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— 戰鬥中的偵查兵

魂斷冷夜 是一件社群製作 全職業裝飾品。是一個有著團隊顏色和護目鏡的飛行員帽子。 這頂帽子最初是以「CoPilot_2014」為名,投稿至 Steam 工作坊 的作品。


主條目: 油漆桶
Painted Co-Pilot E6E6E6.png Painted Co-Pilot D8BED8.png Painted Co-Pilot C5AF91.png Painted Co-Pilot 7E7E7E.png
相當飽滿且獨特的白色 色彩編號. 216-190-216 藥酊獨特的黃褐色 有點年代的翹鬍鬚灰
Painted Co-Pilot 141414.png Painted Co-Pilot 2D2D24.png Painted Co-Pilot 694D3A.png Painted Co-Pilot 7C6C57.png
與眾不同的無色彩 飯後的巧克力色 拉迪根.柯納亨爾棕色 老式純樸鄉村色彩
Painted Co-Pilot A57545.png Painted Co-Pilot CF7336.png Painted Co-Pilot E7B53B.png Painted Co-Pilot F0E68C.png
健美男棕色 曼恩企業橙色 澳元素金色 紳士西裝褲的卡其色
Painted Co-Pilot E9967A.png Painted Co-Pilot FF69B4.png Painted Co-Pilot 7D4071.png Painted Co-Pilot 51384A.png
不太客觀的深肉色 閃死人的粉紅色 誓約之紫 貴族帽商紫色
Painted Co-Pilot 2F4F4F.png Painted Co-Pilot 424F3B.png Painted Co-Pilot 808000.png Painted Co-Pilot 729E42.png
石板似的顏色 薩凡尼亞的貪欲 單調乏味的橄欖綠 絕對綠色
Painted Co-Pilot 32CD32.png Painted Co-Pilot BCDDB3.png
帶著敗北苦澀味的萊姆綠 曼恩薄荷色
Painted Co-Pilot A89A8C.png Painted Co-Pilot 839FA3.png Painted Co-Pilot 3B1F23.png Painted Co-Pilot 18233D.png
泡水的實驗袍(紅隊) 泡水的實驗袍(藍隊) 巴拉克拉法萬歲(紅隊) 巴拉克拉法萬歲(藍隊)
Painted Co-Pilot B8383B.png Painted Co-Pilot 5885A2.png Painted Co-Pilot 483838.png Painted Co-Pilot 384248.png
團隊精神(紅隊) 團隊精神(藍隊) 技師的工作褲(紅隊) 技師的工作褲(藍隊)
Painted Co-Pilot 803020.png Painted Co-Pilot 256D8D.png Painted Co-Pilot 654740.png Painted Co-Pilot 28394D.png
團隊合作的價值(紅隊) 團隊合作的價值(藍隊) 和藹可親的芬芳(紅隊) 和藹可親的芬芳(藍隊)
Painted Co-Pilot C36C2D.png Painted Co-Pilot B88035.png RED Co-Pilot.png BLU Co-Pilot.png
奶油味精神(紅隊) 奶油味精神(藍隊) 未上色(紅隊) 未上色(藍隊)


2014年12月22日更新 (Smissmas 2014)

  • 將副機長加進遊戲中。


  • 更新副機長的材質/模型讓偵查兵,火箭兵和工程師可以配戴。


  • 更新副機長的模型/材質
  • [未記載] 更新副機長讓全職業都可配戴。


  • The Co-Pilot was used in the SFM "Turbulence" winning a Saxxy award in 2015 for best overall. The hat is worn by the Pilot Scout's Co Pilot Scout, conveniently wearing the Co-Pilot hat.
