Template:PatchDiff/July 7, 2016 Patch/tf/tf2 misc dir.vpk/resource/gamemenu.res

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Revision as of 14:23, 8 July 2016 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Diff of file "tf/tf2_misc_dir.vpk/resource/gamemenu.res" for patch July 7, 2016 Patch.)
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77 "OnlyInGame" "1"
88 "subimage" "icon_resume"
99 }
10N/A "QuickplayButton"
N/A10 "FindAGameButton"
1111 {
12N/A "label" "#MMenu_PlayMultiplayer"
13N/A "command" "quickplay"
N/A12 "label" "#MMenu_FindAGame"
N/A13 "command" "toggle_play_menu"
1414 "subimage" "glyph_multiplayer"
15N/A "OnlyAtMenu" "1"
N/A15 "OnlyAtMenu" "1"
1616 }
17N/A "QuickplayChangeButton"
18N/A {
19N/A "label" "#MMenu_NewGame"
20N/A "command" "quickplay"
21N/A "subimage" "glyph_server"
22N/A "OnlyInGame" "1"
23N/A }
24N/A "PlayPVEButton"
25N/A {
26N/A "label" "#MMenu_PlayCoop"
27N/A "command" "playpve"
28N/A "subimage" "glyph_coop"
29N/A "OnlyAtMenu" "1"
30N/A }
31N/A "PlayCompetitiveButton"
32N/A {
33N/A "label" "#MMenu_PlayComp"
34N/A "command" "ladder_ui_show"
35N/A "subimage" "glyph_practice"
36N/A "OnlyAtMenu" "1"
37N/A "OnlyWhenCompetitiveEnabled" "1"
38N/A }
39N/A "ServerBrowserButton"
40N/A {
41N/A "label" "#MMenu_Servers"
42N/A "command" "OpenServerBrowser"
43N/A "subimage" "glyph_server_browser"
44N/A "OnlyAtMenu" "1"
45N/A }
46N/A "ChangeServerButton"
47N/A {
48N/A "label" "#MMenu_ChangeServer"
49N/A "command" "OpenServerBrowser"
50N/A "subimage" "glyph_server_browser"
51N/A "OnlyInGame" "1"
52N/A }
53N/A "ReplayBrowserButton"
54N/A {
55N/A "label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_ReplayDemos"
56N/A "command" "engine replay_reloadbrowser"
57N/A "subimage" "glyph_tv"
58N/A }
59N/A "SteamWorkshopButton"
N/A18 "FindAGameButtonHalfWidth"
6019 {
61N/A "label" "#MMenu_SteamWorkshop"
62N/A "command" "engine OpenSteamWorkshopDialog"
63N/A "subimage" "glyph_steamworkshop"
N/A20 "label" "#MMenu_FindAGame"
N/A21 "command" "toggle_play_menu"
N/A22 "subimage" "glyph_multiplayer"
N/A23 "OnlyInGame" "1"
6424 }
6526 "VRModeButton"
6627 {
6728 "label" "#MMenu_VRMode_Activate"
6930 "subimage" "glyph_vr"
7031 "OnlyWhenVREnabled" "1"
7132 }
72N/A "TrainingButton"
73N/A {
74N/A "label" "#TF_Training"
75N/A "command" "offlinepractice"
76N/A "subimage" "glyph_practice"
77N/A "OnlyAtMenu" "1"
78N/A }
80N/A // These buttons get positioned by the MainMenuOverride.res
81N/A "CreateServerButton"
82N/A {
83N/A "label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_CreateServer"
84N/A "command" "OpenCreateMultiplayerGameDialog"
85N/A "OnlyAtMenu" "1"
86N/A "tooltip" "#GameUI_GameMenu_CreateServer"
87N/A }
8834 "GeneralStoreButton"
8935 {
9036 "label" "#MMenu_Shop"