The Unbeholden

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Talk Contributions Steam Profile Backpack In case of update
All that is required for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.
— Alucard
The Unbeholden, aka Perfection
The Unbeholden
Basic information
Gender: Male
Birth place: Spain
Native language: Spanish
Age: 20 (biologically) and 561 (chronologically)
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Leaderboard class spy.png
Favourite maps: Plbadwater.png
Favourite weapons: Item icon Your Eternal Reward.png
Contact information
Steam page: Steam tray.png

Greetings. I have contributed alot to the unofficial team fortress 2 wiki for 2 years now.

I have contributed alot of time to helping spread correct information regarding TF2, and so I've come here to the official wiki to do the same.

Here is my steam profile I'm a Grizzled Veteran having played TF2 since the game was first released on October 2007.

I have contributed to many heated discussions in the TF2 steam forums as well regarding balance of new weapons.

oh and I think DemoKnight is the most fun, I excel at Scout and I love the Spy.

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