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宝琳小姐(Miss Pauling)管理员的忠实助手。她的一系列职责包括汇报不同寻常的背景调查,订购与输送货物,打通沟通渠道以及执行暗杀。尽管宝琳小姐有时并不一定赞同管理员的意见,她也总是按照吩咐行事,以免招致她上司的愤怒。 尽管管理员时常举止严厉,宝琳小姐坚称“如果你了解她的话,你会发现她并没有那么糟糕”(not so bad when you get to know her)。当被管理员追问所谓的朋友到底会做些什么时,她的回答是:“呃。去滑滑冰...看看枪支目录什么的...有时只是随便谈谈...”(Um. Go skating... look at gun catalogs... sometimes we just talk...)。


在短片《死了都要爱》枪魂更新艰难假日更新中,宝琳小姐由 Ashly Burch 进行配音[1]










宝琳小姐,管理员海伦,和曼恩公司的所有者萨克斯顿·霍尔曾被多个被多个参议员质询关于宇航猴波比·乔之死(他们为此出价了 1 美元),以及美国用于供给那最终坠毁的火箭的澳元素国库储备消失的问题。管理员公开了她(被包装过的)目标和方法,其中包括多年来累计储备澳元素资源,并操纵了 18 个傻子来帮助她。所有的参议员都被这个故事惊讶得目瞪口呆,并决定尽快结束他们的询问。记载这一切的文档被盖上了“焚化”字样。


While Saxton Hale is busy fighting a yeti, Mann Co. comes under attack by Gray Mann's legion of robots. Miss Pauling shows a prerecorded tape of Hale to the mercenaries that informs them that with the death of the Mann brothers, they are now unemployed. However, with attack of the robots on Mann Co.'s headquarters they have been re-hired to fight them. Although they are not being paid for their work, to their dismay, Pauling reveals that the robots somehow run on piles of money, and that any money left after destroying them belongs to the mercenaries. Miss Pauling emphasizes to them that it is not just a fight for Mann Co. or Saxton Hale, but a fight for their jobs.


Along with the RED team, Miss Pauling discusses the latest defense job against the robots in a dark room in Coal Town. She tries to figure out which of the many Mann Co. buildings the robots will invade next, and when. The Soldier claims that he knows the exact time and location, since he supposedly infiltrated Gray Mann's robot base the day before, but no one believes him. After some shenanigans which involve keeping the Soldier thinking that all of his teammates are American, he mentions the eagles that raised Gray Mann, something that only Miss Pauling and the Administrator should know, thus cluing to Miss Pauling that he may be telling the truth. The Soldier reveals that he used his cardboard robot costume to sneak into Gray's facility and eavesdrop on their plans. Miss Pauling asks him to make a disguise for the Heavy and herself so that they can infiltrate Gray's facility once more.

In Gray Mann's facility, the three discover that he is frustrated at his robots' stupidity, as well as how they have a problem with security leaks due to a "tactical mastermind" in their base. Gray states the he has found a solution to the problem and unveils his newly-built Mecha-Engineer. The new robot activates and quickly identifies the trespassers.


Upon Gray Mann's acquisition of Mann Co., Miss Pauling ran to warn the Administrator only to find a note telling her to hide. Six months later, she received orders from the Administrator to assemble the mercenaries back together. Miss Pauling first finds Soldier in the middle of giving celebrity house tours and murdering Tom Jones. By impersonating a police officer, Pauling is able to keep Soldier out of legal trouble while simultaneously recruiting him. She next lures Pyro from his job as CEO of Frontier Engineering by setting a large fire to a nearby building. Demoman, having become overweight and even more of a slovenly alcoholic, readily joins her crew for a chance at his old job. While preparing to fly to Siberia to pick up Heavy, she finds out that Scout and Spy have both been arrested and are set to be hanged for their crimes of vandalism against Teufort.


Putting the flight to Siberia on hold, Miss Pauling drives the team to Teufort to rescue Scout and Spy. While Demoman and Soldier are assigned to delay the trial and Execution, Miss Pauling visits the library to destroy the Administrator's birth records with Pyro's assistance. She stops the Execution of the Scout, Spy, Demoman and Soldier, citing that the mercenaries could not have been responsible for the various zoning errors in Teufort, for which they are being executed. Fooling the mayor with a pamphlet, she directs him to the library, followed by all the townspeople, effectively calling off the Execution and angry mob. Privately, she admits that the entire population of Teufort suffers from madness induced by lead poisoning, and so the mercenaries were not charged with the murder and property damage they actually caused.

It is later revealed that Miss Pauling also met with a heavily concealed Administrator, who gave her new orders to obtain the last cache of Australium.


Having assigned the mercenaries to various duties, Miss Pauling searches for Sniper's home in Australia along with Demoman, finding it apparently abandoned. They are quickly ambushed by Sniper, who had discovered that Mr. and Mrs. Mundy were not his birth parents, and threatens Miss Pauling for information on his actual parentage. Miss Pauling placates Sniper, telling him they are headed to meet his true parents, convincing him to join. Piloting a submarine obtained by Spy and Soldier, Miss Pauling leads the team (sans Scout and Heavy) to the sunken city of New Zealand, where the last cache of Australium lies. However, Miss Pauling discovers that the cache was depleted by Sniper's real father, Bill-Bel; unaware of the metal's potential, he exhausted the supply painting his prototype rockets which have long since exploded. Sniper's mother steals away with the only functioning rocket, prompting Miss Pauling to despair that she has failed in her mission.


Along with the other mercenaries who were with her, Miss Pauling is captured by the TFC mercenaries who begin torturing them for information. Despairing that she has failed her mission and her team, Miss Pauling accepts Spy's offer to commit suicide with their dignity intact, but is interrupted by Heavy attempting a rescue. The Heavy is revealed to be the TFC Spy, to whom Miss Pauling inadvertently reveals the coordinates where she was meant to meet the Administrator. Before the TFC Spy and Demoman can kill them, Soldier and his girlfriend, Zhanna, show up and kill the TFC mercs, having also brought a dying Gray Mann to Pauling by his request. Angered by their mutual dislike and Gray's request to stop the Administrator, Miss Pauling goes into an emotive speech defending her allegiance to the Administrator, mentioning how she's willingly lied and killed under the Administrator's command. Midway, though, Spy stops her as Gray has died before hearing most of her speech. Spy is none too amused at the implication that Miss Pauling has been lying to the team.


Miss Pauling played a large role in Expiration Date, the SFM short that came along with the Love & War Update. Having been tricked by the Scout in an attempt to meet Miss Pauling to ask her out on a date, she had arrived to the RED base to help defend the Intelligence. On arrival, she was initially concerned about the presence of the briefcase but became furious after finding out that the Scout had pushed the briefcase alarm. In her frustration, she turns, notices the decor and asks if they are having a prom. She then yells at the Scout for wasting her “one day off a year” and attempts to leave. The Scout attempts to reason with her, stating they should discuss it over dinner, opening a door to reveal a giant bread monster. The other mercenaries arrive to help while Miss Pauling yells at the Scout for pressing the alarm, then notices his death watch and uses it as a timer. She uses the Payload cart as a bomb, but she and the Scout end up on the wrong side of the blast doors. Without a word, both the Scout and Miss Pauling dive into the bread monster as the Payload explodes. They survive, and the Scout asks Miss Pauling on a date. She does not outright disagree, but begins to describe the tasks on her work schedule, one of which is to kill the person who pressed the briefcase alarm, and then remarks that the Scout would already be there, implying that she is going to kill the Scout.


  • 2010年12月22日补丁中,宝琳小姐向所有《军团要塞2》的所有者赠送了一件长袜里的钥匙,这令管理员十分不悦。
  • 根据《双城读者》某期第87页的一则私人广告,宝琳小姐很有可能仍是单身。
    • 此外还可得知,宝琳小姐一年工作364天,并且很喜欢枪械展览与安静的监视之夜(gun shows and quiet nights of surveillance)。
  • 《拜见医生》(0:56)中,阳台上有一个女人的身影形似宝琳小姐。
  • 根据宝琳小姐为火焰兵发送稀有合同的语音,她似乎把火焰兵当成小孩来对话了。
  • 《军团要塞2》官方游戏原声的黑胶碟片中,专辑注解上的诸多图片中有一个标记着“F. Pauling”,这揭晓了宝琳小姐姓氏中的首字母。




  1. Ashly Burch,“Some of ya'll have already guessed it, but I am indeed Ms. Pauling in the new TF2 short!”。   发布于   June 17, 2014。   检索于   June 17, 2014。