Template:PatchDiff/July 17, 2014 Patch/tf/resource/tf schinese.txt

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Revision as of 09:18, 18 July 2014 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Diff of file "tf/resource/tf_schinese.txt" for patch July 17, 2014 Patch.)
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1226012260"Tip_9_30" "作为工程师,歼灭者 6000 的射线可以削减敌方医生的 UberCharge 能量,以及敌方间谍的隐形能量。"
1226112261"[english]Tip_9_30" "As an Engineer, the Pomson 6000's projectiles drain the ÜberCharge meter of enemy Medics and the cloak meter of enemy Spies."
1226212262"Tip_9_31" "作为工程师,启动传送扳手的嘲讽(%taunt%)可以将你传送回重生点,同时重新补充你的生命值和金属!结合它与传送装置,以便更快地升级和维修前线的建筑。"
12263N/A"[english]Tip_9_31" "As an Engineer, activating the Eureka Effect's taunt (%taunt%) will teleport you back to spawn and replenish both your health and metal reserves! Use it in conjunction with a Teleporter in order to quickly upgrade and repair buildings on the frontline."
N/A12263"[english]Tip_9_31" "As an Engineer, activating the Eureka Effect's reload (%reload%) can teleport you back to spawn and replenish both your health and metal reserves! Use it in conjunction with a Teleporter in order to quickly upgrade and repair buildings on the frontline."
1226412264"Tip_arena_8" "作为医生,使用维塔锯并不能将 UberCharge 带入到下一局中。"
1226512265"[english]Tip_arena_8" "As a Medic, your ÜberCharge will not carry over between lives while using the Vita-Saw."
1226612266"Tip_arena_9" "作为火焰兵,要经常性的对队友进行间谍检查,防止敌方间谍可能造成的战略优势。"
2018120181"TF_sbox2014_sniper_quiver" "猎手的必需品"
2018220182"[english]TF_sbox2014_sniper_quiver" "The Huntsman's Essentials"
2018320183"TF_sbox2014_napolean_complex" "拿破仑情结"
20184N/A"[english]TF_sbox2014_napolean_complex" "The Napolean Complex"
N/A20184"[english]TF_sbox2014_napolean_complex" "The Napoleon Complex"
2018520185"TF_sbox2014_medic_colonel_coat" "陆军上校的大衣"
2018620186"[english]TF_sbox2014_medic_colonel_coat" "The Colonel's Coat"
2018720187"TF_sbox2014_law" "警官大檐帽"