirea�, �repararea� şi �îmbunătăţii� construcţiilor speciale din arsenal."
49254925"[english]TR_DustGeneric_Eng" "�Engineers� can increase the effectiveness of their buildings through �construction�, �repair�, and �upgrading�."
55635563"[english]NewItemMethod_Promotion" "You �Received a Store Promotion Item�:"
55645564"NewItemMethod_Earned" "Ai Obţinut:"
55655565"[english]NewItemMethod_Earned" "You �Earned�:"
5566N/A"NewItemMethod_Refunded" "Ţi-a Fost Returnat:"
N/A5566"NewItemMethod_Refunded" "Ți-au �fost rambursate�:"
55675567"[english]NewItemMethod_Refunded" "You �Were Refunded�:"
55685568"NewItemMethod_Support" "Departamentul de asistenţă pentru clienţi ți-a oferit:"
55695569"[english]NewItemMethod_Support" "�Customer Support� Granted You:"
95459545"[english]TF_MM_ResultsDialog_Title" "Search Results"
95469546"TF_MM_ResultsDialog_ServerNotFound" "Nu sunt servere disponibile care să se potrivească cu criteriile tale. Incearcă din nou."
95479547"[english]TF_MM_ResultsDialog_ServerNotFound" "There are no available game servers that meet your search criteria. Please try again."
9548N/A"TF_Quickplay_PlayNow" "Joacă Acum!"
N/A9548"TF_Quickplay_PlayNow" "Joacă acum!"
95499549"[english]TF_Quickplay_PlayNow" "Play Now!"
95509550"TF_Quickplay_Title" "Începe să joci"
95519551"[english]TF_Quickplay_Title" "Start Playing"
9552N/A"TF_Quickplay_NumGames" "Meciuri Active: %s1"
N/A9552"TF_Quickplay_NumGames" "Servere de joc care îndeplinesc criteriile de căutare: %s1"
95539553"[english]TF_Quickplay_NumGames" "Game servers meeting search criteria: %s1"
9554N/A"TF_Quickplay_LetsGo" "Să Mergem!"
N/A9554"TF_Quickplay_LetsGo" "Să mergem!"
95559555"[english]TF_Quickplay_LetsGo" "Let's Go!"
9556N/A"TF_Quickplay_Favorites" "Doar Servele Favorite"
N/A9556"TF_Quickplay_Favorites" "Doar servele favorite"
95579557"[english]TF_Quickplay_Favorites" "Favorite Servers Only"
95589558"TF_Quickplay_Refresh" "Reîmprospătare"
95599559"[english]TF_Quickplay_Refresh" "Refresh"
9560N/A"TF_Quickplay_StopRefresh" "Oprește Reîmprospătarea"
N/A9560"TF_Quickplay_StopRefresh" "Oprește reîmprospătarea"
95619561"[english]TF_Quickplay_StopRefresh" "Stop Refreshing"
95629562"TF_Quickplay_PleaseWait" "Se stabilesc informațiile serverului, te rog așteaptă..."
95639563"[english]TF_Quickplay_PleaseWait" "Retrieving server information, please wait..."
1107911079"[english]TF_PublishFile_kNeedTitleAndDescription" "You need to specify both a title and a description."
1108011080"TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileValidation" "Fişierul nu a putut fi validat."
1108111081"[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileValidation" "The file failed to validate."
11082N/A"TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileTooLarge" "Fişierul publicat nu poate fi mai mare de 100MB."
11083N/A"[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileTooLarge" "The published file cannot be larger than 100 MB."
N/A11082"TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileTooLarge" "Fişierul publicat nu poate fi mai mare de 200 MB după comprimare."
N/A11083"[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileTooLarge" "The published file cannot be larger than 200 MB after compression."
1108411084"TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileNotFound" "Fişierul nu a putut fi găsit."
1108511085"[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileNotFound" "The file could not be found."
1108611086"TF_PublishFile_Publishing" "Se publică fișierul, te rugăm să aștepți..."
1212612126"Tip_2_15" "Ca Sniper, Sydney Sleeper-ul poate ucide majoritatea claselor dintr-o singură lovitură încărcată la 100%%."
1212712127"[english]Tip_2_15" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper can kill most classes in one shot at 100%% charge."
1212812128"Tip_2_16" "Ca Sniper, Darwin's Danger Shield-ul adaugă în plus încă 25 de puncte de viaţă. Foloseşte-l când supraveţuirea este cea mai importantă prioritate."
12129N/A"[english]Tip_2_16" "As a Sniper, Darwin's Danger Shield adds an additional 25 health. Use it when survival is a top priority."
N/A12129"[english]Tip_2_16" "As a Sniper, the Huntsman is very effective at short to medium range despite its inability to zoom in."
1213012130"Tip_2_17" "Ca Sniper, Huntsman-ul este foarte eficient la distanţe mici şi medii în ciuda incapabilităţii de a ţinti cu zoom-ul."
12131N/A"[english]Tip_2_17" "As a Sniper, the Huntsman is very effective at short to medium range despite its inability to zoom in."
N/A12131"[english]Tip_2_17" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper will apply a Jarate effect to an enemy based on how long you've been scoped, so take your time when shooting."
1213212132"Tip_2_18" "Ca Sniper, Sydney Sleeper va aplica un efect de Jarate pe un inamic, în funcție de cât de mult timp ai privit prin lunetă, aşa că nu te grăbi când tragi."
12133N/A"[english]Tip_2_18" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper will apply a Jarate effect to an enemy based on how long you've been scoped, so take your time when shooting."
N/A12133"[english]Tip_2_18" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper can coat an enemy with Jarate upon a successful hit. This makes it an effective weapon when supporting your team from afar even if you do not kill the enemy with your first shot."
1213412134"Tip_2_19" "Ca Sniper, Sydney Sleeper poate acoperi cu Jarate un adversar după o lovitură de succes. Acest aspect o face o armă eficace pentru susținerea echipei de departe, chiar dacă nu omori adversarul cu prima lovitură."
12135N/A"[english]Tip_2_19" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper can coat an enemy with Jarate upon a successful hit. This makes it an effective weapon when supporting your team from afar even if you do not kill the enemy with your first shot."
N/A12135"[english]Tip_2_19" "As a Sniper, the Bazaar Bargain's charge rate is initially lower, but you can increase it by collecting heads. To collect heads, get a scoped headshot kill."
1213612136"Tip_2_20" "Ca Sniper, rata de încărcare de la Bazaar Bargain este inițial mai scăzută, dar o poți mări prin colectarea de capete. Pentru a colecta capete, obține o ucidere prin lovitură la cap."
12137N/A"[english]Tip_2_20" "As a Sniper, the Bazaar Bargain's charge rate is initially lower, but you can increase it by collecting heads. To collect heads, get a scoped headshot kill."
N/A12137"[english]Tip_2_20" "As a Sniper with the Machina, consider equipping the Submachine Gun to handle enemies in situations where scoping in for a shot is too difficult."
1213812138"Tip_2_21" "Ca Sniper cu Machina, ia în considerare echiparea Submachine Gun pentru a te descurca în situații unde a privi prin lunetă este prea dificil."
12139N/A"[english]Tip_2_21" "As a Sniper with the Machina, consider equipping the Submachine Gun to handle enemies in situations where scoping in for a shot is too difficult."
N/A12139"[english]Tip_2_21" "As a Sniper, the Shahanshah has increased damage when your health is below 50%. Use it to counter enemies harassing you once you've taken damage."
1214012140"Tip_2_22" "Ca Sniper, Shahanshah produce damage mai mare când viața ta este sub 50%. Folosește-o să contracarezi adversari ce te hărțuiesc atunci când ai primit damage."
1214112141"[english]Tip_2_22" "As a Sniper, the Shahanshah has increased damage when your health is below 50%. Use it to counter enemies harassing you once you've taken damage."
1214212142"Tip_3_18" "Ca Soldier, activând Concheror vă permite ţie şi coechipierilor să vă regeneraţi viaţa lovind adversari. Foloseşte-l pentru a prelungi durata de viaţă a echipei în lupte."
1335113351"[english]TF_Matchmaking_LeaveParty" "<< Leave Party"
1335213352"TF_Matchmaking_HeaderQuickplay" "Multiplayer"
1335313353"[english]TF_Matchmaking_HeaderQuickplay" "Multiplayer"
13354N/A"TF_QuickplayBeta_OptIn_Title" "Încearcă Beta Joc Rapid?"
N/A13354"TF_QuickplayBeta_OptIn_Title" "Încerci un joc rapid de beta?"
1335513355"[english]TF_QuickplayBeta_OptIn_Title" "Try Quickplay Beta?"
1335613356"TF_QuickplayBeta_OptIn_Message" "Poți forma o echipă cu prietenii și să găsiți un sever de joc împreună.\n\nNiciodată nu vei mai fi trimis într-un server gol!"
1335713357"[english]TF_QuickplayBeta_OptIn_Message" "You can form a search party with friends and find a gameserver together.\n\nNever get matched into an empty server again!"
2273422734"[english]ToolRedeemingPass" "Redeeming your Pass"
2273522735"ItemTypeDescKillEaterAltv2" " %s2%s3: %s1"
2273622736"[english]ItemTypeDescKillEaterAltv2" "  %s2%s3: %s1"
22737N/A"KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationContractsCompleted" "Contracte din campanie finalizate"
22738N/A"[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationContractsCompleted" "Campaign Contracts Completed"
22739N/A"KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationKills" "Ucideri din campanie"
22740N/A"[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationKills" "Campaign Kills"
N/A22737"KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationContractsCompleted" "Contracte finalizate"
N/A22738"[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationContractsCompleted" "Contracts Completed"
N/A22739"KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationKills" "Ucideri"
N/A22740"[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationKills" "Kills"
2274122741"KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationContractsPoints" "Puncte de Contract în Campanie"
22742N/A"[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationContractsPoints" "Campaign Contract Points"
N/A22742"[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationContractsPoints" "Contract Points"
2274322743"KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationBonusObjectives" "Puncte Bonus ale Contractului de Campanie"
22744N/A"[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationBonusObjectives" "Campaign Contract Bonus Points"
N/A22744"[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationBonusObjectives" "Contract Bonus Points"
2274522745"TF_ItemDynamic_Recipe_QuestObjectives" "Următoarele sunt obiective care trebuie îndeplinite."
2274622746"[english]TF_ItemDynamic_Recipe_QuestObjectives" "The following are objectives that must be completed."
2274722747"KillEater_OperationContractRank0" "Balast"
2312923129"TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Title" "Nu se poate folosi biletul"
2313023130"[english]TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Title" "Cannot Use Pass"
2313123131"TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Text" "Un bilet de campanie a fost deja activat pentru campania curentă"
23132N/A"[english]TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Text" "A campaign pass has already been activated for the current campaign"
N/A23132"[english]TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Text" "A pass has already been activated for your account"
2313323133"TF_UseOperationPass_Title" "Activezi biletul?"
2313423134"[english]TF_UseOperationPass_Title" "Activate Pass?"
2313523135"TF_UseOperationPass_Text" "Revendicarea biletului de campanie acordă accesul la contracte pe durata campaniei.\n\nJetonul rezultat din campanie nu poate fi dat la schimb sau comercializat."
23136N/A"[english]TF_UseOperationPass_Text" "Redeeming the campaign pass grants access to contracts for the duration of the campaign.\n\nThe resulting campaign token cannot be traded or marketed."
N/A23136"[english]TF_UseOperationPass_Text" "Redeeming the pass grants access to contracts.\n\nThe resulting campaign token cannot be traded or marketed."
2313723137"TF_CannotDeleteOperationPass_Title" "Nu se poate șterge"
2313823138"[english]TF_CannotDeleteOperationPass_Title" "Cannot Delete"
2313923139"TF_CannotDeleteOperationPass_Text" "Jetonul campaniei nu poate fi șters atât timp cât campania este activă."
2487724877"Attrib_ExtinguishReducesCooldown" "Stingerea aliaților reduce cooldownul cu %s1%"
2487824878"[english]Attrib_ExtinguishReducesCooldown" "Extinguishing teammates reduces cooldown by %s1%"
2487924879"ItemNameFestive" "Festiv"
24880N/A"[english]ItemNameFestive" "Festive "
N/A24880"[english]ItemNameFestive" "Festivized "
2488124881"TF_fall2013_spy_fancycoat_style1" "Elegant"
2488224882"[english]TF_fall2013_spy_fancycoat_style1" "Dashing"
2488324883"TF_fall2013_spy_fancycoat_style2" "Elegant"
2548625486"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_72hr_jimijam_style1" "Pin"
2548725487"TF_reddit_random_acts" "Altruist's Adornment"
2548825488"[english]TF_reddit_random_acts" "Altruist's Adornment"
25489N/A"TF_reddit_random_acts_Desc" "O medalie în semn de recunoaştere pentru generozitatea membrilor grupului Random Acts of TF2"
N/A25489"TF_reddit_random_acts_Desc" "O medalie în semn de recunoștință pentru generozitatea membrilor grupului Random Acts of TF2"
2549025490"[english]TF_reddit_random_acts_Desc" "A medal to recognize the generous gifters of the Random Acts of TF2 group"
2549125491"TF_Wearable_Pouch" "Săculeţ"
2549225492"[english]TF_Wearable_Pouch" "Pouch"
2649426494"[english]TF_Medal_SpecialSnowflake2016_Desc" "Golden snow? No, no, don't worry, it's lemon! Awarded to the participants of the Workshop Wonderland 2016 community showcase!"
2649526495"TF_Medal_GiftOfGiving2016" "Gift of Giving 2016"
2649626496"[english]TF_Medal_GiftOfGiving2016" "Gift of Giving 2016"
26497N/A"TF_Medal_GiftOfGiving2016_Desc" "Deci oricine poate să se joace. Pentru inimile caritabile de aur din timpul evenimentului caritabil al preentării comunitare Workshop Wonderland 2016!"
N/A26497"TF_Medal_GiftOfGiving2016_Desc" "Deci oricine poate să se joace. Pentru inimile caritabile de aur din timpul evenimentului caritabil al prezentării comunitare Workshop Wonderland 2016!"
2649826498"[english]TF_Medal_GiftOfGiving2016_Desc" "So everyone can game. For the charitable hearts of gold during the charity drive of the Workshop Wonderland 2016 community showcase!"
2649926499"TF_rewind_lan_gold" "ESA Rewind 1st Place"
2650026500"[english]TF_rewind_lan_gold" "ESA Rewind 1st Place"
2652126521"[english]TF_ChefStepsJoulePromo_Desc" ""
2652226522"TF_Autobalance_Start" "Echipele sunt dezechilibrate. Se întreabă echipa %s1 pentru voluntari."
2652326523"[english]TF_Autobalance_Start" "Teams are unbalanced. Asking team %s1 for volunteers."
26524N/A"Winter2016Cosmetics_collection" "Colecția de accesorii iarnă 2016"
N/A26524"Winter2016Cosmetics_collection" "Colecția de accesorii Winter 2016"
2652526525"[english]Winter2016Cosmetics_collection" "Winter 2016 Cosmetics Collection"
26526N/A"Winter2016Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Obiecte din colecția de accesorii iarnă 2016:"
N/A26526"Winter2016Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Obiecte din colecția de accesorii Winter 2016:"
2652726527"[english]Winter2016Cosmetics_collection_desc" "Items from the Winter 2016 Cosmetics Collection:"
2652826528"TF_Festivizer" "Festivizer"
2652926529"[english]TF_Festivizer" "Festivizer"
2653126531"[english]TF_Festivizer_desc" "Used to festivize a weapon"
2653226532"TF_KeylessWinter2016_Case" "Winter 2016 Cosmetic Case deblocat"
2653326533"[english]TF_KeylessWinter2016_Case" "Unlocked Winter 2016 Cosmetic Case"
26534N/A"TF_KeylessWinter2016_Case_desc" "Această cutie este deblocată și nu necesită o cheie.\n\nConține un obiect realizat de comunitate\ndin colecția de accesorii iarnă 2016.\n\nVa fi disponibiliă doar pe o durată de timp limitată!"
N/A26534"TF_KeylessWinter2016_Case_desc" "Această cutie este deblocată și nu necesită o cheie.\n\nConține un obiect realizat de comunitate\ndin colecția de accesorii Winter 2016.\n\nVa fi disponibiliă doar pe o durată de timp limitată!"
2653526535"[english]TF_KeylessWinter2016_Case_desc" "This case is unlocked and does not require a key.\n\nContains a community made item\nfrom the Winter 2016 Cosmetics Collection.\n\nWill only be available for a limited time!"
2653626536"TF_KeylessWinter2016_Case_adtext" "-Deblocată și nu necesită o cheie\n-Conține accesorii comunitare\n-Conținutul poate să fie o pălărie strange sau neobișnuită\n-Include o șansă de a găsi un Festivizer ca bonus!"
2653726537"[english]TF_KeylessWinter2016_Case_adtext" "-Unlocked and does not require a key\n-Contains Community Cosmetics\n-Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Hat\n-Includes a chance to find a Festivizer as a bonus drop!"
2740327403"TF_InactiveCampaign3Pass" "Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass"
2740427404"[english]TF_InactiveCampaign3Pass" "Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass"
2740527405"TF_InactiveCampaign3Pass_desc" "Activarea acestui Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass acordă un Jungle Inferno ConTracker care oferă accesul la contracte în timpul campaniei, îți înregistrează progresul și poate fi echipat în joc!\n\nCampania Jungle Inferno ia sfârșit pe 11 februarie, 2018."
27406N/A"[english]TF_InactiveCampaign3Pass_desc" "Activating the Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass grants a Jungle Inferno ConTracker that gives access to contracts during the campaign, tracks your progress, and can be equipped in-game!\n\nThe Jungle Inferno Campaign ends on February 11, 2018."
N/A27406"[english]TF_InactiveCampaign3Pass_desc" "Activating the Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass grants a Jungle Inferno ConTracker that gives access to Jungle Inferno contracts, tracks your progress, and can be equipped in-game!"
2740727407"TF_InactiveCampaign3Pass_AdText" "-Contribuie pentru creatorii de hărți comunitare\n-Accesul la contracte care odată terminate recompensează cu obiecte exclusive evenimentului!"
27408N/A"[english]TF_InactiveCampaign3Pass_AdText" "-Contribute to community map makers\n-Access to contracts that reward event-exclusive items when completed!"
N/A27408"[english]TF_InactiveCampaign3Pass_AdText" "-Contribute to community map makers\n-Access to contracts that reward exclusive items when completed!"
2740927409"TF_ActivatedCampaign3Pass" "Jungle Inferno ConTracker"
2741027410"[english]TF_ActivatedCampaign3Pass" "Jungle Inferno ConTracker"
2741127411"TF_ActivatedCampaign3Pass_desc" "Jungle Inferno ConTracker oferă accesul la contracte pe parcursul campaniei, îți înregistrează progresul și poate fi echipat în joc! Îți poți crește în nivel ConTrackerul prin obținerea de puncte de contract din contractele campaniei. ConTracker va crește în nivel la 2.500, 5.000 și 6.840 de puncte de contract.\n\nCampania Jungle Inferno ia sfârșit în 11 februarie, 2018."
27412N/A"[english]TF_ActivatedCampaign3Pass_desc" "The Jungle Inferno ConTracker grants access to contracts during the campaign, tracks your progress, and can be equipped in-game! You can level up your ConTracker by earning Contract Points from campaign contracts. The ConTracker will level up at 2500, 5000, and 6840 Contract Points.\n\nThe Jungle Inferno Campaign ends on February 11, 2018."
N/A27412"[english]TF_ActivatedCampaign3Pass_desc" "The Jungle Inferno ConTracker gives access to Jungle Inferno contracts, tracks your progress, and can be equipped in-game! You can level up your Jungle Inferno ConTracker by earning Contract Points from campaign contracts. The ConTracker will level up at 2500, 5000, and 6840 Contract Points."
2741327413"Footer_Campaign3Cosmetics" "Poate conține obiecte Strange sau o pălărie Neobișnuită Jungle Inferno"
2741427414"[english]Footer_Campaign3Cosmetics" "Contents may be Strange or an Unusual Jungle Inferno Hat"
2741527415"TF_Campaign3CosmeticCase1" "Abominable Cosmetic Case"
2835928359"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ParticipantS3" "Ready Steady Pan Panticipant"
2836028360"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ParticipantS3_Desc" "Formarea unui grup de șase persoane și lovirea reciprocă cu tigăi este o dorință ciudată, dar o apreciem. Îți mulțumim pentru că ai participat la cel de-al 3-lea sezon Ready Steady Pan!"
2836128361"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_ParticipantS3_Desc" "Forming into a group of six people and hitting each other with frying pans is an odd desire, but we appreciate it. Thanks for participating in Ready Steady Pan Season 3!"
28362N/A"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS3" "Pantiastic Playoff Champ"
28363N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS3" "Pantiastic Playoff Champ"
N/A28362"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS3" "Pantastic Playoff Champ"
N/A28363"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS3" "Pantastic Playoff Champ"
2836428364"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS3_Desc" "Ai jucat în playoffurile turneului competitiv cu tigăi? Sună impresionant! Felicitări pentru poziția ocupată în cel de-al 3-lea sezon Ready Steady Pan!"
2836528365"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_PlayoffS3_Desc" "Getting into playoffs in the competitive frying pan tournament? That sounds prestigious enough for you! Congratulations on your placement in Ready Steady Pan Season 3!"
2836628366"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Helper_Desc" "îți mulțumim pentru munca voastră și devotamentul pus pentru a face Ready Steady Pan o realitate! Chiar dacă sunteți în cea mai mare parte în spatele scenei - voi sunteți adevărații MVP. "