Peculiar Pandemonium Luxurious Lepidolite/hu

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Red alert, mercs! April is drawing near, and an unusual yet familiar virus has fallen upon the robotic hordes once again. The aptly named "Meme Machines" are back to wreak havoc, blunder about, and provide a healthy helping of the best medicine money can't buy—laughter! Now sign up for the cheapest insurance plan you can find and grab your guns, because it's time for a comedy session!
Operation Peculiar Pandemonium publicity blurb

Operation Peculiar Pandemonium was an April Fool's Mann vs. Machine charity tour event organized by Moonlight MvM and hosted by Pineapple.TF that began on March 31st, 2022, and concluded on April 11th, 2022. The event was organized for benefit of The National Breast Cancer Foundation of Australia.


The tour resembled previous campaigns hosted by Potato's Custom MVM servers, featuring many of the same maps, with different missions, along with new maps such as Example.

In keeping with the short duration of the community event, one simple, short tour was offered, with only one medal in reward.

Featured Missions

This table shows the missions that were available during the event.

Intermediate Missions
Map Mission Waves Creators
Kelly Bogos Binted 8 Tindall Berry
Silent Sky Cloudy With a Chance of Tanks 10 randomguy
Yucatan Deez Nuts 7 DOUBLE OR NOTHING
Bigrock Freedom Park 6 Tindall Berry
Silent Sky Probably Not a Problem 9 PDA Expert
Goldpit Somewhere in Nevada 12 Athazar
Ghost Town Terminal Stupidity 7 the fat

Advanced Mission
Map Mission Waves Creators
Example Advances of Advanced Adversaries 9 Anonymous


This event had four medals which are able to be earned by players: one as a reward for completion of the tour, and three for donations to a charity drive benefiting The National Breast Cancer Foundation of Australia. Clearing all seven intermediate difficulty missions earned the player the Tungsten Robot of Leaded Lunacy medal. The sole advanced mission, Advances of Advanced Adversaries, did not count towards earning the player the medal.

In addition, players were able to donate varying amounts through item or monetary donations to receive donor medals. Donating at least 6 AUD earned the player the Luxurious Lepidolite medal, donating at least 20 AUD earned the player both the Luxurious Lepidolite and Mesmerizing Morganite medals, and donating at least 33 AUD earned the player all three donation medals: the Luxurious Lepidolite, the Mesmerizing Morganite, and the Pink Diamond. The charity drive closed on April 30, 2022.

Content creators whose missions were accepted for use in the event were awarded the Auspicious Automaton Assembler's Accolade medal.

The Tungsten Robot of Leaded Lunacy player medal uses the model for the Titanium Tank Participant Medal, while the Luxurious Lepidolite, Mesmerizing Morganite, and Pink Diamond donor medals reuse models from Operation Madness vs Machines; however, all four medals initially drop with custom painted colors which are not otherwise available in-game. These medals each use different shades of pink. The Auspicious Automaton Assembler's Accolade reuses the model for the Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal, however, it is not painted a custom color.

Each of the donor medals has two styles, named "Normal" and "Gem Only". The "Gem Only" style displays only the gemstones, without the surrounding metal frames.

The participant medal was contributed to the Steam Workshop by NeoDement, Sntr, sedisocks, Star Bright, and Hydrogen .

The donor medals were contributed to the Steam Workshop by NeoDement , Sntr , Erikku , sigsegv , Jakapoa , Pelipoika , InterrobangTF2 , Rev , Benoist3012 , kratos , Nuke , Hydrogen , Hyperion , Pineapple Medals Bot , DaanBox , and Swordstone .

Paint Splat FFBAFD.png
Backpack Peculiar Pandemonium Tungsten Robot of Leaded Lunacy.png

Fura Felfordulás – Az Ólmos Elmebaj Volfrám Robotja
1. szintű közösségi kitüntetés
Nem egyszerű végiggondolni egy robot gonosz okfejtésének nyilvánvalóan nehézkes aspektusait. A Moonlight MvM's April Fools 2022 jótékonysági turné játékosai kapták!

( Nem cserélhető vagy értékesíthető. )

Paint Splat DAA1E8.png
Backpack Peculiar Pandemonium Luxurious Lepidolite.png

Fura Felfordulás – Luxus Lepidolit
1. szintű közösségi kitüntetés
A Marketing felmérte vásárlóink között, hogy melyik értékes ásványt szeretnék, és mindenki azt kérte, hogy rózsaszín legyen. Úgyhogy vásároltunk néhány tonnát a legolcsóbb, legrosszabb minőségű lepidolitból, amit találtunk, és senki sem jött rá. A Moonlight MvM's April Fools 2022 jótékonysági turné adományozói kapták!

( Nem cserélhető vagy értékesíthető. )

Paint Splat FF9BC0.png
Backpack Peculiar Pandemonium Mesmerizing Morganite.png

Fura Felfordulás – Meseszép Morganit
1. szintű közösségi kitüntetés
A morganit a drágakövek királynője. Kevés ember tudja megfelelően értékelni. Sajnos mi nem olyasvalakit képviselünk, aki tudná, így be kell érnünk veled. A Moonlight MvM's April Fools 2022 jótékonysági turné adományozói kapták!

( Nem cserélhető vagy értékesíthető. )

Paint Splat FF9FE4.png
Backpack Peculiar Pandemonium Pink Diamond.png

Fura Felfordulás – Rózsaszín Gyémánt
1. szintű közösségi kitüntetés
A Föld hatalmas nyomása alatt keletkezett drágakő kristályszerkezetében számos deformáció található. És mégis, ezek a deformációk teszik még kívánatosabbá. A Moonlight MvM's April Fools 2022 jótékonysági turné adományozói kapták!

( Nem cserélhető vagy értékesíthető. )


Részletek a következő szócikkben: Stílusok
[hide]Operation Peculiar Pandemonium - Styles
  • Luxurious Lepidolite
  • Mesmerizing Morganite
  • Pink Diamond
Painted Peculiar Pandemonium Luxurious Lepidolite UNPAINTED.png
Painted Peculiar Pandemonium Luxurious Lepidolite UNPAINTED Gem Only.png
Alap Csak ékkő
Painted Peculiar Pandemonium Mesmerizing Morganite UNPAINTED.png
Painted Peculiar Pandemonium Mesmerizing Morganite UNPAINTED Gem Only.png
Alap Csak ékkő
Painted Peculiar Pandemonium Pink Diamond UNPAINTED.png
Painted Peculiar Pandemonium Pink Diamond UNPAINTED Gem Only.png
Alap Csak ékkő

Update history

2022. Március 28-i Javítás

  • [Nem dokumentált] The Peculiar Pandemonium medals were added to the game.

2022. Szeptember 26-i Javítás #1

  • [Nem dokumentált] Fixed the Steam inventory icon for the Peculiar Pandemonium Pink Diamond medal.


  • When put together, the first letters in each word of the Peculiar Pandemonium Tungsten Robot of Leaded Lunacy name (starting from "Tungsten" onwards) form "TRoLL", a reference to the popular 2008 internet meme Trollface, and was also a running gag throughout the campaign's missions.
  • Additionally, when put together, the capitalized letters in the Peculiar Pandemonium Tungsten Robot of Leaded Lunacy description (ending at "Automatons") form "NEVERGONNA", a reference to Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up.

External links