Template:PatchDiff/November 2, 2012 Patch 2/team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/tf romanian.txt

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56445644"ToolPaintConfirmWarning" "(Culoarea aceasta va fi public vizibilă şi permanentă)"
56455645"[english]ToolPaintConfirmWarning" "(This color will be publicly visible and permanent)"
56465646"ToolDecodeConfirm" "Eşti sigur că doreşti să deschizi această cutie?"
5647N/A"[english]ToolDecodeConfirm" "Are you sure you want to open this crate?"
N/A5647"[english]ToolDecodeConfirm" "Are you sure you want to open this crate?%optional_append%"
56485648"ToolDecodeInProgress" "Se deschide cutia cu Prada ta"
56495649"[english]ToolDecodeInProgress" "Uncrating your Loot"
56505650"LoadoutSlot_Action" "Acţiune"
67006700"TF_Armory_Item_Limited" "Acest obiect este disponibil în magazin pentru o perioadă limitată! Acest obiect nu este momentan disponibil ca pradă sau obiect de cutie."
67016701"[english]TF_Armory_Item_Limited" "This item is only available in the store for a limited time! This item is not currently available as a loot or crate drop."
67026702"TF_HalloweenItem_Reserved" "Cadoul Bântuit de Halloween a apărut misterios pe undeva. Primul care îl găseşte îl poate păstra!"
6703N/A"[english]TF_HalloweenItem_Reserved" "The Haunted Halloween Gift has mysteriously appeared somewhere. The first one to find it gets to keep it!"
N/A6703"[english]TF_HalloweenItem_Reserved" "A Haunted Halloween Gift has mysteriously appeared somewhere, placed just for you. Go and find it!"
67046704"TF_HalloweenItem_Granted" "�%recipient%� a găsit Cadoul Bântuit de Halloween!"
67056705"[english]TF_HalloweenItem_Granted" "�%recipient%� found the Haunted Halloween Gift!"
67066706"TF_Halloween_Boss_Appeared" "�Călăreţul fără Cal şi Cap� a apărut!\n"
1031410314"TF_CancelSavePreset" "ANULARE"
1031510315"[english]TF_CancelSavePreset" "CANCEL"
1031610316"Econ_DateFormat" "%day%, %year% (%hour%:%min%:%sec%)"
10317N/A"[english]Econ_DateFormat" "%day%, %year% (%hour%:%min%:%sec%)"
N/A10317"[english]Econ_DateFormat" "%day% (%hour%:%min%:%sec%)"
1031810318"Attrib_CannotTradeOrCraft" "Nu poate fi dat la Schimb sau folosit în Fabricare"
1031910319"[english]Attrib_CannotTradeOrCraft" "Not Tradable or Usable in Crafting"
1032010320"AttribFormat_AdditionalNote" "( %s1 )"
1097510975"TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileValidation" "Fişierul nu a putut fi validat."
1097610976"[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileValidation" "The file failed to validate."
1097710977"TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileTooLarge" "Fişierul publicat nu poate fi mai mare de 4MB."
10978N/A"[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileTooLarge" "The published file cannot be larger than 10 MB."
N/A10978"[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileTooLarge" "The published file cannot be larger than 100 MB."
1097910979"TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileNotFound" "Fişierul nu a putut fi găsit."
1098010980"[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileNotFound" "The file could not be found."
1098110981"TF_PublishFile_Publishing" "Fişierul este publicat, te rugăm să aştepţi..."
1127511275"Store_ConfirmHolidayRestrictionCheckoutTitle" "Ia te rog în considerare"
1127611276"[english]Store_ConfirmHolidayRestrictionCheckoutTitle" "Please note"
1127711277"Store_ConfirmHolidayRestrictionCheckoutText" "Obiectele de Halloween vor fi folosite numai pe parcursul Halloween-ului (până pe 7 Noiembrie) și în timpul lunilor pline."
11278N/A"[english]Store_ConfirmHolidayRestrictionCheckoutText" "Halloween items may only be used during Halloween (until November 7th) and during full moons."
N/A11278"[english]Store_ConfirmHolidayRestrictionCheckoutText" "Halloween items may only be used during Halloween (until November 9th) and during full moons."
1127911279"TF_Armory_Item_Limited_Holiday" "Acest obiect este disponibil în magazin doar în perioada acestui eveniment!"
1128011280"[english]TF_Armory_Item_Limited_Holiday" "This item is only available in the store for a limited time during this holiday event!"
1128111281"TF_HalloweenItem_Reserved_Purgatory" "Cadoul Bântuit de Halloween a apărut în mod misterios undeva jos dedesupt... Primul care-l găsește îl păstrează!"
11282N/A"[english]TF_HalloweenItem_Reserved_Purgatory" "The Haunted Halloween Gift has mysteriously appeared somewhere down below... The first one to find it gets to keep it!"
N/A11282"[english]TF_HalloweenItem_Reserved_Purgatory" "A Haunted Halloween Gift has mysteriously appeared somewhere down below, placed just for you... go and find it!"
1128311283"TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Appeared" "Atenție! �MONOCULUS!� pândește împrejur...\n"
1128411284"[english]TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Appeared" "Beware! �MONOCULUS!� is lurking about...\n"
1128511285"TF_Halloween_Eyeball_Boss_Killed" "�MONOCULUS!� a fost învins!\n"
1186611866"[english]Tip_5_27" "As a Medic, the Vita-Saw will retain up to 20%% of your ÜberCharge meter if you die before activating it. This can be very useful when attempting to assault a strongly-fortified position with only a small amount of time remaining."
1186711867"Tip_5_30" "Ca și Medic, dacă ai fost separat de echipa ta, strigă după medic chiar tu apăsând %voicemenu 0 0% pentru a îți alerta coechiperii din apropiere de poziția ta."
1186811868"[english]Tip_5_30" "As a Medic, if you have been separated from your team, call out for a Medic yourself by pressing %voicemenu 0 0% to alert nearby teammates to your position."
N/A11869"Tip_7_24" "Ca Pyro, Powerjack este capabil să te supravindece dacă faci o omorâre cu viaţa completă."
N/A11870"[english]Tip_7_24" "As a Pyro, the Powerjack is able to overheal you if you make a kill at full health."
1186911871"NewItemMethod_PeriodicScoreReward" "Ai obținut:"
1187011872"[english]NewItemMethod_PeriodicScoreReward" "You �Earned�:"
1187111873"KillEaterEventType_HeaviesKilled" "Heavy Uciși"
1214712149"TF_SpectatePyroVision" "Când ești Spectator, vezi lumea prin ochii unui Pyro."
1214812150"[english]TF_SpectatePyroVision" "When Spectating, view world from the eyes of a Pyro."
1214912151"TF_ReplayPyroVision" "Reluările sunt văzute prin ochii unui Pyro."
12150N/A"[english]TF_ReplayPyroVision" "Replay's are viewed from the eyes of a Pyro."
N/A12152"[english]TF_ReplayPyroVision" "Replays are viewed from the eyes of a Pyro."
1215112153"TF_GameModeDesc_SD" "Livrează valiza cu Australium la locul de lansare."
1215212154"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_SD" "Deliver the Australium suitcase to the deployment site."
1215312155"TF_Armory_Item_Scorched_Crate" "Această cutie conține un obiect, dar nu este clar ce. Această cutie va dispărea pe 11 iulie, deci ar trebui să o deschizi înainte să dispară!"
1226012262"[english]TF_SD_Glasses" "The Marxman"
1226112263"TF_SD_Glasses_Desc" "Toată lumea știe că râsul e cel mai bun medicament. Dar știai că râsul e și cea mai bună deghizare? Nu? Păi, bine că nu ești un polițist infiltrat în mafia Chineză, atunci. Oh stai tu ești. ȘI NU EȘTI MORT. Uite, începătorule, ochelarii ăștia sunt ridicoli."
1226212264"[english]TF_SD_Glasses_Desc" "Everyone knows laughter is the best medicine. But did you know that laughter is also the best disguise? No? Well, good thing you're not a cop infiltrating the Chinese mafia, then. Oh wait you are. AND NOW YOU'RE DEAD. Look, rookie, these glasses are hilarious."
N/A12265"TF_SD_Glasses_Style0" "Fără țigară"
N/A12266"[english]TF_SD_Glasses_Style0" "No Cigar"
N/A12267"TF_SD_Glasses_Style1" "Da, țigară"
N/A12268"[english]TF_SD_Glasses_Style1" "Yes, Cigar"
1226312269"TF_SD_Helmet" "The Human Cannonball"
1226412270"[english]TF_SD_Helmet" "The Human Cannonball"
N/A12271"Attrib_CritVsWet" "100% lovitură criticala vs jucători uzi"
N/A12272"[english]Attrib_CritVsWet" "100% critical hit vs wet players"
1226512273"TF_Matchmaking_GameserversEmpty" "Servere goale:"
1226612274"[english]TF_Matchmaking_GameserversEmpty" "Empty gameservers:"
1226712275"TF_Matchmaking_GameserversSlotsAvail" "Servere active:"
1248012488"[english]Attrib_UberDurationBonus" "Über duration increased %s1 seconds"
1248112489"Attrib_AttackProjectiles" "Gloanțele distrug rachetele și grenadele în aer"
1248212490"[english]Attrib_AttackProjectiles" "Bullets destroy rockets and grenades in-flight"
N/A12491"Attrib_BiDirectionalTP" "Teleportoarele pot fi folosite în ambele direcții"
N/A12492"[english]Attrib_BiDirectionalTP" "Teleporters can be used in both directions"
1248312493"Attrib_Penetration_Heavy" "Gloanțele penetrează +%s1 inamici"
1248412494"[english]Attrib_Penetration_Heavy" "Bullets penetrate +%s1 enemies"
1248512495"Attrib_CannotBeBackstabbed" "Nu poate fi înjunghiat pe la spate"
1248612496"[english]Attrib_CannotBeBackstabbed" "Cannot be backstabbed"
1248712497"Attrib_MoveSpeed_Bonus_shortdesc" "+%s1% Viteză de mişcare"
1248812498"[english]Attrib_MoveSpeed_Bonus_shortdesc" "+%s1% Movement Speed"
N/A12499"Attrib_JumpHeightBonus_shortdesc" "+%s1% înălțime săritură"
N/A12500"[english]Attrib_JumpHeightBonus_shortdesc" "+%s1% Jump Height"
1248912501"Attrib_MaxammoPrimary_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% Capacitate muniţie"
1249012502"[english]Attrib_MaxammoPrimary_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% Ammo Capacity"
1249112503"Attrib_MaxammoSecondary_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% Capacitate muniţie"
1254212554"[english]TF_PVE_UpgradeDone" "Accept"
1254312555"TF_PVE_Wave" "Val"
1254412556"[english]TF_PVE_Wave" "Wave"
N/A12557"TF_PVE_WaveCount" "Valul %s1"
N/A12558"[english]TF_PVE_WaveCount" "Wave %s1"
N/A12559"TF_PVE_WaveCountFail" "Valul %s1 a eșuat"
N/A12560"[english]TF_PVE_WaveCountFail" "Wave %s1 Failed"
N/A12561"TF_PVE_Currency" "Credite"
N/A12562"[english]TF_PVE_Currency" "Credits"
1254512563"TF_PVE_TotalCurrencyCollected" "Total credite colectate"
1254612564"[english]TF_PVE_TotalCurrencyCollected" "Total Credits Collected"
1254712565"TF_PVE_Collected" "Colecționate"
1255812576"[english]TF_PVE_YourStatistics" "Your Statistics"
1255912577"TF_PVE_You" "Tu"
1256012578"[english]TF_PVE_You" "You"
N/A12579"TF_PVE_MissionSummaryScheme" "Sumarul misiunii  : %s1 (%s2)"
N/A12580"[english]TF_PVE_MissionSummaryScheme" "Mission Summary : %s1 (%s2)"
N/A12581"TF_PVE_MissionSummaryDefault" "Sumarul misiunii : %s1"
N/A12582"[english]TF_PVE_MissionSummaryDefault" "Mission Summary : %s1"
1256112583"TF_PVE_Vote_MissionRestart" "Votează să reîncepi misiunea"
1256212584"[english]TF_PVE_Vote_MissionRestart" "Vote To Restart Mission"
1256312585"TF_PVE_Credit_Use" "Credite folosite"