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本文介绍已取消的游戏 军团要塞:入侵。官方更新,详见社区更新入侵














入侵'的早期开发中,这款游戏在玩法和职业上更加接近兄弟连,但更具未来科幻主题的气息。随着开发的进行,当外星人阵营添加时,未来科幻风遭到废弃并为 未来人类大战外星人的风格让位,尽管设计上依然存在未来风格,但更大程度上接近(科幻)罗马风格。在某段开发阶段中,游戏更加注重区域占领以及首次引入了资源概念。并且在不久之后, Moby Francke 加入Valve并且为军团要塞2做了世界大战风的设计。人类方面更多受到了第一次世界大战的影响,而更加接近复古-蒸汽朋克风,而外星人则不如后续开发中看起来的那么科技先进和未来感。


入侵源于兄弟连的开发。该方面的证据可参考于2003年的起源代码泄漏,,在这段源代码中可以找到一些剩下的兄弟连的代码。例如 tf_accuracy.cpp 这个因太过于复杂和可以通过代码注释进行简单处理而被删除的文件。而来源于兄弟连的指挥官职业被撤下并改成了可以使用带来增益的集合旗的职业,由此可说明,该作军团要塞2变化的只有游戏玩法、艺术风格和主题这一点上。当然游戏玩法上也受到艺术风格和主题的影响,三者之间依然存在少许差异。


指挥官的职业依然存在于入侵中,但却在狭义上变成了每个职业都可以使用的叫做战术视野(Tactical View)的机制。战术视野将允许玩家为其他队友下达指令,从战场上方俯视以及各种其他的事,命令的机制来自于兄弟连并在各种开发阶段中一直存在包括入侵


标准的入侵由两队组成 - 人类与外星人,游戏分成三轮15分钟的回合。游戏玩法上很大基于叫做"Jojierium"的"能源",能源可通过玩家拾取并添加到团队资源总数中。玩家有多重方式收集能源,包括杀死敌人、摧毁敌人目标、通过资源收集器获取等。

双方团队有着十分显著不同点: 人类阵营的建筑需要能源来使其运作,但建造花费的能源要少得多,但外星人阵营的建筑则不需要能源即可运作,但与之对应的是,建造建筑的价格将更为昂贵。









When the Half-Life 2 source tree was leaked in late 2003, two models of the Team Fortress 2 Commando class were included, along with the Team Fortress 2 source code, which was fully compilable.

In the end, this build was completely scrapped and only select things in this version would appear in the final version of Team Fortress 2. One of the Developer Commentaries in the final version of Team Fortress 2 mention that they had made the game too complex. Instead, the team took a completely different direction when they began making the next build; instead of trying to make a large, RTS-like FPS game, they went back and streamlined the Classic Team Fortress games for a new generation of gamers, then added a unique art style. This iteration was mentioned in an August 2007 interview with Gabe Newell by GameTrailers and a September 2010 interview with PC Gamer, in which he mentions "Invasion" as being the second phase of Team Fortress 2's development under Valve Software.


This game housed 10 classes, with 9 of them slightly resembling their counterparts from Team Fortress Classic vaguely, with one being all-new.


Medium class, armed with a Chargable Plasma Rifle, a few Plasma Grenades and a Combat Shield. Had "adrenalin rush" ability, which would increase the Commando's health, speed, and damage resistance for a short duration. Could also perform an Adrenalin Rampage (bull rush with shield, similar to Chargin' Targe), and had a Battlecry that acted as a less-effective Adrenalin Rush but would be applied to any teammates that could hear the Battlecry.


A class, similar to Engineer, equipped with a Laser Rifle and a Combat Shield. Was to build sentry guns. Could gain technologies: increased sentry gun count (could build one sentry gun by default, would increase this number to 3), improved sentry AI, improved sentry sensors and rockets for sentry gun (by default sentries had plasma guns), and also could unlock weaponry through technology, such as the Welder, which could weld doors shut in maps, but could be knocked down with the Commando's Bull Rush. And could repair buildings much like the Medic, but lacking it's higher effectiveness range.


A class similar to Spy. Could silently assassinate enemy players using a knife, disguise as enemy players, consume corpses, (if gained the technology for corpse consuming) eavesdrop on enemy voicechat and teamchat when in range of them, and had thermal vision, a bullet-firing and a limpet-firing weapon.


A combat medic. Armed with a Repair Gun and Plasma Rifle, this class could heal players and buildings, and with special technology, apply upgrades to it's teams buildings that allow them to repair themselves at a slow rate. The medic's health regenerated at around 10 HP per second.


An equivalent for Pyro, equipped with a flamethrower, which could set things ablaze for a short period of time. Also armed with a Gas Can, a useful tool for trapping enemies in flames.


The class with the most mobility without the aid of a Vehicle, similar to Scout. Armed with Dual Semi-Automatic Pistols, Had 25% more speed than most of other classes, and could throw Sticky Grenades that attach to any unfortunate enemies that come in contact with it. This class could Double Jump, but not like the Scout in the final game, as this Doublejump gives more of a boost towards whatever direction the player would be looking at. Also could jump on walls using an Ability called the Suppression Jump, which would force you down after being on the wall for too long. Could gain radar scanner technology.


Originally called the Technician, this class is named after the real-life Sappers that were utilized in World War 1 under the same name. This class specializes in sabotaging enemy buildings using EMP attacks & devices, that could be improved in range and effectiveness time through Technology upgrades. Armed with the Drainbeam, a weapon that is the polar opposite to the Medic's Repair Gun. This weapon would drain health from enemies and enemy buildings, and use that health to fill a meter for Boosts, which could boost speed and health for the Sapper or it's teammates for a short amount of time. Also armed with a Shotgun exclusive to this class that outputs higher damage.


Despite no code for the weapon being in the game, it's presumed this class would wield a Sniper Rifle. Could gain camouflage technology.


The Support uses Mortar Strikes to suppress enemies and specializes exclusively in explosives, armed with a Grenade Launcher and Rocket Launcher (Bazooka). Similar to Soldier. Mortars came in multiple round types, (which could be unlocked from Technology Upgrades) from Smoke Rounds, that did minimal damage but covered enemies in smoke, to Starburst Rounds, that blinded enemies much like the Flash-bang in Counter-Strike, and finally to the Cluster (MIRV) Rounds, which split up into two mid-air for more damage and impact spread.


This class is an all new class equivalent to the Heavy with more focus on defense. This class can use it's Power Shield to block enemy fire, which can loose power as it absorbs damage. When all power is lost, the Power Shield will turn off and will recharge itself for later use. Armed with a Minigun, which provided high damage much like it's counterparts, but lacked much range as a compromise. Another ability only this class uses is the Harpoon, which could be thrown at enemies, and impale them, allowing the player to pull the impaled foe towards them. It also provided a melee attack as a secondary fire which allowed the player to punch forcefully at enemies.


Unlike in other iterations of Team Fortress 2, this iteration allowed all classes to build.


All classes could build this device, which allowed teammates to respawn. More of these would grant less respawn time.


This was used to power up to four buildings at a time, exclusive to the Humans.

资源收集器(Resource Pump)

Used to harvest resources from Resource Zones. Also referred to as a Harvester within the code.


A weak bunker that players could use to avoid enemy fire. But could be destroyed.


Stronger and bigger Bunker than the Sandbag Bunker.

龙齿(Dragon's Teeth)

Used to block vehicles from accessing pathways or areas.


A tower that provides a nice view for players with long-ranged weapons.


Much like the Teleporter in Team Fortress 2, except instead of teleporting players, it was a tunnel you dug up. You could destroy entrances and exits of this but never is fully destroyed. It took time to travel these and sometimes you would hear footstep sounds.


This was useful for blocking pathways from enemy forces. Placing two of these next to each other would generate a deadly laser field in-between them.


A Medic Exclusive, this would give the player a boost in health and weapon damage when plugged in. Could buff up to four players simultaneously. Walk too far away and the player would be unplugged.


A stationary Plasma Cannon controlled by players


A stationary Missile Launcher that has higher damage outputs than the Plasma-gun but with a slower fire rate.


This trap could be placed on any building, and would explode when the building gets destroyed.


Another Medic exclusive. This would resupply ammo, rockets, and grenades in exchange for Resources.

墙盾(Shield Wall)

A Wall that can act as defense or block pathways.

大盾(Manned Shield)

A Shield that can be rotated if a player was to man the shield.


This would EMP any enemy devices within range for a select period of time, and even nullify class features temporarily.


Used by the Support class to launch his Mortar Rounds.


Exclusive to the Commando. Emits Adrenalin that boosts any nearby teammates while the Building is still alive, but will remove these effects when destroyed.

