Template:PatchDiff/January 11, 2012 Patch/team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/tf french.txt

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16461646"[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostCaptures" "Most captures:"
16471647"TF_ClassRecord_MostDefenses" "Défenses :"
16481648"[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostDefenses" "Most defenses:"
1649N/A"TF_ClassRecord_MostDamage" "Dommages :"
N/A1649"TF_ClassRecord_MostDamage" "Dégâts :"
16501650"[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostDamage" "Most damage:"
16511651"TF_ClassRecord_MostDestruction" "Destructions :"
16521652"[english]TF_ClassRecord_MostDestruction" "Most destruction:"
53045304"[english]TF_Gift_EntireServer" "Pile o' Gifts"
53055305"TF_Gift_EntireServer_Desc" "Cet objet d'action permet d'offrir un cadeau aléatoire\nà 23 autres joueurs du serveur !"
53065306"[english]TF_Gift_EntireServer_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives a random gift\nto up to 23 other people on the server!"
5307N/A"TF_Gift_RandomPerson" "Père Noël secret"
N/A5307"TF_Gift_RandomPerson" "Secret de Saxton"
53085308"[english]TF_Gift_RandomPerson" "Secret Saxton"
53095309"TF_Gift_RandomPerson_Desc" "Cet objet d'action permet d'offrir un cadeau aléatoire\nà un joueur du serveur choisi au hasard !"
53105310"[english]TF_Gift_RandomPerson_Desc" "When used, this Action Item gives a random gift\nto a random person on the server!"
99449944"[english]TF_Trading_FreeAccountInitiate" "Only premium accounts may initiate trades."
99459945"TF_Trading_SharedAccountInitiate" "Seuls les comptes individuels peuvent faire des échanges."
99469946"[english]TF_Trading_SharedAccountInitiate" "Only individual accounts may initiate trades."
9947N/A"TF_TradeWindow_Step2Desc_FreeTrial" "Les comptes gratuits ne peuvent pas effectuer d'échanges. Achetez n'importe quel objet dans le magasin pour améliorer votre compte."
N/A9947"TF_TradeWindow_Step2Desc_FreeTrial" "Les comptes gratuits ne peuvent échanger aucun objet. Achetez n'importe quel objet dans le magasin pour améliorer votre compte !"
99489948"[english]TF_TradeWindow_Step2Desc_FreeTrial" "Free accounts cannot trade away any items. Purchase any item in the store to upgrade!"
9949N/A"TF_TradeWindow_Step3Desc_FreeTrial" "L'autre joueur ne peut pas échanger d'objets car il a un compte gratuit."
N/A9949"TF_TradeWindow_Step3Desc_FreeTrial" "L'autre joueur a un compte gratuit et ne peut échanger aucun objet."
99509950"[english]TF_TradeWindow_Step3Desc_FreeTrial" "The other player has a free account and cannot trade you any items."
99519951"TF_TradeWindow_Warning_KillEater" "Attention : l'autre personne offre un objet qui compte les victimes du joueur. Le compteur de victimes sera remis à zéro lors de l'échange !\n"
99529952"[english]TF_TradeWindow_Warning_KillEater" "Warning: the other person is offering an item that has been tracking player kills. The kill counter will reset when traded!\n"
1144211442"TF_TrnHat" "Le Pointe et Tire"
1144311443"[english]TF_TrnHat" "The Point and Shoot"
1144411444"TF_TrnHat_Desc" "La prochaine fois que quelqu'un vous accuse de ne pas être un vrai magicien parce que vous refusez (comprenez : n'êtes pas capable) de lancer des sorts, plantez-leur ce chapeau pointu magique aveuglant dans un œil et courez."
11445N/A"[english]TF_TrnHat_Desc" "The next time someone accuses you of not being a real wizard because you refuse to (read: can’t) do spells, poke them in the eye with this magically blinding pointy hat and run."
N/A11445"[english]TF_TrnHat_Desc" "The next time someone accuses you of not being a real wizard because you refuse to (read: can't) do spells, poke them in the eye with this magically blinding pointy hat and run."
1144611446"TF_TrnHelmet" "La Tête d'Ogive"
1144711447"[english]TF_TrnHelmet" "The War Head"
1144811448"TF_TrnHelmet_Desc" "Protégez vos hordes imaginaires des dragons, de la sorcellerie et de tout autre danger chimérique avec ce casque à pointes en plomb."
1155711557"[english]TF_Wearable_Lunchbox" "Lunchbox"
1155811558"TF_Wearable_Coat" "Veste"
1155911559"[english]TF_Wearable_Coat" "Coat"
N/A11560"TF_Wearable_Stocking" "Chaussette de Noël"
N/A11561"[english]TF_Wearable_Stocking" "Stocking"
1156011562"TF_Wearable_Armband" "Brassard"
1156111563"[english]TF_Wearable_Armband" "Armband"
1156211564"TF_Wearable_Bells" "Clochettes"
1156511567"[english]TF_NoiseMaker_Winter2011" "Noise Maker - Winter Holiday"
1156611568"TF_Pomson" "Le Pomson 6000"
1156711569"[english]TF_Pomson" "The Pomson 6000"
N/A11570"TF_Pomson_Desc" "Ceci est un innovant ustensile manuel capable de produire de rapides impulsions de radiations d'amplitude suffisamment importante pour incendier ou mutiler, ou accessoirement frapper d'incapacité les irlandais."
N/A11571"[english]TF_Pomson_Desc" "Being an innovative hand-held irradiating utensil capable of producing rapid pulses of high-amplitude radiation in sufficient quantity as to immolate, maim and otherwise incapacitate the Irish."
1156811572"TF_Wrenchmotron" "L'effet Eurêka"
1156911573"[english]TF_Wrenchmotron" "The Eureka Effect"
N/A11574"TF_Wrenchmotron_Desc" "Ceci est un outil qui élimine tout effort en exploitant les décharges électriques des orages pour une coercition vigoureuse de boulons, écrous, tubes et tout ce qui va avec au bon endroit. Ça peut également servir de gourdin."
N/A11575"[english]TF_Wrenchmotron_Desc" "Being a tool that eliminates exertion by harnessing the electrical discharges of thunder-storms for the vigorous coercion of bolts, nuts, pipes and similar into their rightful places. May also be used to bludgeon."
1157011576"TF_Brainiac" "La Coiffure du Brainiac"
1157111577"[english]TF_Brainiac" "The Brainiac Hairpiece"
N/A11578"TF_Brainiac_Desc" "Ceci est un postiche taillé pour la bosse des maths qui s'efforce d'augmenter les sens de tout esprit, que celui-ci soit un gentilhomme oisif le méritant, ou un méprisable bouseux terrien de ceux qu'il ne serait pas injustifié de corriger."
N/A11579"[english]TF_Brainiac_Desc" "Being a maths-enhancing hairpiece that endeavors to heighten the senses of any soul, be he a gentle-man of leisure deserving of such a thing, or a loathsome tiller of the earth of whom a beating would not go unwarranted."
1157211580"TF_Brainiac_Goggles" "Les lunettes du Brainiac"
1157311581"[english]TF_Brainiac_Goggles" "The Brainiac Goggles"
N/A11582"TF_Brainiac_Goggles_Desc" "Ceci est une paire de lunettes de tirs prescrites sur ordonnance pour tenter de protéger l’œil des retours de poudre du barillet, elle corrigera également la Diplopie, le Strabisme, la 'vision trouble', l'apparition précoce du Vieil-Œil et plusieurs autres problèmes structurels."
N/A11583"[english]TF_Brainiac_Goggles_Desc" "Being prescription shooting goggles that endeavor to relieve the eye from the reflection off one's gun barrel whilst also correcting Diplopia, Strabismus, 'Nervous Vision', Early-Onset Old-Eye, and several other varieties of structural defect."
1157411584"TF_DRG_CopperBadge" "Blason en cuivre du Dr. Grordbort"
1157511585"[english]TF_DRG_CopperBadge" "Dr. Grordbort's Copper Crest"
N/A11586"TF_DRG_CopperBadge_Desc" "Ceci est un blason pectoral en cuivre hautement toxique hydrosoluble offrant la preuve silencieuse de l'engagement scientifique de certains. Une exposition prolongée peut causer une décomposition de la peau, une atrophie musculaire et un amollissement osseux jusqu'à infirmité, comme celle liée au grand âge ou à celle gracieuse de l'enfance."
N/A11587"[english]TF_DRG_CopperBadge_Desc" "Being a water-soluble, highly poisonous copper crest offering mute testament to one's commitment to the sciences. Prolonged exposure may cause tissue putridity, muscle atrophy and bone softening in the infirm, elderly and those graced with child."
1157611588"TF_Phlogistinator" "Le Phlogistinateur"
1157711589"[english]TF_Phlogistinator" "The Phlogistinator"
N/A11590"TF_Phlogistinator_Desc" "Ceci est une application révolutionnaire qui pourrait remettre à jour la théorie de l'élément Phlogistique, élément qui existe en toute créature inflammable ; ce qui revient à dire à l'ensemble d'entre elles."
N/A11591"[english]TF_Phlogistinator_Desc" "Being a revolutionary appliance capable of awakening the fire element phlogiston that exists in all combustible creatures, which is to say, all of them."
1157811592"TF_ThirdDegree" "Le Troisième Degré"
1157911593"[english]TF_ThirdDegree" "The Third Degree"
11580N/A"TF_ManMelter" "Le Fondu"
N/A11594"TF_ThirdDegree_Desc" "Ceci est une aubaine pour les bûcherons, les habitants des bois et les répartiteurs d'atomes à travers le monde, ce miraculeux dispositif à découper la matière brûle chaque molécule qu'il va fendre sur son passage."
N/A11595"[english]TF_ThirdDegree_Desc" "Being a boon to tree-fellers, backwoodsmen and atom-splitters the world over, this miraculous matter-hewing device burns each individual molecule as it cleaves it."
N/A11596"TF_ManMelter" "Le Fissionneur"
1158111597"[english]TF_ManMelter" "The Manmelter"
N/A11598"TF_ManMelter_Desc" "Cet appareil transgresse le consensus scientifique qui admet que les molécules composant le corps humain sont arrangées \"comme ça\", et qu'elles ne sont pas, par exemple, éparpillées sur un kilomètre carré."
N/A11599"[english]TF_ManMelter_Desc" "Being a device that flouts conventional scientific consensus that the molecules composing the human body must be arranged \"just so\", and not, for example, across a square-mile radius."
1158211600"TF_Bubble_Helmet" "La Bulle à Pipe"
1158311601"[english]TF_Bubble_Helmet" "The Bubble Pipe"
N/A11602"TF_Bubble_Helmet_Desc" "Ceci est l'invention qui accomplit le but humaniste de tous les grands hommes de science, de Lord Holland au Duc de Wellington : permettre à un vrai gentilhomme de fumer sa pipe dans l'espace."
N/A11603"[english]TF_Bubble_Helmet_Desc" "Being an invention that achieves the humanitarian goal of all great men of science, from Lord Holland to the Duke of Wellington, to allow a true gentle-man to smoke a pipe in space."
1158411604"TF_GrordbortPyro_Tank" "Le Sac à dos Lunaire"
1158511605"[english]TF_GrordbortPyro_Tank" "The Moonman Backpack"
N/A11606"TF_GrordbortPyro_Tank_Desc" "Ceci est le référentiel des éléments fondamentaux nécessaires à un corps pour passer une vie bienheureuse dans l'espace — en l’occurrence une dose d'oxygène, une dose de mercure et 12 doses de laudanum."
N/A11607"[english]TF_GrordbortPyro_Tank_Desc" "Being a repository of the foundational ingredients necessary for a body to live a life of leisure in space—namely one part oxygen, one part mercury, and twelve parts laudanum."
1158611608"TF_DRG_SilverBadge" "Blason en argent du Dr. Grordbort"
1158711609"[english]TF_DRG_SilverBadge" "Dr. Grordbort's Silver Crest"
N/A11610"TF_DRG_SilverBadge_Desc" "Ceci est un blason en argent hautement malléable et particulièrement inflammable preuve de l'engagement de certains et de leur intention d'immoler toute créature de Dieu en ce bas monde."
N/A11611"[english]TF_DRG_SilverBadge_Desc" "Being a highly malleable, thoroughly combustible silver crest that declares one's commitment, and intention, to immolate all creatures on God's Earth."
1158811612"TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortBrainiacPack" "Le lot Braniac du Dr. Grordbort"
1158911613"[english]TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortBrainiacPack" "Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack"
N/A11614"TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortBrainiacPack_Desc" "Obtenez le pack complet des objets du Dr. Grordbort pour l'Engineer, créées par WETA Workshop !"
N/A11615"[english]TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortBrainiacPack_Desc" "Grab the whole pack of Dr. Grordbort items for the Engineer, designed by WETA Workshop!"
1159011616"TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortMoonmanPack" "Le Lot Lunaire du Dr. Grordbort"
1159111617"[english]TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortMoonmanPack" "Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack"
N/A11618"TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortMoonmanPack_Desc" "Obtenez le pack complet des objets du Dr. Grordbort pour le Pyro, créées par WETA Workshop !"
N/A11619"[english]TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortMoonmanPack_Desc" "Grab the whole pack of Dr. Grordbort items for the Pyro, designed by WETA Workshop!"
N/A11620"TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortMoonbrainPack" "Le double lot Brainaire du Dr. Grordbort"
N/A11621"[english]TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortMoonbrainPack" "Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack"
N/A11622"TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortMoonbrainPack_Desc" "Obtenez le pack complet des objets du Dr. Grordbort pour le Pyro et l'Engineer, créées par WETA Workshop !"
N/A11623"[english]TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortMoonbrainPack_Desc" "Grab the whole pack of Dr. Grordbort items for the Pyro and the Engineer, designed by WETA Workshop!"
1159211624"TF_ScoutBackwardsCap_Style0" "Je ne t’entends Pas"
1159311625"[english]TF_ScoutBackwardsCap_Style0" "I Can't Hear You"
N/A11626"TF_ScoutBackwardsCap_Style1" "Casque Retiré"
N/A11627"[english]TF_ScoutBackwardsCap_Style1" "Headphones Disengaged"
N/A11628"TF_ShinyBauls" "L'Armement Ornemental"
N/A11629"[english]TF_ShinyBauls" "The Ornament Armament"
N/A11630"TF_ShinyBauls_Desc" "Tout comme les véritables grenades du Soldier, ces boules de Noël brillantes sont purement décoratives."
N/A11631"[english]TF_ShinyBauls_Desc" "Just a like the Soldier's actual grenades, these shiny glass baubles are purely ornamental. "
1159411632"TF_SandvichSafe" "Le Coffre à Sandvich"
1159511633"[english]TF_SandvichSafe" "The Sandvich Safe"
N/A11634"TF_SandvichSafe_Desc" "Coffrez votre sandvich grâce à ce coffre à sandvich. D'accord, c'est bon, fini les descriptions. Achetez."
N/A11635"[english]TF_SandvichSafe_Desc" "Keep sandvich safe with sandvich safe. Okay, is good, no more description. Buy."
1159611636"TF_IncineratorsInsulator" "La Tête Brulée"
1159711637"[english]TF_IncineratorsInsulator" "The Head Warmer"
N/A11638"TF_IncineratorsInsulator_Desc" "Cet isolant d'incinérateur garde votre tête à exactement 40 degrés tout en étouffant les hallucinations que provoque le port d'un chapeau qui cuit lentement votre cerveau."
N/A11639"[english]TF_IncineratorsInsulator_Desc" "This incinerator's insulator keeps your head a perfect 105 degrees, while muffling the hallucinations brought on by wearing a hat that slowly cooks your brain."
1159811640"TF_TouchingStory" "L'intellectuel de l'arrière-pays"
1159911641"[english]TF_TouchingStory" "The Outback Intellectual"
N/A11642"TF_TouchingStory_Desc" "Pull à carreaux. Pipe. Seul, ils vous donnent l'air d'un idiot. Ensemble, ils vous donnent l'air intelligent ET stylisé! Comme Umberto Eco!"
N/A11643"[english]TF_TouchingStory_Desc" "Argyle. Pipe-smoking. Individually, they make you look like an idiot. Together, they make you look smart AND stylish! Just like Umberto Eco!"
1160011644"TF_AllFather" "Le Père de Tout"
1160111645"[english]TF_AllFather" "The All-Father"
N/A11646"TF_AllFather_Desc" "Tout au long de l'histoire de la civilisation, la barbe blanche est arrivé à symboliser la sagesse et le prestige. Montrez au monde qu'il est possible d'être barbu ET idiot grâce à cet attribut facial spécifique au Heavy et au Soldier. Prend ça Civilisation !"
N/A11647"[english]TF_AllFather_Desc" "Throughout the history of civilization, the white beard has come to symbolize wisdom and status. Show the world it's possible to be bearded AND stupid with this Heavy- and Soldier-specific face-nest. Shove it, civilization!"
1160211648"TF_JingleHell" "La ceinture de clochettes"
1160311649"[english]TF_JingleHell" "The Jingle Belt"
11604N/A"TF_Gifting_Badge" "L'esprit du don"
N/A11650"TF_JingleHell_Desc" "Les cloches du traîneau de la mort sonneront dans les oreilles grillées de vos victimes calcinées."
N/A11651"[english]TF_JingleHell_Desc" "Slay-bells will be ringing in the slow-roasted ears of your burn victims."
N/A11652"TF_Gifting_Badge" "Esprit du don"
1160511653"[english]TF_Gifting_Badge" "Spirit Of Giving"
1160611654"TF_MasculineMittens" "Le Punch des Vacances"
1160711655"[english]TF_MasculineMittens" "The Holiday Punch"
N/A11656"TF_MasculineMittens_Desc" "Soyez l’âme guerrière festive avec ces mitaines de combat qui incitent au rire."
N/A11657"[english]TF_MasculineMittens_Desc" "Be the life of the war party with these laugh-inducing punch-mittens."
1160811658"TF_Winter2011_EngineerStocking" "La Chaussette de Noël"
1160911659"[english]TF_Winter2011_EngineerStocking" "The Stocking Stuffer"
N/A11660"TF_Winter2011_EngineerStocking_Desc" "Inutile de suspendre cette chaussette de Noël au dessus de la cheminée. Elle est déjà bien remplie. Merci pour rien, Père Noël."
N/A11661"[english]TF_Winter2011_EngineerStocking_Desc" "No need to hang this stocking over the mantle. It's already stuffed. Thanks for nothing, Santa."
1161011662"TF_Winter2011_WinterFurCap" "La Bombe Brune"
1161111663"[english]TF_Winter2011_WinterFurCap" "The Brown Bomber"
N/A11664"TF_Winter2011_WinterFurCap_Desc" "Célébrez l'anniversaire du Canada, le jour où cela est arrivé, avec ce chapeau de cérémonie commémoratif du premier ministre canadien."
N/A11665"[english]TF_Winter2011_WinterFurCap_Desc" "Celebrate Canada's birthday, on whatever day that happens, with this commemorative Canadian Prime Minister's ceremonial dress hat."
1161211666"TF_SoldierWinterCoat" "La Collection de Kringle"
1161311667"[english]TF_SoldierWinterCoat" "The Kringle Collection"
N/A11668"TF_SoldierWinterCoat_Desc" "Faites la danse du pantalon des neiges avec cet ensemble des fêtes bien stylé du célèbre créateur de l'Arctique Kristoff Kringle."
N/A11669"[english]TF_SoldierWinterCoat_Desc" "Do the snow-pants dance with this stylish holiday ensemble from famed Arctic designer Kristoff Kringle."
N/A11670"TF_TheElf" "Une Affaire elftraordinaire"
N/A11671"[english]TF_TheElf" "The Big Elfin Deal"
N/A11672"TF_TheElf_Desc" "Si tu me demandes une fois de plus si je souhaite devenir un dentiste mon pote, je t'explose les dents."
N/A11673"[english]TF_TheElf_Desc" "You ask me if I wanna be a dentist one more time, pal, I'm gonna kick your teeth in."
1161411674"TF_Scout_Elf_Boots" "Le Temps des Bottines"
1161511675"[english]TF_Scout_Elf_Boots" "The Bootie Time"
N/A11676"TF_Winter2011_Ebenezer" "L'Ebenezer"
N/A11677"[english]TF_Winter2011_Ebenezer" "The Ebenezer"
N/A11678"TF_Winter2011_Ebenezer_Desc" "Si vous recevez la visite d'un morceau de couvre-chef spectral cette nuit, faites-en le fantôme des chapeaux de Noël, donné dans le plus pur esprit de Smissmass par le membre de la communauté Steam Jacen."
N/A11679"[english]TF_Winter2011_Ebenezer_Desc" "If you are visited by one piece of spectral headwear this night, make it the Ghost of Christmas Hats, donated in true Smissmass spirit by Steam User Jacen."
N/A11680"TF_Winter2011_GiftHat" "La boîte-à-tête des fêtes"
N/A11681"[english]TF_Winter2011_GiftHat" "The Holiday Headcase"
N/A11682"TF_Winter2011_GiftHat_Desc" "Joyeux Smissmas, tout le monde ! Que toutes vos diverses fêtes soient joyeuses (ou sombres, cela dépend de vos traditions culturelles) avec cette objet de TF extrêmement rare, don de l'utilisateur Steam BANG !"
N/A11683"[english]TF_Winter2011_GiftHat_Desc" "Merry Smissmas, everyone! May all your miscellaneous holidays be happy (or somber, depending on your cultural traditions) with this ultra-rare TF item, donated by Steam User BANG!"
1161611684"TF_Winter2011_SantaHat" "Le G.H.D.N"
1161711685"[english]TF_Winter2011_SantaHat" "The B.M.O.C."
N/A11686"TF_Winter2011_SantaHat_Desc" "Soyez l'homme incontournable de Noël avec ce chapeau à pompom bordé de fourrure !"
N/A11687"[english]TF_Winter2011_SantaHat_Desc" "Be the Big Man of Christmas with this fur-fringed pom-pom hat!"
1161811688"TF_SpyCicle" "La Spy-lactite"
1161911689"[english]TF_SpyCicle" "The Spy-cicle"
1162011690"TF_SpyCicle_Desc" "Le cadeau idéal pour un homme qui n'a besoin de rien : une stalactite dans le dos. Mêmes les riches ne peuvent pas se payer ça en magasin."
11621N/A"[english]TF_SpyCicle_Desc" "It’s the perfect gift for the man who has everything: an icicle driven into their back. Even rich people can’t buy that in stores."
N/A11691"[english]TF_SpyCicle_Desc" "It's the perfect gift for the man who has everything: an icicle driven into their back. Even rich people can't buy that in stores."
1162211692"TF_BallBuster" "L'Assassin Emballé"
1162311693"[english]TF_BallBuster" "The Wrap Assassin"
N/A11694"TF_BallBuster_Desc" "Ces ravissants ornements festifs sont si admirablement fabriqués que vos ennemis vont vouloir les voir de plus près. Faites leur donc plaisir en envoyant ces boules de verre fragiles avec votre batte directement dans les yeux à plus de 140 km/h."
N/A11695"[english]TF_BallBuster_Desc" "These lovely festive ornaments are so beautifully crafted, your enemies are going to want to see them close up. Indulge them by batting those fragile glass bulbs into their eyes at 90 mph."
1162411696"TF_FoundryAchievementHat" "La Tête Pleine De Fumée"
1162511697"[english]TF_FoundryAchievementHat" "The Full Head Of Steam"
1162611698"TF_FoundryAchievementHat_Desc" "Vous n'avez jamais pris de pause sur cp_foundry, et maintenant vous pouvez le prouver avec ce sifflet à vapeur utilisé pour signaler les pauses que vous n'avez jamais prises !"
1163111703"[english]Foundry_blue_setup_goal" "Capture all five Control Points to win the game!"
1163211704"Foundry_cap_cp3" "le Dépôt Central"
1163311705"[english]Foundry_cap_cp3" "the Central Depot"
N/A11706"Foundry_cap_red_cp2" "Le Parc à bestiaux des RED"
N/A11707"[english]Foundry_cap_red_cp2" "the RED Stockyard"
1163411708"Foundry_cap_red_cp1" "la base des RED"
1163511709"[english]Foundry_cap_red_cp1" "the RED Base"
N/A11710"Foundry_cap_blue_cp2" "Le Parc à Bestiaux des BLU"
N/A11711"[english]Foundry_cap_blue_cp2" "the BLU Stockyard"
1163611712"Foundry_cap_blue_cp1" "la base des BLU"
1163711713"[english]Foundry_cap_blue_cp1" "the BLU Base"
1163811714"Achievement_Group_2100" "Événement Noël (%s1 sur %s2)"
1163911715"[english]Achievement_Group_2100" "Christmas Event (%s1 of %s2)"
1164011716"Achievement_Group_2200" "Pack Foundry (%s1 sur %s2)"
1164111717"[english]Achievement_Group_2200" "Foundry Pack (%s1 of %s2)"
N/A11718"TF_CHRISTMAS_COLLECT_GIFTS_NAME" "Razzia sur les cadeaux Valve de 2011 – TF2"
N/A11719"[english]TF_CHRISTMAS_COLLECT_GIFTS_NAME" "Valve Gift Grab 2011 – TF2"
1164211720"TF_CHRISTMAS_COLLECT_GIFTS_DESC" "Ramassez trois cadeaux lâchés par vos adversaires."
1164311721"[english]TF_CHRISTMAS_COLLECT_GIFTS_DESC" "Collect three gifts dropped by opponents."
1164511723"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_KILL_CAPPING_ENEMY_NAME" "Cap Trap"
1164611724"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_KILL_CAPPING_ENEMY_DESC" "Tuez un ennemi en train de capturer un point de contrôle avec un coup critique."
1164711725"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_KILL_CAPPING_ENEMY_DESC" "Kill an enemy who is capturing a control point with a critical hit."
N/A11727"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDS_NAME" "Foundry Force Five"
1164811728"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDS_DESC" "Jouez dans une partie avec cinq joueurs ou plus de votre liste d'amis."
1164911729"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDS_DESC" "Play in a game with five or more players from your Friends list."
1165011730"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_WIN_MINTIME_NAME" "Une Guerre de Deux Minutes"
1165511735"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_WIN_ROUNDS_NAME" "The Crucible"
1165611736"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Remportez 137 manches."
1165711737"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Win 137 Rounds."
N/A11738"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_FAST_FINAL_CAP_NAME" "Le 5e vite fait, bien fait"
N/A11739"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_FAST_FINAL_CAP_NAME" "Five the Fast Way"
1165811740"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_FAST_FINAL_CAP_DESC" "Capturez le point de contrôle final dans les cinq secondes qui suivent la capture du point de contrôle précédent par votre équipe."
1165911741"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_FAST_FINAL_CAP_DESC" "Capture the final control point within five seconds of your team capturing the previous control point."
N/A11742"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_TELEPORT_AND_CAP_NAME" "Saut et Revendication"
N/A11743"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_TELEPORT_AND_CAP_NAME" "Claim Jumper"
1166011744"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_TELEPORT_AND_CAP_DESC" "Capturez un point de contrôle dans les 12 secondes qui suivent votre sortie d'un téléporteur."
1166111745"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_TELEPORT_AND_CAP_DESC" "Capture a control point within 12 seconds after exiting a teleporter."
N/A11746"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_INTO_CAULDRON_NAME" "La fin de toute chose"
N/A11747"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_INTO_CAULDRON_NAME" "Terminated, Too"
N/A11748"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_INTO_CAULDRON_DESC" "Tuez un joueur en le poussant dans le feu du chaudron."
N/A11749"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_INTO_CAULDRON_DESC" "Kill a player by pushing them into the cauldron fire."
N/A11751"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_NAME" "Real Steal"
1166211752"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_DESC" "Remportez une manche dans laquelle l'équipe adverse a tenté de capturer votre point de contrôle final."
1166311753"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_DESC" "Win a round in which the enemy team has attempted to capture your final control point."
1166511755"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PLAY_EACH_CLASS_NAME" "Classassin"
N/A11756"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PLAY_EACH_CLASS_DESC" "Faites au moins une victime avec chacune des neufs classes en une seule manche."
N/A11757"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PLAY_EACH_CLASS_DESC" "Get one or more kills as all nine classes in one round."
1166611758"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_KILL_ENEMY_ON_ROOF_NAME" "Raser le toit"
1166711759"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_KILL_ENEMY_ON_ROOF_NAME" "Raze the Roof"
1166811760"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_KILL_ENEMY_ON_ROOF_DESC" "Tuez deux personnes sur le toit du point de contrôle central en une seule vie."
1166911761"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_KILL_ENEMY_ON_ROOF_DESC" "Kill two people on the roof of the center control point in a single life."
1167011764"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_BACK_AND_FORTH_BATTLE_DESC" "Jouez tout le long d'une bataille de va-et-vient comportant 15 captures de points de contrôle."
1167111765"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_BACK_AND_FORTH_BATTLE_DESC" "Play through a back-and-forth battle for 15 control point captures."
N/A11766"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Foundry, seule et unique étape"
N/A11767"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Foundry Milestone"
N/A11768"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Obtenez 7 des succès du pack Fondry."
N/A11769"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 7 of the achievements in the Foundry pack."
1167211770"KillEaterEventType_GiftsGiven" "Cadeaux offerts"
1167311771"[english]KillEaterEventType_GiftsGiven" "Gifts Given"
N/A11772"SpiritOfGivingRank0" "L'"
N/A11773"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank0" "The"
1167411774"SpiritOfGivingRank1" "Singulier"
11675N/A"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank1" "Singular"
N/A11775"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank1" "The Baseline Benefactor's"
1167611776"SpiritOfGivingRank2" "Commode"
11677N/A"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank2" "Commodius"
N/A11777"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank2" "The Competent Contributor's"
1167811778"SpiritOfGivingRank3" "Bienveillant"
11679N/A"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank3" "Kind-Hearted"
N/A11779"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank3" "The Adequate Altruist's"
1168011780"SpiritOfGivingRank4" "Amical"
11681N/A"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank4" "Friendly"
N/A11781"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank4" "The Satisfactory Santa's"
1168211782"SpiritOfGivingRank5" "Enjoué"
11683N/A"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank5" "Joyful"
N/A11783"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank5" "The Sufficient Samaritan's"
N/A11784"SpiritOfGivingRank6" "Gai luron"
N/A11785"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank6" "The Distinguished Donator's"
N/A11786"SpiritOfGivingRank7" "De bonne nature"
N/A11787"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank7" "The Dynamic Do-Gooder's"
N/A11788"SpiritOfGivingRank8" "Abondant"
N/A11789"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank8" "The Consumate Contributor's"
1168411790"SpiritOfGivingRank9" "Généreux"
11685N/A"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank9" "Generous"
N/A11791"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank9" "The Baron of Bequeathment's"
1168611792"SpiritOfGivingRank10" "Magnanime"
11687N/A"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank10" "Magnanimous"
N/A11793"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank10" "The Lord of Largesse's"
1168811794"SpiritOfGivingRank11" "Sociable"
11689N/A"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank11" "Gregarious"
N/A11795"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank11" "The Chieftain of Charity's"
1169011796"SpiritOfGivingRank12" "Généreux"
11691N/A"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank12" "Bountiful"
N/A11797"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank12" "The Generalissimo of Generosity's"
1169211798"SpiritOfGivingRank13" "Philanthropique"
11693N/A"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank13" "Philanthrophic"
N/A11799"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank13" "The Bigshot Benefactor's"
1169411800"SpiritOfGivingRank14" "Révéré"
11695N/A"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank14" "Revered"
N/A11801"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank14" "The Caesar of Pleasers'"
1169611802"SpiritOfGivingRank15" "Joyeux"
11697N/A"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank15" "Merry"
N/A11803"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank15" "The First-Class Philanthropist's"
1169811804"SpiritOfGivingRank16" "Totalement pas comme le grinch"
11699N/A"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank16" "Totally Ungrinchlike"
N/A11805"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank16" "The Humanitarian Hotshot's"
1170011806"SpiritOfGivingRank17" "Bon vieux"
11701N/A"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank17" "Jolly Old"
11702N/A"SpiritOfGivingRank18" "Propriété de Saxton"
11703N/A"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank18" "Saxton's Own"
N/A11807"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank17" "The Selfless Samaritan's"
N/A11808"SpiritOfGivingRank19" "Propriété de Saxton"
N/A11809"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank19" "Saxton's Own"
1170411810"TF_Tag_Category_Quality" "Qualité"
1170511811"[english]TF_Tag_Category_Quality" "Quality"
1170611812"TF_Tag_Category_Class" "Classe"
1173011836"TF_Set_DrG_Moonman" "Le Lot Lunaire du Dr. Grordbort"
1173111837"[english]TF_Set_DrG_Moonman" "Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack"
1173211838"TF_Set_Scout_Winter_2011" "Le Petit Compagnon du Père Noël"
11733N/A"[english]TF_Set_Scout_Winter_2011" "Santa’s Little Accomplice"
N/A11839"[english]TF_Set_Scout_Winter_2011" "Santa's Little Accomplice"
N/A11840"Attrib_ExtinguishRevenge" "Offre un coup critique garanti à chaque\ncoéquipier éteint avec cette arme"
N/A11841"[english]Attrib_ExtinguishRevenge" "Alt-Fire: Extinguish teammates to gain guaranteed critical hits"
1173411842"Attrib_BurnDamageEarnsRage" "Les dégâts causés par le feu chargent \"Mmmph\", activez le pour régénérer votre santé et obtenir des tirs critiques pendant plusieurs secondes"
1173511843"[english]Attrib_BurnDamageEarnsRage" "All fire damage charges 'Mmmph', activate to refill health and crit for several seconds"
11736N/A"Attrib_AirblastDisabled" "Pas de souffle"
N/A11844"Attrib_AirblastDisabled" "Pas d'air comprimé"
1173711845"[english]Attrib_AirblastDisabled" "No airblast"
1173811846"Attrib_SubtractVictimCloakOnHit" "Lorsque vous touchez : votre victime perd %s1% d'invisibilité"
1173911847"[english]Attrib_SubtractVictimCloakOnHit" "On Hit: Victim loses %s1% cloak"
1176111869"[english]Attrib_CritForcesLaugh" "Critical hit forces victim to laugh"
1176211870"Attrib_MeltsInFire" "Fond au contact du feu, se régénère après %s1 secondes"
1176311871"[english]Attrib_MeltsInFire" "Melts in fire, regenerates after %s1 seconds"
11764N/A"Attrib_BecomeFireproofOnHitByFire" "Lorsque vous touchez du feu : vous devenez ignifugé durant %s1 secondes"
N/A11872"Attrib_BecomeFireproofOnHitByFire" "Au contact du feu : vous devenez ignifugé pendant %s1 secondes"
1176511873"[english]Attrib_BecomeFireproofOnHitByFire" "On Hit by Fire: Become fireproof for %s1 seconds"
1176611874"Attrib_CritFromBehind" "Les attaques par derrière sont des coups critiques"
1176711875"[english]Attrib_CritFromBehind" "Always critical hit from behind"
1176811876"Attrib_CritDoesNoDamage" "Les coups critiques ne causent aucun dégâts"
1176911877"[english]Attrib_CritDoesNoDamage" "Critical hits do no damage"
N/A11878"Attrib_AddJingleToFootsteps" "Tintement à fond"
N/A11879"[english]Attrib_AddJingleToFootsteps" "Jingle all the way"
1177011880"Attrib_DamageAllConnected" "Tous les joueurs liés par le faisceau de Mediguns sont touchés."
1177111881"[english]Attrib_DamageAllConnected" "All players connected via Medigun beams are hit"
N/A11882"TF_Wearable_Ring" "Anneau"
N/A11883"[english]TF_Wearable_Ring" "Ring"
N/A11884"TF_SomethingSpecial" "Quelque chose de Spécial pour quelqu'un de Spécial"
N/A11885"[english]TF_SomethingSpecial" "Something Special For Someone Special"
N/A11886"SpiritOfGivingRank18" "L'Über-Altruiste"
N/A11887"[english]SpiritOfGivingRank18" "The Uber-Altruist's"
N/A11888"Item_Named" "�%s1� a renommé son/sa �%s2� en �%s3�"
N/A11889"[english]Item_Named" "�%s1� has renamed their �%s2� to �%s3�"