Template:PatchDiff/September 15, 2014 Patch/platform/platform misc dir.vpk/friends/trackerui romanian.txt

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33"Language" "romanian"
6N/A"TrackerUI_ConnectionSpeed" "Viteză internet"
N/A6"TrackerUI_ConnectionSpeed" "Viteza conexiunii la internet"
77"[english]TrackerUI_ConnectionSpeed" "Internet connection speed"
N/A8"TrackerUI_FavoriteWindowLabel" "Selectează fereastra care apare atunci când Steam \neste pornit și când dai dublu clic pe \niconiţa de Notificări."
N/A9"[english]TrackerUI_FavoriteWindowLabel" "Select which Steam window appears when the \nprogram starts, and when you double-click \nthe Notification Tray icon."
810"TrackerUI_FavoriteWindow" "Fereastra favorită"
911"[english]TrackerUI_FavoriteWindow" "Favorite window"
1012"Friends_Chat_Title" "%friend% - Discuţie"
1921"[english]Friends_UserSays" "%friend% says:\n"
2022"Friends_TypingMessage" "%friend% scrie un mesaj."
2123"[english]Friends_TypingMessage" "%friend% is typing a message."
N/A24"Friends_LastMessageReceived" "Ultimul mesaj primit: %date% la %time%"
N/A25"[english]Friends_LastMessageReceived" "Last message received: %date% at %time%"
2226"Friends_FriendInfoDialog_Title" "%friend% - Info Utilizator"
2327"[english]Friends_FriendInfoDialog_Title" "%friend% - User Info"
2428"Friends_Chat_FriendNameChanged" "%old_name% şi-a schimbat numele în %friend%.\n"
4751"[english]Friends_Title_Snooze" "Friends - %name% - Snooze (BETA)"
4852"Friends_Title_Offline" "Prieteni - Offline (BETA)"
4953"[english]Friends_Title_Offline" "Friends - Offline (BETA)"
50N/A"Friends_online" "Online"
N/A54"Friends_online" "Conectat"
5155"[english]Friends_online" "Online"
5256"Friends_away" "Plecat"
5357"[english]Friends_away" "Away"
6771"[english]Friends_FriendList_CurrentGame" "CURRENT GAME"
6872"Friends_FriendList_InGame" "ÎN JOC"
6973"[english]Friends_FriendList_InGame" "IN GAME"
70N/A"Friends_FriendList_Online" "ONLINE"
N/A74"Friends_FriendList_Online" "CONECTAT"
7175"[english]Friends_FriendList_Online" "ONLINE"
7276"Friends_FriendList_Offline" "OFFLINE"
7377"[english]Friends_FriendList_Offline" "OFFLINE"
7579"[english]Friends_SendInstantMessage" "Send message..."
7680"Friends_InviteFriendToGame" "Invită la joc"
7781"[english]Friends_InviteFriendToGame" "Invite to game"
N/A82"Friends_JoinGame" "Conectare joc"
N/A83"[english]Friends_JoinGame" "Join game"
N/A84"Friends_ViewGameInfo" "Vezi informații joc"
N/A85"[english]Friends_ViewGameInfo" "View game info"
N/A86"Friends_UserDetails" "Vizualizează detalii utilizator"
N/A87"[english]Friends_UserDetails" "View user details"
N/A88"Friends_RemoveUser" "Șterge acest prieten..."
N/A89"[english]Friends_RemoveUser" "Remove this friend..."
N/A90"Friends_RemoveFriend_Title" "Prieteni - Șterge utilizator"
N/A91"[english]Friends_RemoveFriend_Title" "Friends - Remove user"
N/A92"Friends_RemoveFriend_Info" "Eşti sigur că vrei să ştergi pe %friend% din lista de prieteni?\n\n(Poţi adăuga prietenul ulterior, cu ajutorul opţiunii \"Adaugă prieteni\".)\n"
N/A93"[english]Friends_RemoveFriend_Info" "Are you sure you want to remove %friend% from your friends list?\n\n(You can re-add them later through the 'add friends' menu option.)\n"
N/A94"Friends_RemoveFriend_Button" "Șterge pe %friend%"
N/A95"[english]Friends_RemoveFriend_Button" "Remove %friend%"
7896"Friends_Options" "Opţiuni"
7997"[english]Friends_Options" "Options"
8098"Friends_Options_Title" "Opţiuni utilizator - %name%"
83101"[english]Friends_Options_ProfileTab" "Profile"
84102"Friends_Options_SoundsTab" "Sunete"
85103"[english]Friends_Options_SoundsTab" "Sounds"
N/A104"Friends_EnterAccountNameOrEmailAddress" "Introdu numele contului Steam sau adresa de email a persoanei pe care doreşti să o adaugi la lista de prieteni."
N/A105"[english]Friends_EnterAccountNameOrEmailAddress" "Enter the Steam account name OR email address of the person you wish to add to your Friends list."
N/A106"Friends_SearchingForFriend" "Căutare după %search%..."
N/A107"[english]Friends_SearchingForFriend" "Searching for %search%..."
N/A108"Friends_FriendHasBeenAddedToYourList" "%search% a fost adăugat la lista ta de prieteni, sub numele de '%friend%'."
N/A109"[english]Friends_FriendHasBeenAddedToYourList" "%search% has been added to your friends list, under the name '%friend%'."
N/A110"Friends_UnableToFindFriendByThatName" "Nu s-a putut găsi %search%. Apasă 'înapoi' dacă vrei să încerci să cauţi din nou."
N/A111"[english]Friends_UnableToFindFriendByThatName" "Unable to find %search%. Hit 'back' if you want to try and search again."
N/A112"Friends_CannotAddSelfToList" "Nu te poți adăuga la lista ta de prieteni."
N/A113"[english]Friends_CannotAddSelfToList" "You can't add yourself to your friends list."
N/A114"Friends_CannotAddFriendWhoIsAlreadyInList" "%search% este deja în lista ta de prieteni, sub numele de '%friend%'."
N/A115"[english]Friends_CannotAddFriendWhoIsAlreadyInList" "%search% is already in your friends list, under the name '%friend%'."
N/A116"Friends_ConnectedButOffline" "Eşti setat să apari Offline la toți prietenii tăi."
N/A117"[english]Friends_ConnectedButOffline" "You are currently set to appear Offline to all your friends."
N/A118"Friends_NoFriendsInList" "Nu ai adăugat încă pe nimeni la lista de prieteni."
N/A119"[english]Friends_NoFriendsInList" "You have not yet added anyone to your Friends list."
N/A120"Friends_GoOnline" "Autentificare"
N/A121"[english]Friends_GoOnline" "Sign in"
N/A122"Friends_SignIn_RefreshPassword" "Autentifică-te..."
N/A123"[english]Friends_SignIn_RefreshPassword" "Sign in..."
N/A124"Friends_SignIn_ActivateFriends" "Participă la versiunea Beta a serviciului Prieteni..."
N/A125"[english]Friends_SignIn_ActivateFriends" "Join Friends Beta..."
N/A126"Friends_ConnectingToFriendsNetwork" "Se conectează la rețeaua de prieteni..."
N/A127"[english]Friends_ConnectingToFriendsNetwork" "Connecting to friends network..."
N/A128"Friends_ScanningForFriends" "Descărcare listă de prieteni..."
N/A129"[english]Friends_ScanningForFriends" "Downloading friends list..."
N/A130"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork" "Nu a putut fi stabilită conexiunea la reţeaua de prieteni. Steam va reîncerca automat refacerea conexiunii până când serviciul va deveni disponibil."
N/A131"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork" "A connection to the friends network could not be established. Steam will automatically retry connection until the service becomes available."
N/A132"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidPassword" "Trebuie să te conectezi din nou la Steam, pentru a utiliza serviciul Prieteni."
N/A133"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidPassword" "You need to log back into Steam in order to use Friends."
N/A134"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_LoggedInElsewhere" "Ai fost deconectat de la prieteni, din cauză că acest cont este autentificat în altă parte."
N/A135"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_LoggedInElsewhere" "You have been signed out of Friends, due to this account being signed in elsewhere."
N/A136"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidVersion" "Această versiune de Steam este prea veche pentru a se conecta la serviciul Prieteni. Reporneşte Steam pentru a descărca cea mai recentă actualizare."
N/A137"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidVersion" "This version of Steam is too old to connect to Friends. Restart Steam to receive the latest update."
N/A138"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_ServersBusy" "Pentru moment, serverele Steam nu sunt disponibile din cauza lucrărilor de întreținere. Serviciul Prieteni se va reconecta automat, de îndată ce acestea redevin disponibile."
N/A139"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_ServersBusy" "The Steam servers are currently down for routine maintenance. Friends will automatically reconnect as soon as they come available."
N/A140"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_NoConnection" "Nu există conexiune de rețea către serverele Steam. Steam va reîncerca automat refacerea conexiunii până când serviciul va deveni disponibil."
N/A141"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_NoConnection" "No network connection could be made to the Steam servers. Steam will automatically retry connection until the service becomes available."
86142"Friends_UserRequestingFriendship_Title" "Cerere de Prietenie - %friend%"
87143"[english]Friends_UserRequestingFriendship_Title" "Friend request - %friend%"
N/A144"Friends_UserRequestingFriendship_Info" "%friend% te-a adăugat la lista lui de prieteni."
N/A145"[english]Friends_UserRequestingFriendship_Info" "%friend% has added you to their Friends list."
N/A146"Friends_AllowUserToSeeMeOnline" "Permite-i lui %friend% să te poată vedea online și să te poată contacta."
N/A147"[english]Friends_AllowUserToSeeMeOnline" "Allow %friend% to see when you are online and contact you."
N/A148"Friends_BlockUserFromSeeingMeOnline" "Blochează această persoană să vadă când ești online și să te contacteze."
N/A149"[english]Friends_BlockUserFromSeeingMeOnline" "Block this person from seeing when you are online and contacting you."
88150"Friends_AddFriend_Title" "Adaugă Prieten"
89151"[english]Friends_AddFriend_Title" "Add Friend"
90152"Friends_Settings_Title" "Opţiuni utilizator - Prieteni"
97159"[english]Friends_FriendlyName" "Name"
98160"Friends_RecentlyUsedNames" "Nume folosite recent:"
99161"[english]Friends_RecentlyUsedNames" "Recently used names:"
N/A162"Friends_PlaySoundWhenFriendJoins" "Redă un sunet atunci când orice prieten se alătură unui joc"
N/A163"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenFriendJoins" "Play a sound when any friend joins a game"
N/A164"Friends_PlaySoundWhenFriendComesOnline" "Redă un sunet atunci când orice prieten intră online"
N/A165"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenFriendComesOnline" "Play a sound when any friend comes online"
N/A166"Friends_PlaySoundWhenReceiveAMessage" "Redă un sunet atunci când primeşti un mesaj"
N/A167"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenReceiveAMessage" "Play a sound when you receive a message"
N/A168"Friends_NotifyMeWhenUserComesOnline" "Anunţă-mă atunci când acest utilizator intră online"
N/A169"[english]Friends_NotifyMeWhenUserComesOnline" "Notify me when this user comes online"
N/A170"Friends_PlaySoundWhenUserComesOnline" "Redă un sunet întotdeauna când acest utilizator intră online"
N/A171"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenUserComesOnline" "Always play sound when this user comes online"
N/A172"Friends_PlaySoundWhenUserJoinsGame" "Redă un sunet întotdeauna când acest utilizator se joacă un joc"
N/A173"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenUserJoinsGame" "Always play sound when this user plays a game"
N/A174"Friends_RemoveUserExplanation" "Dacă înlături acest prieten din listă, nu va mai putea să vadă când eşti online şi nu-ţi va mai putea trimite mesaje."
N/A175"[english]Friends_RemoveUserExplanation" "If you remove this friend from your list, they won't be able to see when you are online or send you messages."
100176"Friends_FriendInvitedToGame_Title" "INVITĂ - %friend%"
101177"[english]Friends_FriendInvitedToGame_Title" "INVITE - %friend%"
N/A178"Friends_FriendInvitedToGame_Info" "O invitaţie de a se alătura jocului tău a fost trimisă către %friend%."
N/A179"[english]Friends_FriendInvitedToGame_Info" "An invitation to join your game has been sent to %friend%."
N/A180"Friends_NotifyFriendOnline_Title" "%friend% - Notificări prieteni online"
N/A181"[english]Friends_NotifyFriendOnline_Title" "%friend% - Friends online notification"
N/A182"Friends_NotifyFriendOnline_Info" "Prietenul tău %friend% a intrat online."
N/A183"[english]Friends_NotifyFriendOnline_Info" "Your friend %friend% has come online."
N/A184"Friends_RefreshLogin_Title" "Steam - Actualizează autentificarea"
N/A185"[english]Friends_RefreshLogin_Title" "Steam - Refresh login"
N/A186"Friends_RefreshLogin" "Te rugăm să reintroduci detaliile de conectare la Steam pentru a te conecta la serviciul Prieteni."
N/A187"[english]Friends_RefreshLogin" "Please re-enter your Steam login details in order to sign into Friends."
102188"Friends_AccountName" "Nume cont"
103189"[english]Friends_AccountName" "Account name"
104190"Friends_Login_Btn" "Autentificare"
105191"[english]Friends_Login_Btn" "Login"
106192"Friends_Login_Password" "Parolă"
107193"[english]Friends_Login_Password" "Password"
N/A194"Friends_CurrentlyInBeta" "Momentan nu faci parte din versiunea Beta a serviciului Prieteni."
N/A195"[english]Friends_CurrentlyInBeta" "You are currently not part of the Friends Beta."
N/A196"Friends_JoinFriendsBeta_Title" "Serviciul Prieteni - Participă la Beta"
N/A197"[english]Friends_JoinFriendsBeta_Title" "Friends - Join Beta"
N/A198"Friends_ActivateFriendsBeta" "Alătură-te la versiunea Beta a serviciului Prieteni"
N/A199"[english]Friends_ActivateFriendsBeta" "Join Friends Beta"
N/A200"Friends_JoinFriendsBeta_Info" "Versiunea nouă a serviciului Prieteni este încă în stadiul beta.\nO poți încerca adăugând cațiva prieteni la lista ta.\n\nPentru a semnala o problemă sau a citi o listă de probleme cunoscute, vizitează:"
N/A201"[english]Friends_JoinFriendsBeta_Info" "The new version of Friends is currently in beta.\nPlease give it a try by adding a few friends to your list.\n\nTo report a problem or to read a list of known issues, please visit:"
N/A202"Friends_NameToUseInFriendsBeta" "Pentru a continua, introdu un nume de Prieteni pentru tine:"
N/A203"[english]Friends_NameToUseInFriendsBeta" "To continue, enter a Friends name for yourself:"
N/A204"Friends_BetaHomePage" "Pagina de informații a versiunii Beta a serviciului Prieteni"
N/A205"[english]Friends_BetaHomePage" "The Friends Beta information page"