Système d'Enregistrement

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Pour un guide d'utilisation du Système d'Enregistrement, voir Help:Replay Editor.
There was you, very full of yourself. Then, very briefly surprised. Then, dead.
The Sniper commentating on his latest replay.
La partie Replays dans le menu.

Le Système d'Enregistrement est un outil rajouté le 5 Mai 2011 lors de la Mise à Jour de l'Enregistrement. Le Système d'Enregistrement permet aux joueurs d'enregistrer leurs parties dans Team Fortress 2, puis d'éditer la vidéo obtenue directement par le client du jeu. Cet outil avait d'abord été implanté dans Team Fortress 2 Beta le 9 Mars 2011, mais fut finalement rajouté à la version complète du jeu le 5 Mai, en tant qu'élément principal de la Mise à Jour de l'Enregistrement.

Sur les serveurs où le Système est actif, la partie du joueur est enregistrée aussi longtemps qu'il est en vie, et est sauvegardée sur le serveur. À sa mort, le joueur peut décider s'il veut télécharger sa vidéo, pour ensuite pouvoir l'éditer avec le jeu lui-même. L'outil d'édition permet de filmer la partie sous un autre angle, et de varier de nombreuses options, comme la taille du champ de vision, ou le flou dans le mouvement. Après l'édition, le Système d'Enregistrement peut rajouter directement les vidéos sur Template:W.

Les First Annual Saxxy Awards furent présentés conjointement à l'introduction du Système d'Enregistrement et de la Mise à Jour de l'Enregistrement dans le jeu, étant un concours visant à encourager les joueurs à créer et rajouter des vidéos avec cet outil, tout comme les 8 Succès d'Enregistrement également rajoutés au jeu.


Note sur l'ATH apparaissant lorsque le téléchargement est terminé.

Pour enregistrer ses parties, le joueur doit se connecter à un serveur où le Système d'Enregistrement est actif. Ce type de serveur est repérable à l'icône-pellicule à côté de son nom (Icon replay.png), dans la liste des serveurs. Les enregistrement ne pourront être pris sur un serveur local (créés avec 'Créer un serveur' dans le menu principal).

Après que le joueur soit mort, l'enregistrement peut être téléchargé du serveur, soit en appuyant sur F6 (par défaut), soit en utilisant la commande de console save_replay. Une fenêtre de dialogue apparaîtra ensuite pour définir le nom de la vidéo (il contiendra par défaut le nom de la carte, la date, la durée de l'enregistrement), puis, une fois confirmé, l'enregistrement sera téléchargé directement du serveur. Dès que le téléchargement sera achevé, le joueur pourra y accéder à partir de la section 'Replays' du menu principal.

Menu Replay

The Replay menu can be accessed from the button in the main menu. The screen shows all saved replays and movies. Each replay is accompanied by statistics related to that particular life, such as the class played, the player's score and kill count and the map featured in the video. Replays can also be filtered via the search function in the menu.

Individual replays can be viewed and edited by clicking on the 'Watch / Edit' button. This loads the replay file and enables the Replay tool's editing functions for use. From the menu, the player can also save a selected replay to a movie file (for encoding options in greater detail, see Help:Replay Editor).

Replays can be deleted at any time by the player. Replays, before being encoded into movie files, exist in the Source Engine demo format (with the file extension .dem) under the directory /team fortress 2/tf/replay/client/replays. The main limitation of replays in this format is that they are likely to become unreadable in the event of a game update. As such, before exiting the game the player is warned by a dialog message to save existing replays as movie files instead. However, once saved as a movie file, the clip cannot be edited unless using external software.


Replay Editor interface.
For further editing help, see the guide at Help:Replay Editor.

The Replay tool's editing functions can be accessed by opening the replay and pressing Space (default). The editing HUD contains play, pause, rewind and fast-forward functions and the first-person, third-person and free camera viewing angle options. Class icons in the bottom-left corner also allow for quick identification of the whereabouts of particular players at the selected time in the video.

Editing with the Replay tool is done in takes. Each 'take' is a selection of video defined by in and out points. The player can set the in and out points (or 'start' and 'end' points) with the buttons on either side of the Play button. The three viewing angle options (first-person, third-person and free camera) can be manipulated at any time to alter the position of the camera by selecting their respective icons in bottom-right corner.

The sequence of the video between the two points including the angles can be saved as a take by clicking the icon in the top-left corner and selecting 'Save'.


Whole replays or previously-edited takes can be rendered from replay files (.dem) into movie files. In the Replay menu, the player can select the 'Save to Movie' button to bring up the Save options dialog. The filename, resolution and video quality settings can be selected in the dialog, and filesize and time to render estimates are also provided based on the current settings. Checking the 'Show Advanced Options' box displays further options including video codec, render quality, motion blur quality and an 'Enable Glow Effect' checkbox.

The save feature supports rendering of replay files with two codecs (Template:W and Template:W) with 5 preset resolutions (480p, 720p, 1080p, Web and iPhone). Alternatively, the replay file can also be saved to raw files in the form of a .tga sequence and an accompanying .wav file. This method renders each frame in the video to an individual .tga file at maximum quality and renders the audio for the scene to a .wav file. The sequence and the audio file can then be encoded together using a video processing program such as VirtualDub (see Help:Replay Editor for further detail).

Rendered movie files are saved to the /team fortress 2/tf/replay/client/rendered directory. After rendering, the video can also be uploaded directly from inside the game.


The login prompt for YouTube™

Replay movie files can be uploaded directly to YouTube™ from inside the game. Inside the Replay menu, selecting a rendered movie files appearing in the 'Saved Movies' list and pressing the 'YouTube It' button will open a YouTube™ login window and prompt the player to login. The player can then edit the video's title and description while it uploads.

Upon a player reaching 1,000 YouTube™ views, they will be awarded the Frontline Field Recorder hat.

Server command variables

Voir aussi : Server/fr
Adds a set of fake replays
default: 1
Auto director allows spectators to become camera man
default: 1
Auto director uses fixed level cameras for shots
default: 10
The server will write partial replay files at this interval when recording.
default: 32
Maximum size for the replay memory buffer.
default: 0
Record ragdolls on the client during.
default: 1
The number of days before cleaning up replay demos. Modifying this number will not affect the lifespan of existing replays.
default: 150
Vertical offset for player death camera
default: 0
Replay debug info.
default: 30
Replay broadcast delay in seconds
Deletes all replays from client replay history, as well as all files associated with each replay.
Deletes stale session data from the fileserver. 'replay_docleanup force' will remove all replay session data.
default: 1
Cleanup any stale replay data (both locally and on fileserver) at startup.
Do a replay publish test using the current setup.
Run a sanity check on replay server setup.
default: 0
Invert FOV zoom/unzoom on mousewheel in the replay editor.
default: 5
The multiplier on mousewheel input for adjusting camera FOV in the replay editor.
default: 0
Enable Replay recording on server
default: 0
If disabled, only take a screenshot when a replay is saved. If enabled, take up to replay_maxscreenshotsperreplay screenshots,
default: 1
Enable preview during replay render.
default: 0
The hostname of the Web server hosting replays. This can be an IP or a hostname, e.g. '' or ''
default: 0
If enabled, offload session blocks to a secondary machine using the replay_offload_* convars.
default: 0
Hostname for FTP server where session blocks will be offloaded.
default: 0
Login for session block offloading.
default: 1
The maximum number of concurrent uploads allowed.
default: 0
Login for session block offloading.
default: 21
Port number for FTP server where session blocks will be offloaded.
default: 0
Must be 'ftp'
default: 0
Remote path where blocks will be stored on the FTP server for session block offloading.
default: 0
If your replays are stored at '', replay_fileserver_path should be set to '/tf/replays'
default: 80
The port for the Web server hosting replays. For example, if your replays are stored at '
default: 0
Can be 'http' or 'https'
default: 15
Replay system will flush to disk a maximum of every replay_flushinterval seconds.
default: 0
Force the reconstruction of replays each time.
Hides replay browser
default: 0
default: 0
The file server local path. For example, 'c:\MyWebServer\htdocs\replays' or '/MyWebServer/htdocs/replays'.
default: 3
The maximum number of concurrent downloads allowed.
default: 8
The maximum number of screenshots that can be taken for any given replay.
default: 5
The minimum time (in seconds) that must pass between screenshots being taken.
default: 8
Duration for the message that pops up when you connect to a server already recording replays.
default: 6
Duration of error message in replay server.
default: 5
Duration for misc replays messages (server errors and such).
default: 6
Duration for replays available message.
default: 6
Duration for start record message.
default: 6
Duration for stop record message.
default: 2
Amount of time to wait after player is killed before taking a screenshot
default: 27040
Host Replay port
default: 5
The amount of time (seconds) to be recorded after you die for a given replay.
default: 5
The number of seconds to show a Replay reminder, post-win/lose.
Prints out all client replay info
Print session info
default: 0
The replay system will ask you to render your replays on quit, unless this cvar is 1.
default: 0
Display replay ragdoll debugging information.
Starts Replay demo recording.
Reloads replay data and display replay browser
Remove the replay at the given index.
Pause Replay rendering.
default: 100
Render quality: the higher the quality, the larger the resulting movie file size.
default: 0
Export raw TGA frames and a .wav file, instead of encoding a .mov file.
default: 0
default: 1
Motion blur enabled/disabled.
default: 0
Motion blur quality.
default: 0
Quit after rendering is completed.
default: 0
Glow effect enabled/disabled.
Unpause Replay rendering.
default: 0
Delay before taking a screenshot when you kill someone, in seconds.
default: 0
0 for low-res screenshots (width=512), 1 for hi-res (width=1024)
default: 1
Take screenshots for the replay browser during gameplay?
default: 0
Delay before taking a screenshot when you kill someone, in seconds.
default: 10
Vertical offset from a sentry on sentry kill
default: -50
Front/back offset for sentry POV screenshot
default: -25
Left/right offset for sentry POV screenshot
default: 22
Up/down offset for sentry POV screenshot
default: 5
If a replay has not been downloaded, the replay browser will update the status of a given replay on the server based on this cv
default: 16
Snapshots broadcasted per second
Stop Replay demo recording.
Open replay save take dlg

Related achievements

Tf2arrcamera.png Replay achievements

C'est dans la boîte
C'est dans la boîte
Réalisez votre premier enregistrement.

On peut couper ça au montage
On peut couper ça au montage
Lorsque vous regardez un enregistrement, appuyez sur la barre espace pour ouvrir l'éditeur.

C'est l'heure de votre gros plan, M. Hale
C'est l'heure de votre gros plan, M. Hale
Convertissez un enregistrement en vidéo.

Vedette de ma propre émission
Vedette de ma propre émission
Passez un peu de temps à éditer un enregistrement.

Récompense: Vue du Réalisateur

Vidéo maison
Vidéo maison
Atteignez 100 vues sur YouTube™ pour votre vidéo.

Star de cinéma locale
Star de cinéma locale
Atteignez 1000 vues sur YouTube™ pour votre vidéo.

Récompense: Caméraman du Front

Film indépendant à sensation
Film indépendant à sensation
Atteignez 10 000 vues sur YouTube™ pour votre vidéo.

Atteignez 100 000 vues sur YouTube™ pour votre vidéo.

Update history

March 9, 2011 Patch (Beta)

  • Added Replay system that allows you to edit and publish movies of your play experiences (full Mac support in the next few days)

March 10, 2011 Patch (Beta)

  • Show all resolutions available when setting up a replay to render
  • Added the ability to specify an output directory from the command line. Running a server with the optional parameter ‘–replayserverdir <dir name>’ will output all replay data to ‘tf/replay/<dir name>’. For anyone running multiple servers out of the same directory, you’ll want to specify a different output directory for each server. This will avoid collisions and potential issues running replay. Look for confirmation on startup – you should see something like this:
    • Using custom replay dir name: "replay/<dir name>"
  • For admins who have their server(s) configured to server replay data out of a local Web server: the ‘replay_local_fileserver_path’ bug is now fixed. Even if replay_local_fileserver_path pointed to a valid directory, the server would lie and say the directory was invalid.

March 11, 2011 Patch (Beta)

  • Fixed ‘save all’ crash in replay browser
  • Fixed ‘save movies now, then quit’ crash

March 18, 2011 Patch (Beta)

  • Movies upload to YouTube now contain a ‘match’ tag, which includes a unique ID for the round during which the replay was saved
  • Added check-box on the advanced settings dialog to enable/disable the glow effect while rendering replays (default is disabled)
  • Bug and crash fixes

March 21, 2011 Patch (Beta)

  • Added "replay_printsessioninfo <full path>" command for server admins to monitor session files, aid in debugging problems

March 23, 2011 Patch (Beta)

  • UI now saves the "last directory" used for exporting a movie
  • Added a specific error message when trying to upload a movie to YouTube that cannot be found
  • Fixed a bug where replay recording would stop after feigning death

March 24, 2011 Patch (Beta)

  • Fixed audio and video sync issues
  • Fixed a crash when replay filenames exceeded a certain length
  • Fixed start-up issues related to library files

April 26, 2011 Patch (Beta)

  • Fixed audio sync issues on the Mac

May 5, 2011 Patch (Replay Update)

  • Added the Replay feature:
    • Known issue with Mac replay rendering being blurry will be fixed in the next update
  • Added 8 new Replay achievements and 2 achievement items

May 6, 2011 Patch

  • Fixed a bug that caused Mac replay renders to be blurry

May 9, 2011 Patch

  • Replay publishing system will try to do a rename for local HTTP mode but will manually copy and delete the file if the rename fails, which can happen if the source and destination are on different volumes.
  • Fixed replay data cleanup system, which cleans up stale data at the end of each round. This asynchronous operation can be explicitly invoked by executing a replay_docleanup command on the server.
  • Removed unused convar, replay_cleanup_time.

May 10, 2011 Patch

  • Fixed a server lockup during data cleanup
  • Fixed a viewmodel fov bug during rendering
  • Renamed the ConVar replay_demolifespan to replay_data_lifespan

May 12, 2011 Patch

  • Added a new command line parameter -replay that will increase maxplayers by 1 at startup and automatically execute replay.cfg for the server
  • Fixed another bug that caused Mac replay renders to be blurry
  • Fixed a bug where Replay FTP offloading was not using replay_fileserver_offload_port
  • Improved detection of Replay server config problems
  • Replay is automatically disabled on servers if the Replay publish test fails
  • Saved Replay movies that were exported as TGA's/WAV will report more descriptive errors if YouTube(TM) upload or "Export" is attempted

May 18, 2011 Patch

  • Fixed server crashes related to replays and new items

May 19, 2011 Patch

  • Fixed the third-person camera options dialog not displaying correctly in the Replay performance editor.

May 25, 2011 Patch

  • Fixed a few server crashes caused by the replay system.


  • Saving a Replay movie with the TGA/WAV option only saves the TGA image sequence. The audio stream does not save as the game appears to have problems creating the WAV file:
WaveFixupTmpFile( '.mytempwave.WAV' ) failed to open file for editing
Unable to rename d:\games\steam\steamapps\username\team fortress 2\tf\.mytempwave.wav to d:\games\steam\steamapps\username\team fortress 2\tf\replay\client\rendered\movie_path\audio.wav!
  • It is possible to work around this bug by manually saving an empty WAV file (signed 16 bit, stereo, 44100kHz) named ".mytempwave.wav" to the user "team fortress 2\tf" location with a WAV file editor. The workaround will need to be performed each time a movie needs to be saved.

Voir aussi

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