Template:PatchDiff/February 14, 2012 Patch/team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/tf czech.txt

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1148211482"TF_ItsyBitsySpyer" "Itsy Bitsy Spyer"
1148311483"[english]TF_ItsyBitsySpyer" "The Itsy Bitsy Spyer"
1148411484"TF_ItsyBitsySpyer_Desc" "Pověz Engie! Máš v kapse Spye nebo jsi tak šťastný, že mě PANEBOŽE, PŘESTAŇ MĚ MLÁTIT TÍM HASÁKEM!"
11485N/A"[english]TF_ItsyBitsySpyer_Desc" "Say, Engie! Is that a miniature Spy in your pocket, or are you just happy to OH GOD STOP HITTING ME WITH THAT WRENCH!"
N/A11485"[english]TF_ItsyBitsySpyer_Desc" "Is that a miniature Spy in your pocket, or are you just happy to OH GOD STOP HITTING ME!"
1148611486"TF_Welcome_christmas" "Šťastné a veselé Vánoce!"
1148711487"[english]TF_Welcome_christmas" "Welcome and Happy Holidays!"
1148811488"TF_PyroRage" "MMMPH"
1192611926"[english]frontier_setup_goal_red" "Prevent BLU from escorting the payload to the laser array!"
1192711927"frontier_setup_goal_blue" "Doveď Lil' Chew-Chew až k lomu!"
1192811928"[english]frontier_setup_goal_blue" "Guide Lil' Chew-Chew to the delivery site!"
N/A11929"TF_MapperMedal" "Map Maker's Medallion"
N/A11930"[english]TF_MapperMedal" "The Map Maker's Medallion"
N/A11931"TF_MapperMedal_Desc" " "
N/A11932"[english]TF_MapperMedal_Desc" ""
N/A11933"TF_Wearable_Boombox" "Futuristic Sound Device"
N/A11934"[english]TF_Wearable_Boombox" "Futuristic Sound Device"
N/A11935"TF_Wearable_MapperMedal" "Func_Medal"
N/A11936"[english]TF_Wearable_MapperMedal" "Func_Medal"
N/A11937"TF_BonkBoy_Style_WithNoHat" "Aerodynamic Classic"
N/A11938"[english]TF_BonkBoy_Style_WithNoHat" "Aerodynamic Classic"
N/A11939"TF_BonkBoy_Style_WithHat" "Tuned In"
N/A11940"[english]TF_BonkBoy_Style_WithHat" "Tuned In"
N/A11941"TF_ScoutBoombox" "Boston Boom-Bringer"
N/A11942"[english]TF_ScoutBoombox" "The Boston Boom-Bringer"
N/A11943"TF_ScoutBoombox_Desc" "Roztancuj i beton s pomocí tohoto na plné pecky hrajícího rádia od společnosti Mann Co."
N/A11944"[english]TF_ScoutBoombox_Desc" "Walkin' down the street to the hardcore beat while his Mann Co. boom vibrates the concrete."
N/A11945"TF_Jag_Badge" "Merc Medal"
N/A11946"[english]TF_Jag_Badge" "The Merc Medal"
N/A11947"TF_Jag_Badge_Desc" "Existuje společnost, o jejíž existenci vědí pouze tři lidé. Tohle je medaile, kterou si předávají vždy, když jeden z nich vykoná dobrou práci."
N/A11948"[english]TF_Jag_Badge_Desc" "There exists an agency so secret that only three people on the planet even know of its existence. This is the medal they give each other when one of them does a great job."
N/A11949"TF_Jag_Haircut" "Battle Bob"
N/A11950"[english]TF_Jag_Haircut" "The Battle Bob"
N/A11951"TF_Jag_Haircut_Desc" "Jednoduchá a elegantní helma z vlasů, která zvýrazní kontury tvé nebojácné tváře."
N/A11952"[english]TF_Jag_Haircut_Desc" "Simple and elegant, this slimming hair helmet will bring out the natural contours of your fearsome war face."
N/A11953"TF_Jag_Haircut_Style_NoHelmet" "Without Helmet"
N/A11954"[english]TF_Jag_Haircut_Style_NoHelmet" "Without Helmet"
N/A11955"TF_Jag_Haircut_Style_WithHelmet" "With Helmet"
N/A11956"[english]TF_Jag_Haircut_Style_WithHelmet" "With Helmet"
N/A11957"TF_Jag_Shadow" "Bushman's Boonie"
N/A11958"[english]TF_Jag_Shadow" "The Bushman's Boonie"
N/A11959"TF_Jag_Shadow_Desc" "Každý ví, že hlava potřebuje dvojnásobnou kamufláž, než jakou mají jiné části těla. Zeptej se kohokoliv z armády a on tě zabije a schová tvé tělo, protože tahle všeobecně známá informace je TAJNÁ."
N/A11960"[english]TF_Jag_Shadow_Desc" "Everybody knows that the head part of your body needs twice as much camouflage as all the other parts. Ask anyone in the army and they’ll kill you and hide the body, because that widely-known information is CLASSIFIED."
N/A11961"TF_Conquistador" "Conquistador"
N/A11962"[english]TF_Conquistador" "The Conquistador"
N/A11963"TF_Conquistador_Desc" "Nech ožít španělskou historii s pomocí této autentické dobyvatelské helmy získané z hrobu francouzského cosplayera šestnáctého století."
N/A11964"[english]TF_Conquistador_Desc" "Make Spanish history come alive with this authentic conquistador's helmet, excavated from the actual grave of a sixteenth century French cosplayer."
N/A11965"TF_HerosTail_Style0" "Pigmentation Lost"
N/A11966"[english]TF_HerosTail_Style0" "Pigmentation Lost"
N/A11967"TF_HerosTail_Style1" "Pigmentation Gained"
N/A11968"[english]TF_HerosTail_Style1" "Pigmentation Gained"
N/A11969"KillEaterEventType_FeignDeaths" "Předstíraných smrtí"
N/A11970"[english]KillEaterEventType_FeignDeaths" "Deaths Feigned"
N/A11971"TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_SoundDevice" "Sound Device"
N/A11972"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Tag_SoundDevice" "Sound Device"