Template:PatchDiff/May 17, 2018 Patch/tf/resource/tf japanese.txt

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15381538"Tip_5_5" "メディック - 助けを求めるチームメイトに常に注意を払います。画面上のメディック矢印を活用してチームメイトを見つけます。"
15391539"[english]Tip_5_5" "As a Medic, keep alert for teammates calling for your help. Use the Medic arrows onscreen to find them."
15401540"Tip_6_Count" "22"
1541N/A"[english]Tip_6_Count" "22"
N/A1541"[english]Tip_6_Count" "20"
15421542"Tip_6_1" "ヘビー - %attack2% を押し続けると、接近する敵に備えてミニガンの銃身を回転させ続けることができます。"
15431543"[english]Tip_6_1" "As a Heavy, hold %attack2% in order to keep your Minigun spinning, ready for approaching enemies."
15441544"Tip_6_2" "ヘビー - メディックとの組み合わせがベストです。味方のメディックとの間の視界をクリアに保つことで、メディガンの照射を受け続けることができます。"
30853085"[english]TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SNIPER_GRIND_NAME" "Skullpluggery"
30863086"TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SNIPER_GRIND_DESC" "Ambassador で敵スナイパー 20 人にヘッドショットを食らわせる。"
3087N/A"[english]TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SNIPER_GRIND_DESC" "Headshot 20 Snipers with the Ambassador."
N/A3087"[english]TF_SPY_AMBASSADOR_SNIPER_GRIND_DESC" "While using the Ambassador, kill 20 Snipers with a headshot."
30893089"[english]TF_SPY_FEIGN_DEATH_KILL_NAME" "Sleeper Agent"
30903090"TF_SPY_FEIGN_DEATH_KILL_DESC" "擬死を発動させた敵を 20 秒以内に倒す。"
56885688"Attrib_FlameAmmoPerSec_Decreased" "火炎放射器 1 秒当たりの弾薬消費数 %s1%"
56895689"[english]Attrib_FlameAmmoPerSec_Decreased" "%s1% flamethrower ammo consumed per second"
56905690"Attrib_JarateDuration" "命中時:ターゲットに %s1 秒間\nJarate 効果"
5691N/A"[english]Attrib_JarateDuration" "On Scoped Hit: Jarate target for 2 to %s1 seconds based on amount charged.\nHeadshots or fully charged shots cause an explosion of Jarate."
N/A5691"[english]Attrib_JarateDuration" "On Scoped Hit: Apply Jarate for 2 to %s1 seconds based on charge level.\nNature's Call: Scoped headshots always mini-crit and reduce the remaining cooldown of Jarate by 1 second."
56925692"Attrib_NoDeathFromHeadshots" "着用者はヘッドショットで倒されない。"
56935693"[english]Attrib_NoDeathFromHeadshots" "The wearer cannot be killed by headshots"
56945694"Attrib_AchievementItem" "実績アイテム:トレード不可"
72687268"TF_Weapon_SoldierKatana" "日本刀"
72697269"[english]TF_Weapon_SoldierKatana" "Katana"
72707270"TF_Tool_Gift_Desc" "このアイテムは包装されたギフトです。あなたが包装したのなら誰かに贈る事ができ、受け取ったなら開封することができます。"
7271N/A"[english]TF_Tool_Gift_Desc" "This item is a wrapped gift. You can give to someone if you wrapped it, or unwrap it if you received it!"
N/A7271"[english]TF_Tool_Gift_Desc" "This item is a wrapped gift. You can give it to someone if you wrapped it, or unwrap it if you received it!"
72727272"TF_NoiseMaker_Shogun" "ノイズメーカー - 琴"
72737273"[english]TF_NoiseMaker_Shogun" "Noise Maker - Koto"
72747274"TF_Bundle_ShogunPromoComplete" "皇帝の衣装詰め合わせ"
73007300"Attrib_Sanguisuge" "背後からの襲撃時: 被害者からヘルスを吸収する。"
73017301"[english]Attrib_Sanguisuge" "On Backstab: Absorbs the health from your victim"
73027302"Attrib_MarkForDeath" "命中時: 最後に殴った敵に死のマーキングがなされ、その敵が受けるすべてのダメージはミニクリティカルになる。"
7303N/A"[english]Attrib_MarkForDeath" "On Hit: One target at a time is marked for death, causing all damage taken to be mini-crits"
N/A7303"[english]Attrib_MarkForDeath" "On Hit: One target at a time is Marked-For-Death, causing all damage taken to be mini-crits"
73047304"Attrib_RestoreHealthOnKill" "キル時: 体力が%s1%回復"
73057305"[english]Attrib_RestoreHealthOnKill" "Gain %s1% of base health on kill"
73067306"IT_ExistingItem" "あるいは既存のアイテム:"
1022610226"Tip_6_7" "ヘビー - Sandvichを使って回復しよう!味方がヘルスを回復できるように、%attack2% で地面に落としましょう。大丈夫です、汚れないようお皿がついてますから。"
1022710227"[english]Tip_6_7" "As a Heavy, use your Sandvich to heal up! Use %attack2% to throw it on the ground for friendly players to pick up as health. Don't worry, it comes with a plate to keep it clean."
1022810228"Tip_6_13" "ヘビー - Gloves of Running Urgently を装備すると移動スピードが劇的にアップしますが、装備中はうける攻撃がミニクリティカルになってしまいます。急いで前線に到達したり、敵を待ち伏せる時に使いましょう。"
10229N/A"[english]Tip_6_13" "As a Heavy, the Gloves of Running Urgently increase your speed dramatically but you take mini-crits while using them. Use the speed bonus to quickly reach the frontlines or to ambush enemies."
N/A10229"[english]Tip_6_13" "As a Heavy, the Brass Beast inflicts additional damage but decreases your mobility while in use. Use it when playing defensively, as you will find it more difficult to successfully pursue fleeing enemies."
1023010230"Tip_6_14" "ヘビー - Brass Beast は相手に追加ダメージを負わせますが、使用中は移動速度が低下してしまいます。逃げる敵を首尾よく追跡するのが更に難しくなるので、防衛プレイ中に使用しましょう。"
10231N/A"[english]Tip_6_14" "As a Heavy, the Brass Beast inflicts additional damage but decreases your mobility while in use. Use it when playing defensively, as you will find it more difficult to successfully pursue fleeing enemies."
N/A10231"[english]Tip_6_14" "As a Heavy, the Dalokohs Bar's temporary health increase can be a powerful advantage in battle."
1023210232"Tip_6_15" "ヘビー - Dalokohs Bar の一時的なヘルス増加が、戦闘でかなり優位に働くこともあります。"
10233N/A"[english]Tip_6_15" "As a Heavy, the Dalokohs Bar's temporary health increase can be a powerful advantage in battle."
N/A10233"[english]Tip_6_15" "As a Heavy, the Fists of Steel's ranged weapon damage reduction helps to counter the threat of enemy Snipers. Use them to protect yourself while moving through open areas!"
1023410234"Tip_6_16" "ヘビー - Fists of Steel の遠距離攻撃ダメージ軽減効果は、敵スナイパーの脅威に対抗するのに役立ちます。開けた場所を移動するときは、これを装着して身を守ろう!"
10235N/A"[english]Tip_6_16" "As a Heavy, the Fists of Steel's ranged weapon damage reduction helps to counter the threat of enemy Snipers. Use them to protect yourself while moving through open areas!"
N/A10235"[english]Tip_6_16" "As a Heavy, the Fists of Steel will dramatically reduce the amount of damage taken from ranged sources while increasing the amount of damage from melee weapons. Use them to push through enemy lines or to close the distance with the enemy."
1023610236"Tip_6_17" "ヘビー - Fists of Steel は遠距離からのダメージを劇的に軽減させますが、近接武器によるダメージは増加させてしまいます。敵の戦線を突破するときや、敵との間合いを詰めたいときに使用しましょう。"
10237N/A"[english]Tip_6_17" "As a Heavy, the Fists of Steel will dramatically reduce the amount of damage taken from ranged sources while increasing the amount of damage from melee weapons. Use them to push through enemy lines or to close the distance with the enemy."
N/A10237"[english]Tip_6_17" "As a Heavy, the Tomislav not only spins up more quickly than the Minigun, it does so silently! Use it to ambush enemies and take them by surprise!"
1023810238"Tip_6_18" "ヘビー - Tomislav は、ただ回転がミニガンよりも速いというだけではなく、回転音も静かになっています!敵を待ち伏せて不意打ちするのに使おう!"
10239N/A"[english]Tip_6_18" "As a Heavy, the Tomislav not only spins up more quickly than the Minigun, it does so silently! Use it to ambush enemies and take them by surprise!"
N/A10239"[english]Tip_6_18" "As a Heavy, the Natascha will slow down enemies it hits. Use it to support your teammates and increase their damage output."
1024010240"Tip_6_19" "ヘビー - ナターシャの弾に当たった敵は、スピードが遅くなります。これを使ってチームメイトをサポートし、仲間のダメージ出力を高めましょう。"
10241N/A"[english]Tip_6_19" "As a Heavy, the Natascha will slow down enemies it hits. Use it to support your teammates and increase their damage output."
N/A10241"[english]Tip_6_19" "As a Heavy, the Eviction Notice increases your melee attack speed and gives you a speed boost when you hit an enemy. Use them for more opportunities to hit faster moving classes!"
1024210242"Tip_6_20" "ヘビー - Eviction Noticeを使えば近接攻撃の速度が増加します。これを使って、移動速度の速いクラスに攻撃をあてるチャンスを多くしよう!"
10243N/A"[english]Tip_6_20" "As a Heavy, the Eviction Notice increases your melee attack speed and gives you a speed boost when you hit an enemy. Use them for more opportunities to hit faster moving classes!"
N/A10243"[english]Tip_6_20" "As a Heavy, the Holiday Punch's critical hits will cause the enemy to burst into laughter, thereby leaving them defenseless! Use them in order to incapacitate enemies and assist your team to eliminate key threats."
1024410244"Tip_6_21" "ヘビー - Holiday Punch のクリティカルヒットをあてれば、敵を大笑いさせ無防備状態にできます! Holiday Punch を使って敵を無力化し、仲間の脅威となる敵を倒す手助けをしよう。"
1024510245"[english]Tip_6_21" "As a Heavy, the Holiday Punch's critical hits will cause the enemy to burst into laughter, thereby leaving them defenseless! Use them in order to incapacitate enemies and assist your team to eliminate key threats."
1024610246"Tip_7_21" "パイロ - Homewrecker と Maul 、 Neon Annihilator は、装置に仕掛けられた敵のサッパーを除去するのにも使えます。"
1054010540"Attrib_AutoFiresFullClip" "攻撃キーを押し続けてロケットを3発まで装填\n攻撃キーを放して一斉砲火"
1054110541"[english]Attrib_AutoFiresFullClip" "Hold Fire to load up to three rockets\nRelease Fire to unleash the barrage"
1054210542"Attrib_SelfMarkForDeath" "武器使用中と武器切り替え後しばらくは、自分に死のマーキングがなされる"
10543N/A"[english]Attrib_SelfMarkForDeath" "You are marked for death while active, and for short period after switching weapons"
N/A10543"[english]Attrib_SelfMarkForDeath" "You are Marked-For-Death while active, and for short period after switching weapons"
1054410544"Attrib_FlaregunPelletsWithKnockback" "フレア弾に命中した対象をノックバックさせ\n着地すると爆発する。\n小半径内にいる敵を炎上させる"
1054510545"[english]Attrib_FlaregunPelletsWithKnockback" "Flare knocks back target on hit\nand explodes when it hits the ground.\nIncreased knock back on burning players"
1054610546"Attrib_CanOverload" "弾を込めすぎると暴発"
1199211992"TF_Map_cp_gravelpit" "Gravelpit"
1199311993"[english]TF_Map_cp_gravelpit" "Gravelpit"
1199411994"TF_Map_ctf_2fort" "2fort"
11995N/A"[english]TF_Map_ctf_2fort" "2fort"
N/A11995"[english]TF_Map_ctf_2fort" "2Fort"
1199611996"TF_Map_ctf_doublecross" "Doublecross"
1199711997"[english]TF_Map_ctf_doublecross" "Doublecross"
1199811998"TF_Map_ctf_sawmill" "CTF Sawmill"
11999N/A"[english]TF_Map_ctf_sawmill" "CTF Sawmill"
N/A11999"[english]TF_Map_ctf_sawmill" "Sawmill"
1200012000"TF_Map_ctf_well" "CTF Well"
12001N/A"[english]TF_Map_ctf_well" "CTF Well"
N/A12001"[english]TF_Map_ctf_well" "Well"
1200212002"TF_Map_cp_5gorge" "5gorge"
12003N/A"[english]TF_Map_cp_5gorge" "5gorge"
N/A12003"[english]TF_Map_cp_5gorge" "5Gorge"
1200412004"TF_Map_cp_badlands" "CP Badlands"
12005N/A"[english]TF_Map_cp_badlands" "CP Badlands"
N/A12005"[english]TF_Map_cp_badlands" "Badlands"
1200612006"TF_Map_cp_granary" "Granary"
1200712007"[english]TF_Map_cp_granary" "Granary"
1200812008"TF_Map_cp_well" "CP Well"
12009N/A"[english]TF_Map_cp_well" "CP Well"
N/A12009"[english]TF_Map_cp_well" "Well"
1201012010"TF_Map_cp_foundry" "Foundry"
1201112011"[english]TF_Map_cp_foundry" "Foundry"
1201212012"TF_Map_koth_badlands" "KOTH Badlands"
12013N/A"[english]TF_Map_koth_badlands" "KOTH Badlands"
N/A12013"[english]TF_Map_koth_badlands" "Badlands"
1201412014"TF_Map_koth_nucleus" "Nucleus"
1201512015"[english]TF_Map_koth_nucleus" "Nucleus"
1201612016"TF_Map_koth_sawmill" "KOTH Sawmill"
12017N/A"[english]TF_Map_koth_sawmill" "KOTH Sawmill"
N/A12017"[english]TF_Map_koth_sawmill" "Sawmill"
1201812018"TF_Map_koth_viaduct" "Viaduct"
1201912019"[english]TF_Map_koth_viaduct" "Viaduct"
1202012020"TF_Map_pl_badwater" "Badwater"
1241212412"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Third_Place" "Ready Steady Pan 第3位"
1241312413"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Third_Place" "Ready Steady Pan Third Place"
1241412414"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Helper" "Ready Steady Pan トーナメント協力者"
12415N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Helper" "Ready Steady Pan Tournament Helper"
N/A12415"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Helper" "Ready Steady Pan Helper"
1241612416"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Season1" "シーズン 1"
1241712417"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Season1" "Season 1"
1241812418"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Season2" "シーズン 2"
1449614496"TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Vic_Basten_Participant" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten 参加者"
1449714497"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_FBTF_Cup_6v6_Vic_Basten_Participant" "FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten Participant"
1449814498"TF_Map_powerup_ctf_foundry" "CTF Foundry"
14499N/A"[english]TF_Map_powerup_ctf_foundry" "CTF Foundry"
N/A14499"[english]TF_Map_powerup_ctf_foundry" "Foundry"
1450014500"TF_Map_powerup_ctf_gorge" "Gorge - BETA"
14501N/A"[english]TF_Map_powerup_ctf_gorge" "CTF Gorge"
N/A14501"[english]TF_Map_powerup_ctf_gorge" "Gorge"
1450214502"Attrib_AutoFiresFullClipNegative" ""
1450314503"[english]Attrib_AutoFiresFullClipNegative" ""
1450414504"Attrib_AutoFiresWhenFull" ""
1459414594"TF_TournamentMedal_OSLTF_Cup1" "Cup #1"
1459514595"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_OSLTF_Cup1" "Cup #1"
1459614596"TF_Map_powerup_ctf_thundermountain" "Thundermountain - BETA"
14597N/A"[english]TF_Map_powerup_ctf_thundermountain" "CTF Thundermountain"
N/A14597"[english]TF_Map_powerup_ctf_thundermountain" "Thundermountain"
1459814598"TF_Antlers_Style_WithHat" "帽子"
1459914599"[english]TF_Antlers_Style_WithHat" "Hat"
1460014600"TF_Antlers_Style_WithNoHat" "帽子なし"
1524415244"TF_MapToken_MillstoneEvent_AdText" "-このアイテムを購入することで Hellstone コミュニティマップ製作者を直接支援できます。"
1524515245"[english]TF_MapToken_MillstoneEvent_AdText" "-Purchasing this item directly supports the creators of the Hellstone community map."
1524615246"TF_Map_powerup_ctf_hellfire" "CTF Hellfire"
15247N/A"[english]TF_Map_powerup_ctf_hellfire" "CTF Hellfire"
N/A15247"[english]TF_Map_powerup_ctf_hellfire" "Hellfire"
1524815248"TF_Map_GorgeEvent_StrangePrefix" " Gluttonous"
1524915249"[english]TF_Map_GorgeEvent_StrangePrefix" " Gluttonous"
1525015250"TF_Map_SunshineEvent_StrangePrefix" " Sinful"
1538215382"TF_Competitive_AbandonedTitle" "マッチ終了"
1538315383"[english]TF_Competitive_AbandonedTitle" "Match Over"
1538415384"TF_Competitive_Rank" "ランク: %s1 %s2"
15385N/A"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank" "Rank: %s1 %s2"
N/A15385"[english]TF_Competitive_Rank" "%s2"
1538615386"TF_HonestyHalo_Style0" "帽子なし"
1538715387"[english]TF_HonestyHalo_Style0" "No Hat"
1538815388"TF_HonestyHalo_Style1" "帽子"