Mummy Eyes

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Repeat after me: mhmm-mhmm-mhmm I'm dead!
The Scout

The Mummy Eyes is a scrapped community-created cosmetic item for the Pyro. It wraps the Pyro's mask in various dirty bandages so that it resembles an ancient Egyptian mummy. The goggles of the mask are also cracked to reveal small white pupils.

Its name and description, as well as models, textures, and material files were found within the game files, but it was removed in the November 1, 2013 Patch. For a short time, it could be seen in the Scream Fortress 2013 bundle icon. It is unknown why this cosmetic went unused.

The Mummy Eyes was contributed to the Steam Workshop.

Update history

October 29, 2013 Patch (Scream Fortress 2013)

  • [Undocumented] The Mummy Eyes were added to the game.

November 1, 2013 Patch

  • [Undocumented] The Mummy Eyes were removed from the game.
