Template:PatchDiff/March 28, 2018 Patch/tf/resource/tf korean.txt

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15001500"Tip_1_5" "스카웃의 스캐터건은 근접했을 때 단 두 방만 쏴서 대부분의 병과를 처치할 수 있을 정도로 큰 피해를 줄 수 있습니다."
15011501"[english]Tip_1_5" "As a Scout, your Scattergun deals high-damage at point-blank range, killing most classes with 2 hits."
15021502"Tip_2_Count" "22"
1503N/A"[english]Tip_2_Count" "22"
N/A1503"[english]Tip_2_Count" "21"
15041504"Tip_2_1" "스나이퍼는 조준경으로 오랫동안 조준하고 있을수록 많은 피해를 입힐 수 있습니다."
15051505"[english]Tip_2_1" "As a Sniper, the longer you spend zoomed while scoped, the more damage the shot will do."
15061506"Tip_2_2" "스나이퍼는 머리를 조준하여 치명적인 피해를 입힐 수 있습니다."
1107211072"TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileValidation" "파일을 확인하지 못했습니다."
1107311073"[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileValidation" "The file failed to validate."
1107411074"TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileTooLarge" "파일 용량이 100MB를 초과할 수 없습니다."
11075N/A"[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileTooLarge" "The published file cannot be larger than 100 MB."
N/A11075"[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileTooLarge" "The published file cannot be larger than 200 MB after compression."
1107611076"TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileNotFound" "파일을 찾을 수 없습니다."
1107711077"[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedFileNotFound" "The file could not be found."
1107811078"TF_PublishFile_Publishing" "파일을 게시하는 중입니다. 기다려 주십시오."
1211812118"Tip_2_15" "스나이퍼의 시드니 마취총은 100%% 충전된 탄환 한 방으로 대부분의 적을 쓰러트릴 수 있습니다."
1211912119"[english]Tip_2_15" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper can kill most classes in one shot at 100%% charge."
1212012120"Tip_2_16" "스나이퍼는 다윈의 차단막을 장착하여 25의 추가 체력을 받을 수 있습니다. 생존이 가장 중요할 때에 사용하십시오."
12121N/A"[english]Tip_2_16" "As a Sniper, Darwin's Danger Shield adds an additional 25 health. Use it when survival is a top priority."
N/A12121"[english]Tip_2_16" "As a Sniper, the Huntsman is very effective at short to medium range despite its inability to zoom in."
1212212122"Tip_2_17" "헌츠맨은 조준경을 사용할 수 없지만 단거리와 중거리에서 매우 효율적입니다."
12123N/A"[english]Tip_2_17" "As a Sniper, the Huntsman is very effective at short to medium range despite its inability to zoom in."
N/A12123"[english]Tip_2_17" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper will apply a Jarate effect to an enemy based on how long you've been scoped, so take your time when shooting."
1212412124"Tip_2_18" "스나이퍼의 시드니 마취총은 조준 시 얼마나 충전하고 사격하느냐에 따라 자라테 효과의 지속 시간이 정해집니다. 그러니 여유있게 사격하십시오."
12125N/A"[english]Tip_2_18" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper will apply a Jarate effect to an enemy based on how long you've been scoped, so take your time when shooting."
N/A12125"[english]Tip_2_18" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper can coat an enemy with Jarate upon a successful hit. This makes it an effective weapon when supporting your team from afar even if you do not kill the enemy with your first shot."
1212612126"Tip_2_19" "스나이퍼는 시드니 마취총으로 적을 맞혀 병수도 효과를 적용시킬 수 있습니다. 이 효과는 적을 한 방에 사살하지 못하더라도 멀리서 아군을 지원할 수 있도록 합니다."
12127N/A"[english]Tip_2_19" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper can coat an enemy with Jarate upon a successful hit. This makes it an effective weapon when supporting your team from afar even if you do not kill the enemy with your first shot."
N/A12127"[english]Tip_2_19" "As a Sniper, the Bazaar Bargain's charge rate is initially lower, but you can increase it by collecting heads. To collect heads, get a scoped headshot kill."
1212812128"Tip_2_20" "스나이퍼의 시장 흥정품은 충전 속도가 처음에는 느리지만, 머리통을 모을때마다 빨라집니다. 머리통을 모으려면 조준한 상태에서 머리를 맞춰 사살해야 합니다."
12129N/A"[english]Tip_2_20" "As a Sniper, the Bazaar Bargain's charge rate is initially lower, but you can increase it by collecting heads. To collect heads, get a scoped headshot kill."
N/A12129"[english]Tip_2_20" "As a Sniper with the Machina, consider equipping the Submachine Gun to handle enemies in situations where scoping in for a shot is too difficult."
1213012130"Tip_2_21" "마키나를 사용할 경우, 적을 조준경으로 조준해서 죽이기 어려울 때를 대비하여 기관단총을 지니는 것을 고려하십시오."
12131N/A"[english]Tip_2_21" "As a Sniper with the Machina, consider equipping the Submachine Gun to handle enemies in situations where scoping in for a shot is too difficult."
N/A12131"[english]Tip_2_21" "As a Sniper, the Shahanshah has increased damage when your health is below 50%. Use it to counter enemies harassing you once you've taken damage."
1213212132"Tip_2_22" "스나이퍼의 체력이 50% 이하일 때 왕중왕을 사용하면 피해량이 증가합니다. 이미 피해를 입은 상태에서 자신을 괴롭히는 적에게 반격할 때 사용하십시오."
1213312133"[english]Tip_2_22" "As a Sniper, the Shahanshah has increased damage when your health is below 50%. Use it to counter enemies harassing you once you've taken damage."
1213412134"Tip_3_18" "솔저는 전복자를 사용하여 적에게 피해를 주는 것으로 자신과 아군의 체력을 회복할 수 있습니다. 전투 중에 팀의 생존율이 향상되도록 사용하십시오."
2272722727"ItemTypeDescKillEaterAltv2" "  %s2%s3: %s1"
2272822728"[english]ItemTypeDescKillEaterAltv2" "  %s2%s3: %s1"
2272922729"KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationContractsCompleted" "작전 계약 완료"
22730N/A"[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationContractsCompleted" "Campaign Contracts Completed"
N/A22730"[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationContractsCompleted" "Contracts Completed"
2273122731"KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationKills" "작전 중 처치수"
22732N/A"[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationKills" "Campaign Kills"
N/A22732"[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationKills" "Kills"
2273322733"KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationContractsPoints" "작전 계약 점수"
22734N/A"[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationContractsPoints" "Campaign Contract Points"
N/A22734"[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationContractsPoints" "Contract Points"
2273522735"KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationBonusObjectives" "작전 계약 추가 점수"
22736N/A"[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationBonusObjectives" "Campaign Contract Bonus Points"
N/A22736"[english]KillEaterEvent_CosmeticOperationBonusObjectives" "Contract Bonus Points"
2273722737"TF_ItemDynamic_Recipe_QuestObjectives" "아래 항목은 반드시 완수해야할 것들입니다."
2273822738"[english]TF_ItemDynamic_Recipe_QuestObjectives" "The following are objectives that must be completed."
2273922739"KillEater_OperationContractRank0" "자갈"
2312123121"TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Title" "참가권 사용 불가"
2312223122"[english]TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Title" "Cannot Use Pass"
2312323123"TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Text" "이미 작전 참가권이 지금 진행하고 있는 작전에 쓰였습니다."
23124N/A"[english]TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Text" "A campaign pass has already been activated for the current campaign"
N/A23124"[english]TF_UseOperationPassAlreadyActive_Text" "A pass has already been activated for your account"
2312523125"TF_UseOperationPass_Title" "참가권을 사용할까요?"
2312623126"[english]TF_UseOperationPass_Title" "Activate Pass?"
2312723127"TF_UseOperationPass_Text" "작전 참여권을 사용할 경우 작전 기간 동안 계약을 맺을 수 있게 됩니다.\n\n받은 작전 기념 토큰은 거래하거나 장터에서 판매할 수 없습니다."
23128N/A"[english]TF_UseOperationPass_Text" "Redeeming the campaign pass grants access to contracts for the duration of the campaign.\n\nThe resulting campaign token cannot be traded or marketed."
N/A23128"[english]TF_UseOperationPass_Text" "Redeeming the pass grants access to contracts.\n\nThe resulting campaign token cannot be traded or marketed."
2312923129"TF_CannotDeleteOperationPass_Title" "삭제 불가"
2313023130"[english]TF_CannotDeleteOperationPass_Title" "Cannot Delete"
2313123131"TF_CannotDeleteOperationPass_Text" "작전이 진행되고 있을 때 작전 토큰을 삭제할 수 없습니다."
2487024870"Attrib_ExtinguishReducesCooldown" "불 붙은 아군의 불을 꺼주면 재사용 대기시간이 %s1% 감소됩니다."
2487124871"[english]Attrib_ExtinguishReducesCooldown" "Extinguishing teammates reduces cooldown by %s1%"
2487224872"ItemNameFestive" "축제장식 "
24873N/A"[english]ItemNameFestive" "Festive "
N/A24873"[english]ItemNameFestive" "Festivized "
2487424874"TF_fall2013_spy_fancycoat_style1" "늠름한"
2487524875"[english]TF_fall2013_spy_fancycoat_style1" "Dashing"
2487624876"TF_fall2013_spy_fancycoat_style2" "악랄한"
2759327593"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_WarPaint" "War Paint"
2759427594"TF_Friends_InviteRequest_Outgoing" "�%other%�님을 파티에 초대합니다."
2759527595"[english]TF_Friends_InviteRequest_Outgoing" "Inviting �%other%� to your party."
N/A27596"TF_UseItem_RecipientCannotRecieve" "선물의 수령인들 중 선물을 받을 수 없는 수령인이 있습니다. 선물이 보내지지 않았습니다."
N/A27597"[english]TF_UseItem_RecipientCannotRecieve" "One or more recipients are not allowed to accept gifts. Your gift has not been given."