Template:PatchDiff/June 20, 2012 Patch/team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/tf portuguese.txt

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98729872"[english]TF_SultansCeremonial" "Sultan's Ceremonial"
98739873"TF_SplendidScreen" "A Barreira Esplêndida"
98749874"[english]TF_SplendidScreen" "The Splendid Screen"
9875N/A"TF_MarketGardener" "O Jardineiro do Mercado"
N/A9875"TF_MarketGardener" "A Pá-raquedista"
98769876"[english]TF_MarketGardener" "The Market Gardener"
98779877"TF_ReserveShooter" "O Atirador de Reserva"
98789878"[english]TF_ReserveShooter" "The Reserve Shooter"
1092010920"[english]ItemPreview_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to take this item on a test run?\nYou will be able to use the item for one week.\nAfter that time, the item will expire. At any time\nduring the test period you can buy the item for a 25% discount!"
1092110921"ItemPreview_PreviewStartedTitle" "Sucesso!"
1092210922"[english]ItemPreview_PreviewStartedTitle" "Success!"
10923N/A"ItemPreview_PreviewStartedText" "O item foi adicionado ao teu inventório. Poderás usar este item por uma semana, depois da qual irá expirar. Diverte-te!"
N/A10923"ItemPreview_PreviewStartedText" "O item foi adicionado ao teu inventário. Poderás usar este item por uma semana, depois da qual irá expirar. Diverte-te!"
1092410924"[english]ItemPreview_PreviewStartedText" "The item has been added to your inventory. You'll be able to use this item for one week, after which it will expire. Have fun!"
1092510925"ItemPreviewDialogTitle" "%s1"
1092610926"[english]ItemPreviewDialogTitle" "%s1"
1263012630"[english]TF_SniperAppleArrow_Style1" "Dangerous"
1263112631"TF_SniperAppleArrow_Style2" "Saborosa"
1263212632"[english]TF_SniperAppleArrow_Style2" "Tasty"
N/A12633"TF_ScoutHeadband" "O Corredor da Linha da Frente"
N/A12634"[english]TF_ScoutHeadband" "The Front Runner"
N/A12635"TF_ScoutHeadband_Desc" "Esta faixa comemorativa é um tributo sentido aos heróis - e não usamos o termo de forma ligeira - que vivem as suas vidas como velas suadas ao vento."
N/A12636"[english]TF_ScoutHeadband_Desc" "This commemorative sweatband is a loving tribute to the heroes – and we don't use that word lightly – who live their lives like sweaty candles in the wind."
1263312637"TF_ScoutHeadband_Style0" "Estiloso"
1263412638"[english]TF_ScoutHeadband_Style0" "Stylin'"
1263512639"TF_ScoutHeadband_Style1" "Indiferente"
1264212646"[english]TF_SuperMNC_Pyro_Style0" "Roasting"
1264312647"TF_SuperMNC_Pyro_Style1" "Na Brasa"
1264412648"[english]TF_SuperMNC_Pyro_Style1" "Blazing"
N/A12649"TF_SuperMNC_Sniper" "O Rapaz Flamingo"
N/A12650"[english]TF_SuperMNC_Sniper" "The Flamingo Kid"
1264512651"TF_SuperMNC_Sniper_Desc" "És homem o suficiente para usar este chapéu berrante de cowboy? Caso não sejas, pusemos uma meia-caveira nele para te facilitar a entrada no novo mundo entusiasmante que usar este chapéu proporciona."
1264612652"[english]TF_SuperMNC_Sniper_Desc" "Are you man enough to wear this brightly colored cowboy hat? Just in case you're not, we slapped a half-a-skull on it to ease you into the exciting new world of wearing this hat."
N/A12653"TF_ShipmentBox_Type" "Caixote de Entrega"
N/A12654"[english]TF_ShipmentBox_Type" "Shipment Box"
N/A12655"TF_ValveStoreShipmentBox" "Caixote de entrega da Loja Valve"
N/A12656"[english]TF_ValveStoreShipmentBox" "Valve Store Shipment Box"
1264712657"TF_ValveStoreShipmentBox_Desc" "&nbsp"
1264812658"[english]TF_ValveStoreShipmentBox_Desc" ""
1264912659"TF_StorePromotionPackage" "Brinde da Loja Mann Co."
1265612666"[english]Attrib_ChanceOfHungerDecrease" "Reduces chance of hunger by up to %s1%"
1265712667"Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Promotion" "%s1 (Promoção)"
1265812668"[english]Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Promotion" "%s1 (Promotion)"
N/A12669"Econ_Store_PurchaseType_PreviewItemUpgrade" "%s1 (Pré-visualizar Upgrade)"
N/A12670"[english]Econ_Store_PurchaseType_PreviewItemUpgrade" "%s1 (Preview Item Upgrade)"
1265912671"Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Standard" "%s1"
1266012672"[english]Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Standard" "%s1"
N/A12673"TF_SpySpats" "As Polainas Pé Ante Pé"
N/A12674"[english]TF_SpySpats" "the Sneaky Spats of Sneaking"
N/A12675"TF_SpySpats_Desc" "Ok, tu estás à procura de sapatos para te ajudar a esconder nas sombras. Mas assim que experimentares este elegante calçado de couro de bezerro, vais querer que TODA A GENTE te veja."
N/A12676"[english]TF_SpySpats_Desc" "Sure, you're in the market for shoes to help you lurk in the shadows. But once you slip on these natty calf leather spatterdashes, you'll want EVERYONE to check you out."
N/A12677"TF_GRFS_1" "Capacete de Proteção com Cross-Comm"
N/A12678"[english]TF_GRFS_1" "The Cross-Comm Crash Helmet"
N/A12679"TF_GRFS_3_Desc" "Esta bandana de reconhecimento de campos de batalha tem cosidas nanofibras que permitem descarregar campos de batalha da Wikipédia diretamente para a tua cara, para que nunca não estejas ciente deles."
N/A12680"[english]TF_GRFS_3_Desc" "This battlefield awareness bandanna is stitched with nanofibers that can download battlefields from Wikipedia straight to your face, so you will never not be aware of them."
1266112681"ToolGiftWrapConfirmStrange" "Tens a certeza de que pretendes embrulhar este item?\n\nOs contadores em itens estranhos são repostos a zero quando são embrulhados."
1266212682"[english]ToolGiftWrapConfirmStrange" "Are you sure you want to gift wrap this item?\n\nScores on strange items will reset to 0 when wrapped."
1266312683"KillEaterEventType_SoldiersKilled" "Soldiers Abatidos"
1269612716"[english]TF_StrangePart_KillsWhileExplosiveJumping" "Strange Part: Kills While Explosive Jumping"
1269712717"TF_StrangePart_KillsWhileExplosiveJumping_Desc" "Adicionar esta Parte Estranha a uma arma Estranha à tua escolha permitir-lhe-á fazer a contagem do número de inimigos que matares com essa arma, enquanto estás no ar devido a um salto com rocket ou bomba-adesiva."
1269812718"[english]TF_StrangePart_KillsWhileExplosiveJumping_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon of your choice will enable it to track the number of enemies you kill with that weapon while airborne from a rocket/stickyjump."
N/A12719"TF_Wearable_ScienceProject" "Projeto Científico"
N/A12720"[english]TF_Wearable_ScienceProject" "Science Project"
N/A12721"TF_Wearable_Satchel" "Sacola"
N/A12722"[english]TF_Wearable_Satchel" "Satchel"
N/A12723"TF_Wearable_Treasure" "Tesouro"
N/A12724"[english]TF_Wearable_Treasure" "Treasure"
N/A12725"TF_QC_Badge_Desc" "Ultrapassa todo o trabalho difícil e maçador da ciência e passa diretamente à parte entusiasmante: os prémios fantásticos! Esta condecoração prestigiante certifica a tua bravura no campo da excelência."
N/A12726"[english]TF_QC_Badge_Desc" "Skip past all the boring busywork of science and get right to the exciting part: the fabulous prizes! This prestigious ribbon certifies your bravery in the field of excellence."
N/A12727"TF_QC_MedicGlove" "O \"Quadwrangler\""
N/A12728"[english]TF_QC_MedicGlove" "The Quadwrangler"
N/A12729"TF_MedicClipboard" "A Sacola do Cirurgião"
N/A12730"[english]TF_MedicClipboard" "The Surgeon's Side Satchel"
N/A12731"TF_MedicClipboard_Desc" "Este equipamento médico compacto é o acessório perfeito para um médico sempre a correr. Trata pacientes fora de portas, no fresco e não-estéril ar do campo de batalha."
N/A12732"[english]TF_MedicClipboard_Desc" "This compact medical equipment bag makes the perfect accessory for the doctor on the go. Treat patients out of doors, in the fresh unsterile air of the battlefield."
N/A12733"TF_DemoTreasureChest" "O Porta-Licores"
N/A12734"[english]TF_DemoTreasureChest" "The Liquor Locker"
N/A12735"TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style0" "Clássico"
N/A12736"[english]TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style0" "Classic"
N/A12737"TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style1" "Frente"
N/A12738"[english]TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style1" "Front"
N/A12739"TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style2" "Lado Direito"
N/A12740"[english]TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style2" "Right Hip"
N/A12741"TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style3" "Lado Esquerdo"
N/A12742"[english]TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style3" "Left Hip"
N/A12743"Attrib_CannotPickUpIntelligence" "O utilizador não pode transportar a mala de informações secretas"
N/A12744"[english]Attrib_CannotPickUpIntelligence" "Wearer cannot carry the intelligence briefcase"
N/A12745"Attrib_DmgBonus_Undisguised" "+%s1% de dano bónus enquanto não disfarçado"
N/A12746"[english]Attrib_DmgBonus_Undisguised" "+%s1% damage bonus while undisguised"