Template:PatchDiff/August 18, 2015 Patch/tf/resource/tf tchinese.txt

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15461546"Tip_6_2" "身為 Heavy,您是 Medic 的絕佳夥伴。 站在能清楚看到 Medic 的位置,讓醫療槍的目標保持在你身上。"
15471547"[english]Tip_6_2" "As a Heavy, you're a great Medic buddy. Keep a clear line of sight to your Medic to keep the Medi Gun on you."
15481548"Tip_6_3" "身為 Heavy,您的格林機槍會消耗大量彈藥。請撿起掉落的武器來補充彈藥。"
1549N/A"[english]Tip_6_3" "As a Heavy, your Minigun chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen weapons to refill your supply."
N/A1549"[english]Tip_6_3" "As a Heavy, your Minigun chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen ammo pickups to refill your supply."
15501550"Tip_6_4" "身為 Heavy,您的三明治是救命仙丹。請先找到安全地點再吃三明治,否則可能會被敵人粗暴打斷。"
15511551"[english]Tip_6_4" "As a Heavy, your Sandvich can be a lifesaver. Try to find a safe place before eating your Sandvich or you may be rudely interrupted."
15521552"Tip_7_Count" "32"
15561556"Tip_7_2" "身為 Pyro,埋伏突擊敵人來確保您在近距進入戰鬥,讓您的火焰噴射器能造成最大傷害。請利用角落和洞穴達成這點。"
15571557"[english]Tip_7_2" "As a Pyro, ambush enemies in order to ensure that you engage them at close range so that your Flamethrower will inflict maximum damage. Use corners and alcoves to your advantage."
15581558"Tip_7_3" "身為 Pyro,您的火焰噴射器需要大量彈藥。請撿起掉落的武器來補充。"
1559N/A"[english]Tip_7_3" "As a Pyro, your Flamethrower chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen weapons to refill your supply."
N/A1559"[english]Tip_7_3" "As a Pyro, your Flamethrower chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen ammo pickups to refill your supply."
15601560"Tip_7_4" "身為 Pyro,如果敵人撤退,距離大於火焰噴射器的短射程,請切換霰彈槍使用。"
15611561"[english]Tip_7_4" "As a Pyro, switch to your Shotgun or Flare Gun if enemies retreat beyond the short range of your Flamethrower."
15621562"Tip_7_5" "身為 Pyro,你通常可以讓敵人著火然後撤退,讓他們被餘火燒死。"
15841584"Tip_9_1" "身為 Engineer,請使用建造工具設置步哨防禦槍、補給器及傳送裝置。"
15851585"[english]Tip_9_1" "As an Engineer, use the build tool to place Sentry Guns, Dispensers, and Teleporters."
15861586"Tip_9_2" "身為 Engineer,你需要金屬才能建造、修理並升級你的建築。蒐集掉落的武器來補充資源。"
1587N/A"[english]Tip_9_2" "As an Engineer, you need metal to build, repair, and upgrade your buildings. Collect fallen weapons to replenish your supply."
N/A1587"[english]Tip_9_2" "As an Engineer, you need metal to build, repair, and upgrade your buildings. Collect fallen ammo pickups to replenish your supply."
15881588"Tip_9_3" "身為 Engineer,當您使用扳手敲打步哨防禦槍,就能利用金屬為其升級。每升一級便會增加更多生命值及火力。"
15891589"[english]Tip_9_3" "As an Engineer, hit your Sentry Gun with your Wrench in order to upgrade it with metal. Each level adds more health and firepower."
15901590"Tip_9_4" "身為 Engineer,請建造補給器為你的隊友提供生命值及彈藥。 補給器也能產生金屬供你使用。"
44824482"Tip_1_14" "身為 Scout,可以使用瘋狂牛奶來撲滅自己及隊友身上的火焰。"
44834483"[english]Tip_1_14" "As a Scout, use Mad Milk to douse flames on yourself and on your teammates."
44844484"Tip_1_15" "身為 Scout,游擊手和手槍共用彈藥,所以當您同時裝備它們時隨時注意您的彈藥。"
4485N/A"[english]Tip_1_15" "As a Scout, the Shortstop and Pistol share the same ammo reserve, so be mindful of your ammo while you have both equipped."
N/A4485"[english]Tip_1_15" "As a Scout, the Shortstop deals more damage than the Scattergun at mid-range."
44864486"Tip_1_16" "身為 Scout,裝備拐杖糖時,您殺死的敵人都會掉落補血包,不管您使用的是什麼武器。"
44874487"[english]Tip_1_16" "As a Scout, if you have the Candy Cane equipped, killed foes will always drop free health kits, regardless of which weapon you used."
44884488"Tip_2_5" "Sniper 使用充電全滿的狙擊槍爆頭時,可以馬上殺死大部分的兵種。"
45184518"Tip_3_12" "身為 Soldier,傷害均衡十字鎬在玩家生命值低落時可以提供極大的攻擊力,但是生命值剩餘較多時攻擊力會比鐵鍬還低。"
45194519"[english]Tip_3_12" "As a Soldier, the Equalizer does a lot of damage when you're at very low health, but it deals less than the Shovel when you're at high health."
45204520"Tip_3_13" "身為 Soldier,手持十字鎬時 Medic 無法醫治您、或者是在您身上啟動 UberCharge。您同時也無法呼叫 Medic 請求幫助。"
4521N/A"[english]Tip_3_13" "As a Soldier, Medics cannot target you for healing or ÜberCharges while you actively wield the Equalizer or Escape Plan. You will also be unable to call for a Medic."
N/A4521"[english]Tip_3_13" "As a Soldier, Medics heal you at a significantly reduced rate while you actively wield the Equalizer or Escape Plan."
45224522"Tip_3_14" "身為 Soldier,請記得半盲劍俠能夠立刻殺掉同時也持半盲劍俠的敵人!"
45234523"[english]Tip_3_14" "As a Soldier, remember that the Half-Zatoichi attacks instantly kill any enemy that is also wielding one!"
45244524"Tip_3_15" "身為 Soldier,黑盒子會在火箭傷到敵人時補充您的生命值。請在補血包和友方 Medic 不多的時候利用這個效果。"
46344634"Tip_8_11" "Spy 配備送終者時,請試著不要被火焰擊中,否則火焰可能會再次擊中你,並洩漏你的位置。"
46354635"[english]Tip_8_11" "As a Spy, try not to be hit by flames when arming the Dead Ringer, or else the flames may hit you again and reveal your location."
46364636"Tip_8_12" "身為 Spy,使用死亡送終者隱形時即使撞到敵人,身體的輪廓也不會顯現。"
4637N/A"[english]Tip_8_12" "As a Spy cloaked with the Dead Ringer, your silhouette won't appear when colliding with enemies."
N/A4637"[english]Tip_8_12" "As a Spy cloaked with the Dead Ringer, your silhouette won't appear when colliding with enemies for the first few seconds after cloaking."
46384638"Tip_8_13" "身為 Spy,使用隱形手錶或死亡送終者時,可以撿起彈藥和掉落的武器延長隱形時間。"
4639N/A"[english]Tip_8_13" "As a Spy, pick up ammo and fallen weapons to recharge your Cloak when using the default Invisibility Watch or the Dead Ringer."
N/A4639"[english]Tip_8_13" "As a Spy, pick up ammo to recharge your Cloak. You can even pick up ammo while cloaked with the default Invisibility Watch!"
46404640"Tip_8_14" "身為 Spy,裝備隱身匕首隱形時只有移動才會耗損能量。請站著不動或解除隱形以補回失去的隱形能量。"
46414641"[english]Tip_8_14" "As a Spy, the Cloak and Dagger will only drain if you are moving. Stand still or uncloak in order to regain lost charge."
46424642"Tip_8_15" "Spy 如果使用隱身匕首隱形太久,而且到處走動,敵人就會看到你的輪廓。請找個安全地點待著,重新補充隱形能量。"
46624662"Tip_8_25" "身為 Spy,使用死亡送終者隱形的期間,受到的任何傷害會大幅降低。"
46634663"[english]Tip_8_25" "As a Spy, the Dead Ringer significantly reduces the amount of damage taken from all attacks while you are invisible."
46644664"Tip_8_26" "身為 Spy,請避免從高處落下受傷,因為這樣會洩漏您的位置!"
4665N/A"[english]Tip_8_26" "As a Spy, avoid taking fall damage as it will give away your location!"
N/A4665"[english]Tip_8_26" "As a Spy, avoid taking fall damage while cloaked as it will give away your location!"
46664666"Tip_8_27" "身為 Spy,您的電子破壞器可以同時破壞傳送裝置的兩端。請試著在沒有敵方 Engineer 的這一端放置電子破壞器。"
46674667"[english]Tip_8_27" "As a Spy, your Electro Sappers sap both ends of a Teleporter. Try sapping the end that the Engineer isn't guarding."
46684668"Tip_8_28" "身為 Spy,死亡送終者有幫助您裝死的功能。請試著在自己生命值不多時發動效果,不然會假過頭而浪費這個欺敵功能。"
1208012080"Tip_2_17" "身為 Sniper,獵人長弓雖然無法放大瞄準,但在中至近距離的攻擊卻比較能發揮戰力。"
1208112081"[english]Tip_2_17" "As a Sniper, the Huntsman is very effective at short to medium range despite its inability to zoom in."
1208212082"Tip_2_18" "身為 Sniper,雪梨沉睡者在充電達到 50% 以上時可以將瓶手道的效果作用在被打中的敵人身上,所以射擊前可稍微等一下再射擊。"
12083N/A"[english]Tip_2_18" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper will apply a Jarate effect to an enemy if the shot has been charged to 50%% or higher, so take your time when shooting."
N/A12083"[english]Tip_2_18" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper will apply a Jarate effect to an enemy based on how long you've been scoped, so take your time when shooting."
1208412084"Tip_2_19" "身為 Sniper,雪梨沉睡者可以將瓶手道效果作用在被打中的敵人身上。即使您沒有一發殺掉敵人,雪梨沉睡者也能有效地在較遠距離外支援您的隊友的攻擊。"
1208512085"[english]Tip_2_19" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper can coat an enemy with Jarate upon a successful hit. This makes it an effective weapon when supporting your team from afar even if you do not kill the enemy with your first shot."
1208612086"Tip_2_20" "身為 Sniper,使用巴剎長槍開鏡瞄準射擊但失誤的話,只會減少一個爆頭數。因此如要保存爆頭數的話可以嘗試不開狙擊鏡攻擊不易打中的敵人。"
1217412174"Tip_6_20" "身為 Heavy,娜塔莎擊中敵人時會減緩他們的速度。請用這點來支援您的隊友,並強迫敵人受到更多隊友的傷害。"
1217512175"[english]Tip_6_20" "As a Heavy, the Natascha will slow down enemies it hits. Use it to support your teammates and increase their damage output."
1217612176"Tip_6_21" "身為 Heavy,驅逐警告能夠加快您的近戰攻擊速度。請使用驅逐警告來對付移動速度較快的職業吧!"
12177N/A"[english]Tip_6_21" "As a Heavy, the Eviction Notice increases your melee attack speed. Use them for more opportunities to hit faster moving classes!"
N/A12177"[english]Tip_6_21" "As a Heavy, the Eviction Notice increases your melee attack speed and gives you a speed boost when you hit an enemy. Use them for more opportunities to hit faster moving classes!"
1217812178"Tip_6_22" "身為 Heavy,快樂拳的爆擊攻擊能夠強對敵方進入狂笑狀態,並使得他們毫無防備!請使用快樂拳來癱瘓重要的敵人,幫助隊友消滅他們。"
1217912179"[english]Tip_6_22" "As a Heavy, the Holiday Punch's critical hits will cause the enemy to burst into laughter, thereby leaving them defenseless! Use them in order to incapacitate enemies and assist your team to eliminate key threats."
1218012180"Tip_7_21" "身為 Pyro,使用家用破壞者、巨型釘錘或震電之寶可以破壞放置在友方建築物上的電子破壞器。"
1220812208"Tip_8_32" "身為 Spy,您可以看見敵方的生命值。請利用這項資訊並拿出左輪手槍來攻擊虛弱的敵人。"
1220912209"[english]Tip_8_32" "As a Spy, you can see enemies' health. Use this information to target weakened enemies with your Revolver."
1221012210"Tip_8_33" "身為 Spy,使用局外人左輪成功打中敵人時,可以補充自身的隱形計量。"
12211N/A"[english]Tip_8_33" "As a Spy, the L'Etranger adds to your cloak's battery when you successfully hit an enemy."
N/A12211"[english]Tip_8_33" "As a Spy, the L'Etranger passively increases your maximum cloak battery and recharges it when you successfully hit an enemy."
1221212212"Tip_8_34" "身為 Spy,您的電子破壞器在毀掉敵方步哨前會先將步哨癱瘓。請事先和隊友溝通好,在隊友發動攻擊前先去癱瘓敵方的步哨。這作法可以讓步哨停止開火,而且在隊友的火力之下,敵方 Engineer 也難以修復他的步哨。"
1221312213"[english]Tip_8_34" "As a Spy, your Electro Sappers disable Sentry Guns before destroying them. Communicate with your team and sap a Sentry Gun as your teammates attack. This prevents the Sentry from firing and makes it more difficult for an Engineer to repair it."
1221412214"Tip_8_35" "身為 Spy,使用陰謀苦無成功背刺敵人後,您可以吸收對方的生命值當作超量治療。但是請留意,裝備這把武器後您的生命值會大大地減少,所以用這把武器時要更加注意別暴露自己的行蹤!"
1222612226"Tip_8_40" "身為 Spy,裝備寒冽冰錐並受到火焰傷害時,冰錐會融化掉,必須要等待一段時間後才可以再次使用。"
1222712227"[english]Tip_8_40" "As a Spy, taking any fire damage when using the Spy-cicle will melt the weapon, requiring you to wait before you can use it again."
1222812228"Tip_9_18" "身為 Engineer,機械槍手的迷你步哨能比一般步哨更快建好,花費的金屬也比較少。這兩點使得迷你步哨是一個優良的進攻用建築。"
12229N/A"[english]Tip_9_18" "As an Engineer, the Gunslinger's Combat Mini-Sentry Guns build much faster than normal Sentry Guns and require less ammo to build. This makes Combat Mini-Sentry Guns the perfect offensive tool."
N/A12229"[english]Tip_9_18" "As an Engineer, the Gunslinger's Combat Mini-Sentry Guns build much faster than normal Sentry Guns and require less metal to build. This makes Combat Mini-Sentry Guns the perfect offensive tool."
1223012230"Tip_9_19" "身為 Engineer,您的牧馬者遙控器可以用來大大增加您步哨防禦槍的射程。"
1223112231"[english]Tip_9_19" "As an Engineer, your Wrangler can be used to greatly extend the range of your Sentry Gun."
1223212232"Tip_9_20" "身為 Engineer,請試著讓身上攜帶全滿的金屬-足夠的金屬可以幫助您之後修復和保護建築。"