Revenge kill

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A Revenge Kill in progress
Who's the tough guy now, huh tough guy?
The Scout

Players receive a Revenge Kill upon killing or assisting in the killing of their Nemesis. A revenge kill is accompanied by a short sound cue, and a message on the recent kills section of the HUD. Getting a revenge kill on your nemesis may also produce a response, depending on your class.

A Revenge kill is worth double the Points you would receive for a regular kill, and will remove your Nemesis' Domination against you. Revenge kills in one life, as well as in your player history, count towards your all-time stats. Players receive the Nemesis achievement upon collecting 5 total Revenge kills in their all-time stats. A Revenge kill can occur during Humiliation, which is a highly advantageous and satisfying time to get one, as your Nemesis will be cowering and completely vulnerable.

The revenge kill was added to promote relationships between players, creating a small negative reinforcement loop by giving players an opportunity to score extra points against their nemesis.