File:Tf quests brazilian.txt

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Revision as of 10:17, 30 October 2015 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Updated tf_quests_brazilian.txt for October 29, 2015 Patch.)
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Tf_quests_brazilian.txt(file size: 43 KB, MIME type: text/x-algol68)
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Recent changes

October 29, 2015 Patch (previous patches)

324324"[english]quest25001objectivedesc5" "Get a direct hit with a rocket: %s1"
325325"quest25001objectivedesc6" "Mate um Demoman como Soldier: %s1"
326326"[english]quest25001objectivedesc6" "Demomen killed as Soldier: %s1"
327N/A"quest25001objectivedesc7" "Mate um Heavy como Soldier: %s1"
328N/A"[english]quest25001objectivedesc7" "Heavies killed as Soldier: %s1"
329N/A"quest25001objectivedesc8" "Mate um Engineer como Soldier: %s1"
330N/A"[english]quest25001objectivedesc8" "Engineers killed as Soldier: %s1"
N/A327"quest25001objectivedesc7" "Mate com minicrit como Soldier: %s1"
N/A328"[english]quest25001objectivedesc7" "Minicrit kill as Soldier: %s1"
N/A329"quest25001objectivedesc8" "Cure 200 de dano como Soldier: %s1"
N/A330"[english]quest25001objectivedesc8" "Heal 200 damage as Soldier: %s1"
331331"quest25001objectivedesc9" "Mate um Medic como Soldier: %s1"
332332"[english]quest25001objectivedesc9" "Medics killed as Soldier: %s1"
333333"quest25002desc0" "************
19071907"[english]questname25013" "Point Grind"
19081908"questname25014" "Caça-cabeças"
19091909"[english]questname25014" "Head hunter"
N/A1910"quest25000objectivedesc10" "Mate um inimigo atordoado como Scout: %s1"
N/A1911"[english]quest25000objectivedesc10" "Kill a stunned enemy as Scout: %s1"
N/A1912"quest25000objectivedesc11" "Evite sofrer 100 de dano como Scout: %s1"
N/A1913"[english]quest25000objectivedesc11" "Prevent 100 damage as Scout: %s1"
N/A1914"quest25000objectivedesc12" "Mate com minicrit: %s1"
N/A1915"[english]quest25000objectivedesc12" "Minicrit kill: %s1"
N/A1916"quest25000objectivedesc7" "Mate durante um salto triplo como Scout: %s1"
N/A1917"[english]quest25000objectivedesc7" "Kill while triple-jumping as Scout: %s1"
N/A1918"quest25000objectivedesc8" "Cure 100 de vida como Scout: %s1"
N/A1919"[english]quest25000objectivedesc8" "Heal 100 health as Scout: %s1"
N/A1920"quest25000objectivedesc9" "Mate um inimigo sangrando como Scout: %s1"
N/A1921"[english]quest25000objectivedesc9" "Kill a bleeding enemy as Scout: %s1"
N/A1922"quest25002objectivedesc7" "Mate com crítico: %s1"
N/A1923"[english]quest25002objectivedesc7" "Crit kill: %s1"
N/A1924"quest25002objectivedesc8" "Mate com minicrit: %s1"
N/A1925"[english]quest25002objectivedesc8" "Minicrit kill: %s1"
N/A1926"quest25003objectivedesc7" "Colete uma cabeça: %s1"
N/A1927"[english]quest25003objectivedesc7" "Collect a head: %s1"
N/A1928"quest25004objectivedesc8" "Alimente um aliado como Heavy: %s1"
N/A1929"[english]quest25004objectivedesc8" "Feed a teammate as Heavy: %s1"
N/A1930"quest25005objectivedesc7" "Mate com a Sentinela arreada: %s1"
N/A1931"[english]quest25005objectivedesc7" "Kill with Wrangled Sentry: %s1"
N/A1932"quest25005objectivedesc8" "Vingue-se: %s1"
N/A1933"[english]quest25005objectivedesc8" "Revenge kill: %s1"
N/A1934"quest25007objectivedesc10" "Dê um tiro na cabeça fatal s/ luneta: %s1"
N/A1935"[english]quest25007objectivedesc10" "Headshot while unscoped: %s1"
N/A1936"quest25007objectivedesc11" "Dê uma flecha na cabeça fatal: %s1"
N/A1937"[english]quest25007objectivedesc11" "Headshot with an arrow: %s1"
N/A1938"quest25007objectivedesc8" "Mate um inimigo Jarrateado c/ Facão do Desbravador: %s1"
N/A1939"[english]quest25007objectivedesc8" "Bushwacka kill a Jarate'd enemy: %s1"
N/A1940"quest25007objectivedesc9" "Mate um inimigo Jarrateado: %s1"
N/A1941"[english]quest25007objectivedesc9" "Kill a Jarated enemy: %s1"
N/A1942"quest25008objectivedesc8" "Dê um tiro na cabeça fatal: %s1"
N/A1943"[english]quest25008objectivedesc8" "Headshot kill: %s1"
N/A1944"quest25008objectivedesc9" "Dê uma facada nas costas fatal silenciosa: %s1"
N/A1945"[english]quest25008objectivedesc9" "Silent backstab: %s1"
N/A1946"quest25015desc1" "Esta missão tem todos os objetivos! Uau!"
N/A1947"[english]quest25015desc1" "This quest has all the objectives! Wow!"
N/A1948"quest25015name1" "Merasmissão 1"
N/A1949"[english]quest25015name1" "Merasmission 1"
N/A1950"quest25015name1632016" "Missão de teste do Dia das Bruxas de 2015"
N/A1951"[english]quest25015name1632016" "Halloween 2015 Test Quest"
N/A1952"quest25015objectivedesc1" "Mate alguém enquanto sob os efeitos de uma abóbora: %s1"
N/A1953"[english]quest25015objectivedesc1" "Crumpkin kill: %s1"
N/A1954"quest25015objectivedesc10" "Mate um inimigo no Purgatório no mapa Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A1955"[english]quest25015objectivedesc10" "Kill an enemy in Purgatory in Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A1956"quest25015objectivedesc11" "Fuja da Ilha da Caveira no mapa Ghost Fort: %s1"
N/A1957"[english]quest25015objectivedesc11" "Escape Skull Island on Ghost Fort: %s1"
N/A1958"quest25015objectivedesc12" "Atordoe Merasmus com uma cabeça de bomba: %s1"
N/A1959"[english]quest25015objectivedesc12" "Stun Merasmus with a Bomb Head: %s1"
N/A1960"quest25015objectivedesc13" "Ache em qual objeto Merasmus se escondeu: %s1"
N/A1961"[english]quest25015objectivedesc13" "Find the prop Merasmus is hiding in: %s1"
N/A1962"quest25015objectivedesc14" "Mate um inimigo no Inferno no mapa Hell Tower: %s1"
N/A1963"[english]quest25015objectivedesc14" "Kill an enemy in Hell on Hell Tower: %s1"
N/A1964"quest25015objectivedesc15" "Mate um esqueleto no mapa Hell Tower: %s1"
N/A1965"[english]quest25015objectivedesc15" "Kill a Skeleton on Hell Tower: %s1"
N/A1966"quest25015objectivedesc16" "Atravesse a ponte espectral no mapa Hell Tower: %s1"
N/A1967"[english]quest25015objectivedesc16" "Cross the Spectral Bridge on Hell Tower: %s1"
N/A1968"quest25015objectivedesc17" "Fuja do Inferno no mapa Hell Tower: %s1"
N/A1969"[english]quest25015objectivedesc17" "Escape Hell on Hell Tower: %s1"
N/A1970"quest25015objectivedesc18" "Vença um minigame de bate-bate: %s1"
N/A1971"[english]quest25015objectivedesc18" "Win a Bumper Kart minigame: %s1"
N/A1972"quest25015objectivedesc19" "Reviva um fantasma no bate-bate: %s1"
N/A1973"[english]quest25015objectivedesc19" "Revive a Ghost in Bumper Karts: %s1"
N/A1974"quest25015objectivedesc2" "Pegue uma abóbora: %s1"
N/A1975"[english]quest25015objectivedesc2" "Pickup a Crumpkin: %s1"
N/A1976"quest25015objectivedesc20" "Colete um pato no bate-bate: %s1"
N/A1977"[english]quest25015objectivedesc20" "Collect a Duck in Bumper Karts: %s1"
N/A1978"quest25015objectivedesc21" "Bata-bata em um inimigo até ele cair: %s1"
N/A1979"[english]quest25015objectivedesc21" "Bump an enemy to death: %s1"
N/A1980"quest25015objectivedesc22" "Colete uma alma no mapa Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A1981"[english]quest25015objectivedesc22" "Collect a soul on Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A1982"quest25015objectivedesc3" "Mate um inimigo assustado: %s1"
N/A1983"[english]quest25015objectivedesc3" "Kill a Yikes'd enemy: %s1"
N/A1984"quest25015objectivedesc4" "Mate alguém com uma abóbora explosiva: %s1"
N/A1985"[english]quest25015objectivedesc4" "Pumpkin bomb kill: %s1"
N/A1986"quest25015objectivedesc5" "Mate o CCCC: %s1"
N/A1987"[english]quest25015objectivedesc5" "Kill HHH: %s1"
N/A1988"quest25015objectivedesc6" "Mate o Merasmus: %s1"
N/A1989"[english]quest25015objectivedesc6" "Kill Merasmus: %s1"
N/A1990"quest25015objectivedesc7" "Mate o Monoculus: %s1"
N/A1991"[english]quest25015objectivedesc7" "Kill Monoculus: %s1"
N/A1992"quest25015objectivedesc8" "Fuja da Ilha das Recompensas no mapa Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A1993"[english]quest25015objectivedesc8" "Escape Loot Island on Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A1994"quest25015objectivedesc9" "Marque um jogador como o alvo no mapa Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A1995"[english]quest25015objectivedesc9" "Tag a player as 'it' on Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A1996"quest25016desc1" "O seu próximo contrato infernal É... espera aí... deixe-me veeeer... ME matar.
N/A1997Hum. Por que eu coloquei esse aí?"
N/A1998"[english]quest25016desc1" "Your next infernal contract IS ... hold on... let's seeeee... killing ME.
N/A1999Hm. I'm surprised I put that one in there."
N/A2000"quest25016desc2" "Acovarde-se, mortal, diante do horror ancestral do terror abjeto que é a mágica monstruosa de MERASMUS!"
N/A2001"[english]quest25016desc2" "Cower, mortal, before the eldritch horror of the abject terror of the monstrous magic of MERASMUS!"
N/A2002"quest25016desc3" "Você consegue matar ninguém menos que... MERASMUS? E, se puder, antes que a máfia russa o faça? Porque eles deixaram BEM claro que vão tirar todo o proveito da morte do Merasmus."
N/A2003"[english]quest25016desc3" "Can you murder... MERASMUS HIMSELF? And, if it's not too much trouble, can you do it before the Russian mob does it? Because they have made it really quite clear that they are NOT going to kill Merasmus quickly."
N/A2004"quest25016name1" "Merasmus"
N/A2005"[english]quest25016name1" "Merasmus"
N/A2006"quest25016name1632016" "Missão para matar Merasmus"
N/A2007"[english]quest25016name1632016" "Kill Merasmus Quest"
N/A2008"quest25016objectivedesc1" "Mate o Merasmus: %s1"
N/A2009"[english]quest25016objectivedesc1" "Kill Merasmus: %s1"
N/A2010"quest25017desc1" "Se eu dissesse em voz alta os detalhes deste contrato, o mundinho que conhece seria destruído! Bem-vindo ao seu pesadelo, mortal! LEITURA!"
N/A2011"[english]quest25017desc1" "Were I to utter the details of this contract aloud, the tiny world you know would be rend asunder! Welcome to your nightmare, mortal! READING!"
N/A2012"quest25017name1" "Monoculus"
N/A2013"[english]quest25017name1" "Monoculus"
N/A2014"quest25017name1632016" "Missão para matar Monoculus"
N/A2015"[english]quest25017name1632016" "Kill Monoculus"
N/A2016"quest25017objectivedesc1" "Mate o Monoculus no mapa Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A2017"[english]quest25017objectivedesc1" "Kill Monoculus on Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A2018"quest25018desc1" "Hoje você visitará os reinos de Dias das Bruxas passados! Lembra daquela vez que usei os meus contatos para chamar o Cavaleiro Carente de Cavalo e Cabeça para matar você? Quanta inveja! Metade minha adoraria ser assassinado esta noite!"
N/A2019"[english]quest25018desc1" "Tonight you will visit the realms of Halloweens past! Remember that time I used my connections and got the Horseless Headless Horsemann to show up and kill you? I'm jealous of you! Half of me wishes I could be getting murdered tonight!"
N/A2020"quest25018desc2" "Caso fracasse, mortal, você estará violando o contrato! E eu desejarei ser indenizado... com a sua ALMA! Além de indenização financeira. O Merasmus está com o nome sujo."
N/A2021"[english]quest25018desc2" "Should you fail, mortal, you will be in breach of contract! And I shall seek compensation... in the form of your SOUL! As well as financial compensation. Merasmus is living at the Y."
N/A2022"quest25018name1" "Cavaleiro Carente de Cavalo e Cabeça"
N/A2023"[english]quest25018name1" "Horseless Headless Horsemann"
N/A2024"quest25018name1632016" "Missão do CCCC"
N/A2025"[english]quest25018name1632016" "HHH quest"
N/A2026"quest25018objectivedesc1" "Mate o Cavaleiro Carente de Cavalo e Cabeça no mapa Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A2027"[english]quest25018objectivedesc1" "Kill the Horseless Headless Horsemann on Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A2028"quest25019desc1" "Hoje você visitará os reinos de Dias das Bruxas passados! Lembra de quando fiz o olho do Demo atacar todos vocês? Foi pura assombração! O Merasmus terá que montar uma prateleira maior para os prêmios de malvadeza que certamente ganhará depois daquela."
N/A2029"[english]quest25019desc1" "Tonight you will visit the realms of Halloweens past! Remember when I got Demo's eyeball to attack you all? That was pretty evil! Merasmus might have to build a bigger shelf for the evil awards that will doubtlessly be coming his way for that one."
N/A2030"quest25019desc2" "Hoje você visitará os reinos de Dias das Bruxas passados! Como daquela vez que o Soldier transformou o meu castelo sombrio em um santuário para guaxinins! Lembram-se? Aquele... não foi um bom dia para o Merasmus. Demorou para esquecer."
N/A2031"[english]quest25019desc2" "Tonight you will visit the realms of Halloweens past! Like that time Soldier turned my evil castle into a raccoon sanctuary! Everyone remember that? That was... a bad day for Merasmus. It took a while to walk that one off."
N/A2032"quest25019name1" "Eyeaduct"
N/A2033"[english]quest25019name1" "Eyeaduct"
N/A2034"quest25019name1632016" "Missão do mapa Eyeaduct"
N/A2035"[english]quest25019name1632016" "Eyeaduct Quest"
N/A2036"quest25019objectivedesc1" "Mate um inimigo no Purgatório: %s1"
N/A2037"[english]quest25019objectivedesc1" "Kill an enemy in Purgatory: %s1"
N/A2038"quest25019objectivedesc2" "Fuja da Ilha das Recompensas: %s1"
N/A2039"[english]quest25019objectivedesc2" "Escape from Loot Island: %s1"
N/A2040"quest25019objectivedesc3" "Mate alguém com uma abóbora explosiva: %s1"
N/A2041"[english]quest25019objectivedesc3" "Pumpkin bomb kill: %s1"
N/A2042"quest25019objectivedesc4" "Colete uma abóbora: %s1"
N/A2043"[english]quest25019objectivedesc4" "Collect a Halloween Pumpkin: %s1"
N/A2044"quest25019objectivedesc5" "Mate com um crítico obtido com uma abóbora: %s1"
N/A2045"[english]quest25019objectivedesc5" "Kill while pumpkin crit boosted: %s1"
N/A2046"quest25019objectivedesc6" "Mate um inimigo assustado por um fantasma: %s1"
N/A2047"[english]quest25019objectivedesc6" "Kill a player scared by a ghost: %s1"
N/A2048"quest25019objectivedesc7" "Colete almas no mapa Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A2049"[english]quest25019objectivedesc7" "Collect souls on Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A2050"quest25020desc1" "Aposta que VENCERÁ este contrato? Apostaria... A SUA ALMA? Hahaha! Por favor, observe que não estou lhe ameaçando explicitamente, senão estaria aceitando este contrato sob pressão. Isso... não seria nada bom para o Merasmus."
N/A2051"[english]quest25020desc1" "Bet you'll WIN this contract? Would you wager... YOUR VERY SOUL? Hahaha! Please note I'm not explicitly threatening you, or you'd be agreeing to this contract under duress. That... hoo boy, that would not be good for Merasmus."
N/A2052"quest25020desc2" "Hoje não há barreiras! Entre o conhecido e o desconhecido! O real e o irreal! As dívidas pagas e não pagas à máfia russa! Ahaha! Ha ha. Eles colocaram o Merasmus em um PORTA-MALAS, mortal!"
N/A2053"[english]quest25020desc2" "Tonight the barriers are down! Between the known and the unknown! The real and the unreal! The paid debts and the unpaid debts to the Russian mafia! Ahaha! Ha ha. They put Merasmus in a TRUNK, mortal!"
N/A2054"quest25020name1" "Ghost Fort"
N/A2055"[english]quest25020name1" "Ghost Fort"
N/A2056"quest25020name1632016" "Ghost Fort"
N/A2057"[english]quest25020name1632016" "Ghost Fort"
N/A2058"quest25020objectivedesc1" "Fuja da Ilha da Caveira no mapa Ghost Fort: %s1"
N/A2059"[english]quest25020objectivedesc1" "Escape Skull Island on Ghost Fort: %s1"
N/A2060"quest25020objectivedesc2" "Atordoe Merasmus com uma bomba: %s1"
N/A2061"[english]quest25020objectivedesc2" "Stun Merasmus with a bomb: %s1"
N/A2062"quest25020objectivedesc3" "Ache o esconderijo do Merasmus: %s1"
N/A2063"[english]quest25020objectivedesc3" "Find Merasmus's hiding place: %s1"
N/A2064"quest25020objectivedesc4" "Colete almas no mapa Ghost Fort: %s1"
N/A2065"[english]quest25020objectivedesc4" "Collect souls on Ghost Fort: %s1"
N/A2066"quest25021desc1" "Este contrato é a ENCARNAÇÃO DO MAL! Mas não tem valor jurídico! Merasmus não fez Direito! O diploma dele é das ruas! As ruas de HELLTOWER!"
N/A2067"[english]quest25021desc1" "This contract is EVIL ITSELF! Though not legally enforcable! Merasmus didn't go to law school! He got HIS diploma on the STREETS! The streets of HELLTOWER!"
N/A2068"quest25021desc2" "Este contrato não é só mal! Ele tem VALOR JURÍDICO em todos os estados menos o Havaí! Ahaha! ALOHA, mortal!"
N/A2069"[english]quest25021desc2" "This contract isn't just evil! It's LEGALLY BINDING in every state but Hawaii! Ahaha! ALOHA, mortal!"
N/A2070"quest25021name1" "Helltower"
N/A2071"[english]quest25021name1" "Helltower"
N/A2072"quest25021name1632016" "Helltower"
N/A2073"[english]quest25021name1632016" "Helltower"
N/A2074"quest25021objectivedesc1" "Chegue no Bombinomicon no mapa Helltower: %s1"
N/A2075"[english]quest25021objectivedesc1" "Reach the Bombinomicon in Helltower: %s1"
N/A2076"quest25021objectivedesc2" "Mate um esqueleto no mapa Helltower: %s1"
N/A2077"[english]quest25021objectivedesc2" "Kill a skeleton on Helltower: %s1"
N/A2078"quest25021objectivedesc3" "Mate um inimigo no Inferno no mapa Helltower: %s1"
N/A2079"[english]quest25021objectivedesc3" "Kill an enemy in Hell on Helltower: %s1"
N/A2080"quest25021objectivedesc4" "Entre na torre do relógio quando os sinos tocarem: %s1"
N/A2081"[english]quest25021objectivedesc4" "Enter the clocktower during the witching hour: %s1"
N/A2082"quest25021objectivedesc5" "Colete almas no mapa Helltower: %s1"
N/A2083"[english]quest25021objectivedesc5" "Collect souls on Helltower: %s1"
N/A2084"quest25022desc1" "Bela alma a que tem aí. Seria uma pena se um feiticeiro a roubasse ao fracassar nesta missão! Hahahaha! Sim, Merasmus, essa foi boa. Sutil. Provavelmente nem entenderam. Bem rasteiro."
N/A2085"[english]quest25022desc1" "That's a nice soul you have there. It would be a shame if a wizard were to CLAIM it when you fail this mission! Hahahaha! Yes, Merasmus, nice. Subtle. They probably didn't even get it. You just slipped it in there."
N/A2086"quest25022desc2" "TREMA, mortal, diante do mal que pulsa no interior deste contrato profano!  Ahahah!  Ele tem espaçamento duplo!"
N/A2087"[english]quest25022desc2" "TREMBLE, mortal, at the fathomless evil pulsating in the gulfs of this unholy contract! Ahahah! It's double-spaced!"
N/A2088"quest25022name1" "Carnival of Carnage"
N/A2089"[english]quest25022name1" "Carnival of Carnage"
N/A2090"quest25022name1632016" "Carnival of Carnage"
N/A2091"[english]quest25022name1632016" "Canival of Carnage"
N/A2092"quest25022objectivedesc1" "Reviva um aliado no bate-bate: %s1"
N/A2093"[english]quest25022objectivedesc1" "Revive a teammate during bumper cars: %s1"
N/A2094"quest25022objectivedesc2" "Colete um pato: %s1"
N/A2095"[english]quest25022objectivedesc2" "Collect a duck: %s1"
N/A2096"quest25022objectivedesc3" "Bata-bata em um inimigo até ele cair: %s1"
N/A2097"[english]quest25022objectivedesc3" "Bump an enemy to death: %s1"
N/A2098"quest25022objectivedesc4" "Vença uma partida de bate-bate: %s1"
N/A2099"[english]quest25022objectivedesc4" "Win a bumper car game: %s1"
N/A2100"quest25022objectivedesc5" "Mate um inimigo enquanto amaldiçoado: %s1"
N/A2101"[english]quest25022objectivedesc5" "Kill an enemy while cursed: %s1"
N/A2102"quest25022objectivedesc6" "Colete almas no mapa Carnival of Carnage: %s1"
N/A2103"[english]quest25022objectivedesc6" "Collect souls on Carnival of Carnage: %s1"
N/A2104"quest25023desc1" "Olá, Sauron. Como? Sim, o Merasmus tem malhado sim. Obrigado por notar, eu - espere, preciso dar um contrato a um mercenário idiota."
N/A2105"[english]quest25023desc1" "Oh, hello, Sauron. What's that? Yes, Merasmus HAS been working out. It's flattering you noticed, I -- hold on, I need to give some idiot mercenary a contract."
N/A2106"quest25023desc2" "Não se aproxime demais DESTA Merasmissão, pois está infestada de vermes infernais que os cientistas humanos chamam de TRAÇAS! Sim, mortal, entrou MUITA ÁGUA nas caixas do Merasmus!"
N/A2107"[english]quest25023desc2" "Don't look too closely at THIS Merasmission! It is infested with a host of hell-worms your human scientists would call SILVERFISH! Yes, mortal, there was SIGNIFICANT WATER DAMAGE in Merasmus's storage unit!"
N/A2108"quest25023name1" "Mann Manor"
N/A2109"[english]quest25023name1" "Mann Manor"
N/A2110"quest25023name1632016" "Mann Manor"
N/A2111"[english]quest25023name1632016" "Mann Manor"
N/A2112"quest25023objectivedesc1" "Marque um jogador como o alvo no mapa Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A2113"[english]quest25023objectivedesc1" "Tag a player is 'it' on Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A2114"quest25023objectivedesc2" "Colete almas no mapa Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A2115"[english]quest25023objectivedesc2" "Collect souls on Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A2116"quest25023objectivedesc3" "Capture ou defenda um objetivo no mapa Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A2117"[english]quest25023objectivedesc3" "Capture or Defend an objective on Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A2118"quest25024desc1" "Caro mortal! Tudo que ama morrerá antes do nascer do sol! Assinado, Merasmus! P.S.: Eu ainda estarei vivo, pois EU NEM GOSTO DE VOCÊ!"
N/A2119"[english]quest25024desc1" "Dear Mortal! Everything you love will be dead by dawn! Signed, Merasmus! Postscript: I'll still be alive, because I DON'T EVEN LIKE YOU!"
N/A2120"quest25024name1" "Harvest"
N/A2121"[english]quest25024name1" "Harvest"
N/A2122"quest25024name1632016" "Harvest"
N/A2123"[english]quest25024name1632016" "Harvest"
N/A2124"quest25024objectivedesc1" "Mate um inimigo assustado no mapa Harvest Event: %s1"
N/A2125"[english]quest25024objectivedesc1" "Kill a scared enemy on Harvest Event: %s1"
N/A2126"quest25024objectivedesc2" "Colete uma abóbora no mapa Harvest Event: %s1"
N/A2127"[english]quest25024objectivedesc2" "Collect a Halloween Pumpkin on Harvest Event: %s1"
N/A2128"quest25024objectivedesc3" "Mate alguém com uma abóbora explosiva: %s1"
N/A2129"[english]quest25024objectivedesc3" "Kill with a pumpkin bomb: %s1"
N/A2130"quest25024objectivedesc4" "Colete almas no mapa Harvest Event: %s1"
N/A2131"[english]quest25024objectivedesc4" "Collect souls on Harvest Event: %s1"
N/A2132"quest25025desc1" "Eu confio que irá - EXECUTAR - este contrato como descrito. Eu detestaria - EXTERMINÁ-LO - prematuramente. [risos] Eu espero que - cumpra as suas - obrigações... contratuais. Quer saber, mande um e-mail para o Merasmus se tiver uma ideia de fim melhor para essa última."
N/A2133"[english]quest25025desc1" "I trust you'll -- EXECUTE -- this contract to the letter. I'd hate to -- TERMINATE -- it prematurely. [laughs] I hope you -- fulfill your -- contractual... obligations. You know what, email Merasmus if you come up with a better ending for that one."
N/A2134"quest25025name0" "Gorge Event"
N/A2135"[english]quest25025name0" "Gorge Event"
N/A2136"quest25025name1" "Gorge Event"
N/A2137"[english]quest25025name1" "Gorge Event"
N/A2138"quest25025objectivedesc1" "Colete almas no mapa Gorge Event: %s1"
N/A2139"[english]quest25025objectivedesc1" "Collect souls on Gorge Event: %s1"
N/A2140"quest25025objectivedesc2" "Colete uma abóbora: %s1"
N/A2141"[english]quest25025objectivedesc2" "Collect a Halloween Pumpkin: %s1"
N/A2142"quest25025objectivedesc3" "Mate alguém com uma abóbora explosiva: %s1"
N/A2143"[english]quest25025objectivedesc3" "Kill with a pumpkin bomb: %s1"
N/A2144"quest25026desc1" "Uma lua medonha se mostra no céu da noite, mortal! Ela acha que você não conseguirá cumprir este contrato! Ousará fazer a lua passar papel de ESTÚPIDA?"
N/A2145"[english]quest25026desc1" "A gibbous moon hangs pendulously in the night sky, mortal! It thinks you cannot finish this contract! Dare you make the moon look STUPID?"
N/A2146"quest25026name0" "Moonshine"
N/A2147"[english]quest25026name0" "Moonshine"
N/A2148"quest25026name1" "Moonshine"
N/A2149"[english]quest25026name1" "Moonshine"
N/A2150"quest25026objectivedesc1" "Colete almas no mapa Moonshine Event: %s1"
N/A2151"[english]quest25026objectivedesc1" "Collect souls on Moonshine Event: %s1"
N/A2152"quest25026objectivedesc2" "Colete uma abóbora: %s1"
N/A2153"[english]quest25026objectivedesc2" "Collect a Halloween Pumpkin: %s1"
N/A2154"quest25026objectivedesc3" "Mate alguém com uma abóbora explosiva: %s1"
N/A2155"[english]quest25026objectivedesc3" "Kill with a pumpkin bomb: %s1"
N/A2156"quest25027desc1" "As suas costas estão QUENTES, mortal? Pois deveriam! Este contrato acabou de colocá-lo no quinto dos infernos!"
N/A2157"[english]quest25027desc1" "Does your backside feel WARM, mortal? It should! Because this contract just put you in the hot seat!"
N/A2158"quest25027name0" "Hellstone"
N/A2159"[english]quest25027name0" "Hellstone"
N/A2160"quest25027name1" "Hellstone"
N/A2161"[english]quest25027name1" "Hellstone"
N/A2162"quest25027objectivedesc1" "Colete almas no mapa Hellstone: %s1"
N/A2163"[english]quest25027objectivedesc1" "Collect souls on Hellstone: %s1"
N/A2164"quest25027objectivedesc2" "Colete uma abóbora: %s1"
N/A2165"[english]quest25027objectivedesc2" "Collect a Halloween Pumpkin: %s1"
N/A2166"quest25027objectivedesc3" "Mate alguém com uma abóbora explosiva: %s1"
N/A2167"[english]quest25027objectivedesc3" "Kill with a pumpkin bomb: %s1"
N/A2168"quest25028desc1" "Exterior, um cemitério. Ampliamos um cadáver que tem um contrato sangrento nas mãos: É O SEU CADÁVER! É isso mesmo! Merasmus tem trabalhado em um roteiro INCRÍVEL!"
N/A2169"[english]quest25028desc1" "Exterior, a graveyard. We zoom in on a corpse holding a blood-stained contract: THE CORPSE IS YOURS! That's right! Merasmus has been working on a GREAT screenplay!"
N/A2170"quest25028name0" "Sinshine"
N/A2171"[english]quest25028name0" "Sinshine"
N/A2172"quest25028name1" "Sunshine Event"
N/A2173"[english]quest25028name1" "Sunshine Event"
N/A2174"quest25028objectivedesc1" "Colete almas no mapa Sunshine Event: %s1"
N/A2175"[english]quest25028objectivedesc1" "Collect souls on Sunshine Event: %s1"
N/A2176"quest25028objectivedesc2" "Colete uma abóbora: %s1"
N/A2177"[english]quest25028objectivedesc2" "Collect a Halloween Pumpkin: %s1"
N/A2178"quest25028objectivedesc3" "Mate alguém com uma abóbora explosiva: %s1"
N/A2179"[english]quest25028objectivedesc3" "Kill with a pumpkin bomb: %s1"

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06:12, 19 November 2016 (93 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_brazilian.txt for November 18, 2016 Patch.
02:57, 11 November 2016 (93 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_brazilian.txt for November 10, 2016 Patch.
02:20, 22 October 2016 (91 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_brazilian.txt for October 21, 2016 Patch.
03:36, 1 March 2016 (91 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_brazilian.txt for February 29, 2016 Patch.
06:51, 21 January 2016 (91 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_brazilian.txt for January 20, 2016 Patch.
02:40, 23 December 2015 (91 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_brazilian.txt for December 22, 2015 Patch.
03:47, 18 November 2015 (73 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_brazilian.txt for November 17, 2015 Patch.
10:17, 30 October 2015 (73 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_brazilian.txt for October 29, 2015 Patch.
02:17, 25 September 2015 (51 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_brazilian.txt for September 24, 2015 Patch.
02:35, 24 July 2015 (51 KB)MousseBOT (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_quests_brazilian.txt for July 23, 2015 Patch.
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